• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 5,553 Views, 97 Comments

Life with Twilight - Brony Chronicler

A lonely college student meets a strange girl with no memory of who she is. Together they have a series of strange adventures that bring them closer together.

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Chapter 9

I’m now outside the hospital, waiting for Scott and Liz to pick me up. With my apartment in ruins, the two of them have agreed to take me in until I can get back on my feet. At first, I was hesitant to do so. They just got married last month and said they wanted to have some alone time in their new house. But they both insisted I stay, and just refused to take no for an answer. I suppose I could use their support, because it’s not a not a very pretty time for me.

The doctors say my arm is in fact injured, though it’s really just a small fracture. If I do as they say and take it easy, I should be back to normal in about three to four weeks. Twilight on the other hand, is a whole other story. The doctors say she’s in some kind of coma. I honestly don’t know if it was caused by the magic or that horrible slam she took in the back wall. It may have had something to do with both. Either way, nobody knows for sure if she’ll ever wake up. All I can do is wait… and hope.

It’s now been one whole week since that horrible night. Scott and Liz have been visiting Twilight whenever they get the chance; neither of them knows for sure what happened. I’ve covered the whole thing up by saying the two of us were robbed, and Twilight was caught in the crossfire. I’m not quite sure if they really believe me, but so far they haven’t asked any questions. I visit Twilight every day after work and stare at her for what seems like hours, holding her locket in my hands. The doctors insist that I talk to her, but I can’t form the words. Every time I look at her emotionless face, I’m reminded of that horrible night, and the guilt always silences me.

How could I have not seen that she was in fact the real Twilight Sparkle? All the evidence was right there in front of me, but I denied it. I suspected for the longest time, but remained silent. I let my emotions get the better of me and took the easy way out by constantly putting it off. Then I got so caught up in the dream life that I failed to act before it was too late. Now look where my actions have gotten me. All the joy I once had in my heart has turned to pain. And let me tell you, it’s far worse than my fractured arm.

Two weeks have passed, and apparently the news has spread to the rest of the gang. Everyone has started visiting Twilight in the hospital. Some of them bring flowers and gifts, and some even recite verses from Twilight’s favorite books. None of them are any wiser than Scott and Liz to the situation. My guilt only grows with this knowledge.

Now I’ve become a liar, telling everyone false stories of what happened. These are my friends! I’m supposed to be honest with them and know that I can trust them! There is nothing I want more than to tell them the truth, and maybe they’d help ease this pain I’m going through. But I fear they’d react the same way Twilight did, and think I’m some kind of lunatic. I know that I’m repeating the exact same mistake that started this whole mess. But now that I know the consequences, I have no idea how to correct it.

It’s now been one whole month and my arm is now fully healed. Yet Twilight shows no signs of progress. My guilt is at an all time high, and it’s starting to affect me not just mentally, but physically as well. I haven’t felt very hungry as of late, so I haven’t eaten very much over these last several days. I’ve also been getting some major stomach cramps, and have been forced to call in sick to work a few times. I feel like my whole body is just breaking down on me, and I have no one to turn to in my time of great need.

My sister is back in town, taking time out of her busy schedule to visit Twilight. The two of us watch her together in the hospital room. Sis goes on and on about how sorry she is, while I continue to remain silent. We stay for about two hours before the nurse finally reminds us that visiting hours are over. After exiting the room, I head towards the front door where Liz is waiting in the car… when sis asks the question:

“Tai, what really happened?”


“You may have fooled everyone else, but you can’t fool me.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, desperately trying to escape the conversation.

“Tai, I’m your sister, I know you better than anyone. And I know that if you really loved Twilight the way you let on, you wouldn’t remain as silent as you are now.”

“Sis… I…”

“What really happened that night?" She asks again. "And don’t tell me the robber story.”

I look back over my shoulder and see her standing there with her arms folded, giving me a sour look. She’s figured it out, and I’m backed against the wall. My heart beats for a solid moment. This is it - confession time. I’ve got to tell her the truth. Besides, she’s my sister; how bad can she be?

I turn to face her, eyes closed.

“The truth… the truth is…”

I then open my eyes and look straight into hers. She looks at me with the same anger that Twilight did, which once again flashes me back to that night. Everything I plan to say instantly becomes lost, as my guilt once again takes a firm hold of me. I look away from sis, as tears start to fall from my eyes.

“I… I can’t tell you…” I say.

“Why? What happened?” She responds angrily.

“I JUST CAN’T!” I scream as I run for the door.

I don’t look back, just run straight into the car waiting outside. Upon entering, Liz asks what’s wrong, to which I simply tell her to head for home. She hesitantly obeys without asking any further questions. I remain silent the whole trip.

Two weeks have passed since the incident with my sister, and she’s refusing to talk to me. She now believes that I did in fact have something to do with Twilight’s condition, and how very right she is. It’s happening all over again; first it cost me Twilight, now it’s cost me my sister, and soon it’ll probably cost me my friends. Indeed, some of them are starting to catch on and question why I’m not talking to Twilight during my visits. Some of them have even expressed anger and have scolded me a few times.

I can’t take it anymore; the guilt is now far too great for me to carry around any longer. I need someone to talk to, someone I can trust, someone who I pray will believe me, and rid me of this horrible pain.

So I ask Scott for a private conference in the living room. Liz is at work, and the windows are sealed shut, so no one can see us from outside. Scott comes in and sits down in his chair.

“Go on Tai. Tell me what’s on your mind,” he says, looking at me with the utmost attention.

Without looking up, I take a deep breath before speaking.

“What… what I’m about to tell you, might sound crazy. I-I don’t even believe it myself, but it’s true,” I say under my breath.

“Tai, you can tell me anything; I’m your friend.”

I remain silent for a moment.

“I-I’ve kept this bottled up for too long and I can’t…”

“Tai…” Scott interrupts. “Just tell me.”

“Twilight… she’s… she’s a cartoon character.” I say.

“What?” Scott asks.

“She’s a cartoon character from the show 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'. She’s the actual Twilight Sparkle, transformed into a human.”

Scott starts to get up, giving me a look of fear. I haven’t even finished my story and I’m already losing him. My emotions start to take over as tears once again fall from my eyes. I figure at this point, nothing else matters. So I continue on, not caring what I say or what happens next.

“I didn’t believe it myself for a long time, so I didn’t tell her. But then she found out about it and we had a fight. And in anger she wound up unleashing her magic and that’s what put her in this coma and…”

I then fall onto the ground, and my tears start to shower the floor.

“I don’t expect you to believe me, because Twilight didn’t either. But I just… I just had to tell someone, before I...”

Suddenly, I feel something touch my shoulder, silencing me. I then look up, and see Scott standing over me.

“Okay, Tai. You’re right, I don’t believe you. In fact, what you’re saying is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

I then turn away from him; this is exactly the reaction I expected.


I open my eyes, awaiting his next words.

“I am your friend, and as your friend… I’ll at least pretend that I believe what your saying.”

He then walks over to the closed window.

“Tai, let me tell you a story.”

I manage to pick myself up and sit back down in the chair I had fallen from.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever told you, but I’m a long time football player. Hope to go pro one day. Well, when you play football, you tend to make rivals. Mine was a guy named Greg Zagur; he was Liz’s last boyfriend.

"Well, we had a big tournament, and Greg’s team beat us real bad. I was pretty angry and really wanted to get back at him. Shortly afterwards, I found out that he and Liz broke up, and I knew just how crazy he was about her. So to get even with him, I started dating Liz.

"But much to my surprise… I found out that I really liked her. We both had a love for sports, liked the same movies, I even found her kind attitude towards animals rubbing off on me. I found myself truly in love, yet I couldn’t work up the courage to tell her the truth. We went together for about eight months, before I finally spilled the beans out of pure guilt. Sure enough, she got mad and we broke up. Let me tell, it messed me up real bad”

I remain silent for a moment, getting a hold of myself before finally speaking.

“So what happened?” I respond.

“Well, I called up Greg and told him the situation. I told him how sorry I was, and how much the break up affected me. Surprisingly, he forgave me and we decided to end our foolish rivalry. Greg had already found himself another girl, but as a token of our newfound friendship, he made it his mission to get us back together. After some private meetings with the both of us, he eventually succeeded and now we’re all friends.

"The point is, Tai… sometimes we have to do what’s hard, in order to do what’s right. But though we may face many hardships, if we can push our way forward, ultimately we can find our rewards.”

I’m now once again at the hospital, alone at Twilight’s side. Everyone is outside, anxiously awaiting what happens next. I’ve told them that this is the day I’m finally going to talk to her, no matter how hard it may be. Once again, I have her locket in hand. I open my eyes and look at her, only to once again be silenced by her emotionless face. The bad memories yet again start flashing before my eyes, forcing me to turn away. I then bury my face into my hands. I failed yet again, and this time, there’ll be no going back.

If I walk out that door, and tell them what just happened, that’ll be the end of it. No more friends, no more support, nothing. Even if I could say something to her, what difference would it make? The last thing Twilight said to me was that she never wanted to see me again, so why on earth would she want to hear the voice of the very person who put her in this condition?

I start to cry again, before opening my eyes and seeing the locket still in my hands. I then notice the ledge is open just a crack. I take a closer look and open it completely, to which I see two pictures of Twilight and me together. One is the picture sis took on the night of the dance, and the other is a movie date. I see her smiling in both pictures, and I want nothing more than to see that smile in front of me right now. That’s when my mind clicks; crying isn’t going to fix this problem. If I ever want so much as a chance at seeing that smile, I HAVE to do this. So I turn back towards Twilight, close my eyes, take a deep breath, and start talking.

“Twilight… I don’t know if you can hear me… or if you even care. But I want you to know just how sorry I am for all of this. I know it was wrong to not tell you - I’ve regretted it myself. And I can’t even begin to describe just how much guilt I’ve felt over these last several weeks.

"But I can tell you one thing is true Twilight: I really do love you. You are, without a doubt, the most amazing person I’ve ever met in my life. You got me out of the house, showed me the beauty of the world I live in, and gave me someone to talk to. But most importantly, you showed me just how special friendship could be.

"Before I met you, I lived a pretty lonely life. I had no friends, no social activities, nothing that made my life feel at all special. You saved me from that horrible life, and I was just having so much fun with you, that I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you the truth. So I kept putting it off until I eventually forgot about it. I took the easy way - the selfish way. All so that I wouldn’t have to deal with the pain.”

I rest my head against the side of her bed.

“But now I’ve learned, that sometimes we have to do what’s hard, in order to do what’s right. Had I learned this sooner, none of this would’ve happened in the first place.

"Twilight, I’ve suffered a lot over these past several weeks. If you ever wake up and spend the rest of your life hating me, that’s okay. If you really never want to see me again, then I promise to disappear and never come near you again. But… all I do want… is to know that you’ll come out of this alright.”

I bury my face in the mattress of the bed, tears yet again start to fall from my eyes and stain the sheets.

“Please…just let me know you’ll be okay.”

Suddenly, I feel something touch my head. I look up and see Twilight smiling at me.

“I am,” she says with a smile.

I look at her in amazement, tears still running from my eyes. I want to hug her, but I hold back.

“Twilight… I’m so sorry for every-"

Twilight puts her fingers to my lips, silencing me.

“Tai, I should be the one apologizing to you,” she says

“What?” I ask.

“I still don’t remember anything before I met you, and for the longest time, I didn’t care. I was happy the way things were, with you and everyone else. But when I saw that cartoon pony, and how much she looked like me, well… I panicked. I couldn’t think straight, and I took it all out on you.”

I push her hand away from my mouth so I can speak.

“Twilight, I was the one who didn’t tell you from the start.”

Twilight simply smiles and puts her hand on my cheek.

“But I was the one who never gave you the chance to explain, and said all those horrible things to you. Besides...”

She then starts looking at her other hand, and starts twitching her fingers.

“You were right about me the whole time.”

I start to lower my head, to which Twilight lifts it back up.

“The whole time I was out, I kept saying to myself, 'please let me see Tai one more time. So that I can let him know just how sorry I am for saying all those horrible things.'”

I give a small smile as some last tears run down my cheeks.

“So…” Twilight continues. “Can we just... put this whole mess behind us?”

“I’d like nothing more.” I say, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing tight.

Twilight returns the hug as we both shed tears of joy. Then the whole gang comes in and watches us hug. Every single one of them wears a happy face.

Twilight and I hold each other for what seems like hours, with tears dripping down each other’s shoulders. I feel so happy to have her back, and even happier to know she’s forgiven me. Suddenly I hear a gasp coming from the crowd and I open my eyes to see the vase on the back windowsill floating in mid air, with a magenta aura surrounding it.

I separate myself from Twilight and see the same aura around her hands. Twilight then opens her eyes and notices all of our friends staring at us with dumbfound looks on their faces. She then takes notice of what is going on with her hands. I take hold of her hands and direct her attention to the floating vase.

“H-honey, how exactly are you doing this?” I ask.

“I-I don’t really know,” she responds.