• Published 15th Jan 2013
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Equestrian Tales Told by Tavernlight - TalonMach5

The Great and Powerful Trixie is telling tales in taverns and pubs all across Equestria. From the stately inns of Canterlot and Manehattan, to the backwaters of the soutern frontier.

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Chapter One: On the Origin of Species: Diamond Dogs

Equestrian Tales told by Tavernlight
A Story by Talonmach5
Chapter One: On the Origin of Species: Diamond Dogs

Slowly and with purpose, she boldly walked towards the empty stage in the back of the rustic tavern as the drinking patrons ignored her. Looking down at the well-worn and weathered wood that made up the floor up the pub, she wondered how long it had been since this place has seen an entertainer of her caliber. Though she was no harper, the blue unicorn was still a skilled storyteller. But ever since the ‘incident’, nopony would hire her. Truthfully, she was lucky she was even being allowed to tell tales for tips in this southern backwater. Looking over the assembled patrons with her searching purple eyes, she saw they consisted mainly of diamond dogs, minotaurs, and a smattering of the various other nonpony races. She grimaced when she realized they wouldn’t have much interest in her normal fare.

Back before she’d been disgraced, she had a normal circuit of towns and cities she would frequent. Usually she would wow the simple farmers and townsponies with the tales that were her specialty, tales and legends from the third age of ponies. However, looking at the rough and tumble diamond dogs and bawdy minotaurs that were nursing their drinks after a long day of working in the mines, she got the distinct impression that her usual stories starring ponies would probably be unappreciated by them. Running a hoof through her silvery mane, she wracked her mind trying to think of something that would earn her enough bits to make it through to at least the next town. Searching her memory, she remembered the night when she’d met that stranger in the Everfree, and some of the tales he’d told her besides the flickering light of their shared campfire many years ago. Suddenly, she remembered Darkpaw, the long gone progenitor of the diamond dogs. Perhaps these weary miners might be eager to hear a story about him.

Activating her magic, she lowered the lights in the tavern and placed an impromptu spotlight over her. Slowly she walked across the small stage, allowing the light to reflect off her star covered silk cloak and peaked hat. Though worn and threadbare in places, they’d served her faithfully for many years, she hoped tonight she might make enough bits to get them repaired and back to their former glory. Scrutinizing her audience, she saw each of them looking at her expectantly, some with bored listless expressions, and others with indifference, but most were wearing malicious sneers on their muzzles. Looking at the bar food most of them were eating, she shuddered when she noticed it was mainly meat. Realizing that if she didn’t entertain them adequately, she would be pelted with the remnants of their meals, she took a deep breath, confidently smiled, and exhaled.

“Mares and gentlestallions,” she said, before catching herself.

“Boo!” shouted an unruly bar patron, who threw a half-eaten apple towards her.

Fortunately, she managed to duck her head in time, as the fruit sailed over her head, smashing harmlessly against the back of the stage. Gulping once, she kept her cool and looked each of them in the eye, as they prepared to throw their leftovers at her next misstep. “My apologies,” she said with a cheeky grin. “Trixie meant my fine hounds, bulls, and feathered friends. I am the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“Pony, what makes you so great and powerful?” snorted one of the larger diamond dogs. “Everyhound knows ponies are only good for one thing, pulling carts in the mines!”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie’s magical prowess is unrivaled by any,” she haughtily replied. “But Trixie didn’t come to your… er, fine town to impress you with the spectacle of her magic. She came to inspire and awe you with her tales of intrigue, adventure, and danger.”

“Bawahaha!” the diamond dog derisively laughed at her claims. “Pony tales of adventure and intrigue? Don’t make me waste my dinner by throwing it at you. Let me guess, your tales of intrigue consist of you finding a way to share the last cupcake with your friends through the power of friendship or some other tripe. Your adventures were nothing more than a trip to the market because they had a sale on apples. And the only danger you ever faced was when you got a pebble stuck in your hoof.”

“Not in the least,” she replied, making the spotlight brighten her face even more. “I thought you all might enjoy hearing an ancient legend not often told, the tale of how Darkpaw created the diamond dog race.”

When nopony spoke, she knew she had hooked her audience. Using her magic, she cast some illusions behind her as she recounted the story the stranger had once told her.


Long ago when the world was still new, in the dawn of the first age of ponies, and before harmony was known to any, Equestria was a land of chaotic upheaval. The Prime Elements, each vying for supremacy, struggled against their neighbors in the vain hopes of overpowering their rivals. As they fought each other, they eventually reached a stalemate, for alone, none could gain an advantage over the others. Eventually, they reached an agreement to equally share the world. And thus they retreated to rule over their newly claimed domains.

Here listed, are their names and purpose. To the North soars Lady Zephyr the Maelstrom, Mistress of Air: a tempestuous and fierce griffin, her soul flies free and unconstrained by earthly concerns. To the East burns Lord Ouroboros the Fire Tyrant, Lord of Fire: a mighty and powerful dragon, his greed for wealth is only matched by his rage. To the West swims Lord Triton the Lawgiver, Lord of Water: a noble and just seapony, his sense of justice runs as deep and wide as the Western Sea. And to the South rests Lord Darkpaw the Taskmaster, Lord of Earth: a tough and stubborn diamond dog, his territorial instincts are tempered by his suspicious nature.

In the badlands of the South, Lord Darkpaw burrowed deeply into the earth to recover from the wounds he’d received from his last mighty battle with the others. As the great black hound rested in his warren of earth and stone, he listened to the great pulse of the earth and slept a dreamless sleep. The years passed and his wounds slowly healed, but he found that his heart was troubled. Although he was mighty and proud, he was also lonely. He realized that he missed fighting the others, and yearned to return to those simpler days. But he dared not leave his warren, for he was still weak, and the others would take any chance they could to gain an advantage against him. While resting, he peered out his warren and saw Jormungandr the Winding One, slithering along the river that ran past his den. Curious as to what the blue serpent could want, he exited his home to confront him for his trespass.

“Winding One, what are you doing in my domain?” he roughly growled, while the serpent carefreely swam in the clear blue waters of the great river.

“Your domain?” he dismissively replied, flicking his tongue into the air. “My rivers go where they please, as do I.”

“You must pay me a toll,” the hound demanded, curling back his lips and revealing many sharp teeth.

“My river was here first,” he retorted, from its watery depths. “You should pay me a toll for bringing so much water to your thirsty desert and scrubland.”

The great hound considered his point for a moment, before looking into the serpent’s grey eyes. “Because your river has served me so well, I will forgive your trespass against me if you tell me about the world,” he said, with a voice that echoed the loneliness deep in his heart.

The serpent looked into the great hound’s tired red eyes, and flicked his tongue once, tasting his longing for companionship. “Very well friend, I shall tell you of what I’ve seen during my travels,” he said with a gentle smile, devoid of any guile or subterfuge. “To the West, Triton builds a citadel of coral, beneath the waves of the great Western Sea. Upon each stone he writes a solitary law, before setting it on the foundation.”

“What use are any of his laws?” Darkpaw asked, pawing away at the hard baked earth beneath him.

“Truthfully I don’t know. Perhaps he looks to the future,” Jormungandr nonchalantly answered, coiled atop a large stone and happily soaking up the heat from the afternoon sun with his shining scales.

“What else have you seen on your journey?” he asked, eager for more news from outside his domain.

“To the East, Ouroboros is amassing a treasure hoard unlike any seen before it,” he said, looking at Darkpaw through half closed eyes. “There are mountains of gold as far as the eye can see, and gemstones as numerous as the sand by the sea.”

“Truly, his gluttony knows no bounds,” Darkpaw said, surprised that his rival would bother amassing such a trove.

“I think there might be more than just simple greed behind his unusual behavior,” the serpent replied, with a small chuckle.

“Friend, tell me of the North,” he asked, hoping for news of her.

“Oh, you desire to know of Zephyr’s endeavors?” he said, wearing a mischievous grin.

“Yes, tell me what my counterpart has been up to,” the hound impatiently replied.

“She has been taken to building a great nest a top the tallest peak lying in her domain,” the serpent said with a slight hiss.

“What could she possibly want with such a nest?” he asked, confused why everyhound was wasting their strength with seemingly trivial things. Yet, a small part of him was envious of them. While he had been conserving his strength, the others had been busily performing mighty works in their domains.

“Who knows the whimsy of the female heart,” the serpent said with a slight chuckle, before slithering away from his host and heading back towards his great river.

“Jormungandr wait!” Darkpaw shouted, when he realized he would be alone once more.

“What is it my friend?” the Winding One asked, turning back towards the great hound.

“You’ve yet to tell me of the center,” he said, hoping to keep his company for a bit longer.

“The center?” the serpent mused, closing his eyes and flicking his tongue thoughtfully for a few moments. “There’s not much to say, Celestia and Luna have taken to visiting each domain in turn. For what reasons, I can’t say.”

“Why haven’t they come to see me?” he demanded, slightly offended that he was considered by them unimportant enough to pay a visit.

“My friend that’s between you and them,” he replied, slipping silently into his river. “But if it bothers you so, feel free to ask them.”

Watching Jormungandr disappear into his river, Darkpaw thought about what he had said. Looking up at the sun he scowled. Why had they snubbed him, wasn’t his domain the largest and most grand? Looking north, he saw the mighty forests he’d grown, the gentle rolling plains he’d made, and the majestic mountains he’d raised. To the west, he gazed at the islands that shined like jewels in the Western Sea. And in the east, he noted the bubbling mud pits and salt flats. Truly, none of the other domains were greater than his.

Returning to his warren, he closed his eyes and slept. When he awoke, he looked to the heavens and saw the full moon resting high above him. Closing his burning eyes, he pulled back his head and released a howl that shook the earth. Opening his eyes, he was pleased to see Luna descending from the heavens to confront him. The dark alicorn’s form cast a silhouette against her moon as she lightly touched the earth and stood before him. Folding her wings against her torso, she looked down at the great hound with her pale blue eyes, while her flowing mane sparkled in the moonlight like quicksilver.

“Pray tell mighty Darkpaw, why hast thou called forth a challenge against us?” she asked, wearing a slight frown and grinding her hoof into the sandy soil.

“Why have you neglected to visit my domain, yet found the time to visit the others?” he demanded with a low growl, baring his teeth at her.

“We cometh and goeth wheresoever we choose,” she replied, lowering her horn at him. “We answer not to thee. However, we thought that thou desireth thy solitude, and so left thee to thy own devices.”

When he heard her reasons, his pride was placated yet still unhappy. He felt unfulfilled, and didn’t know why. All he knew was that he was lonely. “What have you and Celestia been doing with the other domains?” he asked, curious as to why they had been visiting the other members of the pantheon.

“That is a private matter between us and them,” she said, gingerly approaching him. Offering him a warm smile, she touched his head gently with her horn. “We sense that thou art troubled in thy solitude.”

“Yes, I miss our great battles,” he said, admitting how much he desired the other’s company, even if it was limited to only violence.

“Darkpaw, we knowest a solution to thy melancholy,” she replied, giving him a sympathetic smile. “We were taught the Song of Creation by Brother Discord.”

“The Song of Creation?” he asked, wondering if it truly possessed the power to alleviate his loneliness.

Nodding her head towards him, she beckoned him to join her as she trotted south, heading deeper into his domain. Following after her for what seemed to be hours, he paused when she came to a stop in the middle of the vast empty veldt that made up the majority of his domain. Opening her muzzle, she started singing several bars of music worthy of a celestial choir. Listening to her melody, he could feel the power and magic in its meter. Raising his own voice, he joined her in song and began following her lead. Singing together, she showed him how to warp and weave the Song of Creation. As they sang in harmony, he felt his heart filling with joy. It had been eons since he had felt so fulfilled. Closing his eyes, he continued to sing with her until the night was nearly over. Lost in its melody and cadence, he was saddened when he felt the song’s power ebb as it came to a close. Opening his eyes, he saw that she was glowing blue with primordial power. Examining himself, he noticed he was exuding his own elemental power as well. His entire body cast a green light on the spongy loam beneath his paws.

“Thank you for singing with me Luna,” he said, wearing a grateful smile on his muzzle. “I haven’t felt such happiness in ages.”

“Brother Darkpaw, look behind thee,” she said with a knowing smile.

Turning around, he saw dozens of small creatures playfully biting each other, digging into the earth with their tiny paws, and chewing on the stray gemstones they dug up. When they saw him looking at them, they reverently stared at him with awe reflected in their innocent eyes. Examining them closely, he found each was an adorable ball of fur. Confused as to where the tiny creatures had come from, he turned to Luna for an answer, but discovered that she was nowhere to be found.

Turning back to look at the tiny creatures at his feet, he smiled as he felt them gently rubbing against his large body and affectionately licking his muzzle. Staring at them, he knew they were his pups and would provide him with all the kinship he might desire. Lightly barking once, he motioned for the pups to follow him back to his warren. As the moon sank beneath the horizon, he bowed his head once and silently thanked Luna for her great gift to him.


With the story finished, the Great and Powerful Trixie returned the lights in the tavern to normal and prepared to make her escape if they were unhappy with her offering. When nopony threw food or refuse at her, she sighed with relief. Well at least I won’t be run out of town, she thought, slowly exiting the stage to leave before the crowd became unruly. Well I didn’t get any bits, maybe next time I should try telling something a bit more modern.

Before she could exit the pub, she felt a large paw on her shoulder. Worried that she might end up abused by the bar patrons after all, she slowly turned around to see who it was. It was none other than the same diamond dog heckler from before. Plucking up her courage, she addressed him, “Wha… what do you want with the Great and Powerful Trixie?” she said, desperately trying not to show how afraid she was feeling.

“Where are you going?” the diamond dog asked, no longer wearing a sneer on his muzzle.

“Trixie believes she’s worn out her welcome here,” she said. “Trixie will try her luck at the next town.”

“But we wanted to hear more, isn’t that right lads?” he asked the bar.

“Yes Trixie, tell us another tale!” the patrons shouted in unison.

When she heard them, she smiled. It had been so long since anypony had wanted to be entertained by her, and it felt wonderful to be appreciated again. “Perhaps Trixie might have time for another tale or two before she must be back on the road,” she said, walking back towards the stage.

Author's Note:

Gentlereader, thank you for reading Equestrian Tales told by Tavernlight, as always comments are welcome. This story is my entry for the January World-Building Alliance contest. It's purpose was to tell the origins of a non pony race. I chose Diamond Dogs, because that's where I started off with my first piece of fiction The Great Slave King. I plan on expanding on this story as ideas strike me and as a tool to add additional background to The Great Slave King Saga. Hopefully you enjoyed the story. If you have any requests for legends, stories or myths you would like me to cover in future chapters, feel free to say so in the comments.

Once again thank you for reading. Until next time!