• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 607 Views, 4 Comments

The Colts of Harlech - Comrade_Derpy

tensions are rising between the occupying Equestrians and the native zebras of the colony of hoofal. and the only thing needed is a fuse for the powder keg.

  • ...

2: First impressions, and a bloody sore head.

The "pub" that the three stallions decided to take shelter in was filled with the stamping of hooves and singing of drunken ponies in the dim candle light of the wood built tavern. Inside of its small compact rooms lay the chairs and tables that the occupants...well, occupied, crammed into any space possible. Leaving only a tiny space for the rather "skimpy" dressed barmares to shuffle past and hand out drinks, or yelp as they were groped by the drunkards, normally ending in a hoof to the face of the drunken stallions.

In the top right near a staircase stood a small wooden stage. Flimsy in construction it surprisingly held up three stallions and a mare, playing several instruments and singing Equestrian, -but more importantly for many- Trottingham folk songs both in a rather tarnished pitch making any respectable dead Equestrian singer roll in there grave, although most ponies were blinded by enough gin and scotch to see them as the next "big idol" back in there homeland of Equestria.

Sharp sat in the middle of the Tavern. Black on his left, already filled with enough drink to put a well balanced mare in a furious rage, or humorous sleepy stumble, and Cobalt on his right; Sitting content sipping on his next drink.

For Black though, drink seemed to touch him on both ends of the spectrum; suddenly and aggressively snapping out at ponies who tried to shuffle past. Only to suddenly brake into tears about how the two stallions in front of him were the "best friends a stallion could ever have" and how he "wished he had friends back in Trottingham like them". Honestly it kind of humbled Sharp, Black was not exactly a bad character, just....Young? Immature? Hyper? In the month's he had known him he was never quite sure were to place Black...but a friend was good enough for him decided, after all he never really had friends to be frank.

Cobalt on the other had....well, he was a fucking mystery. He had seen this stallion go though more vodka, scotch, gin, Martini's and every drink on the planet then he had seen mares rears with all on show, and frankly that was none. And yet Cobalt still help is composure. It was either that or he died and his muscles froze him in place. A humorous idea was rudely thrown out the window when he chuckled slightly, bringing Sharp back into the world of reality.

"Oh hum? Did you fellows say something?" He asked, trying to catch up on what he had missed during his mind becoming the Equestian Apollo mission as he came back from "spacing out".

"Aye. Black cracked a good joke. Nothing to important..." was Cobalt's reply as Black nudged him, irritated at his apparent jokes "worth" and let out an audible "Hey!", before downing another shot of gin, and surprisingly asking for another one politely, His drunken state again changing from his aggressive state to one of calm.

"So Black...how was life back in Trottingham?" Sharp asked. Determined to at least learn a story behind each face he would come to know, and since apparently these two were to become his friends then might as well get there's first he supposed.

"Shite" was the harsh reply. Taking sharp back slightly by the “ colourful” word choice Black decided to use.

"Ma filled her grave after I was born.” Black began, looking down with a obvious depressed sigh.

“Left me to an alcoholic father who then pissed off the wrong guard, Ended up with a bayonet in his gut and an arrest warrant for murdering a pony when he was drunk...”

A mare leaned over, placing his next drink on the table, allowing Black to eye her up as she giggled at him, blowing him a kiss while she trotted away while Sharp took in the surprisingly grim story.

"Yes, anyway....yea.” He continued taking a swig of his new beverage

“So he gets hanged, Guess where I’m left?"

The older stallions shrugged, although the two ranking Guards probably guessed where they decided it would be better for him to say...to avoid confrontation while the young stallion was in his drunken stupor.

"Fuck'n poorhouse that's where, bloody owner run us ragged...it was like a dam factory line, one dropped dead? dragg'em out and replaced them with another poor sod..”

Slowly they both watches as Black descended into a fit of sniffing, trying to hold back tears as he recalled the brutality of the poorhouses he worked in. The lack of food, starvation, abuse and other horrible events, he persevered though and continued

“Didn’t care if the wee colts and fillies lost there hooves running under the factory machines to clean them.....just told them to either work with less limbs or starve in the streets..."

He shivered slightly, "Horrible place....Down right horrible" He then paused and looked down, taking a mouthful of his drink; keeping it in his mouth to allow the flavor to make an impact before swallowing.

"So, second I got the chance I left and joined our princesses lovely forces...” He said swirling his hoof emphasizing the obvious sarcasm present in his sentence.

“almost failed the test due to health reasons, but bless Luna above I recovered and here I am, in some foreign patch of piss poor land covered in those striped buggers in there tribes"

Sharp tried to talk, but found he found himself saying nothing. He was surprised that this normally bouncy young stallion had such a grim past so instead Cobalt drew a sharp breath and took the task unto him.

"Ah, well....aye...shame for you..." Even this normally sound stallion struggled to produce something that would not sound sympathetic, in belief that the young stallion would get angry...And it was hard balancing Sympathy with uncaring while rather drunk. With that he simply placed a hoof on the young stallion, patting him hoping that this move would get the point across.

"That's the past laddy, and now is now...Be thankful you never ended up like most of the ponies of your class." Cobalt eventually remarked. Trying to console the young stallion.

"My...Class?" Black spat back, looking over with anger in his eyes. pushing the table forward and glaring at the older stallion ready to throw himself at the sergeant.

"My class!. Has nothing to do with it...look at our "Empire" sir. We’ve gone from perfect ideals...to grabbing others lands so we can built those Celesta forsaken brickwork factory's...you lucky stallions got born into rich families. That’s the deal here!...." He roared at them in his drunken state before placing his face onto the table, finishing another glass, and returned to slumping on the table.

Sharp decided now would be a rather good time to change the subject. "So...Cobalt, how’s the activity been here in Hoofal as of recently?"

Cobalt twisted his head over letting out an "Hmm?"

"Hoofal. news, status, what's going on" Said Sharp blandly, using the key words so the stallion could understand without himself having to repeat the sentence again while slightly tipsy.

He went silent, looking down and was clearly struck with a face of confusion before the information was processed in his highland head "Oh! Right," he coughed perking himself up.

“Well.” He started sitting himself up and placing his hooves on the table and pushing the many empty glasses to his left.

“Right now we've still got our colony defense force of about...a thousand ponies" he flicked his hoof to emphasis the point or frankly to keep himself from being distracted by the drinks that he had around him "Lately the Stripes. Those being the bloody Zebras have been moving towards the colony towns and Shining amours’ sent general Stardust to take charge; supposedly he's bringing another thousand of our lads to support up.”

He caressed his moustache with his hoof, downing a glass of clear liquid most likely vodka. and sighed.

"And from that the mayor of Hoofal is delighted and blah de blah...I mean in the end its just a quick vacation for your lads" He started again chuckling as he leaned back slightly taking in the air of the crowded tavern relaxing.

"I see.....and do they expect a fight?" Sharp asked slightly concerned. The zebra numbers were always large. Tens of thousands on a good day.

"Well unless you call rifles and machine guns versus spears and shields a fight. I doubt it...trot in, gun them down, burn the village. Save the princesses, home by Christmas for tea and crumpets...up the rifles and all that" He brought his hoof up spinning it around to support his sarcasm.

For the rest of the evening the three stallions drunk and talked about the week ahead, while the "band" on stage played folk tunes constantly, getting worse and worse as they drank themselves.

"S...So" Black started standing up "Then, I...I was like! Ha, ye call that a swing. Ma Granny can sw...erm...Can Swing b-better then that!" He hiccupped while taking another drink from the uncountable number of drinks now on the table they had all enjoyed during the hours they had now spend in the dark dim dungeon like place.

"A...And ma Granny's dead!" All three stallions laughed, although they probably had no idea what for, or why.

Just as Black reached for another glass he was shoved over on to the table, with an audible "Watch it!". Sharp turned his head up to see three dirty looking stallions walking by, Looking at there regiment collar he notice the numbers Two and Two. Before he could say anything about it however, Black had begun to let his mouth go

"Oh...L-Look. Its the...Pansy brigade here to raid us of our frolicsome pants." Spat black turning around to the three stallions he glanced over at sharp, with a concerned look before continuing.

"I feel sorry for the Twenty second, mind you. Everypony does" a small chuckle emerged throughout the tavern as ponies began to look over, most hoping for a fight.

The stallion shoved Black back, as the crowd let out a "Ohhh" and slowly stamped there hooves on the floor chanting "Fight" over and over. Cobalt stopped the young private from falling back and then got up himself, watching as Black trot back over and straight up to the pony's face. As Cobalt sighed and placed a hoof over his head shaking it.

"What you going to do, Two five lad." the stallion spat "Cry to your mother?" He turned around to his friends laughing "whaa, look at me. I'm just a small little fill-"

Bad move.

The stallion never managed to finish his sentence, as Black sprung on to him Enraged and shouting dogs abuse at the “lead” pony. Slamming his hooves repeatedly into his face as the other two backed off and watched the fight unfold while the tavern erupted in shouting and laugher. Cobalt sighed trotting over trying to pull Black off.

"Common lads, how about we stop acting immature and talk this out like grown stallions"

His response was one of the other stallions smashing a glass of his head. And his response was just as unexpected to them. He paused, turned his head to the offender, grabbed his hoof and proceeded to smash his hoof several times into the face of the attacker. while the last stallion jumped onto his back to help his friend. Indeed cobalt was not only a "Fucking mystery" He was also apparently built like a brick house.

"S-Sharp!" One of them cried out, although it was hard to figure out if it was Cobalt or Black due to all the commotion "Don't just sit there help!"

Sharp chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. Chuckling as he shacked his head

” Rule: 23 "Never get involved in a bar fight in a foreign location"

Suddenly Black was thrown across slamming into the table, with an audible crack. while cobalt turned and kicked the stallion who did it. knocking them into the tavern wall and out of the fight. The table flipped sending Black and most of the of the drink to the floor, covering the poor private in glass shards and alcohol, not exactly a winning combination.

Sharp sighed. still sat, he looked down at where his drink would have been before standing up calmly. and trotting over to the two stallions and cobalt

"Rule 89 "Thou shall never Spill'ith another Stallions drink. or shall thou suffer".

And with that he grabbed one of them. Cracked his forehead on top of the other stallions, as an echo of skull and skull filled the room. The stallion brought his fore hooves to his head stumbling Sharp brought a hoof under the stallion, Striking him in his moderate sized balls and causing him to let out a loud yet high pitched scream, and move his hooves from his head to his now painful "little stallions".

While the stallion was again distracted by his future generations pain, he spun and bucked his rear hooves into the crippled stallions chest. the opposing stallion flew back and impacted on a wall opposite them. Whimpering as Sharp slowly trotted forward smirking as his shadow slowly engulfed the terrified pony.

"L-Look buddy, s-sorry about your friend and all that...w-we...were just messing huh? common were all friends" He said stammering, not expecting the turn of events. The young stallion began to plead, offering money, his rations hell he even offered to "suck off" the aggravated Officer...Sompony was indeed desperate he guessed.

"To late chap. should have thought about all this bef-"

Suddenly there was a crunch, and splinters of wood seemed to surround Sharp. He felt weak and suddenly dizzy, slowly he felt the world shift direction and rotate right, he also seemed to notice the floor getting closer and closer, and then proceed to cuddle his face. He close his eyes and drifted of into a pained sleep.

17 Hours later.

The first thing Sharp felt was the unbearable pain his head was putting him though, like sompony had forced his head though a mailbox, while they stood slamming sticks on it he struggled to think never mind wake up.

Slowly but painfully he brought a hoof up pressing it on the base of his skull while letting out a low hiss. Slowly he cracked an eye open only to feel his socket bombarded by the rays of sun that now pierced what he assumed to only be a window. However, he persevered and slowly opened the other one and subjected it to the same torture as "Lefty". Slowly his vision adjusted though and he was met with the eyes of another staring at him from across the room, covered head to toe in white bandages and the only thing visible were said eyes that were staring at him. Rather creepily might he add.

He nervously waved at the pony before looking around. Firstly he realized he had moved from the tavern floor to a somewhat comfy bed, and that the room he occupied had around twenty beds. with curtains, And the smell of mint and other herbs. Ok so he was in a hospital, that was...good?. Well it had to be, at least he didn't die from whatever decided to say hello to the top of his skull. He then noticed the other occupants of beds. some were burned and a few others were simply in the beds with cuts or something that was probably internal. The only thing common about them all was that the all had hung up beside them the red tunics of the colonial Royal guard.

Great. It was a military hospital he thought as his mind tried to piece together the events of the night previous. His pondering was cut short though as he head a cough from beside him and turned. He was faced with Black, well...the side of Black, he lay with cuts and bruises, and it seemed like the table did more damage then he original thought.

"Oi..Black....You awake?" No reply...he looked around, noticing a fruit bowl on table.

A barrage of fruit later he asked again and again was greeted with the sound of silence...and groans from other patients. Either way that stallion was out for the count.

Just as he went to throw the entire bowl at the sleeping stallion a soft, silky and almost enchanting voice spoke from behind him; female in origin and immediately caught his attention. Sharp recognised the accent, it was familiar and caught his attention as he tried to recall the town it was mainly heard in. However one thing was clear it had a certain elegance to it that only a mare of moderate class would achieve.

"Sir, if it pleases you might you be so kind as to put that bowl down?"

Slowly, still facing the young private Black, his hooves lowered. Placing the bowl back onto the table minus the already thrown fruit that was supposed to occupy it. He sighed painfully rolling himself back over onto the bed before bringing himself to face the mares voice.

The first thing that greeted him was radiating smile that seemed to calm him slightly, followed by a pair of emerald eyes and finally the blue coat they had found refuge in.

"Thank you" She finally said, with a certain soothing tone, still keeping her pleasant smile.

Sharp nodded wincing as his head touched the backboard of the hospital bed.

"Not a problem miss?...." He asked, hoping to gain a name to her face.

"Miss Haymarket." She said turning to face the bottom of his bed and slowly using her magic to bring a small clipboard to her front. She glanced over it before bringing her eyes up to the lieutenant and putting the clipboard down again. Content with his medical report and status.

"Miss, Rosethorn Haymarket sir" She finished.

Sharp grinned "So your father matched a lovely flower to a equally elegant face?"

Rosethorn was taking aback as a slight heat rush to her cheeks turning her face and allowed herself the pleasure of a brief giggle before returning to her own task.

"No sir" She began bringing up a glass of water with a small tablet dissolving in the liquid before bringing it to the Colonial Royal Guard.

"I do belief its because I’m attentive." She turned around using her horn again, this time picking up fruit that Sharp had assaulted Black with in an attempt to wake him up.

"Witty," she continued.

"and I like to think intelligent also sir" She said finished with opening a curtain to allow some more light in to the discomfort of Sharp.

"I see miss Haymarket." Sharp began sitting himself up and using his pillows to stop him from sliding on the almost plastic like sheets. He grunted before pulling his sheet up, lest his company be met with the sight of his privates

"So what do I owe the pleasure of being in your company?"

She smiled greeting another, much older nurse as she entered before flicking her head to face him "Mild concussion and moderate lacerations." she said slightly agitated, she didn't exactly enjoy the bar life so after finding that her recent patient was in bar, she was none to pleased.

"Hence why I do not tend to visit such places like the bars of Hoofal Mister Sharp."

"Oh, does one enjoy drinking at home?" Sharp asked

"No. I prefer the drink of knowledge over the drink of sin sir." she finished sorting his bed sheets.

Sharp sighed "Understood miss, I assure you though I was not drunk, unlike my comrades in arms."

"Either way Mister Sharp, you should rest your head, you will probably be discharged by supper time." She looked up with a slightly worried look, unsure if she was willing to let him leave with the injury's... never mind back to military duty...and for a slightly closer to home reason she was not yet willing to admit to herself.

"But as a nurse, I ask that you try and stay away from large heavy objects flying towards you."

"Hey. I cant help if I was hurt in the valiant defence of the local bar" He tilted his head and brought up a hoof to make some attempt of a heroic pose, much to the entertainment of Rosethorn.

With a sigh she trotted to the front of the bed before looking around, her pleasant smile taking hold again.

"I see. Well again, I should assume you will be discharged and returned to duty by tomorrow?" She asked still slightly concerned about her recent patient.

"Indeed I will be." He said nodding, there was a small space of silence as the two both ran out of subjects to talk about.

Sharp financial broke the silence "Thank you all the same though miss rose"

She tilted her head slightly bringing a hoof up to the bed "For what?"

"For the pleasure of a good conversation miss" He looked over with a small but warm smile.

Rosethorn curtseyed and smiled back before leaving the ward leaving him alone to his thoughts, well. Alone apart from the older mare who sat writing on a small table at the far end of the room seemingly oblivious to her surroundings and the moans of the patients.

Slowly Sharp pulled himself around, and slid coarsely of the sheets of the bed. He stretched, his hooves creaking after a lack of use. He trotted around the bed, close enough so that if his hooves gave way he could at least grasp the bed if he felt the need. Slowly but surely however the orange stallion felt the sensations of moving his hooves and chuckled to himself letting out a course cough.

"Celestia, I'm getting to old for this crap" he said grumbling, and pulling himself across the ward to a window. Looking out he saw the now sleepy town that was the centrepiece of Hoofal. Her busy streets were now quiet and filled with only the laughter of fillies and colts or the wheels of the stagecoaches. In the distance he noticed the raising of a wall section of the new "Two sister" church. Built to bring the teachings of friendship and kindness to the barbaric land.

But in reality was built to oppress what was the old voodoo traditions that ruled here before the Equestrians arrived.

"I see you've meet Nurse Rosethorn?" came a worn voice from behind. He turned to face the old mare who had surprisingly made her way from one side of the room to his relatively fast and quietly, her Gray coat and silver mane reflecting off the midday sun as she looked up at the much younger stallion.

"Oh, right. Yes yes I have" Sharp replied unsure what to make of the grayish mare standing in front of him who had all of a sudden appeared with such speed behind him.

Was she a ninja?

She let out a rasped cough before smiling "Mmhm, first daughter of the Haymarket family. Very much loved here in the ward." She said looking out the window beside him with an equally withered but radient smile.

"I could see why ma'am" He said smiling as he turned his attention back to the outside world with her.

"Many a stallion has offered there hooves in marriage." She added quickly her smile forming a sly smirk as she looked over.

"Are you trying to state something?" he answered back rolling his eyes, whilst shaking his head in a comical fashion.

"Only that she's seen as a prized possession by many"

Sharp chuckled continuing to shake his head "Well. I do not see her as a prize, but a pony miss...As should all i suppose"

The old mare nodded, remaining silent. her raspy breath being the only sound he could hear, she took a sharp intake of air before sliding a piece of paper on to the window ledge before turning to leave.

"Good day Mister Sharp" She added just as she left

"Good day ma'am" He quickly remarked his attention now turned to the paper. It simply had an address clearly ripped from some form of medical sheet, and he was sure he had a good idea who lived there.

Hearing the old mares hoofs down the hall, he decided he would have to return to thank her at some point. But for now he trotted over to his bed, to find his uniform, slightly stained with cider and what would probably be blood. He slowly slid it on making sure not to bang his already pained head, and placed the note into a pocket, placing his extra sheets on Black and slowly left the ward and the hospital. Making his way up the dusted road towards the barracks. the heat of the day causing him extra suffering as he lacked his pithed helmet to protect him.

Comments ( 2 )

Ohhh, now this WILL be interesting! Pull it off and this cold be very good....:twilightsmile:

What a delightful combination! Ponies and 19th century Empire? I love it!

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