• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 1,442 Views, 31 Comments

TCB: A Strange New World - Rainbow Sparkle

A TCB Reconstruction meant to forge a different path between the two exetremes. The year is 2059 AD/47 AC, and a pegasus named Feather Duster is given the task of writing the stories of humans, equestrians, and others about their life in this world

  • ...

Prologue: Let the Story Begin

New York City,
June 17th, 2059 AD/ 47 AC

“Beep beep beep beep...”

Ugh... five more minutes... so tired...

“Today’s weather, sunny with a 50% chance of being late.”


“Yo Feather Duster, wake up!”

I felt something soft hit me in the face as I slowly dragged myself from unconsciousness. Groggily, I opened my eyes to see that the object in question was my roommate's pillow, and I groaned as I tossed it in the general direction of Tim’s voice. The sound of an ‘oomph’ put a tired smile on my face as I slipped out of my bed.

“Hey Mittens, sleeping beauty over there is finally up. Maybe now you can get some breakfast instead of giving me dirty looks.”

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I glanced at Tim, who was glaring daggers at Mittens, my pet calico. Mittens for his part was already turning to gaze at me with hungry eyes.

“All right buddy, I’ll fix you breakfast. Might as well serve myself while I’m at it.” I stretched out my wings and turned my neck forcefully, the bones in my appendages cracking satisfyingly. I made my way to the kitchen with Mittens and Tim in my wake. “Can I get you anything Tim?”

My friend shook his head. “Nah, I’ll fix it myself. It’s my day off and I plan on eating a big breakfast. Bacon, eggs, buttered toast, the whole shebang!” Tim said as he counted off the items with his fingers.

I flew up to the cabinet to retrieve the cat food and the box of Velocity, my favorite cereal. As Mittens and I ate our breakfast; Tim fixed up his own. I thought about the weeks ahead, far away from my adopted home and my best friends. Not to mention the somewhat intimidating subject matter I would be interviewing others on.

“Something up Dusty?” Tim asked, shaking me from my thoughts. “You’ve got that look you get when something’s bothering you.”

“Nothing, just thinking about stuff,” I answered vaguely, playing with the spoon a bit as I gazed down at my breakfast.

“Thanks for being so specific.” Tim said between a mouthful of eggs. A quick glare got him to finish chewing before he continued “Well buddy, what’s bugging ya?”

“Well it’s just . . . I’ve never been so far away from New York since moving to Earth. I love this city and even though everything worked out in the end; the Conversion Bureau movement wasn’t exactly a smooth process for most.” I answered more clearly.

“Ah, you’re worried about that book thing.” Tim said, swiping a quick bite of toast before going on, “Why don’t you just refuse the job if it's bothering you so much?” Tim asked while ripping off a piece of bacon, to which I shook my head.

“I’ve thought about it...but I’ve been looking for an opportunity like this for some time. If everything goes well, this could be my big break. Besides, this was a request from Princess Celestia herself. I can’t just tell her I don’t want to do it.”

Tim snorted. “Well then, what’s there to worry about? It’s not like this is going to be dangerous or anything, plus you’re getting to go on a nice little world tour while working! I’d be excited.”

“I guess you’re right. Speaking of which, I’d better get going. Got a flight to catch.” I said getting up from my seat to grab my saddlebags.

“Which I still don’t get. Couldn’t you just fly to Ireland?” Tim asked.

“Couldn’t you just walk to Alaska?”

“Touche.” Tim responded with a smile. I made my way to the door. At long last here it was. Mittens meowed goodbye sadly and rubbed against my leg.

“Don’t worry buddy. I’ll be back before you know it.” I turned toward Tim as I slipped my bags on. “Take care of him while I’m gone will ya?” He nodded.

“I got him. Now get out of here already!” He tried to shove me off. I quickly flew up and gave my first human friend, indeed my first friend period, a hug before he could protest. Surprised, he nonetheless returned the affection. “All right, now you REALLY got to get going or some other pegasus that happens to fly by our window will get the wrong idea.” We both laughed and I finally left with a wave.

While Tim had a point, that I could’ve just flown to Ireland myself, it made more sense to go by airplane. Planes didn’t need to stop on clouds to rest and you get a free meal! Still, I did fly to the airport to save time. While I flew I took in the sight of my home one last time for a long while. Tim told me a lot had changed since the Conversion Bureaus had opened up.

Just as many ponies walked the busy streets as humans did. In addition were a few griffins, diamond dogs, and other sapient creatures that had been in Equestria when the event happened. Cars powered by hydrogen shared the streets of New York City with the newer magically powered cars from Equestria. Families of all sorts dotted the open spaces of Central Park as the Weather Regulators worked hard high above them to ensure that the day’s forecast stayed as true as they could make it.

After a few minutes of sharp twists, rolls, and the occasional near collision with other pegasi, I managed to reach the skies above JFK International Airport. I zipped on down to the ground and touched down near the entrance, making a quick check of my saddlebags to ensure nothing had fallen out in the flight over here.

Satisfied, I made my way inside and through the various security checkpoints before finally managing to board the plane bound for Dublin.

* * *

The autopilot turned off the seat belt sign and we all exited the plane. It always felt a little weird to me to fly using the human method, but one certainly couldn’t say it wasn’t fast. After grabbing some hay fries at the airport I began to fly to Skerries where my interviewee was waiting.

As I flew, I tried to follow Tim’s advice and think of this job like it was a grand world tour. Really getting to see the world from both my own and others perspective. I’d learn what it was like for the humans and Equestrians, to have their worlds turned upside down, and how it had all lead to the way things were today.

I’d never been to Dublin so it was a great pleasure to be able to fly around a bit and snap some photos on my way to Skerries. (Both for my own memories and for the interviews.) Some of the apartment buildings were completely overgrown with wines, but to the earth pony occupants, this appeared to be intentional. I was treated to the sight of homes completely covered in four leaf clovers. The buildings that looked more ceremonial and were decorated with statues of both normal humans and winged ones. Tim had explained to me that angels were meant to symbolize different virtues like purity and justice, and when they were put on buildings it usually meant said structure was an administrative institution like town hall or a courthouse. The most peculiar feature I found about Dublin though was a seeming Griffon majority. They couldn’t all be natural born so that must’ve meant the lion’s share must have been Newfoals. I would have to interview a unicorn scientist to see if there was a correlation between Irishmen and Griffons.

After about half an hour of flying, I spotted the many rooftops that made up the small town of Skerries. It was a decently sized resort town with several dozen boats prowling the waters near the docks. Humans went about their lives down below as they bustled along the streets and I even spotted a few ponies amongst them.

Its true what they say, we’re just about everywhere now. I thought as I began my descent, landing in a small park near the towns main street. A few curious eyes from human and pony children darted my way, but I paid them little heed as I pulled out my SAUI and set it on my head.

“Directions for the Blue Cafe Bar.”

A holographic HUD appeared before my eyes, and soon enough I had the directions for the place I was looking for. It wasn’t that far of a walk and a quick look at the clock in the corner of the HUD told me that I had some time before I was supposed to meet Eric McDowen, my first interviewee.

A short walk later, and I stepped inside the bar, looking around in interest at both the interior and the patrons. I didn’t get much time to take a good look at everything though, as a human on the other side of the bar had stood up the moment I entered and was making his way over.

He appeared to be an older gentleman, maybe in his late sixties, but still healthy given that the average lifespan for even humans was almost a hundred and twenty nowadays. He wore a denim jacket, jeans, a tweed flat cap, a trimmed beard, and his deep blue eyes twinkled with mischief

“Hello there and welcome my fine furred friend, to the greatest place in Skerries!” The man said as he drew closer. When he was within arms reach, he asked “I take it you’re that Feather Duster fellow who called last week right? Or are you Swift Wing from the other side of town, I can’t hardly tell anymore with my eyes.”

“Yup, you’ve got the right pony. Feather Duster, from the Big Apple.”

“Well Feather Duster, from the Big Apple,” he said, a chuckle escaping his lips as he extended an arm out. I took it with my hoof and gave a firm shake, which he seemed pleased with when he let go. “Why don’t you follow me and I can start spinning my tale.”

Eric and I sat down at a booth. He ordered a round for the both of us as I turned on the recorder on my SAUI. I rattled off the date and time before getting comfortable and looking in Eric’s direction. It was time to get started.

“So Eric, from what I understand, you were one of the few humans who were at; to use your phrase, ‘ground zero’ of the event. Can you tell me all about the day it happened and what occurred afterwards?”

Eric leaned back and thought about that for a moment, his eyes getting a distant look as he took a trip down memory lane. I waited patiently to begin, and soon enough he started to regale me with the events of that day four decades past.

“It was the night of December 20th, the eve before some folks thought the world was goin’ to end. I had decided to go on a cruise the week before, as part of my list of things to do before I hit the bucket.” He said, opening his eyes as he heard the sound of our drinks approaching.

Thanking the waitress, he took a swig of his glass before resuming his story. “The boat was having this big party, kinda making fun of the whole thing I think, and everyone was getting drunker than you can believe. Some people were really getting into it if ya know what I mean, hah. But let’s get down to it, you want to hear what I was up to right before it happened right?”

I gave him a quick nod, and he smiled and chuckled as he knocked his drink back. “Well then my friend, best get comfortable, because this is a long one…”


December 20th, 2012, 11:56 pm UTC
Northern Atlantic
RCI Allure of the Seas

It was late in the evening and by this time I was in the same shape as just about everyone else aboard. Drunk off my ass and shouting and laughing with people I didn’t know. The “Apocalypse Party” as someone had called it; can’t remember if it was one of the crew or not, had been in full swing for about four hours now and I think even if the world was burning around us we would have kept going.

I was tempted a number of times to join in on some of the more risqué groups who seemed to be around every corner you turned, but I knew I was drunk enough that I wouldn’t be of much use to either party, so I just kept rambling about the deck.

Feather: “People were really going all out, just because they thought the world would end?”

Eric: “I don’t know if everyone thought it was really all goin’ to end, I think it was just an excuse to let loose and go nuts. Sure a few thought it might though.”

Anyways, once it hit 11:59, we were all counting down the seconds. I’m sure someone on board knew that it was already past midnight, but we didn’t care, it was part of the party. None of us figured anything was going to happen, but I did notice something strange once we got to ten seconds.

Feather: “Strange how?”

Eric: “I’m getting to that!”

You need to know, I was pretty drunk at the time, so I had no idea if this was just the drink messing with me or something really was about to happen. But I felt a warm, tingling sensation spreading all over my skin and it almost felt like the world around me was going dim. Almost felt like I was getting ready to sneeze.

It happened right as we were all shouting out “One!” Suddenly, there was this big flash of light to our north, and everything went deathly quiet. Everyone froze as it happened, and I have to say that day we found out what the best way to sober up a boatload of drunk party goers. Stun the shit out of ‘em.

I remember idly wondering if this really was the end, if someone had finally lost their mind and flipped the switch, or if God had decided to just give Earth the finger and say “fuck you” to us all.

All I remember is standing there slack jawed with everyone else as we waited for what we now thought was to be our end.

Don’t rightly know how long it took for the flash to fade away, but when it did, everything seemed just like it had been earlier. As far as our eyes could see, nothing seemed to have happened. There was no pillar or fire, no wall of water rushing towards us. The only thing there was was…silence.

Feather: “How long did it take before people started reacting? From what I’ve read, those who saw the event take place got a little…crazy afterward.”

Eric: “Laddy, crazy wouldn’t even really begin to cover it.”

Not everyone reacted right away, but most of those who reacted first were people who started screeching “The end has come! Repent your sins blah blah blah” and ya get the idea. A few people I saw fell to the ground and started praying and I can’t remember if they did this on their own or if it was an accident, but I recall hearing a few people fell overboard afterward.

Me, I just found me some more booze and went off to my room, drinking till I couldn’t drink anymore. I figured, if it was the end of the world, I might as well go out in drunken bliss. After that flash thing, I fully expected to not wake up the next morning, finding the answer to that age old question of what is after death.

When I woke up the next morning, I kinda wished it had ended. Worst hangover I’ve ever had. Not enough to get me to swear off the spirits, but boy was I considering it for the first few hours.

Feather: “When did people start getting an idea of what had happened?”

Eric: “Not many did at first, though a few people were talking about how no one had heard anything outta the Azores since midnight. Heard a few people speculating Atlantis had reappeared.”

*swig* “Shoulda seen the looks on their faces when we got first sign of Equestria.”

We kept on our heading for the rest of the day. Word about the loss of contact from the Azores had spread all across the ship, and we were getting word from some of the news sites that something might have actually happened to the Azores. The rumors were flying, ranging from suggestions that it had been replaced by Atlantis (seemed to be the most pervasive one) to the idea that those aliens from that Battleship Movie had come to Earth and were staging a duel with the Portuguese Fleet.

Feather: “What was that last one about? Some of my research notes and sources list that as one of the rumors, but don’t go into any great detail.”

Eric: “I think it had something to do with that bubble barrier Princess Celly set up for, oh what was it, a week or so after the Event? Not sure who leaked word about it to the web though.”

It was only one hour after someone confirmed that satellites in orbit had spotted a glowing dome of energy over a large area of the North-Central Atlantic that we had even an inkling of what was goin’ on. Someone got the smart idea of comparing the location the image of the barrier was with a google map of our current location. Then people really started freaking out. The Captain even had to have security detain a few people.

Feather: “Were you one of them?”

Eric: “Nah, I was too busy trying to phone the family back home and let’em know I was alright. My phone wasn’t working very well though so I gave up after a while and I-”

Feather: “Let me guess, got drunk again?”

Eric: “Now listen here mate, wipe that silly smirk off your face. I’ll have ya know the only drinks I had that day were loaded with nothing but caffeine and sugar. After the previous night, I didn’t want to see another glass of spirits for at least a week.”

Anyways, it was about one in the afternoon when someone spotted land. The entire ship lit up like a christmas tree as people rushed out of their rooms to get a look and see what was there. Some expected it to be nothing more than the Azores. The alien bit seemed to have been dropped with the spotting, but now people were back on the Atlantis track.

It’s kinda funny, when I think about it. Considering all the greek stuff you Equestrians seem to have in your culture, they weren’t too far off the mark.

Anyways, everyone started talking all at once. Some of the passengers knew what the Azores looked like either from previous trips or cruises there, and the land that was slowly beginning to grow larger looked nothing like the Azores. At some point, word spread down to our deck that the Captain was organizing a small group of crewmen to go ashore and find out what was going on.

Now, looking back at it, that doesn’t really sound like the smartest idea, sending some folks out onto a strange and alien shore, but I guess someone needed to go check the place out, and for all we knew, we were the only ship inside that bubble.

Feather: “How exactly did you end up with the group who were going ashore? Surely they wouldn’t just take passengers.”

Eric: “Oh of course not, in fact they didn’t let any passengers leave the ship. In fact, I hadn’t intended to join the group; I was perfectly content to stay nice and safe aboard the ship.”

Feather: “If that’s true, then how did you get end up with the landing party?”

Eric: “Simple. I fell overboard.”

I’m not sure if I was seeing things, or if I really did see a Sea Serpent, but as I was watching the landing party’s boat being lowered down, I saw something moving under the water. It was like there was this shadow swimming just below the surface. I tried to get a better look at it by leaning a bit over the rail, but I must not have been holding on very well as the next thing I know I’m heading straight for the water.

It’s a good thing that there was a boat coming down, because that water was cold! I came up spluttering and cursing to high heavens, and had to wait about two minutes before the landing party’s boat touched the water. One of ‘em, a young looking lad by the name of Theodore, pulled me out while the skipper of the boat started yelling at me, asking if I was outta my mind and the like.

There was a brief argument over whether or not they should take me back aboard, but the Captain radioed in and said that it was ‘imperative that we discern as much as we can about what’s happened’. Heh, the Captain actually spoke to me a bit, told me that I better be more useful than clumsy while I was off the boat. Gave him my best ‘yes sir’ and not a moment later, we were headed off towards the shore.

It took us a good half hour or so before we were getting close to touching the beach, but we could already see something sitting along its edge.

Feather: “Is this when you first saw Equestrians?”

Eric: “Almost laddy, almost.”

What we saw was a small wooden dock set up alongside the shore, with a small dirt path leading away from it towards the forest that rested beyond the crashing waves and sand. Tied up to one of the piers was a small sailboat. There was a short debate about whether we should beach our boat or if we should tie it to the docks. The landing party settled on tying it to the dock and leaving a crewman behind to make sure nothing happened to it.

I figured they’d want me to stay in the boat, but the skipper asked me if I wanted to come along, since I was already there as she said. I shrugged and went ahead got out, figuring this would be a great story to tell my grandkids, if I ever got any o’course.

Feather: “So did you get to do that?”

Eric: “That I did Feather, that I did. In fact, my youngest one, a unicorn by the name of-”

Feather: “You have an Equestrian for a grandchild?”

Eric: “Does that surprise you?”

Feather: “A bit. I know interspecies relationships are fairly prevalent in the states, and I’ve heard it’s rather common in Britain…”

Eric: “Aye well, it’s not frowned upon here, but ya don’t see many human-equestrian couples either. Give it a few years though.”

Feather: “So he isn’t a Newfoal?”

Eric: “Nah, none of my kids have converted. Do have one who’s a Celestial though. We’re getting off track though…what was it you asked me? Ah yeah, aye, I did get to tell my grandkids about how I was one of the first to see Equestria and ya little Ponies. My grandcolt, Andy Spark, he even asked me if I was afraid or excited when I first saw them.

And I have to say…I think stunned is probably the better word for what I was feeling.”

We had all piled out of the boat, and the Skipper was going over some rules about how this little trip was going to go, when we heard this loud gasp. Everyone whirled around, looking in the direction of the forest where the sound had come from.

And there, standing right in plain sight, were three brightly colored unicorns.


“…And that my friend, is where I’m gonna pause this little interview of yours.” Eric said as he finished his drink with a long pull from his cup.

I blinked, startled by this comment. “What? But we haven’t even finished yet.”

“Aye, but I don’t think you’re going to get much from me when I’m busy eating. And I am starving.” A loud rumble from my stomach made him chuckle as he added “And it seems I’m not the only one.”

I flushed in embarrassment as I said “I guess I could use a quick bite to eat…”

Now Eric laughed out loud. “If that rumble was any indication, you need more than a quick bite. A bucket of food might do just the trick. Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll take care of the bill. Hey Kent! Bring us some menu’s won’t ya?”

As the menu’s were brought over and we made our orders, I thought about everything Eric had told me thus far and there was only one thing I could say to myself.

I can’t wait to hear the rest.


NY Times: Are the End Times Upon Us?

December 22nd, 2012
NEW YORK CITY- As many of you are probably aware, yesterday was the day that many people feared the world would end. While most people went about the day just like any others, some went out and enjoyed some of the doomsday party’s that were going on across the city. And others? They hunkered down and prepared for the worst.
For some of us, when the clock hit midnight and nothing happened, we breathed a sigh of relief, perhaps patting ourselves on the back for not doing anything crazy like max out our credit cards or quitting your day job.
It seems we may have jumped the gun a bit early.
At exactly 12 o’clock midnight UTC, it was reported that a bright flash of light erupted in the northern Atlantic. The center of the flash was located where the Azores Islands used to be. That’s right, they’re no longer there. In its place appears to be a large island, and we do mean large. Current estimates place it as being nearly half the size of Texas, not counting the strange energy barrier that seems to be protecting the place.
Theories are running rampant from alien invasion to the return of Atlantis. The earliest theory that we were dealing with something akin to the movie Battleship™ was quickly shot down after images of the new sub-continent started making the rounds of the media.
US President Barack Obama, along with many other international heads of state, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are urging for calm and rational thought in the days ahead. That does not mean however that the White House isn’t taking this seriously. The President has ordered US Fleet Command to set up a perimeter around the barrier with the stated goal of redirecting civilian sea travel and to contain any possible threat from within the barrier. Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho has also ordered the Portuguese Navy to partial mobilization, and intends to discover what has happened to the Azores Islands and its two hundred and forty-five thousand people.
The debate about the nature of this barrier and the island within it is liable to go on for some time, as is the all important question that we must all ask ourselves. Is the end of the world as we know it upon us?

- The following excerpts are taken from the archives of a social media site known as Facebook. Date is set between December 22nd and December 29th -

Timothy Vaun-
Man, who would have thought the mayans would be right about the end of the world. Wonder if they predicted anything else?

James “Leeroy” Henford-
Hmm *looks outside window* nope, the world still seems to be here.

3 people like this

Samantha Trevor-

James, he’s talking about that whole thing with the giant glass bubble thing in the

Atlantic. Have you even been watching the news?

1 person likes this

James “Leeroy” Henford-

Nah, I’ve been stoned off my rocker since Thursday.

7 people like this

Aliens Are Among Us-
Who wants to bet that the island is actually some sort of super secret alien spaceship that’s been hiding beneath the ocean for a thousand years?
19 people like this. 11 shares

Killjoy “Zach” Hammerstone-
Man, god must hate the Mayan’s or something. All we needed was for this day to pass

and then boom, the Mayan’s could be taken seriously again. F****** universe.

6 people like this

Raider of the Fridge-
Hey, is anyone else watching the news? They’ve got some special report coming up in

a few minutes. Said something about finding out what’s inside that bubble.

Antonio Valens-
Yeah, watching it right now...wait...you gotta be kidding me.

Elizabeth Ruske-
The evil invading aliens are...multi-colored talking Ponies. This is proof that god has

a sense of humor after all

12 people like this

Killjoy “Zach” Hammerstone-

The fuck?

10 people like this

Elizabeth Ruske-
lol :D

Historical Factoids-

December 29th is known as Contact Day, as it was the day Equestria formally made contact with a representative of a nation of Earth.

The first ‘official’ Equestrian Center for Conversion was established in New York City on August 11th, 2024, after the Serum was studied extensively by the FDA, CDC, and the Royal Equestrian Medical School. Use was restricted to humans with severe terminal illnesses or life-hindering disabilities. The first center was dedicated to Doctor Loveheart, who lead the team that turned the Anthropomorphic spell into the Serum known today.

The first conversion of a Human to an Equestrian was performed on March 3rd of 2017 at Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Comments ( 26 )

Grammar has never been one of my strong suits. And occasionally spelling :p

No no no, he just forgot what the Bureau brought with it :rainbowwild:

Also, really interested to read it, will see about giving it a look tomorrow or Saturday

I advise a person....oh wait...my adviser skills are not seen yet....:fluttershyouch:

Oh well. Very good, not a full blown hate on humanity nor an insane pony conquest!

I'm pretty sure the Allure of the Seas was somewhere in the western Caribbean on that day.

The idea is that it starts out being medical, and changes to an extent as time passes. It won't solely be for medical purposes further down the line. Don't worry, I have plans to explain things as best as is humanly and equinely possible.

Eh, I was trying to hunt down the name of an actual cruise liner, and that's one of the ones that jumped out at me. In hindsight, probably just coming up with one might have been better, but eh, its not that important. to me anyways, it may be important to you readers :p :)

for your pic in the name of kane

Other species get added in later as options for conversion. It starts out initially as equestrians, and then later the Griffons are added in. No final decision has been made on the other races.

I'm half asleep, sue me :ajsleepy:

However, for the joke, you deserve a :moustache:

I felt something soft hit me in the face as I slowly dragged myself from unconsciousness. Groggily, I opened my eyes to see that the object in question was my roommates pillow, and I groaned as I tossed it in the general direction of Tim’s voice. The sound of an ‘oomph’ put a tired smile on my face as I slipped out of my bed.

- *roommate's

“Nothing, just thinking about stuff.” I answered vaguely, playing with the spoon a bit as I gazed down at my breakfast.

- *,

“Ah, you’re worried about that book thing.” Tim said, swiping a quick bite of toast before going on, “Why don’t you just refuse the job if its bothering you so much?” Tim asked while ripping off a piece of bacon, to which I shook my head.

- *it's

Sorry for being so anal, but these things now stick out to me quite readily, so I feel obligated to point them out.

Now, as for the story itself.

Eric: “Nah, none of my kids have converted. Do have one who’s a Celestial though.

- You realize that was a racist slur against the Chinese back in the 1800's right? Though now I'm really curious about the family dynamics.

I'm intrigued, the balancing is nice.

1973695 1973737 Man, I wish I had commentators like you Zed, light a fire under me to motivate explanations, point out things that I should cover early on.

Keep it up this is really good

I like it; it's very similar to Widening the Lens with a science fiction twist.

Are there transhumans in this fic?

Define trans-humans, and I may be able to answer this.
Getting ready to fix those.

Regarding the term Celestial, no I did not know that. In this it's used as a term for those who follow a Religious group based around worship of harmony and the Sisters.

If there's one thing I've learned about the Anti-TCB group, its that they'll pick apart any weak points in a story so as to make said story better. And that's something I appreciate.

I seem to recall seeing this story chapter before. Is this a revised version?

So this isn't a fic that rips into Celestia and makes her a evil ruthless tyrant hell bent of the destruction of humanity?

A promising start, if a little defensive sounding in the description. I must say, the fact that Guardian Gryphon is helping is what made me read the first chapter.
You've dropped a lot of hints as to your setting, and I'll add it to my favorites to see how you explore that setting.

I put it up when it was halfway finished in both groups forums a while ago to see if anyone was interested in helping with it. This is the finished chapter.
Eeenope! It also doesn't make humans out to be horrible monsters either.
He provided a little bit of help, and I look forward to what he may suggest in later chapters. I think I'm going to have to set up chapter three or four to contain the first Griffon interview so he can really help out :)

Then I might just give it a shot. Please pardon my suspicions but I really don't like the TCB fics since most seem to use it as an excuse to bash Celestia... but not Luna, Epona help you if you bash Luna.... *cough* sorry.

:pinkiegasp: *GASP* What's this? A TCB fic where the ponies, humans and other races are coexisting in peace? Naw, it can't be, cause apparently it's supposed to be impossible. Yet here it is. Definitely following this!

As I read all your comments... I can't stop thinking...
What the fuck is "TCB"? I don't get it...
But! Does that mean, that equestria is as big as half of texas?
Dayum. And is there any link between Earth and Equestria(the former one) allowing communication?

I'm rather curious, are there any ponies who want to go human?

I'd like to say that I shan't spoil...but I'll be honest and say that yes, there do end up being some ponies who go human. I have plans to introduce it around the same time as Griffonization becomes available.

And its not spoilers to even barely hint at who one of said ponies is going to be.

We really need an eye rolling emote.

I am rather morbidly curious about this... I am both disturbed and interested.
I was told this had Conversions go both ways.
Natives humans going pony, and native ponies going human.
Is this correct?

That's the plan anyways. Its also got griffon conversions, and will have Zebra conversions (as well as something that would likely be considered controversial by both sides)

The next chapter is in progress, with me currently being the only one working on it. Will soon attempt to get a hold of my two co-authors in an attempt to prod them into activity.

2399136 I think I might join in on this project to contribute whatever two cents I have to the party.
I have a few decent ideas, though I still need to get a solid grip on what the mythos of this universe is at the moment.

I can send links to the outline and chapter 2 if you wish so that you can take a look.

2480885 Please do so.
I am rather intrigued by this project here.

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