• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 1,463 Views, 75 Comments

Gilligan's Island; Aloha, ponies - Fireheart 1945

Gilligan meets Pinkie Pie in the lagoon and panics

  • ...

Chapter 3

Three hours after the theft, the Professor was in his hut, trying to solve the mystery. In addition the impossible apparitions Gilligan was claiming to have seen, books he'd had had gone missing, books vital to his research on the island.

The door opened. The Skipper and Mr. Howell walked in. "Did you find out who was stealing the books?" the captain asked eagerly.

"No, gentlemen. In fact, I've discovered close to nothing at all about the case, nor have I found out anything about Gilligan's condition."

"Suppose I offer a reward to anyone who finds them," Mr. Howell offered.

"If the suspect wanted money, Mr. Howell, they could have just as easily stolen from your own private stash. Whoever the thief was, I'm sure they didn't want cash."

"Well, what did you find out?" the Skipper asked as Mr. Howell momentarily bore a shocked expression.

"The thief didn't enter through the window or the door," the Professor answered, a hand under his chin in thought. "There would have been evidence if they had. Nor did they come in the doorway; we would have seen them quite easily."

"But Professor, how else would they have taken them?"

"I must confess that I'm perplexed as to how they managed it. In fact," the Professor answered, walking around the room, "the only answer I can come up with is that the books simply disappeared on their own.."

"Professor, they didn't just warp out of here."


"I can't believe you just warped the books out without getting a look at the native designs," Rarity said to Twilight.

"We have bigger priorities that finding out what they wear for clothing," the purple unicorn answered, her nose still stuck in one of the "borrowed" books.

"Th... This d... doesn't count as stealing, does it?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Twilight didn't hear her; she was too embroiled in the book. "Nothing," she said as she flipped a page. "Nothing... Nothing... Nothing!" She flung it aside with magic, absolutely frustrated. "There's nothing in any of these books discussing magic, almost like it doesn't exist here!"

"That's absurd, darling," Rarity said, shocked by the idea. "You're the one who always say that life as we know it cannot possibly exist without it!"

"Key phrase," Celestia spoke up from under her makeshift cover of palm leaves. "As we know it. Perhaps," she added, as the others turned toward her, "life as we don't know it has taken hold here. A whole different system could exist, one we have no knowledge of."

There was a brief silence as the other ponies took that all in.

"Some things have to remain the same," Rainbow said, the first to recover. "Like gravity. Otherwise, we'd all be floating off into space."

Celestia nodded. "We can work out how things work here by starting off such building blocks."

"Hmm." Twilight looked back at the book, then noticed something; the shadows on the trees had moved since she'd last looked at them. Looking up, she saw that the sun had moved from it's last position, or at least the last she'd noticed. "You managed to control the sun, Princess?"

"Actually, no, Twilight. That wasn't my doing."

Twilight's brain crashed into a wall. "Uh, what?"

"I have been unable to move the star of this system; it's not connected to magic, and when I tried, it was so large I couldn't even begin to get a grip on it, and I know from even the prod I gave it that it has far too much mass for me to move even if it were connected to magic."

"But... then... How is it moving?" the stunned purple unicorn asked, waving a hard hoof at the celestial body high above.

Celestia's eyes flashed almost playfully. Although her student had done well insofar as the field of friendship was concerned, she still enjoyed trying to give her a lesson. "It goes with what we were talking about; the building blocks of how things work here. Let's take what Rainbow Dash touched on earlier."

Twilight just looked even more confused. "Gravity? How does that solve the moving sun mystery?"

"Come on, Twilight; you've read every book in the library countless times. Gravity is the force exuded by all objects. Larger bodies have more gravity."

Twilight thought about that for a moment. "What I'm getting is that both the sun and the planet have gravity, but by your example the sun has more gravity than the planet."

Celestia nodded. "I think you can see where I'm going with this."

Twilight rubbed her chin with a hoof as she thought, then gasped. "That would mean that the planet is orbiting the star!"

"My thoughts exactly."

"But... but... but... That's totally illogical!"

Celestia laughed. After a few seconds, she saw Twilight's hurt face and relented. "I'm sorry, my faithful student," she apologized. "I understand that this world tosses everything we know on our heads, but we must learn as much as we can in order to survive and find our way home. That includes looking at answers we would consider illogical, as you so put it. And we have discovered something about the way the system works in this world, so we have something to go on from here."

"Uh, sorry to interrupt," Rainbow said, not sounding very sorry, "but shouldn't we be actually be doing something?"

Celestia chuckled. "We will, my little pony. Just be patient. We need time to properly plan our course of action. Now, Twilight, what exactly have you found out in these books? Anything, other than the lack of magic?"

"Well, these books are all written in Equestrian, so we can at least use them," her faithful student answered. "They make many references to electricity, which seems to be utilized as an energy source. Others are informative books about volcanoes and native practices."

"Anything else?"

"No. I was only able to sneak away a few of them, and they're all descriptive about a certain subject and little else." She paused. "The books did make reference to humans, which I presume is the native species we've encountered."

"Did you say humans?" Celestia said.

"Yes, why?"

Celestia thought for a moment. Ancient sources made a reference to a bipedal species of that same name, who supposedly gave ponykind many of the ideas they used today. While this was something most ponies didn't know about nowadays, it was more significant than it seemed. Especially if this world was populated by them.

"Oh, just wondering," she finally answered.

"I think we should be lookin' round this here island fer somethin' to get us out o' this here mess," Applejack said.

"I agree in full," Celestia agreed. "I want you to go in pairs to look around this island for food and things to drink, as well as for needed volunteers. Do not make contact with these humans unless I give you permission, or unless you are attacked, and even then try to break off contact as quickly as possible."

The other ponies all nodded.

"Alright. Rainbow and Applejack, search the eastern side of the island. Twilight and Pinkie Pie, I want you to sweep the north. Fluttershy and Rarity, scour the western areas. When my strength has returned, I will look to the south on my own."

"Are you sure..."

"Yes Twilight, I'm fully sure I can handle any threat that may come my way; now, be on yours. I want you all back here by sunset."

She was met by several affirmative replies.

"Good. Now, move out!"


Mr. and Mrs. Howell sat in their luxury chairs, taking in the sun and basking away, as only a couple of filthy rich capitalists could.

"I say, Gilligan, my boy," Mr. Howell called out.


"Could you be a good lad and refill my martini, if you please?" the older man said, holding out a large glass.

"Right on it," Gilligan answered, taking it and walking off.

"Right then."

"Thurston, have you ever seen a more beautiful day?" Mrs. Howell asked.

"Indeed I have."

Lovey removed her glasses and turned toward him. "When?"

"Inside the vaults of our private house in Texas."

"Yes; money is such a beautiful thing."

"Indeed. And yet there never seems to be enough."

Mrs. Howell was about to lay back down when she saw something that caught her eye. "Thurston."

"Yes, Lovey dear?"

"I am quite sure I saw a little blue horse peek it's head up from that bush."

"Hmm?" Mr. Howell looked at the bush in question. "I don't see anything. I think all those martinis might be going to your head, my dear."

"I suppose they could be," she answered. "Still, it looked quite real."

"Nonsense, Lovey; if there's one absolute in life, it's that characters from a child's television show can't come to life."


"What'dya think you were doin'?" Applejack fiercely demanded. "Ya almost gave us away!"

"I had to see what we were up against!" Rainbow answered just as heatedly.

"They ain't enemies, at least not yet."

"They could be! And we have to watch out for them!"

Applejack sighed. "Just be more careful. Ya heard the Princess; don't let 'em see ya."

"Fine, just stay out of my way."


"Please be careful, girls," the Professor said as he mixed two materials inside a jar.

"What's that you're doing, Professor?" Mary Ann asked. "If you don't mind my asking."

"Simple, Mary Ann; I am putting together a fine dust that I'll use to discover fingerprints, and then I'll match those with each of ours."

"Well, how will that catch the thief?" the farm girl asked.

"Simple. I'll lure the thief into taking yet another volume from my collection. They'll leave fingerprints on whatever they end up touching. I'll match the prints I find with our own. Whoever those prints belong too will our nefarious scoundrel."

"Darling, you don't need detective work to catch a thief," Ginger put in. "All you need is a hot girl in a dress."

At that moment, the Skipper opened the door to the hut and came in. "What's the word, Professor?"

"I've put together the powder. Now all we have to do is set the trap."

"Good. We need to solve this mystery. We can't have a thief running around our island."

"Indeed," the Professor agreed. "The sooner this little mystery is wrapped up, the happier I'll be."


"Did you hear that?" Fluttershy asked urgently and with worry in her voice.

"They're setting a trap for Twilight!" Rarity said in a loud whisper. "For us!"

"We have to tell Twilight and the Princess!"

"Yes, but how? They could be anywhere on this island!"

"We have to try!"

"I know, but it'll take forever to find them! It could be too late by then!"

"Maybe one of us should stay here..."

"That's a good idea!" Rarity whispered loudly. "You can stay here and warn off Twilight when she comes."

"But I-"

"Hey," said a rough voice full of authority inside the hut, "did you hear something?"

"Too late!" Rarity hissed. "Run for it!"

Both ponies quickly made themselves scarce as the Skipper came round for a look.


"Nobody here but us, Professor," the Skipper said after taking a look in the bushes.

"That's odd. I could almost swear I heard strange voices." The Professor rubbed his chin. "It might have been our thief, or two thieves. If so, that makes the whole business much harder. They might have overheard our plans."

"That makes it all useless!" Mary Ann said worriedly.

"Not to worry. We'll try it out anyway and see what happens. In the meantime, I'll try to come up with another solution."

"That reminds me, Gilligan and I have to find some more food for tonight," the Skipper remembered. "I'll go find him, and see what we can find."

"Oh," the Professor said, "remember to keep an eye on him for any strange activity."

"Yes, Professor, though I hate having to suspect my little buddy of a misdemeanor."

"If someone else really has come on the island, I don't think we'll have to do that for much longer."

"Alright, I'll see you when we get back."

"We have to go get the dishes ready," Mary Ann remembered.

"Yes, that would be prudent," the Professor said absentmindedly.

When the girls were gone, the Professor stooped down and took a closer look at the area under the window. The sand looked scuffed, as if someone had been listening and had scurried away at the last moment. What struck him as odd was how the supposed "footprints" looked; they were flat, and were not at all like human feet. It was as if someone had taken a round, or rather a slightly oval-shaped wooden block and rammed it against the sand.

Another confusing part of the mystery. And, if utilized properly, another clue. I'll keep this one secret; no need to have the culprit find out that we're on his trail.


Rainbow Dash ran her hoof through the sand. Her hooves couldn't feel it, but she enjoyed making pictures. It was the only entertaining thing she could think of doing short of blowing their cover as Applejack tried bucking one of the trees, trying to get a coconut or two for them to collect.

"Just... one... more..." There was a pause. "Ah, consarn it, not again!"

"What happened this time?"

"Darn thing broke when it hit a rock. All the milk done poured out; nothin' to bring back to the Princess."

"We could eat the coconut itself," the cyan pegasus suggested.

"Guess so, but ah've never eaten coconuts before. Don't know whether ta eat 'em raw or cook 'em, fer starters."

"What's that over there?" Rainbow asked, pointing with her hoof.

"Oh, that's just... oh, it's a banana. Guess that'd help."

"And where there's one, there's bound to be more," Rainbow said as her stomach growled loudly. "About time; I'm sooooo hungry."

"Now hold on, Rainbow, ah reckon we should both have a piece."

"Oh, alright. But when we find more..."

Both of them walked over to the banana. Applejack went to grab it... and it suddenly jumped away.

"What in tarnation!?"

"Let me try." Rainbow licked her lips, raised her hoof, and then swiped at the banana... which jumped away just before she could make contact. "What the hay!?"

"Lookie there! There's a vine tied to the end of it!" Applejack noticed, pointing with her hoof.

"So let's follow it!" Before the orange pony could protest, her blue-coated friend ran forward, towards a bush the vine disappeared into.

"Okay... Gotcha!"

Applejack trotted up beside her as Rainbow gave a great tug. A large foot covered in black fur came out of the bush.


Rainbow and Applejack both looked up at the same time.

A gorilla had just revealed itself, rising from it's hiding place. It beat it's chest as it screeched "OOH OOH AHH AHH!"

Rainbow and Applejack hugged each other and screamed.


Author's Note:

Sorry about the long wait. I was busy with other stories and just not in the mood to write Gilligan stuff. Hope you enjoy!

Comments ( 25 )

4629882 They got stuck on the island AGAIN, actually.

Then in the next TV movie, they managed to get an old plane to fly long enough to be picked up on radar and a Navy ship showed up.

They decided to turn the island into a resort.

And then the Harlem Globe Trotters show up... :twilightoops::rainbowhuh::applejackconfused:

The movies:

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rescue_from_Gilligan%27s_Island

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Castaways_on_Gilligan%27s_Island

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Harlem_Globetrotters_on_Gilligan%27s_Island :facehoof:

Hmm... no one has crossed the Globe Trotters with Pony yet... PONIFY EVERYTHING!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

As a fan of both shows I love this :yay:

:pinkiegasp: AN UPDATE!? OH HELL YEAH! :rainbowdetermined2:

I was not dis-pointed with this chapter and let's hope the whole them staying away from the humans doesn't last long. I want to see them interacting. :twilightsmile:

4634125 shut up i know my shit!!..... Man....:rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Fireheart 1945 deleted Jul 3rd, 2014

No fighting, please.


I think everyone simply decides everyone else is delusional, denying they even see the ponies while still talking to them. It all ends with the two camps having a ridiculous meal together, ponies trying to convince the humans they aren't delusions, ponies leave in disgusts, Pinkie visits Gilligan every once and a while the way Pinkie does.

Know anyone doing a Luna/Space 1999 crossover?

uh oh look like rainbow and applejack in trouble i wonder if the ship wreck and pony soon meet one after to another?

Nice ch ending :rainbowlaugh:

4782945 Lol; a (not quite) monster scaring the heck out of them was the best idea I could think of.

One Fool to troll them all, One Fool to find them,
One Fool to bring them all and in the darkness-

4925336 Rolling on the Floor Laughing :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Will this be continued?

6503465 Yes. It's one of my side stories, if you will, that I consider of less importance than others. Nonetheless, I do intend to update it. I cannot promise when, but I will. I'll have to get back into Gilligan first.

Oh, and thanks so much for the favorite!

6503509 Ok. And you're welcome.

Dang it! XD No more... not yet, anyways :P
Hahaha, I can't wait for this to update.

Nice job!

6639153 Sorry. I cannot promise just when I'll continue, but I don't intend to leave any of my stories unfinished. Thanks for your enthusiasm! :ajsmug:

Edit; thanks also for the watch!

6640401 Hehehe, awesome xD
You're wecome for both man!


But I already have 1623 stories in my soon to read:raritydespair:


But I already have 1623 stories in my soon to read:raritydespair:

8147118 I have a ton too.

If you need to wait to read this, I don't mind. By all means, take all the time you need :twilightsmile:

Can you please update this story soon?

I would love to see where it all goes from where we left off.

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