• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 4,821 Views, 39 Comments

Entanglement - ArguingPizza

Curiosity has killed much more than the cat.

  • ...

Chapter 4

“Net call net call, all traffic clear the net. Priority One message. I say again, clear the net. This is a Priority One message.”

The random chatter common to all military radio frequencies abruptly cut out on the Task Force Tactical Frequency. Sixteen miles West of SS3*, a four man Navy SEAL detachment, callsign Hopper, stopped their stealthy trek through desert scrub brush. The four men dropped to a knee and waited with bated breath; Priority One messages were very rarely good things.

The leader of the SEAL det, known as Manwich for his large and imposing physique, felt a familiar wave of unease pass over him. It was the same feeling he often got while walking through an Afghan village where everyone seemed to be maintaining an extra bit of distance; the feeling that something was going to go tits up in his very near future.

“All Task Force Elements, this is Beowulf. I send ‘Metallica’. I say again, ‘Metallica’. Over.”

There was a brief moment of silence before the airwaves were filled to bursting with a flurry of confused transmissions, each stepping over the one before it to create an impossible to understand mess.


“Can you rep-“


“This i-“


“ucking be a-“

Manwich didn’t bother trying to transmit himself; he wouldn’t have been heard anyway. He’d wait until the C2 team got the radio situation un-fucked and then ask for confirmation. At the same time, he and the other SEALs on his team realized that they didn’t need it; the stress prevalent in Beowulf’s voice was enough to confirm that they were getting the ground truth.

As if to assure himself that he wasn’t making a mistake, Manwich motioned for Float to hand him the mission code book. Float, a lean Korean man standing at barely five foot six, dug through his tac vest and tossed him a slightly crinkled booklet. Manwich caught it easily and quickly flipped to the ‘M’ section.

Metallica: Blue Force* personnel taken prisoner.

“So what now?” Clumsy asked. Moose shouldered his rifle and stood.

“We find them. If we’re lucky, the horses didn’t make it to the village and we can do something to try and spring Lowball and Chain.” Clumsy looked skeptical.

“They were flying. Odds of them deciding to bed down five minutes out aren’t good.”

“I know, which probably means we’ll have to observe the village to find them,” Moose replied.

“Long guns?” Clumsy asked. Moose shook his head.

“Too far. We’re low on time already. We’re already pushing our luck hoping they don’t move our guys to one of the larger settlements, we don’t have time to grab our gear and head back. We’ll have to roll with what we have on us.” Both men glanced at their equipment; NODs, plate carriers, HK416s, Mk 23 pistols, two flashbangs, and a half dozen magazines each.

“Beowulf this is Camelot. Come in. Over.”

“Camelot, this Beowulf. I read you, send your traffic. Over.”

“Beowulf, Camelot is en route to Observation Point Kirk. ETA two hours. Over.”

Clumsy and Moose shared a semi-optimistic glance. OP Kirk was another observation position on the outskirts of SS1; if Camelot team was heading towards the town, it would definitely improve their chances.

“Copy that, Camelot. Good to hear. Has C2 changed the ROE? Over.”

“Unknown, Beowulf. We are currently not in communications with Riptide. Over.” The two Delta soldiers couldn’t help but share a conspiratorial grin. Camelot had left the Task Force staging ground on their own initiative, instead of asking permission which could have, and probably would have, been denied. It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

“Roger, Camelot. Be advised, Beowulf team will be waiting at Kirk. Over.”

“Copy, Out.”

“Let’s get moving,” Moose ordered, “We’ve got ground to cover.” Silently, both men shouldered their rifles and set out into the bush, phantoms in the jungle once more.

Author's Note:

SS3: Dodge City
Blue Force: Military nomenclature for friendly(same nation) forces. Green being allied forces, and red being enemy.

I know this chapter is really short, but it sort of had to be; its a transition chapter. More will be happening soon.