• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,116 Views, 5 Comments

Fleeting Memories - Kaidan

A Pegasus was sent to warn Canterlot of a great evil, but was caught along the way. Waking up in Ponyville he finds he can't remember anything about the events before that night. This is the story of how he regains his memory and faces that evil

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II. Nightmare

It had gotten dark and I was lost. There were buildings all around me but not a single one had lights on. I could feel that sense of dread, something was coming back to finish me off. Beads of sweat were rolling down my blue mane and dripping to the dusty road. Everywhere was darkness, even the moon seemed unwilling to venture out this night.

I trotted along, looking for someplace to hide until the darkness left. Maybe if I could fly up above the darkness… but I couldn’t get my wings to work. My legs started to slow down, I willed them to move faster but they were starting to stick to the ground. “Hello? Anypony?” I cried out as I got more panicked.

The doors were still all closed, all the lights were out and the darkness was getting closer. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe… I had to get out of here now! A figure stepped out of the shadow and grinned at me, and I could feel my heart chill and stop.


“AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” I screamed rather loudly, for not a moment later a very panicked nurse ran into my hospital room.

“Comet! What’s wrong?” Nurse Redheart asked. All I could do was lay there, relieved to be back in the light but unable to stop hyperventilating. The nurse stepped over to me and tried to comfort me “Was it a nightmare? That’s not uncommon after traumatic events” she told me.

“I was—" I paused to focus on slowing my breathing down. “I had a dream, but it felt as real as a memory. Everything was dark, everypony was gone and something was chasing me. I think—" I swallowed a lump in my throat “I saw it.”

The Nurse who had probably seen far worse in patients waited there until I had calmed down. “It’s alright now, if you’re feeling better after breakfast we can still check you out. I’m going to suggest you find a roommate though in case you have any more night terrors.” She pointed over to a journal. “We also got you this journal so any memories or dreams need to go in here. Think of it as an exercise to help more memories return, and for you gain control over the dreams.”

“Thank you” I replied, and set about to the task of noting down my interactions with Twilight and Doctor Stables the day before. I paused on the next page unsure if I wanted to remember the nightmare. The despair and darkness, the… thing… but I was being foolish. I jotted down the dream and got out of bed to stretch my legs. At least my muscles didn’t have amnesia and despite some soreness, I was able to trot around the room. I stretched out my wings, the bandages having been removed once I was awake. It felt good.


I had hoped Twilight might stop by again when I was discharged. She was probably busy at the library and it was only 10 in the morning. I had all day to find my way over there and find a place to rent me a room. I was excited to leave the hospital and set out towards the middle of town, which I had learned was Ponyville.

Once outside, I bathed in the sunlight. This was a quiet place and before I knew it I was walking past a bakery in town. I glanced up to the sign that had every candy imaginable on it, and walked inside.

My stomach was rumbling and I figured I could use something to eat. I kicked myself as soon as I walked in though, I didn’t have any bits yet. I turned to leave when someone called out to me “Wait sir, wouldn’t you like to try anything?”

I turned back and replied “Uh, Hi. I forgot to bring any bits with me.”

I started back out the door. But the pony said “I’m Ms. Cake, what’s your name?” I decided a little conversation wouldn’t hurt so I faced her and made a small smile

“I’m Comet, I’m new in town and sort of crashed into the library.”

“Oh well, I have some extra cupcakes today why don’t you try one? Maybe you can come back later once you get settled in.” She smiled and offered me a blue cupcake with sprinkles, which I readily accepted.

“Thanks Ms. Cake, I was just on my way to the library to look for a room for rent—and a job I suppose. You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find either?” I asked as I munched on my cupcake.

Ms. Cake smiled. “Sorry, we aren’t hiring and we’re already renting our guest room to Pinkie Pie. I’m sure once you get to the library though Twilight can find something. Speaking of which—“ her expression changed to one of concern. “Have you met Pinkie Pie?”

I was baffled at the sudden change in her tone “No why?” With a sigh she handed me another cupcake.

“Here, you’re going to need your energy.”


I wandered through town aimlessly, not that I’d have known my way around anyway. I knew I’d been flying before the accident, so I likely wasn’t from around here. I spotted a park and heard a stringed instrument in the distance. It was playing a soothing melody, and I had the sudden urge to just sit and relax for a little while. The sun was high in the sky, so I had probably been wandering for several hours already. I knew I should get to the library, but exploring a new town takes a lot of energy. Most importantly, a Pegasus needs their naps.

I approached a pair of benches and sat down across from a mint colored unicorn that was playing a lyre. She smiled and I smiled back, but I was much more interested in a quick nap then making any friends. She continued to play while I relaxed in the sun. I’m not sure how long I was there but suddenly the music had stopped. I opened up my eyes and my vision was filled with pink.

Welcome welcome welcome,

a fine welcome to you!

Welcome welcome welcome,

I say how do you do?

Welcome welcome welcome,

I say hip hip hooray!

Welcome welcome welcome,

To Ponyville today!

“Wait for it…” the mare paused for dramatic effect, but I was still in shock. One second I was napping and the next a dancing pink pony with long curls and a wagon full of instruments was welcoming me to town. Suddenly confetti shot into the air and a cake was ejected in front of me. “Yes! I put the confetti in the right cannon this time! WOO HOO!”

“Uh hi, I’m Comet—“the pink mare, still bouncing around, shouted “And I’m your new best friend Pinkie Pie!” Finally past the shock I was able to grin and say “Thanks for the cake, but I uh—I’d really like to relax a little more before I go find a room to rent.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie Comet! I’ll see you at the library!” Pinkie bounced down the path back towards the center of town. I looked around but there was no sign of the welcome wagon, all that remained was the cake. The mint unicorn resumed her playing and tried not to giggle too loudly.

“You handled that better than someponies I’ve seen Comet, I’m Lyra Heartstrings.”

I smiled back at her. “Thanks, I think… do you want some cake?” I immediately thought that was a pretty stupid thing to say. The mare in front of me was good looking and my stomach had already betrayed me as it filled with butterflies. Probably best to just wrap things up and get to the library, I didn’t even have a room or a job yet.

“No thanks, but if you would like I can show you where the library is” she responded. “Then what am I going to do with a whole cake?” I asked.

“It’s ok, just chalk it up as ‘Pinkie Pie’ and move on. She is flinging cakes at people every day and yet I’ve never seen any litter.” After she had placed her lyre in her saddlebag, she showed me the way to the library. I get embarrassed easily around women, or at least I assume I do since I can’t remember anything past a week ago. I was definitely embarrassed now though, at least I’d be at the library soon and I could have a nice quiet conversation with Twilight about finding a room and a job.

I said goodbye to Lyra and managed to tell her I’d stop by the park again sometime. She just said good luck with a knowing grin and left.

Author's Note:

Editor’s Note: Nharctic here!
It really is a pleasure working on this story.
Anyways, thanks to Kaidan for letting me edit this, and enjoy the story!