• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,153 Views, 8 Comments

Come Little Children - Shadewing

Luna tries to show foals the wonder of the night, But Celestia doesn't think it's a good idea.

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Come Little Children

“Gather around, my little ponies. Let Miss Shadewing tell you a tale: Now some say that this is the origin of Nightmare Night, others dismiss it as myth; but I tell you now this is a tale that is as true as my own tail for it has been passed down through my family for ages. It is a tale of sadness and regret. The tale of a princess who just wished to be loved by her people and one of the lengths she would go to for it.” A pegasus mare says, her voice is a soft and gentle voice, with an almost musical tone. She speaks to a bunch of foals gathered around in the Canterlot Royal Library. She’s a light tan in color with a blonde mane and tail with white stripes. A pair of small round lilac glasses sits balanced on her muzzle, from which behind them her brilliant purple eyes gaze through. Her cutie mark is a silhouette of a wing against the moon.

As her words ring out through the library, colts and fillies from each of the three races quickly rush over to Shadewing, always eager to hear one of her stories. She darkens the room, pulling the curtains and snuffing out all but a single purple candle, a special candle that she bought long ago. Its flame is a soft lilac color, and dances eagerly awaiting to be used. Shadewing smiles once more to all of them, and begins her story.

“Once long ago, long before any of us were born, before me, before your parents, and even your grandparents. Before even the Canterlot we know of now, two princesses ruled.” As Shadewing speaks, the candle works it magic. The shadows in the room spring to life, swirling around the ponies and take shape, showing Old Canterlot, back before it was just ruins in the Ever-free Forest. This was the real draw to the mare’s stories as the foals gasp and giggle in amazement.

“As you all know, the two princesses lived in harmony with each other and brought peace and prosperity to all of Equestria. The older princess, Princess Celestia was in charge of the day and brought the sun every morning to shine down upon us. The younger Princess, Princess Luna was in charge of the night and brought the moon to light our way in the darkness. But as time passed Luna started to feel neglected by her subjects as they seemed to prefer the day, playing and frolicking in the sun while sleeping through the night and ignoring all the work she did to make the night as beautiful as anything found in the day time. We also know of how one night Luna decided not to let night give way to morning which leads to her transformation into the fearsome Nightmare Moon. Leading Celestia having to banish her to the moon to keep balance in Equestria.“ The shadows continue to dance to her words, forming images of Celestia raising the sun, and Luna bringing the night, showing more and more ponies flocking to the day and fewer staying through the night. The shadow Luna grows sadder each time a pony switches sides until none are left, her eyes narrowing as she changes turning into Nightmare Moon and the shadows fill the room shunting out all but the faintest light. The foals all cuddle up together, as the watch as Celestia comes to save the day, the shadows retreating as Nightmare moon vanishes, all accept for her shadow across the moon.

“But this story isn’t about that. No. This story is about Princess Luna’s first attempt to find love and acceptance in the night. By enchanting young foals to come out into the night, to enjoy and be open to the possibilities and wonder she brings.” The shadows rewind going back through the events of Nightmare Moon in reverse, back to the sad lonely Luna who suddenly brightens up as an idea comes to her. She flies around the room happily. “This is where our story really begins. So sit tight and listen up to the tale of the ‘Children of the Night’!” Shadewing announces the excitement as shadow Luna flies and dances around her happily.


Luna stands out on her balcony, overlooking Canterlot as she begins her nightly ritual. She spreads her wings and takes flight, her magnificent star-field mane and tail flowing in the breeze as she flies around. “GREETINGS TO OUR LOYAL SUBJECTS!” She announces in the traditional royal Canterlot voice her voice echoing through the air. “ONCE MORE WE BRING YOU THE NIGHT FILLED WITH BEAUTY AND SPLENDOR! WE URGE YOU TO STAY UP SO NOT TO MISS IT!” As the midnight blue Alicorn speaks, the sun start to set as the sky turns indigo as stars begin to dot the sky. Her movements are graceful as soars through the sky dancing the wind and putting on an elegant show for all that watch the bringing of night. As the sun sinks beyond the horizon, the moon rises and fills the dark sky with a soft white glow the gently illuminates off the rocks and gives a warm glow to the kingdom. But as usual, few stay up to see it. Many of the ponies in the kingdom have started their own evening rituals of finishing their business, closing shop and, preparing to hit the hay for another night. Once more Luna blinks, holding back the sadness, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she wonders what the point of it all is.

She shakes her head. “No, I shall not falter, this is my task.” She says, dropping the royal we, since she’s addressing only herself. “I just… need to remind them of why the night should be celebrated…” She muses to herself her mind going through all the possibilities of what she could do to remind the ponies to love the night, and that is when inspiration strikes. “I have it!” She exclaims as her idea takes form. “If I am to show them the wonders of the night, I must lead them out into it, and that’s exactly what I’ll do! And I know just the pony to help me!” She says and flies off to a tower in the corner of the kingdom, after her task of ushering in the night is finished.

The silver slippers of the midnight blue Alicorn gently click against the stone of the tower as Luna lands on the balcony. She slowly enters the tower, looking around as she always does, no matter how many times she’s been here there is still a wonderment to be had taking all of it in. The tower is very hectic in its design being a mix of a library, alchemy lab, and astronomer’s lab, and yet had an order to the chaos that had to be seen to be believed. The walls were lined with bookcases with more forming aisles in the round room making it appear very maze-like. Each shelf was filled with more books and scrolls then even the royal library contained. Many of them forbidden and kept hidden from the public. One of the few empty walls contained a large telescope that looks out into the night, the telescope itself being seen from the outside as well from its size. Closer to the center of the room were dozens of tables each a cluttered mess of beakers, potions, Bunsen burners, and all other sorts of equipment, while others had many tomes and scrolls and astronomical maps that somehow the owner could still find everything he needed without hassle. Finally in the direct center of it all was what Luna always found to be the most impressive: a recreation of the solar system that constantly moved about on its own. In the center of it was huge globe with a sun and moon that orbit around it. Currently the Silver orb representing the moon was glowing softly as it lit up the globe and matching the exact position of the moon outside. So far the only thing missing from the room was its owner. “Starswirl, Are you in here?” Luna asks loudly, “We require your assistance on a matter of importance!”

Even before a vocal answer, the ringle-jingle of tiny bells is heard. “Oh, Oh yes my princess. I am here as I always am!” says the voice of an older male unicorn, despite his seemingly advanced age; his voice still carries strength and authority. He steps out from behind a bookshelf. He is dressed rather eccentrically; a large dark blue wizard’s cap done up to look like the night with stars and moons all over. Jingle bells line all around the rim and one hanging off the point; done up similarly is his long cloak that drags the ground behind him. His yellow coat has greyed softly with age, as a long white beard hangs from his chin; which he somehow manages to never trip on as he walks.

Seeing the old stallion step into the moonlight Luna’s face immediately brightens. “Wonderful! We were wondering if you had a spell in your many tomes that could entrance ponies into following wherever one leads?” Luna asks as she walks over to meet the grand wizard, and while it might not be appropriate she gives him a warm nuzzle. Not only was he one of the few ponies that still respected the night and its princess, he is also the pony that helped raise her and was like a father figure to her.

Starswirl smiles at the nuzzle, gently returning the affection a moment before pulling away. He dips his head in thought for a long moment; he really doesn’t have to think long on the spell, but more on if he should tell her about it. With a soft sigh he nods. “Oh I certainly know of one thing that might do as my princess asks. But I have to wonder why you would want such a spell.” He asks, needing to know if he was doing the right thing.

“We wish to remind people that the night is not to be ignored, that it should be for more than just sleeping. So we want to find those with the most open minds and lead them away from their beds and show them the night. Then they can then spread our message and our people will love us once more!” Luna replies, sounding both eager and a maybe bit desperate.

The elder stallion lets out another soft sigh, detecting that hint of desperateness in his princess. He had been a mentor to her many years ever since she was a little filly, teaching her all sorts of things she could do to liven up the night and to bring happiness to others. But younger ponies always seem to have different ideals then the generations before. He knew how hard it was for Luna and how jealous she started to become of her older sister. Part of him was weary, for there were dark places such a spell could lead as it had before; but on the other hoof it could also be exactly what she needs to rejuvenate the nightlife of Equestria. “Alright, My Princess; Right this way.”

Starswirl walks through the maze-like room, knowing exactly where everything was. He leads the night princess to a shelf near the back were some of the older more advanced, and in some cases, even forbidden, spells were kept. He looks over the shelf, mentally shifting through a large pile of scroll until he spies the one he needs. “This spell is geared toward children, for they would be the most open to being taught your ways of the night. Children have the most open and fertile minds, if anyone can take your ideals and spread them it will be the foals of our land.” He replies and levitates the scroll over to her, still a bit hesitant to give her such a powerful and potentially dangerous spell.

“Yes! Yes, that is exactly what I want!” She says, dropping the royal we in her excitement as she hears about the scroll, her mind already filling with the possibilities of what could be done to teach the youngest about the wonders of the night. She can’t help but hug the old stallion that has suddenly given her so much hope. “Thank you Starswirl! I shall make sure you’re remembered for all time for this once I am done!” She exclaims with a bright smile and rushes out to start studying the scroll.

“That is partly what I am afraid of…” He says once she is out of earshot and does about his studies once more.


Luna is like a blur as she races through the night sky to the castle, not wanting to waste a single moment. Once she is back in her room, Luna sets down the scroll on her desk and lights several candles to provide additional light to read by. She starts to open it, but stops. “No… Not yet…” She muses to herself and quickly exits her room.

Outside of her room she bumps into the familiar face of Black Night, the stallion who personally guards her quarters and also serves as the captain of the lunar guards. His coat is black as pitch, the blue-black armor shining brightly against the darkness of his body. She looks into his eyes; a pale yellow color that always reminds Luna of twin moons. “O-Oh we are sorry, Black Night. We didst not see thou there.

Black Night simply chuckles softly and smiles to Luna. “It is alright, my Princess.” He replies bowing gracefully before her and kissing her silver slipper. “I hope that the night is finding you well.” He asks as he looks up to her in the moment before lifting back up.

Luna gives a nod to him. “Indeed it doest, my captain. Your princess is pleased this night and maybe soon we shall once more have nightly celebrations.” She replies being unable to hide her jubilation and hope for the future as the visions dance about in her head. “But first we must check on our sister. I shall return shortly.” She replies to him and starts down the hall before he can reply.

Luna rushes through the castle; the guards have already changed over from Celestia’s royal guard to Luna’s own. Each one sporting an altered look, having bat wings rather than the usual pegasus wings. Done by choice as a show of pride of how much they care for their princess as well as their loyalty to her. They were also usually the only company she had during the nights in recent times. They bow before their princess as she passes them, and she gives a pleasant nod in return, not having the time to greet each of them this night, if things went right then the nights will soon see more life and they will have more rewarding jobs. Everypony would benefit not just her, so no one could accuse her of selfishness. So why then, was there still a nagging feeling that this was wrong that urged her to make sure her sister was asleep first?

Reaching Celestia’s Room Luna slowly opens the door, not wanting to make any noise. She smiles softly as she peers in and sees her older sister sound asleep. “Part of me thinks this wrong, and I hate not telling you beforehoof on this, Tia, but I know you’re not likely to approve of what I am going to do. You always burn so brightly and everyone loves you, I just want to be loved as well… But you’ll see the brilliance of my plan later! I promise!” She whispers and closes the door and quickly returns to her room now That the nagging voice in the back of her mind seeming quieter having ‘told’ Tia of her plans.

Stopping just outside of the hall to her room to ensure she doesn’t literally run into Black Night again. “Black Night, Please see to it that we are not disturbed tonight.” She says speaking as she looks to him with smile. “Tonight is going to be important for everypony and I need to prepare.”

“Yes, My princess.” He replies to her returning smile, he was always happy to fulfill any request she made of him. He knew his place in the world and that despite his feelings this was the closest he was likely to ever be to her. “Your privacy is assured as long as I am on the job!”

Luna smiles to him. “Thank you, Black Night.” She replies before gently closing her room and locking the door behind her. Knowing Black Night is out there gave her comfort, he is always the most loyal of her guards, his presence each night is… reassuring, and this night it is more than ever. It somehow helps her feel more certain about her decision this night. The faint blue aura of her magic wraps around the scroll and brings it closer to her as she opens it up and begins reading it.

The young princess hmms softly to herself as her eyes scan over the scroll. “A song spell? Well seems simple enough. I don’t see why Starswirl seemed so concerned over it.” She muses to herself, she knew the old stallion wouldn’t be worried over nothing, but a dark voice whispers to her that nothing could possibly go wrong with such a simple spell and that he’d taught her well. She nods to herself and continues to read and re-read for hours until she has it memorized.

Once she has the scroll committed to memory she spends the next hour she practicing her singing voice. Outside her room Black Night smiles softly finding it so good to hear his princess happy again for the first time in what seems like ages, rather than crying herself to sleep. He wasn’t sure he could take Luna being so sad for much longer… But now he felt what he hadn’t felt in a long time: Hope. Hope for the future and that all would be well and that made his duties this night even more important than they would be normally.

As it reaches midnight, Luna starts to feel that she has the music and tone right. She calls out to Black Night. “We are going out again tonight; we shan’t be back until morn. Please keep an eye on things while we are away.”

From the other side of the door the stallion replies promptly “As always my Princess. I am glad that to hear you so happy once more, it reassures us all when you are in good spirits. Have pleasant night.”

“Oh we intend to!” She replies joyously as she steps once more out onto her balcony, the moon high in the sky signifying that the night was already half gone. She looks down to the near empty streets below with a soft frown, but shakes it off. This was no time for regrets and negative thoughts, only positive thoughts from now on. She takes a deep breath before clearing her voice, and begins to sing.

“Come Little Children, I'll Take Thee Away
Into A Land Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden Of Shadows”

Luna’s eyes glow white as her voice and the song fills the night. Several guards around the grounds outside the castle perk their ears as they hear their princess’ song, each of them looking up to Luna’s tower and watching her in both curiosity and amazement; as she begins her grand plan to reclaim the night. Luna looks around surveying the kingdom as it spreads out before her. Her heart swells with joy as She just knew that tonight was going to be the grandest night for her all those that followed!

“Follow Sweet Children, I'll Show Thee The Way
Through All The Pain And The Sorrows
Weep Not Poor Children
For Life Is This Way
Murdering Beauty And Passions”

Luna spreads her wings, feeling the wind rustle through her feathers, everything about this just felt so right, like the all of Equestria was telling her to do this. She leaps off the tower and takes flight as she begins the second verse, her voice clear and as beautiful as the night is long. Luna’s shadow passes through the streets of Canterlot as her music and song spreads out further and further across the land, slowly starting to be noticed by the youngest of ponies. One by one, little foals wake up from their slumber. Their ears catching the sweet and seductive melody as it carries on. Foals from all around the city start to leave their beds, their curiosity getting the better of them as they leave their homes, starting to forget everything but the music as it calls to them.

“Hush Now Dear Children, It Must Be This Way
To Weary Of Life And Deceptions
Rest Now My Children
For Soon We'll Away
into The Calm And The Quiet”

‘It’s working!’ Luna thinks to herself. ‘It’s really working!” Almost unable to contain her happiness as she sees the foals starting to come out into the streets, a single tear of joy flowing down her cheek. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt such jubilation.

As the foals reach the source of the music, several foals gasp in amazement seeing the Night Princess standing in front of the large Fountain in the middle of the Square. It was so rare that they ever seen her as they were usually put to bed before she came out to do her nightly ceremony of bringing out the moon.

A white unicorn filly is the first to arrive; her coat a grayish white, her curly pink mane and tail both having a thin strip of purple through them. “She’s so pretty…” She says softly taking in the majesty of the midnight-colored Alicorn.

More started to arrive, and soon a dozen little foals surrounded Princess Luna. She had decided not to take too many, not this first night. A small group would be less likely to be missed, as well as proving the spell worked. As they all gather around, a second surprise reveals itself. All those that dared ventured out away from their beds and homes tonight as suddenly enveloped by the soft blue aura of Luna’s magic. Gasps of excitement mixed with fear come from the little ones as they realize they are starting to levitate. Luna smiles brightly to them all as she takes flight once more; the foals following behind her as they begin to race into the skies above.

“I-I’m flying!” A brown earth pony colt with a wild and untamed cream colored mane and tail exclaims with wide-eyed glee. “I don’t think anything could top this!”

“This is SO groovy!” A white unicorn colt agrees both his mane and tail looking like they were set on fire. He instinctively moves his leg, like he was running on the ground as he races through the clouds with the others.

The young pegasus foals in the group spread their small wings as they get a feel for what it must be like for their parents. The sounds of joyous giggles and laughter fill the air as they all zoom and swoop around the princess. Each of them experiencing flight for the first time; it being just the first of many wonders they will experience this night.

Luna smile grows as she takes in the sounds of the foals enjoying their midnight flight, when The unicorn filly from earlier flies up to Luna with a smile, unable to hold herself back from getting closer to Luna. “Thank you, princess!” She says gleefully with a bright smile, her wide sky blue eyes sparkling in the star lit night.

Luna gasps softly in surprise seeing the brave little filly come close to thank her. She smiles again, if she ever felt like she needed a sign things would be alright; that was it. She happily nuzzles the filly, and coos gently in song before starting the next verse, her voice exploding with happiness.

“Come Little Children I'll Take Thee Away
Into A Land Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden Of Shadows~”

Luna closes her eyes as she barrel rolls with glee, flying into the light of the full moon as it shines down on all Equestria; All the foals following happily behind her eager to learn where she is leading them and what else awaits them this magical night. ‘This is perfect!’ Luna thinks to herself. ‘Tia will be so proud tomorrow!’


In the darkened library one of the foals, a soft pink with yellow mane swallows and speaks up. “T-This is where she gobbles them up right?” She asks slinking away slowly from the images of the dancing shadows of Luna and the foals.

Shadewing blinks. “Oh dearie me, wherever would you get an idea like that?” She asks as she trots around the table to comfort the young filly, her wing wrapping around the little one.

“Th-that’s the story I always get t-told every Nightmare Night… You said this was the O-origin…” She says, her voice trembling a bit at the thought.

Shadewing shakes her head. “On no no no no. That is an embellishment of the story!” She replies, having never liked some of the rumors that had gotten passed around about Luna after the Nightmare war.

“Em-embellish-what?” The filly asks.

“Miss Shadewing obviously means that Starswirl helped her gobble them, he’s the one that had all those bells!” A small, kinda fat, orange and green pegasus colt speaks up in a nasally matter-of-fact tone.

Shadewing blinks and shakes her head as she giggles loudly. “No! Not at all my little ponies! What I mean is that as some adults told the story, details changed and as they changed those facts got bigger and more outrageous to the point very few even remember the truth anymore. Neither Princess Luna nor Nightmare Moon EVER gobbled up any little ponies. She just wanted ponies to love her and ponies do drastic things when they are desperate for love. Remember that, Emotions are powerful things and can change worlds. Now, can I please continue with the story?”

“Yes Miss Shadewing!” All the foals pipe up.

“Alright then!” She says and returns to the other side of the table and begins to speak once more as she shadows begin to dance and moves about to help tell the rest of the tale. “What Luna didn’t know was that the song had stirred one other person from her slumber… Princess Celestia had woken up and the feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong this night…”


Celestia sits up in her bed having awoken in a cold sweat. She blinks and looks around, her gaze finally settling on the full moon that peers through her large window. “Luna…” She speaks softly. She gets up from her bed, and slips into her golden slippers. Leaving her room she trots through the large, quiet, and mostly empty castle aside from several members of Luna’s royal guard. She makes her way to Luna’s room where Black Night has just returned from a patrol.

“Greetings Princess Celestia, it is an honor seeing you this night. Princess Luna is out at the moment if you were wishing to speak with her.” He states as he bows to kiss her slipper respectfully.

“Thank you Black Night, we were worried for our sister.” She states trying to hide just how nervous her dreams have made her and the feeling to despair that permeates her very soul.

“Forgive me for speaking out of turn Princess Celestia, but I do not feel that you need worry about her tonight.” He says as he looks up to her, returning to his usual stance. Black Night has served the princesses for long enough to know when they are hiding their feelings. “My Princess seems to be in rare moods tonight, happiest I’ve seen her since I joined the royal guard. She’s even singing. It lifts my spirits to know she can still find joy in her responsibilities.”

Despite her worries and despair, Celestia has to smile a bit at hearing that. She always liked Black Night and his devotion for her sister. Luna couldn’t have found a better captain for the Lunar Guard. “Unfortunately, we fear that that might be part of the problem.” She replies, her smile quickly changing to a frown. “We feel that something wrong is happening, and that Princess Luna may be involved somehow.

If anything could break the captain’s happy demeanor, it's that bit of news. He stamps his fore hooves on the ground a bit as he huffs, torn between his duties and his feelings. “A-Are you sure Ce… er… Princess Celestia?” He asks, trying to remain formal in how he addresses her.

Celestia shakes her head, her pastel rainbow mane flapping softly in the gentle breeze of the night. “No… Not completely…” She says with a sigh. “It’s just a feeling that we have, our dreams have troubled us this night and we fear that the darkness in them has something to do with her. I… we just need to be sure that Luna is safe and out of trouble.” She says and starts to turn away.

“W-wait…” Black Night speaks up, almost nervously. “If you feel that my princess is in any kind of trouble, it is my duty to make sure that she is well. So please, let me accompany you this night. It is the only way I will be able to focus on my job.” He’s not sure if he’s doing it for duty or because of how he feels for Luna, but either way he knows he has to be a part of this.

Celestia smiles softly and nods; even she feels that things might go better with Black Night accompanying her. “Yes, as you wish. We would love to have your company this night.”


Meanwhile Luna continues to soar through the air, the foals close behind her. She gazes down to the world below as she spots something and finally dips down fully below the clouds. She lands in a wide open field that has a decently large lake. This place would be perfect; it was a place away from everypony and everything. Plus if she was right soon one of her own favorite sights would be soon appearing; The perfect little wonder for the foals to experience on their first night.

Shortly after Luna has all four hooves on the ground; she guides each of the down to solid ground once more, the soft blue glow of her magic vanishing. More than a few awe softly as their flight ends.

The brown vagabond earth pony speaks up. “Will we get to fly again?” He asks the desire to escape like that again and just enjoy the feeling of being free from the world strong in his voice.

“Of course thou shalt, but later. For now there are others pleasures in the night to be discovered!” Luna says with a smile and trots over to the lake. She places her right forehoof into the water and swirls it a bit; The water rippling softly the gentle waves moving across the pond and rustling several batches of cattails.

The foals all come closer, watching curiously to see what their princess was doing. Their eyes first on the water and then the cattails, for a moment more nothing seems to happen… but then life starts to stir. Multicolored Lights start to glow, faintly at first, but getting brighter as they lift into the air and seem to float about above the cattails. Gasps of awes fill the air as the lights start to swirl about and then scatter; zooming this way and that, rainbow colored trails marking where they’ve been for brief seconds. Of all the foals, the one most captivated by them is a nearly black little pegasus, each leg having white up to the knees, making it look like she was wearing socks. Her blue striped black mane whips about her head as she keeps her eyes on the lights as the sparkle; Seeming to unable to take her eyes of such bright and shiny creatures.

“These, my little ponies, are Starsprites. They are named such because they reminded ponies long ago of the stars in the skies.” Luna states. “But they aren’t really balls of light. They’re nocturnal insects.”

“Insects? Ew.” A sky blue pegasus colt with a white mane replies.

“I think they are the most amazing things I’ve ever seen!” A dark aqua earth pony replies, her teal and green tail flicking behind her as she moves to get closer to one that has landed nearby.

“A wonderful find, little one!” Luna says drawing the others attentions to the landed Starsprite. As they get closer they see that it resembles a cross between a butterfly and a dragonfly, with the latter’s much longer body and wing placement, but the wings themselves are bright colorful affairs that glow faintly in the moonlight. It takes off once more, rather quickly; making it look like it is being engulfed in a ball of light with how quickly the four wings move.

Luna stands back and watches as several of the foals start to chase after the Starsprites, the black pegasus filly seeming particularly eager to try and catch one. After several more minutes have passed, Luna gives a gentle stamping of her hooves to get everyone’s attention. “Come now, there is plenty more to see this night before it’s over.”

“Aw! I wanted to stay to try get one for a pet!” The aqua Earth pony replies

“We can come another night, but I’m afraid tonight we are on a time limit.” Princess Luna replies. “I need to get you all back before day break before your parents find you all missing.” All the foals nod, though a couple seems a bit disappointed at that as Luna starts to lead the way to their next wonder.


Back at the castle, Celestia and Black Night reach the foyer. Neither of them were yet too sure where to start their search for Luna, fortunately fate can be kind some days. As suddenly the large double doors to the place open wide a small group of ponies barge in despite the best efforts of the guards. “Forgive us Princess, we couldn’t keep them out.” One of the night guards says as he sees Princess Celestia.

“You sure as hay can't keep us out!" A male pinto colored earth pony replies, his frustration at dealing with the guards clear in his voice. “Our children are missing! We’re not going to just sit by while you lot just sit on your haunches doing nothing!”

Celestia blinks at the stallion’s statement. “Thou children art missing?” She asks, as a shivers runs through her. Her mind races with questions are her worries about this night begin to mount. Could this be the source of her troubled sleep? Foals snatched away from their homes in the middle of the night? What kind of monster would do such a thing? It couldn’t be Luna… Could it? No… There was no way she’d do something so heinous…

“Yes, that’s what I said. Why do you royal types seem to have such hard trouble hearing?” The stallion huffs in annoyance. “I went in to check on my daughter as I always do before going to bed and she was gone! And before you ask, yes I checked the whole house and she wasn’t there! In a second check of her room I noticed the window was open. That’s when I went and checked with some of the neighbors; several of them were also missing their kids! So what are you going to do about it?”

“You must settle down citizen.” Black Night says as he steps forth, doing what he does best in handling tough situations. “The Princesses will do everything in their power to find your children and return them to you. I understand how you feel, but getting upset at them for not acting sooner is not going to get us anywhere. So please just have faith in them and all will be well.”

Celestia takes a deep breath and steps forward, trying to keep her composure. “Did thoust notice anything weird before finding your children missing?” She asks as she looks out over the distraught parents...

“I did…” A tan colored thin pegasus mare says, “I heard a strange song that seemed to fill the night.”

Black Night blinks and seems to take mild offense at the term ‘strange song’. “That is not a “strange song”, Ma’am. Princess Luna was in such a good mood this evening that she took to singing as she returned to her duties. I highly doubt that her song is responsible for your missing children.”

Celestia remains quiet for a moment as she processes this all. She knows that there is such a song that could do this… But it was guarded by… Oh dear… Surely he wouldn’t have… She clears her throat after a moment. “Go back to thine homes citizens. We shall investigate this, and you have our word that thoust children will be returned. Come Black Night, we must investigate a possible lead.” She says and the guards start to usher the parents out as best as they can as they still have questions.

Celestia turn and starts walking to another exit so not to be harassed by angry parents. Black Night follows behind her, a bit confused at how she could have a lead so soon. “What is it that we are going to check on?”

“Starswirl the Bearded, He might know more about all that is going on tonight.” Celestia replies as she makes her way to a rear balcony. She takes a deep breath and hopes she won’t discover what she fear she will and takes the skies, the and the Guard Captain close behind.


A rare sight is it that anyone sees Princess Celestia outside the castle after the sun goes down, even rarer for her to be seen with one of her sister’s guards then one of her own. But tonight is a night filled with such rarities, such as this pair and a happy Luna. Celestia and Black Night fly out over the land, and come to the tower of Starswirl the Bearded.

“Starswirl, art thou in?” Celestia asks as she lands on his balcony.

“Oh my… First my Princess Luna comes by, and now a visit by my Princess Celestia?” Starswirl asks as he looks up from his studies. “It seems that this old wizard is popular tonight.” He says with a soft chuckle as he bows for the princess. “What is it I may do for you?”

Celestia frowns a bit at the news Luna was indeed here. “We art looking for Princess Luna. We fear that something bad is on the horizon.” She states, as Black Night stands quietly behind her just listening in for now as he’s not quite sure where this is going.

Starswirl closes his eyes. “Yes, I heard the song...” He says with a gentle sigh, he walks around the table to face the Day Princess more directly. “I was hoping that it would bring her some happiness and relieve her of some of her troubles. My princess… She has been struggling so much as of late… I really hate seeing her like that…”

“So thou DO knowst what happened to the Piebald Piper song?” Celestia asks him, her eyes narrowing some as she already feels she knows the answer and is hoping to hear anything else.

“Yes, yes I do. I gave it to her.” Starswirl replies simply with another sigh, but not backing away from the princess. He knows what he’s done, and no matter his fears he stands by his choice.

“You GAVE her that song spell?” Celestia asks barely able to restrain her anger as she stamps her hoof.

Black Night finally speaks up. “If I may, I really must ask. What is the Piebald Piper Song you speak of.

Celestia looks to the guard captain. “The Piebald Piper of Hooflin, it’s a really old story about a rat catcher who stole the children of the town through music after the mayor refused to pay for his services. While he used a pipe, the song spell has the effect of entrancing children who become compelled to follow the singer, so it was naturally named after him.

“The song’s creator was… not a nice stallion. What he did was the stuff of horrors. I found him, and stopped him… Permanently.” She says taking a deep breath. “I had Starswirl place the scroll away in his archives where it should have stayed.” Even after all these years, she still troubled by that Stallion and what had to be done in the end.

“Why not just destroy the scroll?” Black Night asks.

“It’s never that simple…” Starswirl replies. “Magic is never easily destroyed; even when it’s just words on paper it can be destructive if done wrong. So it’s easier and safer to store them away.”

“Yes, I had placed the scroll with a person I thought I trusted so it would never be used again. Instead he helped abduct children from their beds!” Celestia says with a growl in her voice.

Starswirl shakes his head. “What I did was give the closest pony I have in the world to family, hope.” He replies as he gives a glare to Celestia, one of the few ponies around willing to stand up to her when she’s angry.

“I do not think that you know all that my princess goes through. You come off omnipotent ant to most civilians but I know you can be just as blind to something in front of you as any other pony. You don’t see all the troubles and woes that torment her nightly; you’re too busy being the god-queen during the day.” He huffs angrily. He knew Celestia was far from as perfect as she tries to portray herself and he wasn’t going to let her continue on thinking that.

“I, on the other hoof, have practically raised her. I am her closest confidant as well as her mentor. It tortures me to see my princess like this. I had to do something to try to change the outcome I foresee written in the stars; dark times are ahead for us. I did something drastic that I felt might have helped save us from it and now I fear that maybe I have only hastened it…” He says his anger finally dissipating as his head droops. “I am a very old stallion; I might even be getting senile in my advanced years… I know I make mistakes, but this… I stand by my choice and would do it again if I had to. I fear the worst but hope for the best, and I know you would have too if it’d been you.”

Celestia calms down quickly as she hears this; even she could still be humbled. Despite what he said, she did know her sister had been growing ever more troubled in the past few years, and even becoming distant from her. Celestia remains quiet as she can’t help but question herself, is this feeling she had truly of something awful or was she just going to sabotage her sister’s chances at happiness? Was this just going to make her beloved sister pull even further away from her? Maybe a spell conceived in evil can be used for good…

“So what do you mean by dark times, Starswirl?” Black Night asks.

Starswirl sighs softly at the question, and walks over to a table where most his star charts are kept. He points at the most recent one, as the pair come over to get a closer look. “I fear for the safety of all of us. I have checked and rechecked, charted and re-charted, and no matter how many times the stars all tell me the same thing: Nightmare Moon is coming… A phase of the moon, or something worse I do not know… Whatever it is, the stars predict the end of our era of Harmony.”

“The end of our harmony? What doest thou mean?” Celestia asks taken aback some by the idea that something could threaten all that she and Luna had built up since they sealed away Discord.

“I don’t know much more about it, I’m afraid. I continue studying the stars and constellations trying to make sense of this prophecy, but so far deeper answers have alluded me. I just know that it seems to have something to do with my princess, which is of course a given as she is the princess of night and the one that deals with phases of the moon.” He says a bit exasperated feeling as if he’s missing or overlooking something important.

Black Night furrows his brow at this news; Celestia seems to be on to something. Some kind of evil or trouble was on the horizon and it did involve Luna. That was enough for him. “Princess Celestia, it is clear that we shan’t find my Princess here, and we are simply bringing more trouble to an old pony. I do not feel that we will find anything more here.” Black Night speaks up, eager to find Luna and protect her if she needs it.

Celestia nods. “Yes, you are right. We do not have time for all this right now. Princess Luna remains our priority. While we do not fault you for doing what thou felt thou had to, this conversation is not over as it doesn’t abstain you from giving that spell away. I shall determine what to do about later. Come now, Black Night, we shall search elsewhere for Princess Luna.” She says and takes flight; All this talk of the Piebald Piper, Nightmare Moon, and her sister only adding to her troubled thoughts.

Black Night nods politely to the old wizard, he better than anyone truly understanding what he did and why he did it. And no matter what he just can’t get mad over it, because he knows he would do anything to make Luna happy. He quickly turns to leave and follows behind the Day Princess.


“So Starswirl knew what was to come, Auntie Shadewing?” A young pegasus colt asks, one of his wings a darker brown than the other due to the color of his coat.

“Not exactly, Darkwing. Astrology is not a very precise science, it can reveal clues but rarely does it tell everything. All he knew was that a disaster was coming and the Luna would be key. He felt that if Luna was happy that it’d give her the power to stop whatever this ‘Nightmare Moon’ was that kept showing up in his predictions.” Shadewing replies.

“But he was right!” A purple unicorn filly with an indigo mane speaks up.

Shadewing smiles to her. “Indeed he was, but not in the way he thought. Much is the way of predicting the future, it never concrete and rarely happens as you think it will.”

The unicorn filly nods softly taking in such advice.

“This tale of ours is drawing to its conclusion, and if you don’t wish to be kept hanging on how it ends; we really can’t have too many more interruptions or your parents will be here before I finish.” She replies and begins the final leg of her story. “Now let’s see, where was I? Oh yes. Princess Celestia and Dark Night had just left in search of Princess Luna once more, while Luna and the foals continued to explore the night…”


Princess Celestia and Black Night soar above the fields of Equestria and soon spot Luna and the missing foals on the ground below them. “There!” Celestia calls out to Black night pointing down with her forehoof. The Captain of the Lunar Stallions nods as he and the Solar Princess descend down to intercept the Night princess.

“Princess Luna, stop this foolishness at once!” Celestia demands as her golden-clad hooves touch the ground in front of her sister, with Black Night landing just behind the Solar Princess.

“Foolishness? So now showing our subjects the beauty of my work is Foolishness?” Luna says narrowing her eyes looking to Celestia. “Any time their eyes aren’t purely on you is wrong? Is that it? Can I not even have a little attention to myself? And YOU, Black Night; I thought you were loyal to me. You stand by her side in thinking I am wrong? Is everyone against me? Do you see this foals frightened? Or even in danger? No, they are safe and sound and enjoying the night I have created for them.”

“Safe? Are you even listening to yourself dearest sister? You took foals from their beds, from their homes using a forbidden spell. That is the problem.” Celestia argues

“I did what I had to.” Luna retorts as she turns away from her sister.

“M-My princess, I am always loyal to you; but you didn’t see the looks on the parents’ faces. Seeing you happy brings me much joy… but not at the cost of harming families. I… I love you Princess Luna!” Black Night says, it taking all his power to force that out despite his feelings, but after the talk with Starswirl early and seeing Luna now he knows she needs to hear this. “I would give you the world… Give you anything you want… If you just listen to reason and let the foals return to their families. We can come up other ways, better ways to reclaim the night!”

Luna’s dark expression softens as she hears the guard captain’s confession. She closes her eyes as she considers the options. “Alright… I’ll return the foals. You win once more, Sister.” She says with a brief glare of utter contempt at Celestia before turning to Black Night. “I have someone that cares at least.” She says and gives him a warm nuzzle. “After we get back, we will have to have a longer discussion of your feelings… and then… after that we will begin planning.” She says with a smile.

“Planning?” The stallion asks curiously.

“Yes… Planning… For the night, The Longest Night; The night everything will change for the both of us.” She says with a dark grin and a nearly venomous tone. It almost frightens the captain… But he stands his ground, knowing that things will get better and his beloved princess is just bitter at her sister right now. Luna walks away from him and looks to the foals.

“Come along now, it is getting late and we will return you all to your homes. Never forget tonight and share it with your friends. I’ll be planning something bigger and better and hopefully you will all be able to attend it as well!” She says much to the disappointment of the foals but with both Princesses there none dare to argue.

Celestia remains quiet during all this, even though the foals are safe and will be returned she fears she has acted too late as Starswirl’s voice rings in her ears. “Nightmare Moon is coming… the stars predict the end of our era of Harmony” The sense of foreboding looming over her as she and the others take flight and return to Canterlot.


The lights of the candles fade, as the brown pegasus wraps up her story. “The returned to Canterlot, and those foals with families were returned to them; When Luna learned that not all had families those without were taken in by the princesses into the royal school to be raised with Luna keeping a special eye on all of them.”

“What of Black Night?” Darkwing asks curiously.

“He became Luna’s consort and trusted adviser for the next few months, up until The Longest Night and the Nightmare War. But that, is another story for another day. It is already getting late and I can see many of your parents standing at the doors.” Shadewing smiles to them as she dismisses the foals.

“Do you really have to tell them such tales?” Asks a voice from behind her after they have all left.

“It is important for them to know all about you, if we are to soften your image; My Princess.” Shadewing says as she looks over to Princess Luna, the Night Princess having listened to the whole story.

Luna nods softly “I remember some of those events differently.”

Shadewing giggles musically. “Stories always evolve and change over time, as they are told and retold. It is their magic.”

Luna nods again, and then smiles. “Indeed they do, Storyteller. And I do enjoy the way you tell it. I hope I can hear your interpretation of other events in the future.”

“I am always glad to have royalty listen to my humble stories, have a pleasant night and I eagerly await watching you raise the moon.” Shadewing says as she gathers up her items.

Luna watches the storyteller pack up and leave for the night, a mix of sadness and joy crosses her mind for just a moment. ‘Your family turned out well Black Night… I just wish things had turned out differently between us, and then Maybe Nightmare Moon might have never appeared.’ She thinks with a sigh before leaving to deal with her own duties for the night.

Comments ( 8 )

Hmmm... Im interested.
Read later.


The song comes from Hocus Pocus based on an old poem. Video it is based on can be found here:

Oh i know, i have been following the animation for 6 months now. Cant wait till its release

I've a vague idea for one, dunno when or if I'll get around to it.


Oh my God, yes. :yay:

2129344 I am disappointed that this fic has nothing to do with Hypno. :c

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