• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 865 Views, 13 Comments

Three Words On Your Birthday - Anthology - Duplex Fields

"Happy birthday! Three words gets you a quickfic." For those artists and authors I follow, I post this message, and give them a short fanfic for their birthdays. This anthology of birthday shortfics is a birthday present to all my fellow

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Canopy, overindulgence, sherbet

Without a word, Fluttershy dropped through the canopy of Whitetail Woods. Her eyes searched the ground frantically; where was it?

"Wait up!" called Rainbow Dash, panting. She was always surprised whenever Fluttershy got a burst of speed; it only seemed to happen when the shy yellow pegasus was distraught. Then again, it probably had something to do with that freaky Stare of hers. Sometimes Rainbow thought Rarity was the only one of the group without some weirdo power.

With a gasp, Fluttershy dove toward the ground and landed. She huddled down and spread her wings protectively. "Don't panic, little guy," she coo'd, softly. "We'll get you mended and up again in no time."

She turned, and Rainbow could finally see what she held. It was the ugliest rat she'd ever seen. "Gaaah!" she exclaimed, backing away. Then she saw the wings. "Hold on. What kind of critter is that?"

"It's a leaf-nosed bat, Rainbow," said Fluttershy. "He's got a sinus infection, and his echolocation doesn't work right now." She looked down at the bat, which had a face made from an inside-out nose. "That's what you get for overindulging on sherbet-filled flies in the ice cream parlor's dumpster, mister."

Rainbow glanced at the woods around them. The cool spring air rustled through the leaves, and the ground was dappled by the sunlight that made it through the leaves overhead. It was almost like a tunnel made out of trees. It was rare for her to slow down, except when napping, so she'd never taken the time to appreciate the experience before "Wow," she breathed. "Awesome."

Two pegasi walked back to Fluttershy's cottage, one with a sniffling bat tucked under one wing, one gazing up in wonder.

Author's Note:

For Kat on dA: canopy, overindulgence, sherbet