• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 7,111 Views, 110 Comments

Incombatibility - TheBanteringBrony

After a night of passion Spike wakes up one morning to a distraught Rarity.

  • ...


“All day at the Canterlot archives and that was the only spell we could find?”

“Yeah, I’m just as disappointed as you are Rarity. I was hoping that we could have found an alternative spell.“

“But that spell had to be the only one we could find, and I am not having it performed on me!”

“So, magic is out of the question?”

“I’m sorry Spike, but I am NOT laying eggs.” Rarity affirmed.

“Don’t apologize, Rarity. I understand.”

Silence fell between them. They didn’t really have much else to say. They tried the old fashioned way, they tried turning to magic and now they are left with the last option. Adoption.

“At least Celestia let us stay here in this guest suite at her castle. The view from here is really helping me to relax.” She sighed, sitting at the threshold of the balcony and the room. “It’s beautiful.”

“The view isn’t the only thing that’s beautiful.”

“Oh stop!” Rarity gushed. “You can be so corny at times… in an adorable way though.”

Spike came up from behind her and just held her. Rarity leaned back into him, sighing and relaxing her body. It was a long day at the Canterlot archives as they searched though thousands of books with little to show for it.

They both looked on at the mountains cradling a sunset. Vivid orange and purple clouds squeezed the horizon. Celestia’s sun was surrendering to the night. The stars just barely noticeable, but still visible.



She hesitated, fearful of her words.

“How… How do you feel about all this, kid stuff? Adoption seems like the answer now.”

He placed his head on her shoulder, gently cuddling her.

Spike Chuckled. “Honestly, I can’t express how nervous I am.”

Rarity brought her hoof up to caress his cheek, comforting him. Spike continued. “This is going to change our lives, forever.”

Rarity nodded. “I know.”

“While I may be nervous, I’m just so, happy. I really think what we’re doing is the best possible outcome.”

Rarity wistfully looked on as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. They watched as the night crept over the land.

“Although, I don’t really know the first thing about being a fa-“

“Spike, somewhere out there, is a foal, and that foal needs us. A mother and a father that will love and protect that foal.” Rarity turned away from the balcony and faced Spike. She rested her hooves on his shoulders. Spike and Rarity locked eyes, lost in each other. Her smile rivaled anything Pinkie could muster. “And trust me, I know for a fact who that father is.”

Spike dived into her, boldly pressing his muzzle into hers. He embraced her, one arm holding her back while his other hand grasped her thigh. She relished times when Spike was forceful, his audacity quickly elicited a throaty moan out of Rarity. She drove her tongue into Spikes mouth, exploring and poking at his teeth. She quickly met opposition, his snake-like tongue traced over hers, pushing it back. Rarity stared hungrily into Spike with half-lidded eyes. She loved the taste of Spikes breath. It was blazing hot and had a fine smoky taste to it. To Spike, Rarity’s breath had a mild sweetness that he cherished.

Rarity lost track of where she was, being led back into the suite. Before Rarity knew it she landed backwards on the bed, belly up and panting. Spike towered over her, he was out of breath as well.

As Spike looked like he was just about to continue his assault, he kissed her on the nose and cheerfully smiled back at her. Rarity let out a little squeak at the gesture.

“You’re too cute for your own good, you know that?” Rarity lovingly growled at him.

“That was just a thanks for believing in me.”

Rarity pouted. “A kiss on the nose, is that all I get?” How on earth could she sound seductive and sad at the same time?

“Is that not enough for the element of generosity?”

Rarity stared longingly into his eyes, hers half lidded. She bit her lower lip knowing very well how Spike would react.

Oh dear Celestia that face.

The night was theirs and theirs alone.


The Canterlot orphanage wasn’t a very large building, in fact, it was a cottage on the outskirts of the city. While the orphanage was rather small the yards around it were huge, the kids needed some place to play right? The building was made of adobe and red brick, a chimney was to the rear of the cottage.

Knock knock.

Dewberry, the caretaker of the orphanage, wasn’t expecting any visitors that day. She hadn’t gotten any calls. She quickly closed her book, got up from her desk and answered the door.

“Welcome! How may…I...”

Her eyes shot open to the size of dinner plates. She was frozen in place, fear paralyzing her muscles.

Dragon. That’s a dragon. A fire breathing, pony eating, village destroying dragon! Here, in front of the orphanage. My orphanage. Here, right now. On this bright sunny day.


Dewberry screamed and slammed the door.

“Well, that’s a wonderful first impression.” Spike said with sarcasm.

“I know, I mean, do I really look that bad without make up on?” Rarity joked.

They looked at each other and sighed, their last option may not go as smoothly as they hoped.

Knock knock.

“Go away! You can’t eat any of my foals! You hear me!!!” The mare shouted through the door.

“Darling, I promise you we’re here for adoption. Spike here is a gentle drake, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.“

Dewberry instincts told her to lock the door and wait for them to go away. Her instincts told her to never trust a dragon or anyone working with a dragon. Yet, the mare cracked the door open just enough were she could look outside.

“What do you want?”

“We would like to adopt a foal.” Rarity repeated, giving a casual smile. Spike waved his hand nervously.

Dewberry gulped. She opened the door and stepped outside, shutting the door behind her. She sat down, nearly leaning against the door.

“Are you really telling me the truth? Or are you going grocery shopping for him?” Dewberry pointed an accusatory hoof at Spike.

If Rarity or Spike were offended, they hid it very well. Rarity took a breath. “Well, Spike here is a sweety once you get to know him.“ Rarity wrapped her forelegs around Spike, cuddling him. Spike thought she was over doing it a little.

The caretaker didn’t look convinced.

Rarity sighed, “I guess I’ll start from the beginning.” She explained everything. How ponies raised Spike, how they met and became a couple. She explained how either naturally or magically creating a child was impossible for them. Dewberry listened to the entire story.

“And that leaves us here at your orphanage. Do you understand?”

Dewberry was pensive, rubbing her hoof to her chin. She then looked up at Spike. Spike was still a little nervous. Dewberry got up and went right up to Spike. She glared up at him, staring daggers. After a few awkward seconds she reared back. Spike sighed in relief. This mare was serious about protecting her orphans.

“Alright, come on in.”

“Oh, thank you! You don’t understand how much this means to us.” Rarity was elated.

“Just listen to me for a second.” Dewberry began. “These kids mean the world to me and their happiness means so much more. I just want you to know that if you hurt anyone of them in any way. It will be hell to pay. Do I make myself clear?”

Spike gulped. “Crystal.” He muttered.

Dewberry smiled wide. “Great!”

She led the couple into the cottage. Rarity and Spike followed closely. “The kids are playing outside right now, let’s introduce you to all of them.” Dewberry led them to the back yard, the sound of kids playing getting louder. Dewberry opened the door to the backyard.

“Here we are-“

“Let go! It’s my doll!” A filly whined.

“Well I don’t see your name on it!” A colt yelled back.

In the middle of the yard was a filly and a colt tugging at a pony shaped ragdoll. Several other foals watched in a circle watching the fight. Dewberry along with Spike and Rarity were shocked at what was happening.

“Oh my…” Rarity whispered to herself.

“Oh not again!” Dewberry groaned. She angrily rushed over.

Both of the foals didn’t want to give up, pulling harder and harder.


In a second the doll snapped, the colt holding one leg while the filly held the rest. Globs of cotton littered the ground.

The colt spat out the leg. “Oh great you ruined it! You can keep your stupid doll.”

The filly looked crushed, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at her torn doll.

“Inside now!” Dewberry thundered. All the foals jumped at sound of the mare’s voice.



All the kids noisily rushed into the home, all except the filly crying into her doll. Dewberry came to her side, gently rubbing her back. Spike and Rarity walked over too, but kept their distance. The filly let go of her doll and cried into the mare’s leg.

“It’s okay Terrycloth, we’ll get you another doll.” Dewberry held the filly to her with a foreleg.

“B-but that doll was the f-first I made ever!” The filly wailed.

“Poor thing.” Spike mumbled. Rarity looked at the doll on the ground thoughtfully. She rubbed her chin, thinking.

“Idea!” She exclaimed.

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Rarity, you have that look again.”

She used her magic to levitate the torn doll and the other arm to her and started sewing. Dewberry and the distraught filly didn’t notice the doll being worked on.

“Where were you carrying that needle and thread?” Spike asked.

“I’ll explain later.” She almost didn’t hear him, focusing on fixing the doll.

Dewberry and the filly didn’t notice Rarity walking up to them when she was finished.

“Uh, Terrycloth was it?”

Terrycloth turned away from Dewberry to the unfamiliar voice. The filly had calmed down a little, but was still clearly upset.

Rarity presented the pony ragdoll. “See, all better.”

Terrycloth’s face lit up.

“You fixed it!” Dewberry rejoiced.

The filly clamped onto the doll, squeezing it to the point it looked like it was going to pop. With light blue eyes the filly looked up to Rarity.

“My name is Rarity, it’s a pleasure to mee- oh!“

The filly went from clamping onto the doll to grasping Rarity’s foreleg, hugging tightly.

“I think she’s grateful.” Spike remarked.

Terrycloth perked up, noticing Spike. She stared.

“I’ve never seen a real live dragon before…” The filly stammered.

“Don’t worry darling, he’s with me. He’s my cuddly bunch of scales.” Rarity chimed. Spike just scratched the back of his head.

Spike squatted down, lowering himself to the filly’s level. “My name is Spike, unlike most dragons, I’m very nice.”

Terrycloth held still for a few seconds. Tension hanging in the air as the filly focused on the giant reptile.

“Coooooooool!” Terrycloth marveled. She hoped over to Spike, her initial reaction much better than Dewberrys. “Can you use your wings?” The little orange filly inquired.

Spike flapped them with no result. “Their still a little small, but soon they’ll be big enough.”

“Will you take me flying when they get big enough?!” Terrycloth looked elated at the possibility of soaring through the sky. She then spun and hopped towards her caretaker.

“Miss Dewberry! Miss Dewberry! Can I go with Rarity and Spuke?”

“Um, it’s Spike.”


Dewberry took a long look at the filly then turned to the couple before her, she looked long and hard. Dewberry then nodded in acceptance.

“You mean…?” Rarity cheered.

Dewberry nodded.

“Let’s go sign some papers.”

The end?

Author's Note:

I feel like this is my weakest chapter. I feel like I forced and rushed a lot of things, but I'm glad I got to finish a story.

Comments ( 42 )

Funny story.

"What are you doing on your laptop, the super bowl is on?!"

"I got fanfiction to write, I don't have any time for the super bowl!"

"You don't even have time for quacamole and chips."


The idea was pretty nice, but you could have easily doubled the length of every chapter. Looking forward to seeing more from you. ^^

If this is the end of what you have planned for this part of the story, that's fine by me.
However, I would like to request, in that case, a sequel exploring Spike and Rarity raising little Terrycloth (along with a description of what she looks like) and also how all their friends/family react to the little filly.


Yeah I'm having a real problem with fleshing out details.

But hey. "Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something." -Jake the dog.

Yay they found somepony to adopt!


I will make a sequel to this BUT my next school semester starts up on Tuesday and I have another fic I need to finish.

Sooooo stay tuned.

Either this tale has a sequel in the future or it needs to have a new chapter...:raritywink:

I can't wait to see how Twilight and the others react to Terrycloth ?:twilightsmile:

I also wonder how Sweetie Belle takes the news ?:unsuresweetie:

Do keep up the good work on such a unique idea.

Good chapter

Did you get the name TerryCloth from Toriko?


Huh interesting, well anyway liked this, nice ending after a bittersweet start to the fanfic with the bad news. Will look forward to a sequel in the future.

"can I go with Rarity and Spick?"

uhhhhh.....was that the best rework of "spike" you could come up with? It might be seen as a little uh, politically incorrect. :twilightoops:

Other than that, loving the story! *favorites*

"can I go with Rarity and Spick?"

uhhhhh.....was that the best rework of "spike" you could come up with? It might be seen as a little uh, politically incorrect. :twilightoops:

Other than that, loving the story! *favorites*

Sequel :fluttershysad:? Sequel :yay:!

OH SH*T. I had no idea Spick meant that!!! (looked up on urban dictionary)

Um um um, give me a minute to think of something else.

Okay I edited it too Spuke.

But I had no idea Spick was even a word. I just made it up for the sake of Terrycloth getting his name wrong.

Still Spuke means something else but at least it's not racist. >.>

The Super Bowl? You mean The Superb Owl right?

“Just listen to me for a second.” Dewberry began. “These kids mean the world to me and their happiness means so much more. I just want you to know that if you hurt anyone of them in any way. It will be hell to pay. Do I make myself clear?”

as it SHOULD be!
can totally understand Rarity's problem with the only spell they could find:rainbowlaugh:
loved this chapter, nice end to it all

I have to say, I feel Rarity would actually lay eggs given the interest in having a child. Don't get me wrong, adoption is a great thing. But having a kid of her own blood with Spike, well that's something special in itself. Rarity is the, "at any cost," pony when it comes to strong feelings.

I was really torn on them just not finding anything or finding the egg spell. Decided on the egg bit for humor but you are right.

Hmmm, I might change it.

I think to have juicy for more two chapters: 4 - Terrycloth, 5 - old-sister ; hein?

I, uh...What?
If you're thinking of ideas for the next chapters that's really nice but I don't have anytime to get more chapters down. I feel like I ended it decently. Will there be more chapters? Maybe.

While my text is probably just blending in with the rest of the herd here at this point, I would love to see more from this. It's truly entertaining and has a lot of room to grow even greater.

Story is clearly unfinished. A lot of tings to cover, like family life of Rarity, Spike and filly. Quite an interesting topic.
And after some time, they might SUDDENLY have a baby, and filly and little cute dragonborn (no knee-jokes or draconic shouts) have problems. Jelaousy, bullying, violence... A lot of stuff to write about


Good news and bad news.

Bad news.

Writing fan-fiction is off the radar for me right now. I'm focused on my college classes right now.

Good news.

I'm taking a narrative storytelling writing class so I'm getting some really good information about writing.

I honestly feel the same way.:twilightsheepish: I forced this story out way to quickly because I knew once my next semester for school started I wouldn't have time for writing fan-fiction.

I'll make sure the next fic I write will be much better or I won't publish it until it is.

Hell I almost totally forgot that this was in the read later group, glad I got around to reading the rest. I gotta disagree man, this chapter was pretty good, one of those things you read and go "Dawww".
But yeah nice job bro :D

This is a good story, I like it, but I have to ask... did you purposefully misspell the title?:rainbowhuh:


I'm going to fix that.

Application of said new skills on ponies?:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

Liked the story but it asks for more after the abrupt adoption.

This story is not about combat

I like the story, and I like its premise...but this felt too rushed. I think an adoption process should be longer and both rarity and Spike wouldn't jump on the first foal that came there way, so they should have interacted with the other little ponies, give us a bit of backstory on them and develop them into a child they'd be attached to beyond a doll getting repaired.

I love it make an another chapter plz

After adopting a bunch of fillies and colts "Spikey I'm pregnant !":raritystarry:

"It's been known to happen":trollestia:

"Twilight, can you foal sit? It's our fifth anniversary ":moustache:
"sure Spike":twilightsheepish:



5391691 Bwhaha that would be a funny sequel

I loved this story! Pleas keep up the amazing work!:raritywink::moustache:

5651849 Wow, necro comment, but yes, yes it does.

A bit rushed but still a good story!

Yay! Cute!
:yay: :heart:

adoption? really?
when fuckmothering DISCORD'S involved with it?!?
you DO know reality is his plaything, right? if he wants to, he can MAKE it possible for them to conceive a child

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