• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 3,870 Views, 70 Comments

Wo der Mensch geht, folgt Krieg - BOBthieBomber

Germany is at the brink of losing the war but the solution might be found in another world. And where man goes, war follows.

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November 15, 1943
Twenty miles west of Stuttgard, Germany.
0235 hr

The bunker looked almost deserted. Only a few Wehrmacht soldiers guarded the place. To a civilian eye it would just look like the other hundreds of bunkers that is scattered across the German countryside. The bunker looked like simple mortar bunker, an early model with a couple of machine gun nest on each side. Since the beginning of the war the once beautiful German countryside that was once filled with beautiful forests and calm farms were now instead filled with military bases and airfields. Bunkers were scattered across the French – German border, waiting for the inevitable attack from the allies. On the eastern front, the Russians had broken through as well and were now racing towards Berlin, the capital of the Third Reich. In Africa, the Africa core was on the Retreat as well. Even if it was still a long way from it, the generals in Berlin knew that the war was lost. Even with superior technology and well trained troops, the Third Reich was no match against the United States industries and the Soviet Union’s manpower. Now back to the bunker. It might look like any other bunker in the country side. But on this morning, this bunker is going to be the start of a new era.
Between the trees of the forest around the bunker lights could be seen moving it. Soon when the trees ended you could see were the lights ignited from. Three cars drove up towards the guard post that was close to the bunker. The car in the front was Horch-1A Volkswagen armed with a MG-42 on the back of it and was occupied by three Wehrmacht soldiers. The car in the middle of the small convoy was a black Mercedes-Benz 770 limo; Nazi flags adored its front. You could see in the front window that a SS soldier was driving it but the back seat was blacked out. In the back of the convoy, an Opel blitz truck filled with Wehrmacht soldiers drove, just right behind the limo. The convoy stopped at the guard post that was close to the bunker, the Wehrmacht soldiers there immediately tensed up and aimed their guns at the convoy. The driver in the first vehicle reached out a paper from his seat towards the nearest guard. The guard walked up to the driver and looked at the paper. After a few seconds he yelled out something on German and the bar in front of the vehicles was raised and the convoy continued towards the bunker. As soon as they were in front of the bunker they stopped. The soldiers jumped out from the truck and surrounded the area. The driver of the limo jumped out as well and ran towards the back door of the limo. The driver opened the door and out stepped a man with a different from the others. Instead of a helmet he wore an officer hat. His chest was covered in medals and ribbons. He was around his forties and was tall build. He had brown hair and was newly shaved. He looked around the area before he started to walk towards the bunker. He stepped through the metal doors of the bunker and walked through the corridors of the bunker complex. He walked until he and his guards came to a certain area of the bunker. Inside the room was an elevator with a solider with an unknown mark on his shoulders waiting. The man frowned but he and his guards stepped into the elevator and the solider started it up. The elevator started to go down and soon after a half minute it stopped. The soldier walked first out of the elevator and the man and his guards stepped out of the elevator and started to follow the soldier into the corridors of this now unknown place. The man kept walking through the labyrinth that was the corridors until he came in front of a simple wooden door. The man nodded to his guards and the nodded back. They took up position on each side of the door and stood in attention. The man walked up to the door and knocked.

“Enter.” He could hear someone say on the other side of the door. He entered and inside sat a similar clothed man, minus the medals and ribbons, behind his desk. He looked up from the paper he was writing on and towards the man standing at the door and smiled.

“Ah, General Hans Hoffmann. How nice of you to come here to meine simple complex. Was the trip from Berlin a pleasant one.” The man said to the man that was now identified as a general.
“Please, sit down.” The man that was Hans Hoffman frowned but complied. While down on the chair, Hans looked at the man and said.

“Let me skip your so called formalities, professor and tell me. Why am ICH here?” Hans said with his dark sounding voice. The professor frowned and shook his head.

“Ah general, why do you have to be so mean to me. We are all friends here. And you didn’t either bother saying my name.” The professor said with a smile. Hans just gave him a look that just screamed “are you kidding me”. The professor rose from his chair behind his desk and walked up to a map of Europe hanging on his wall.
“General, as you might know, we are losing this war, right?” The professor said without turning his head towards the general.
“We cannot match the allies industries and manpower, right?” The professor said again.

“I know all of this already. What’s your point?” The general said with anger in his voice.
“I know all of this. That’s why I am needed in Berlin and not this verdammt field trip that you made me take through all of Germany.” The general rose from his chair as well and his stare could have stopped a train if he had to.
“Know I’m going to ask once again. WHY AM ICH HERE?” The professor just chuckled and said.

“Ah, Hans, your humor has always amused me. Now why don’t you sit down again and let me explain to you why you are here.” The professor said, his smile never leaving his face. Hans growled but complied once again.
“That’s better don’t you agree?” Hans kept his silence.
“Now, as I said before. We are losing. Our resources are depleted. Our factories destroyed and our bases are under constant attack from the enemy. The Russians has broken through our lines in the east. Our forces in Africa are defeated and the allies are sure to soon attack France.” The general just growled.
“But what would you say if I said that I have a solution to all of those problems.” Now Hans face went from mad to surprise.

“Was?” Was all he said.

“I have a solution to all of those problems her general.” The professor said while walking back towards his desk.
“Yes, I have the solution to all of those problems Hans. All I need to be able to fix them is your support.” The professor said, still with his smug smile on his face. Hans just looked at him before saying.

“That depends of what the solution is and what kind of support you need.” Hans said. The professor smiled and said.

“Her general, do you know what a portals is?” He asked. Hans thought for a moment before replying.

“Isn’t portals those that are in those American comic books and such, made up things?” He said. The professor chuckled and said.

“Mark my words her general. They are weary real.” Hans just looked at him and he continued.
“What do you think that we have been doing here since our funding 1937?” Hans shrugged.

“Creating new weapons for the Reich, like the ME 262 and the königstiger.”

“Almost, that is just a side project for us.” The professor said. “No, what we are really doing here is so top secret that only me, the führer and those that work here knows about it. You see, seven years ago. German archaeologist found a weird relic with strange marks on it in the middle of the Sahara desert. The relic was brought here to Germany for further study when the strangest thing happened. When the relic came in contact with electricity it ignited and launched out a strange beam that connected with the wall. The beam then opened up a hole until it was the size of a man. Of course I was there and witnessed it all. I walked up to it and touched it and instead of getting my hand fried of or anything like that, it just passed through. Soon I walked completely in into the hole an when I exited it I was in some sort of forest of some sort. I made a quick look around before entering the portal again and once again I was back in the lab. We quickly reported our finding to Berlin where the Führer himself wanted to inspect what we had found. When he arrived he was himself surprised to see our discovery. I was appointed the leader of the research team here and this base was build. Soon the portal was expanded with the help of a little technology and soon a base was built in this new place that we had found. And guess what, this new place is completely untapped of its resources. Oil and iron everywhere and just for the taking. Dock this new world is inhabited by the strangest beings and for further expansion into this new world I need help from the military. And there is where you come in her general.” The professor finished while pointing at Hans. Hans just looked at him.

“So let me get this straight. You’re saying that you have found a way into a new world?” Hans said.

“Ja.” The professor simply said.

“That is completely untapped of resources.”


“And now you want to send in the military to be able to take them.” The professor smiled.

“Ja” Hans just looked at him with untrusting eyes before bursting out into laughter.

“HA HA that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.” The professor frowned and said.

“You think this is a joke?” He said serious. Hans stopped laughing and just looked at him.

“Mr Feuerberg. You got to admit that just sounds ridiculous. Now I’ll be on my way back to Berlin to do some real work. If it wasn’t for your weapons that you are inventing then I would report that you were completely insane. The professor frowned and said.

“Fine, then I show you.” He said. Hans looked at him.


“That’s right. Come I’ll show you.” Feuerberg said while walking past Hans. He opened the door and saw Hans guards still standing there. He looked back at Hans and said.
“Are you coming?” Hans just looked at him before he himself rose from the chair and walked after Feuerberg. They soon arrived to two giant doors guarded of course by soldiers with that strange insignia.
“Now tell me her General, does this look ridiculous and made up to you” Feuerberg said while the soldier opened the giant doors. When they entered the were up on a ledge and had a clear view of the area they were currently in. Hans jaw literally dropped. Behind those giant doors was a huge hall filled with soldiers, Trucks and boxes. But that wasn’t what catched Hans attention. No, it was the giant blue orb that was in the far end of the hall. It was big enough for a destroyer or a cruiser to drive right through it. He looked to the left of him and saw a huge exit up to the surface were tanks after tanks would be able to drive through down towards the portal. He then looked to the right and saw a railroad with a train on it and what it was carrying. When he looked closer of what it was his blood ran cold. It seemed to be a giant lizard strapped on the train car and it looked barely alive. Its wings were filled with bullet holes and the body seemed that it had been hit by shells from cannons and other explosives. He could see a scientist arguing with a solider next to the giant wounded lizard. The scientist yelled about how the solider could hurt such a amazing specimen so much. He looked at Feuerberg and saw that he was smiling his smug smile again.

“So her general, what do you think of our little facility.” Hans didn’t hear what he was saying because he was still focused on the giant lizard.

“WAS IST DAS?” He yelled out while pointing at the lizard. The professor chuckled and said.

“That would just be simply be a dragon.” Feuerberg simply said while looking at Hans. The said general just stared at him in shock and said.

“A DRAGON! How can a dragon just be simply?” Hans said. Feuerberg chuckled again and looked at the dragon.

“That is not all you know. Come; let me show you a sentient being from that world.” Feuerberg said while walking off towards another room that was on the far edge of the ledge. Hans hesitated to follow but decided to it. His guards followed as well. They walked down some stairs and arrived into a laboratory where more scientists were located. They walked past them and walked up to a sealed of room with guards at the door. The guards moved out of the way and the two of them walked in, Hans guards staying outside just like before. Once inside was another thing that surprised Hans. It was another wall on the inside with a glass window there and behind it was something even weirder. In the middle of the other room was a bed with the strangest thing lying in it. It was medium dark cyan and had light blue hair on what the general assumed to be its head. It looked equine in form but how it was just lying on its back like a person was just scary. It was hooked up to some advanced medical equipment that would usually only be found in rich hospitals and such. The creature eyes were closed and it seemed asleep.

“Was ist das?” Hans said again. Feuerberg smiled and said.

“That would be a unicorn.” Hans looked at him and said.

“A what?”

“A unicorn, you know. Mythical magical creature in the form of a horse and…”

“I know what ein verdammt unicorn is. Are you saying that that thing over there is a unicorn?” Feuerberg nodded. Hans was trying to cope with everything that he had seen in the last ten minutes. He shook his head and looked back at Feuerberg.
“You mention that you had captured a sentient being from that world of yours. Where is it?” Feuerberg chuckled and pointed at the unicorn.

“It’s right there on the bed.” He said while pointing at the unicorn. Hans just stared before saying.

“No. Way.”

“Yes way, this unicorn was just captured a couple of days ago. It took three men to bring it down.” Hans just stared at him.

“How did it take three soldiers to bring that small thing down? It barely looks like it would be able to take down a squirrel, let alone a man.” Hans said while looking at the innocent and kind of, he would never admit it to anyone, cute creature. For the first time, Feuerberg did not chuckle.

“That is the strange part, when we discovered it, it was of course frighten by our appearances and tried to defend itself. Its horn lighted up and it was standing in some sort of defense pose. The man laughed at it and advanced towards it when something weird happened. It horn shot out some strange energy beam that hit one of the man straight in the chest. He was send backwards like ten feet before hitting ground again. The others just stared in shock before raising their rifles and shot it. The commander in charge for the group managed to stop them enough so they wouldn’t kill it but it was already hit in the leg by a bullet. The soldier that was hit in the chest demanded to finish it but was declined. It was brought back here into this base and put into this room. When it woke up just yesterday it tried once again to shot one of the doctors in the room with its weird energy but it malfunctioned. We managed to put it to sleep and it has been asleep ever since.” Feuerberg finished. Hans stared at him before staring through the window into the room were the unicorn was and said.

“I want to speak to it.” Hans said. It was now time for Feuerberg to be surprised.

“Was, but general, that would just be foolish…”

“You said it yourself. It appears to be defenseless and I want to make sure this isn’t a trick. I want to talk to it.” Hans finished. Feuerberg stared at him before sighing.

“Jawohl, mein general.” He said while giving him the Hitler salute which Hans returned with a simple salute. He then walked up to a door in the room. He took out his key form his pocket and opened the door. The general stepped inside and he closed the door. Hans could hear him lock the door behind him and looked at the unicorn. The noise from the door woke it up and its eyes flickered opened. It looked around surprised before spotting Hans. Its eyes went wide after seeing him and just as the professor said, it closed its eyes and tried to charge up its horn but just as he also said, nothing happened. The unicorns eyes snapped opened and it grabbed its horn with its hooves in shock. How it was able to reach up there escaped Hans. It looked at him with pleading eyes while trying to make itself smaller but stopped when the pain from it leg stopped it. Hans felt bad for it and walked up to the bed and grabbed a chair close by and sat down on it. He looked behind him and saw that opposite to the bed was a mirror which he assumed was the glass window. He took of his hat and looked at the unicorn and said.

“How do you feel.” The unicorn just looked at him before saying.

Please, please don’t hurt me.” It said while trying to cover itself with its hooves. Hans eyes went wide. It talked and he had understood what it had said but not in German. No, it was speaking English. Hans coughed a little and said.

And why would I want to hurt you.” He said in perfect English.


Trixies eyes snapped open and she looked at the creature. It was not speaking that weird gibberish language that she has heard them speak earlier. No, it was speaking in perfect equestrian. She looked at it and said.

“W-what?” she said. The creature smiled and said.

“I said why would I want to hurt you.” It repeated itself. Trixie stared at the creature and tried to speak again but felt that her throat was too dried up. She coughed and the creature of course noticed this.

“Water?” It asked.

“Y-yes please.” Trixie answered. The creature smiled and walked up to the door that was in the room. It knocked three times and spoke out on its weird language.

“Hey, können wir einen Schluck Wasser hier.“ The creature said in its strange language. Trixie had never before heard such a strange and weird sounding language. It completely sounded like gibberish and when these creatures spoke it, it sounded that they were angry. Soon another one of the creatures came in with a glass of water and gave it to the first creature. This new creature was less formal clothed then the first one and had a helmet on it. She guessed that it was some kind of guard. The second one left the room and the first one walked up to her.

“Here is your water.” It said kindly. Trixie said her thanks and tried to charge up her horn to grasp the glass but nothing happened. She still couldn’t believe it. Her magic was gone and she knew that the creature next to her bed was responsible for it, but she was too thirsty and tired to be mad. She reached out a hoof to grasp the glass but somehow she couldn’t grasp it either with her hoof. Her eyes went wide again before the creature spoke up.

“Here, let me help you.” It said. It put the glass close to her mouth and she started to drink it. It felt weird being helped like that but Trixie didn’t complain. Soon all the water had been drunk and Trixie relaxed back into the bed.

“So…” The creature began. “What’s your name?” at this Trixie’s ears perked up.

“You don’t know who I am.” She said, the creature shook its head.
“I am the great and powerful Trixie. There is nothing I can’t do.” she said with all the pride she could muster up.
“Or at least I used to be it.” She finished with sadness in her voice.

“Great and powerful? Were you a magician or something?” The creature asked. Trixie looked up at the eyes of the creature and began to tell her story. She told the creature of she was once known all over the land of Equestria as the “Great and powerful Trixie”. She once undefeatable until she came over a little small town called Ponyville there she got defeated and swore revenge on it. She then told that how she returned and tock her revenge until she got fooled by the same ponies that defeated her the first time. She then told how she left the town again and had wandered over Equestria until she came across those strange creatures that captured her. She finished her story and looked at the creature. it had paid attention all the time and listened with full interest. When she finished it said.

“So what you’re saying is that you are from a country called Equestria.” Trixie nodded. “That is entirely populated by ponies like you, plus Pegasus and earth ponies as well.” Trixie nodded again “And you can do real magic.” It finished.

“Yes, what’s so weird about that?” Trixie asked. The creature looked unsure before saying.

“Would you excuse me for a minute?” it said while it rose up from its chair. It started to walk towards the door before Trixie shouted.

“WAIT!” She yelled. It stopped and turned around towards her.
“You never told me your name.” She said. The creature hesitated first but then decided to tell her.

“My name is Hans Hoffmann, But you can call me Hans.” Hans said before exiting the door and leaving Trixie with her thoughts.


once he had exited the room, Hans leaned against the wall and breathed out. He had just had a conversation with a unicorn, a mythical creature from fairy tales. He looked to his right and saw Feuerberg with a smirk on his face.

“Don’t you say a word.” Hans said while pointing at the professor. Feuerberg just chuckled and shook his head. Hans took both of his hand over his face and said.
“I really need to take a psyche test when I’ll get back to Berlin. How much did you hear?” He asked. Feuerberg walked up to him and said.
“Everything.” He said, earning a groan from the general. “Do you need any more evidence her general?” He said with a smirk. Hans glared at him and said.

“Are you sure of your plan?” Hans said, Feuerberg nodded.

“One hundred percent.” He said. Hans looked down to the ground and sighed.

“There isn’t much arguing here. This might be our only chance for victory. I’ll see what I can do. I might be able to transfer a Heer infantry brigade to you. There is a base close by but they only have light armored vehicles and personal carriers and not so heavy artillery.” Hans finished. Feuerberg chuckled and put his hand on Hans shoulder.

“Hans…the creature of this new world has never heard or seen guns and tanks. What you can give me will be just fine.” He finished. Hans looked unsure but decided to go with it.

“I trust you on this, Alfred. You better not fail.” Hans said. Alfred looked at him and said.

“Trust me Hans, this is too big to fail.” He said. “Come on, I still have to show you the base beyond the portal.” They both started to walk towards the door until Hans took one last glance towards the unicorn in the other room before exiting the room. Alfred also took a last look before saying to himself.

“Wo der Mensch geht, folgt Krieg.“ Before closing the door to the room.


It was a clam day in Ponyville. The shops were open as usual. Ponies were talking to each other at the streets. The carousel boutique was burning and…wait what. There were indeed smoke coming out of the boutique. The door slammed open and three small fillies were carried out by magic by an enraged unicorn. Said unicorn was literally boiling with anger but like always, she had managed to swallow most of it. She dropped the three fillies to the ground and stared at them.

“That’s the last time I let any of you control a sew machine. How could you even blow one up?” Rarity said with anger in her voice. The three fillies tried to make themselves as possible.

“We’re sorry Rarity.” Sweetie belle said. “We didn’t know that too much fabric on the same time would result in the sew machine exploding.” She said with her puppy dog eyes out. Her two friends soon joined in and Rarity’s anger just disappeared. Even if she was mad on them they would always have an advantage, their puppy dog eyes. Rarity sighed and said.

“It’s alright, girls.” She said. “Just, don’t do anything like that again. Those machines are expensive you know. Now, go do something else while I…” she looked back at the mess that was her home. “…clean this mess up.”

“We can help you clean up, Rarity.” Sweetie belle said. Rarity’s eyes widen in terror and she looked back at the three fillies.

“No no no no no no. It’s quite alright girls. Now go do something else.” She said while walking back in to the boutique and closed the door behind her. The three fillies looked at it before sighing themselves.

“I told you two that a sewing cutie mark was just a stupid idea to try.” Scootaloo said to her two friends.

“But it sounded so promising.” Sweetie belle argued. The two of the started to argue while Applebloom just sighed. Earlier today, she and her friends had decided to try out their cutie marks in sewing. They hadn’t tried that earlier and thought it would work. Even of Scootalo didn’t completely agree. Now that hope had been turned to dust and they now had to find something else to try out. Applebloom then came to think of something.

“Haw about we go an’ ask Zecora about if she need some help with samething. She always has something new going on.” Applebloom suggested. Her friends looked at her before smiling.

“That is a great idea, Applebloom.” Scootaloo said.

“We should probably tell somepony that we are leaving for Zecora.” Sweetie belle said. “I go tell Rarity.” She started to head towards the door when a loud crash erupted from behind the door and an annoyed groan followed close behind.
“Or we go tell somepony else.” She quickly said before her and her friends dashed off towards a random direction.

“Who shall we tell?” Applebloom asked.

“How about Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo suggested. “She is reliable.” She said with pride. The two others looked unsure at each other but agreed. They sprinted towards the nearest cloud which was the likeliest place to find the lazy Pegasus. They guessed right when they was a familiar rainbow colored tail hanging over the side of the cloud.

“Hey Rainbow.” Scootaloo yelled.

“Huh, wha’” They could hear from the cloud.

“We are going to Zecora, can you tell the others about it.” Scootaloo said.

“Sure, whatever.” They could hear the tired voice say. The three of them smiled and dashed off towards the direction of the Everfree forest.

“Bye Rainbow.” Scootaloo said but didn’t get any respond from the sleeping Pegasus. They ran through Ponyville and soon reached the edge of the Everfree forest. They followed the path towards Zecoras place but fate had other plans.


“We’re lost, aren’t we?” Sweetie belle complained.

“Of course not, this is a short cut.” Scootaloo argued.

“Then why does this shortcut of yours take longer than usual.” Applebloom said.

“Diese Wachdienste sind eine Verschwendung von Zeit. Von dem, was ich gehört habe, wage niemand von diesen merkwürdigen Ponys, diesen Wald zu gelangen.“ The fillies immediately stopped when they suddenly heard a strange voice speaking some strange language.

“Nun, sie sind wichtig. Es ist, um sicherzustellen, dass niemand in der Nähe der Basis kommt. Vertrauen Sie mir, sie werden eines Tages zu zahlen.” Another voice spoke up. This voice was softer then the first one but also spoke that same strange language. The fillies saw that it was coming from the other side of a bush to their right. The fillies looked through the bush were they had heard the voices from. What they saw was more than surprising and shocking on the same time. There stood two creatures, both dressed in grey. Both whore helmets and they both held something that looked like it was made out of wood but also some metal. They seemed to be just as tall as princess Celestia herself.

“Was meinst du damit meinst. Nichts wird passieren heute wie an jedem anderen Tag.“ The creature with the dark voice spoke up. Both of the creatures seemed to be looking out for something. What made matters worse. They were coming right towards them. The immediately tried to hide as best as they could in the bush. The two creatures walked right past them and they let out a sigh that they had been holding. Unfortunately for them, the creatures seemed to hear them.

“Hast du das Gehört?” The first one spoke up.

“Ja.” The other one said. The both started to look around for the fillies. The three of them were now shaking with fear. Their fears became worse when a fly landed on Scootaloos snout. She shook it of but the damage was already done.

“ah aaah ATCHO.” She sneezed. The two creatures immediately stopped looking around and looked straight towards the bush they were hiding in. One of the creatures walked up to it and pushed the leaves away.

“Hey sieh dir das an.“ It said. It looked right at the three shaking fillies.
“Hey Friedrich. Sie hier.” It said to its companion. The other one also walked up to the bush and looked at the fillies.

“Schauen Sie, wie nett sie sind.“ The other one raised it pawn thingy and started to reach down towards the fillies.

“RUUUUUUUN!” Applebloom yelled. The two other complied and soon the three of them were running to the hills.

“Was zum Teufel?” One of the creatures spoke while looking at the running fillies. They looked at each other before the other yelled.

“Nehmen Sie!” The other one yelled. Soon the two creatures started to chase after the fillies. Because of their size they quickly catch up to the running fillies. The one that was running after Applebloom and Sweetie Belle lowered its pawns and grabbed the two of them.

“AHHHHH, it got us.” Sweetie Belle yelled. Scootaloo stopped and looked at her two friends.

“Hey, let them go.” She said while standing up in attack position. She was about to run towards the creature when the other one grabbed her.
“Hey, let me go.” She said while trying to struggle against its grasp. She was lifted off the ground by one of its pawns and it was holding her completely with it.

“Ich sagte Ihnen diese Wachdienste auszahlen würde.“ The one that held on to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle said.

“Shut up, lasst uns gehen Sie einfach zurück zur Basis.“ The one that held on to Scootalo said. The two creatures started to walk towards a random direction and took the fillies with them. They soon reached a place were two cages were located. The first one stuffed Sweetie Belle and Applebloom in one cage. The two of them hugged each other in fear. Scootalo tried to fight against its grasp but it was just too strong until an idea popped up in its mind. She looked down towards the pawn that was holding her and smirked a evil smirk. She bended down and bit the pawn.

“AHHHHHHHH!” The creature screamed in pain. It dropped Scootaloo who landed with a thud on her rump.

“Es hat mich gebissen.” The creature spoke. Scootaloo didn’t hesitate and kicked it right in its leg as hard as she could.
“AHHHH, Es trat mir in den Beinen.“ It yelled again. Scootaloo then proceeded to run away.

“Fick dich, du kleine Schlampe.“ The creature spoke and grabbed something out of its pocket. It seemed to be made out of metal. It then proceeded to shot after her. Saying that she was terrified was an understatement. She ran as fast as she could and managed to dodge the creatures’ shots.

“Fuck, ich verpasst.” It said while throwing its metal weapon on the ground.

“ Hey, schau dir die Sprache. Es gibt anwesenden Kindern.” The other one said. The other one glared at him and said.

“Fick dich.” Before picking up its weapon from the ground. The two creatures then started to go into the forest and disappeared from view. Scootaloo was running for dear life as what she assumed to be the way towards Ponyville.

“Must get help. Must get help.” She kept saying to herself.


Heinrich was in pain. He halted back towards the base with Friedrich following close behind holding the cage with the two ponies inside. Friedrich looked down at the cage in his hand with a frown and said.

“I’m feeling kind of bad for putting them in a cage. They are just children.” He said. Heinrich stared at him and said.

“Just children, that orange one almost broke my leg.” He complained.

“Now you are just over exaggerating.” Friedrich said. Heinrich didn’t respond and kept walking. Both kept walking until they soon started to hear a familiar noise ahead. Soon they came to a clearing and saw the familiar fence around their base. Friedrich looked down at the cage he was bearing and saw the amazed faces of the two fillies. He chuckled and kept following his companion. They entered the base through the front guard post. The base was mostly build up by wooden barracks and some motorpols where they stored their trucks and jeeps. The base was at the foot of a mountain in the forest and a giant bunker had been build into the mountain. The portal back to Germany was inside that bunker. The base was also equipped with a couple of artillery guns and some light armored vehicles like Leichter Panzerspähwagen and the Sd.Kfz. 251. A couple of guard towers were positioned around the base and some pillboxes and machinegun nests as well. The two soldiers walked up to a wooden warehouse that seemed to be recently built. Once inside they saw the familiar sight of cages and boxes. A couple of animals were inside most of the cages. One of them was one that the professor calls a “Manticore” and another one that had gained the name “Wood wolf”. Another cage contained a creature that looked half lizard and half chicken. It was a pretty aggressive creature and what it was capable of was so far unknown. All that is known of it is that when the containment team saw it, it only stared right into the eyes of one of the soldiers. It stared into the soldiers’ eyes until the soldier got tired of it and head butted it. The two of them walked up to an empty spot in the warehouse and put the cage down.

“Glad that we finally caught something.” Heinrich said.

“Yeah yeah. Come now, they serve schnitzel today at the cafeteria.” Friedrich said when the two of them headed off towards said building, leaving the two small fillies clanging into each other for dear life, hoping that this nightmare would just end.

Comments ( 70 )

Its late, I am going to reed it tomorrow BUT I love the title! Good one Sir Indeed good one :moustache:

Please tell me you can speak German and that you're not using that shitty Google Translator (I'm German myself)

Sounds really interesting! Will read later!
And no, I don't think your a Nazi. Not all Germans were Nazis in the 1930-40s. Many German soldiers were horrified when they heard about the holocaust. I wish people would stop thinking of history as 2 dimensional.

2026669Both yes and no. I can speak a little German but for the harder parts I used Google translate. hope you don't mind. and if there is grammatical errors (which I believe there is) I could use some help to fix them.

2026673Glad that someone agrees with me.

2026684 If that's the case, then of course I can help if you'd like:raritywink:

Personally, i'd consider asking for a proofreader who can speak German to help you with the German parts.
(Don't look at me, you'd be better of asking a cow carcass)

EDIT: Note to self, read comments before commenting.


Ah, a good ole WWII fic. This is going into favorites to read later.

If you'd like a history buff (My minor is history), I'd be more than glad to both edit, provide insight, and give information.

EDIT: I'm interested. Your story is a bit more on the wall of text side, but that can be easily fixed. There are quite a few errors, but with one or two proofreaders they can be quickly fixed.

One really big thing though: The description and introduction both say the year is 1943. However, in the story the Allies have already landed on Normandy and are pushing through France. The Normandy landings happened in June 1944, so that's a bit off. Also, the Sigfried line wasn't rebuilt until the Germans were routed from France. Once the few remaining German divisions made it across the Reine, the bunkers were quickly rebuilt and their divisions brought back to fighting strength. This event is also referred to as the 'Miracle of the West'.

This idea...I love it; can't wait for more (I'm a WWII history buff/alternate-history fan too :twilightsmile:).

However, I think you have an extra sentence at the beginning that should be omitted:

Bunkers were scattered across the French – German border, waiting for the inventible attack from the allies. Just a few weeks earlier, the allies had landed on the shores of Normandy and had quickly broken through the strong German defenses there. On the eastern front, the Russians had broken through as well and were now racing towards Berlin, the capital of the third Reich.

The bolded sentence contradicts the previous sentence and 1943 setting, since the Normandy landings took place in 1944.

I could help you with the german parts in the story ;)

Awww I just know germans are gonna get their asses whooped....................but hey then again the endings are never truly clear.

Good story so far.:twilightsmile:
I think it is funny that the only sentences that were fully correct were "Hast du das gehört?" and "F*** dich ,du kleine sch*****!":rainbowlaugh:
Do we germans really cuss that much?:derpyderp1:
Anyway i read that you needed help i can help you if needed.:ajsmug:
Just send me the parts you want to have translated.

Btw:I really loved the sentence:"Wo der Mensch geht ,folgt Krieg." it´s really poethical.:raritystarry:

Camo Flash :scootangel:

So many errors. I don't know German, but there are tons of English grammar and spelling mistakes. :pinkiesick::scootangel:

(Joke) Alt. Title: Frühling Für Hitler! (Oder Wie Ich Lernte, Bombe Und Schreiben Sie Einfach Dunkel Mensch Stories)
In English: Springtime For Hitler! (Or How I Learned Stop Worrying And Just Write Dark Human Stories)

I cant get this out of my inbox for new updates :<
Anyone got ideas? :pinkiesad2:

Ohhhhh Just what I need to fulfill my pony/WW2 Tastes :rainbowlaugh:

Great story, you should continue it! :pinkiehappy:

2026802Nice, and don't worry. That is fixed now.

2026913No no no, just him.

And I worked hard to figure out a good title, thanks for liking it.

In your description...

"I am also a huge fan of World War 2"

You may wish to change how you word that part of your description.

2029366 OH shit you're right.

I feel wrong for humming the german anthem, while reading the story and by anthem, I mean the first verse. :fluttercry:

It is a great story, but you should get someone to proofread the german lines.
Es wird schon genug Deutsche auf Fimfiction geben. In deine Kommentare sind schon drei. :pinkiehappy:

2026913 Depends, some of us cuss constanly (like me) and some don't. But still german is a very aggresive language. :twilightsheepish:

When I first saw this story, this was all I could think of.

Ich geh davon aus dass die Deutschen am Ende verlieren.
Trotzdem interessante Geschichte.

2029741 not quite.
I have a nice story line build up. just wait and see.

solltest du hilfe mit den deutschen text zeilen brauchen ich wäre bereit dir zu helfen

2029272 I don't get it :rainbowderp: "Name five"? I come back to this single chapter over and over, but I still have it in my inbox :raritydespair:.

2030096 I meant the grammar errors.


[The bunker looked like simple mortar bunker in early model with a couple of machinegun nest on each side.
The bunker looked like simple mortar bunker, an early model with a couple of machine gun nest on each side.] grammar and machine gun
[ Bunkers were scattered across the French – German border, waiting for the inventible attack from the allies.
Bunkers were scattered across the French – German border, waiting for the inevitable attack from the allies.] Misspelled word.
[ On the eastern front, the Russians had broken through as well and were now racing towards Berlin, the capital of the third Reich.
On the eastern front, the Russians had broken through as well and were now racing towards Berlin, the capital of the Third Reich.] Third Reich is a pronoun

[In Africa the Africa core was on the Retreat as well.
In Africa, the Africa core was on the Retreat as well.] Grammar and I'm sure you should use a different line instead of 'Africa core', I don't know German for the soldier types or units.

[ Even with superior technology and well trained troops the third Reich was no match against the United States industries and the Soviet Union’s manpower.
Even with superior technology and well trained troops, the Third Reich was no match against the United States industries and the Soviet Union’s manpower.] Third Reich again

[“My name is Hans Hoffmann. But you can call me Hans.” Hans said before exiting the door, leaving Trixie with her thoughts.
“My name is Hans Hoffmann, But you can call me Hans.” Hans said before exiting the door and leaving Trixie with her thoughts.] Small grammar swap.

Almost every sentence in the first paragraph has an error so far. Not that I mean to offend you :twilightsheepish:


[The car in the front was Horch 1A Volkswagen armed with a MG 42 on the back of it and was seated by three Wehrmacht soldiers.
The car in the front was Horch-1A Volkswagen armed with a MG-42 on the back of it and was occupied by three Wehrmacht soldiers.]

[“No, what we are really doing here is so top secrets that only me, the führer and those that work here knows about it.
“No, what we are really doing here is so top secret that only me, the führer and those that work here knows about it.]

Though 'Top secrets' looks like a small slip
[“I told you two that sew cutie marks were just a stupid idea to try.” Scootaloo said to her tow friends.
“I told you two that a sewing cutie mark was just a stupid idea to try.” Scootaloo said to her two friends.]

You are just screwing with him now, aren't you?

Anyway, interesting story. Quite interesting indeed, hmmm hmmm.

Comment posted by BOBthieBomber deleted Jan 27th, 2013

2031084 Man I really need to work on that. I'm sorry that were so many errors. I forgot to proof read it because i wanted to first see if it got popular here. Kind of an idiotic though now when I think of it.

Still, thanks for the help.

2031453 :rainbowlaugh: Only partially.

Shit I love this episode cant sthap reading it from the beginning write the next one comon faster I fucking hate you! :moustache:

Make the germans win plz

I WOULD describe how much I love this but I can't find any word or combination of words that would successfully describe my sheer awe.

This story made me make an account.

do you have any plans on continuing this?

This needs to be edited desperately. Sorry to say, but even though I want to read this, the giant block of text right at the beginning made me close the window. Looking at it ended up hurting my eyes before even getting to the third paragraph.

Another thing, break into more paragraphs. Not every sentence, but maybe three-five sentences as well as making the sentences shorter so you don't have those giant text blocks.

Lots of misspellings, but I don't know your first language (I'm going to assume English but I won't hold it against you since you'll hopefully get better with time, like the rest of us.) And this is more of a pet-peeve for me as it might not bother somebody else, but the whole you combining English and German in the same sentence is... annoying to say the least. It's okay to have one sentence in English and then the next in another language, but to combine the two in one sentence kinda makes it hard to understand what's going on. Not to mention it's sort of unnecessary and somewhat annoying... Ah who am I kidding, I'm guilty of the same damn thing in my own story.

I'm still serious about the paragraphs though, break the larger paragraphs up more, so it doesn't put strain on the reader's eyes.

2184460Sorry, tried to give the Germans the stereotype German accents when they speak English and I know that there is a lot of misspelling in the text and lots of grammar faults. I will fix that when i got the time.

was zum fick ist das Scheiße
please do some editing before you post

When can we expect the next chapter? It's been half a year now :fluttercry:

We really don't need another Nazis take over Equestria fanfic. There's already one too many.

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