• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 9,830 Views, 118 Comments

The Vamp-ponies - devil001

Twilight is a Vamp-pony. But she was raised well and when out "hunting", she likes to have fun

  • ...

Vamp-Ponies Ch.2


"Rarity we're talking centuries of life, you wouldn't be able to stay in ponyville, you'd have to move eventually. Its tricky for my parents and they live in a large city" Twilight pleaded. "You'd have to stop appearing at fashion shows and wouldn't be able to join the high society-"

"I know I will have to make a few changes in my life, I'll have to move around a bit and eventually step down from public fashion appearences" Rarity conceeded "but to see the fashions change through out the years, to travel the world and see new styles of clothing. Honestly darling its too good to pass up"

"And what about Sweetie Bell? You'll watch her grow old and die" Twilight pointed out.

"Surely you can change her as well" Rarity smiled, but faulted at Twilights look.

"No, I won't." Twilight said flatly "A born vamp-pony grows, but a turned filly won't. If I turn Sweetie Bell into a vamp-pony it'll take centuries untill she looks eighteen."

"I can see how that would be a problem" Rarity admitted "but Twilight darling you must turn me into a vamp-pony, everypony and their grandmother knows they have style and grace. Which I have an abundence of" flicking her mane Rarity shot Twilight her best smile.

Twilight sighed. "Rarity, none of those are good enough reasons to turn you into a vamp-pony"

"Well then think about this" Rarity huffed "eventualy you'll have to move away from Ponyville and your friends, wouldn't it be better if some of them came with you"

Twilight sighed, Rarity did bring up a good point, she would have to leave someday and she hated the thought of leaving her friends behind. Now she had friends she knew how painful it would be to say goodbye.

"Well" Twilight said slowly "it would be nice to know I have friends around who aren't alicorns or family"

"Well there you are darling" Rarity smiled "I may not age as slowly as you but we'll still have a long and happy friendship. I'll even fix up your cloak"

"What's wrong with my cloak?" Twilight asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing, nothing. It just needs a few touches here and there, a few stitches to help spruce it up. Maybe a bit of gold thread around the trim"

Sighing Twilight took off her cloak and drapped it on the table, removing it from thoat for the moment. "You do realise that once you're turned there's no way to go back to being a normal pony"

Saying nothing Rarity just nodded and and bounced slightly.

"Ok then, I've never turned a pony before but from what my parents told me it's simple. All we do is-" Twilight began but was cut off by Rarity who placed a hoof over her mouth

"Wait. Are you planning to do it here?" Rarity asked, Twilight who still still had the hoof over her mouth nodded. "Oh no no no no no darling that won't do, we need to do it properly"

Removing the hoof from her mouth Twilight asked " and how, prey tell, is the 'Proper way'?"

Sighing happily and getting a dreamy look in her eyes Rarity described the scene "a dark bedroom with a few candles lit, an open window with a gentle breeze and moonlight flowing in with our beauty sleeping peacefully in her bed wearing an elagent night dress"

Again Rarity sighed as Twilight just stared at her

"You want a scene from an old vamp-pony novel?"

"Oh yes darling, it's so romantic. The mysterious dark figure hovering above the beautiful sleeping damsel." As Rarity explained the scene Twilight heard something. Blocking out Rarity as best she could Twilight focused on her hearing.

Underneath the talking, there was Rarity's heartbeat, a little quicker than usual from getting excited from her own explanation. Spike's slow heart beat from being asleep and Owlawicious’ who simply sat in the corner.
Then there was a fourth, beating a little faster than Rarity's, coming from outside her window

"Sorry Rarity" Twilight interrupted Rarity's continued explanation "but stay right where you are." Turning Twilight blew out the candle.

"Twilight?" Rarity said to the darkness


Outside Rainbow Dash looked in on Rarity and Twilight, or at least she was until Twilight blew out the candle. Now she couldn't see or hear anything they were saying.
Pressing her ear against the window she still couldn't ear anything, accept for the occasional hoot from Owlawicious.

"Hear anything good?" A cold voice said behind her, making Rainbow Dash jump in surprise. Turning around Dash saw Twilight standing there. Looking back and forth between the window and Twilight she spluttered out "how did? When did you? You Really are a vamp-pony"

"Why are you here Dash? And how much did you hear?" Twilight took a step forward and stared unblinking into Rainbow Dash's eyes. There was something different how Twilight presented herself, and there was something in her eyes that compelled Dash to tell her what she wanted to know, like her own version of The Stare.

"I... I came to get the latest Daring Do story" Dash tried to look away from Twilight, to break the eye contact but there was something about them drawing her in

“In the middle of the night?”

“I really wanted to read the next one.” Dash responded, her voice becoming distant and dreamy. Twilight understood, it wouldn’t be the first time Dash had pulled an all nighter with her reading.
"But when I heard Rarity knock I decided to wait till she'd gone and you were in bed, then I'd sneak in and take the book"

“You could have asked and I would have given it to you.” Twilight responded, as though this was a normal conversation and she was not putting her friend into a trance with her vamp-pony gaze.

“But that’s not as fun.” Dash replied in a flat, neutral tone. She was deep in The Gaze now. She would respond to questions just as she normally would, but none of the emotion or passion of the normal Dash. There was no capacity for lying in this state, no made up excuses to try and fool Twilight. It also made her very suggestible to instructions.

"Owlawicious would've seen you" Twilight didn't really like using this ability, but it got quick answers when she needed them

"He let's me take them." Rainbow Dash spoke

‘I’ll have to speak with him about that.’ Twilight thought to herself. “And how much did you hear?”

"I heard everything you and Rarity said to each other."

Breaking the eye contact Twilight paced a bit while Dash blinked rapidly, trying to get her eyes to focus and remember what just happened. Her head felt fuzzy. Something had just happened over the last minute but she wasn’t entirely sure what.

"Are you really a vamp-pony?" Dash asked again as Twilight continued to pace, a look of deep thought on her face.


"That's So Awesome!" Dash smiled widely "Not as awesome as me but pretty close. What kind of things can you do? Can you turn into a bat? Can you fly? Turn to mist? Control ponies minds?"

"Dash" Twilight half shouted to be heard above Rainbow Dash, looking into her eyes again "I want you to go home, and tell no pony what you heard tonight understand?"

"But... What about Daring Do?" Dash half mumbled

"Come back for it in the morning. Now Go"

Twilight watched as Rainbow Dash flew away, sighing deeply as the blue pegasis flew out of sight and a vamp-pony has good eye sight.


Rarity jumped as the candle was relit by Twilight "Oh my. Is everything alright? I heard you talking to somepony."

"It was just Rainbow Dash, she heard everything but I sent her home" turning Twilight glared at Owlawicious "and you. You're in trouble mister"


"You know who" turning back to Rarity Twilight sighed again, it was become her theme for the evening. "Now, where were we?"

"I was explaining the scene of my transformation" Rarity's eyes shined as she thought of it "an open window, flowing curtains and lit candles. Me sleeping in my lovely bed and glorious nightgown-"

"You have to be awake" Twilight interrupted

"Fine. Me sitting at a desk in my glorious night gown-"

"You sure you want to do it like that?" Twilight interrupted again "a scene from a corny vamp-pony story?"

"Well since we can only do it the once I say it should be done memorably" Rarity huffed "and its not corny, its romantic"

"Ok Rarity, it's your choice" Twilight fought to keep a smile back. She wasn't sure why she was smiling. Because she going to turn her first pony? She was going to have a real true friend for a long time to come? Because of Rarity's flare for the dramatic and romantic?
"We'll wait a couple of days, it'll give me a chance to gether some blood for you."

"For after I'm turned?" Rarity asked

"Unless you want to drink before" Twilight smiled fully at Rarity's face "from what my parents told me you'll be hungry afterwards. But since we're going to be waiting I want you to take the time to explain to Sweetie Bell what your doing, we don't want her worrying about your up and coming 'Odd Behaviour'."

"That is a good point" Rarity conceeded as she knew her sister and CMC friends would investigate eventually, who knows what the three fillies would do. Stake her in her sleep? Mix garlic into her food? Get into religion and try to cast her demons out? "About actually turning me into a vamp-pony. How does one actually go about doing that?"

"Apparently its pretty easy, from what my parents have told me. First the pony as to be willing" Twilight pulled out a quil, an inkpot and a scroll, jotting down the details as she told them to Rarity.