• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 1,127 Views, 42 Comments

It's all her fault - ipwnlocks

Trixie is clinically depressed, addicted to narcotics, and is a stripper trying to survive in manehattan.

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chapter 2

Trixie's head throbbed. A pulsating pain in the front of her skull. She resisted opening her eyes at first, already able to tell that the light hurt her.

Trixie groaned, feeling the bed under her body, She began to sit up, struggling against her own body. She finally cracked her eyes open, seeing the light stream in through the window onto the bedsheets.

“Wha-?” Trixie mumbled, her vision still hazy. 'These aren't my sheets.' Trixie's eyes widened at the realization. She felt something move to her right. Trixie snapped her head towards the movement to find a brown earth pony laying in bed next to her, still asleep.

“Oh my god...” she mouthed before swallowing hard. Trixie moved the top blanket off her hind hooves, trying to slide out of bed and disappear before he woke up. She gritted her teeth as the bed creaked under her shifting weight.

“Mmm... Hey, beautiful.” A groggy voice came from from the other side of the bed. Trixie froze, silently cursing her bad luck. She slowly turned her head around, looking at the pony. He was laying on his side facing her, with a smile on his face.

“Last night was amazing...” he continued, rolling onto his back and putting his fore hooves above his head.

“Yeah... I'm gonna take a shower, is that okay?” Trixie asked, wanting to scrub herself of her embarrassment.

“Yeah,” he said with a laugh. “Go ahead. Towels are in the bathroom closet.”

“Thanks...” she said uneasily, getting up from the bed. She walked into the bathroom, closing the door before letting out a heavy sigh and shuddering.

What did I do last night? she asked herself, walking over to the shower, turning on the warm water.

Did I.... go all the way with him? she asked, disgust evident in her voice. She put her hoof in the water, feeling the heat slowly creep into the flowing liquid until it was nice and hot. She stepped in, letting the water flow over her head, mane, and shoulders.

Did we at least use protection? she continued her line of questions. She looked around the shower; he had body wash and shampoo sitting on a shelf. It was for stallions, but it would have to do. Trixie scrubbed her body down, making sure to use extra soap and lather herself extra thoroughly.

She carefully exited the bathroom once she was satisfied with her cleanliness. She felt as though grime still stuck to her, though. As Trixie walked back into the bedroom, she found the stallion gone. That is when she heard the clicking of hooves coming from further inside the house.

Trixie went to investigate the noise to find the stallion had put on an orange vest and was making himself some breakfast in his kitchen. He noticed her as she walked in.

“Want some breakfast?” he asked, looking at her. “I have to go to work here in a bit, but I have time to make you something to eat if you want.”

“N-no... That's okay...” she stammered, embarrassed. “Actually, I have stuff to do too, today... I should really get going...” she Looked around for an exit to the awkward situation.

“Well... Okay, if you say so...” the stallion frowned. “Sure you don't at least want some breakfast?” he asked once again.

“Uhh... no...” she re-stated. Trixie headed for what looked like the front of his house, still searching for a door.

“So, you're leaving now, then?” he called after her.

“Uhh... Y-yeah, I gotta run,” she called back.

“Call me, we can get together again for lunch or something,” he answered as Trixie found the front door. She approached it and cracked it open, stepping halfway outside before turning her head back in an yelling

“Yeah, sure, okay, sounds good...”

Trixie exited the building, taking in her surroundings, trying to figure out how to get home. She was in a completely separate part of town. She knew none of the streets that were marked. Finally she gave up and hailed a cab to take her home.

The cab pulled up to her caravan and she paid the bill before stepping out. She walked up to her caravan, going up to the door. Something looked off. As Trixie went to magically unlock her door, she noticed the door was askew, broken off its hinges. That was when Trixie noticed the black hoofmark beside the lock of the door; someone had broken into her caravan.

Fear and anger grew within Trixie immediately. However, fear gave way to the anger in her gut. Trixie burst into her trailer levitating a heavy stone, ready throw it at somepony's head. She walked around her caravan, shouting for any thief to come out. Once she had done a full walk through, and found nopony, she cast the rock outside the caravan and shut the door as best she could.

She then decided to take count of what had been taken. Most of her things were still there, despite the wrecked condition of her caravan. Some tacky jewelry that Trixie had worn on stage was stolen, along with some food. Nothing that would be too hard to replace.

“The food? Really?” Trixie said aloud, looking into her refrigerator in a rage. “I suppose they took that because there really isn't anything in here worth stealing....” Upon uttering these words, it reminded Trixie WHY she didn't have anything worth stealing: she saved all her extra money.

Trixie's eyes widened, she had forgotten to check her closet to see if her stash of bits were still there. She sprinted to her room, flung open the closet and looked down to see... nothing. The large bag full of bits she had been saving tirelessly for weeks was gone.

Comments ( 11 )

Wow, It's pretty good, I have to admit :twilightblush:
I will wait patiently for the next chapter to come out

im not sure about this story... i mean it has all positive reviews SO FAR. but it doesn't even have 100 views yet.

2053780 I'm sure it will ! Just keep up and continue the good work :twilightsmile:
It is one of the best Trixie fic I have read so far and I gotta tell you I read a lot about trixie

I like it. Needs editing though.

idk if i like it anymore

next tie use a bank

lol, trixie doesnt believe in banks

any more or is this one of the many dead fics

idk... i havent done anything for a while

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