• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,100 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter 44

Waking up, there was only one thing I felt and saw. My vision was a little blurry, so I couldn’t be 100% sure. I saw Darcy and felt her taking off my shoes. She put them right back on a second later, even re-tying the laces.

Next, I felt something around my eyes. Still groggy, I didn't see what it was. Lifting my hand lazily I swatted at it.

“Morgue, stop hitting me.” Darcy ordered.

My brain complied, keeping my arm to my side. The eyes felt really open so I blinked a couple times.

“Man, I’m glad you’re a heavy sleeper when you get shot with gas.” Darcy laughed. “That reminds me, you need another dose.”

When she said that, I felt something hot grab my hair. It stung a couple times but I remained silent. The world slowly became less fuzzy, but then the air smelled funny I felt tired again.

“Okay, now for the finishing touch.” Darcy said, I could hear the grin in her voice.

I felt her reach around my neck, taking my necklace and looking at it. She took one from her other hand and placed it around my neck, before giving me a hug.

“Thanks for coming to Child’s Play big sis.”

The world faded into darkness, and a strange wetness hit my cheek.

When I woke-up, I had a bucking headache, like the kind of hangover that makes you ask what you drank or did the night before. My hair felt a little warm, despite the cold air in the room. My eyes felt a little funny, irritated almost.

Slowly standing up, I realized a few things. First, someone tied my shoes too tight. Second, I was in a dungeon. Third, I heard some scared whimpering.

“Fluttershy?” I asked out. Of course, it was then I remembered Dominic coming and ruining the plan. “Girls? Mares? Is everything alright?” Walking up to the bars, I tried squeezing my face far enough to see who was here.

In the cell next to me, I saw Twilight doing the same.

“Well, look who finally decided to wake up.” Twilight growled.

“Sorry Twi, next time I’ll be sure the gas wears off faster.” I groaned, in a bad mood from waking up. Let the world know, Morgan Spencer isn’t a person until she gets food in the morning.

In the cell across from Twilight I saw Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walk towards the bars. Fluttershy looked terrified. I guess Pinkie and Applejack were in Twilight’s cell.

“Where are Anna, Caroline and Maddie?” I asked.

“Home. Dominic sent them, explaining to the parents he caught them sneaking around. But I don’t think you care about that.” Twilight said, now getting on my nerves. More so than usually.

“Lilac? Spike?”

“Dominic too, he didn’t want us using them to escape.” Twilight said, sounding a little upset but also pissed.

“Wow.” Now, only one person needing checking. “And Darcy?”

Twilight, along with Rainbow and Rarity, groaned. “Are you that self-centered?”

“What? No! I’m asking about Darcy. Is it the fact that she’s my twin make it self centered? Or just asking about a convicted serial killer is? Pinkie, don’t even make the cereal/serial joke.”

Hearing this, I could nearly feel Pinkie slumping.

From her cell, I could see Rainbow Dash glaring. “What about your sister Darcy?”

“I am asking about Darcy.”

“No. I mean why aren’t you asking about her?” Rainbow groaned.

“I am asking. You just won’t give me a straight fucking answer.” My food-less mind spat out.

“Honestly Darcy, I expected better from you, but I guess not everypony thinks the same.” Rarity told me.

Now I was confused. Confused and Hungry Morgan, is an unhappy Morgan.

“Pinkie, did you happen to bring any double chocolate muffins? Maybe a hint of mocha? Also, maybe a small glass of milk?”

“How did you know?!” Pinkie yelled.

“Keep quiet down there!” A male voice yelled from down the hall. I guess this place had guards. Slowly moving closer to Twilight and Pinkie’s cell, I pushed my face towards their’s.

“Can you sneak them over to me?” I whispered.

“How can ya even think a food at a time like this?!” Applejack growled.

“Sorry, but manners don’t exist until I get something to eat.” Noticing the small glass (the size of a Dixie cup) with a muffin that could fit in my whole hand and then some, I started pulling them up.

A hand shot out from the cell and the muffin fell to the floor with a squish.


“Alright, now you’re gonna die.” I had to avenge the fallen muffin.

“Darcy. Do you even have a heart? Or are you just trying to make us angry?”

“Darcy? Is she here?”

“Now your just being stupid!” Twilight yelled.

“Oh my God, Fluttershy can you tell me where my little sister is?”

“Don’t bring her into this!” Twilight yelled.

“Twi, dial it down. Relax, use the trick Cadence taught you.”

“How did you even know that?!”

“AJ, please make your friend shut it so I can hear Fluttershy.” I ordered, deliberately ignoring the question.

“I really wish someone was in your cell Darcy so I could ask them to hit you.” Twilight growled.

“Well, somepony finally grew an angry streak. Tell me, how does it feel to be on the Dark Side? I would give you a muffin as a Welcome Gift, but you murdered it!”

“I’m not stooping to your level Darcy.”

“You seem to, calling me names. I’ll have you know Darcy really hates people calling me by her name, hates it even more when you call her Morgan. Guess it’s a twin thing. I know Sutton and Emma hated it, but Sutton hated everyone except Ethan. Emma hated it cause she couldn’t tell where Sutton ended and Emma began.”

“Just stop!” Twilight ordered.

“I wish you the same.” I said.

“Girls. Please stop fighting!” Fluttershy cried from her cell.

It was silent for a moment. Took a second for me to see Shy’s cheeks shined in the light. She’d been crying.

“Sorry Fluttershy.” Twilight apologized.

“Now I feel guilty hunger pains.” My mind spat out before I could stop it. Like I said, food makes me a person, rational thought and all. “Can you tell me what my crazy sister did this time?”

Fluttershy looked around at the others, almost scared. “She’s...um...She... is...um...”

“She’s being executed Darcy!” Rainbow suddenly yelled.


“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded. “That was rude!”

“She asked, I answered. Fluttershy wasn’t gonna.”


“You happy now Darcy?” Twilight asked, still sounding angry.

Please dear God no...

“Darcy?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Please no, please somebody tell me Darcy isn’t being executed.”

They all groaned.

“Morgan’s being executed! Darcy is gonna stay safe in her little world!” Twilight yelled

It all suddenly clicked. The memories from earlier in the night came back. Darcy. She...that fucking idiot! Doesn’t she realize what she’s done?! Of course not, she doesn’t think! We’re so dead. I was gonna lose her again! My little sister! After just getting her back. Darcy was going to be executed.

Looking down at my shoes, I saw they were her red, purple and black lined. Reaching my neck I found her necklace. The idiot. The stupid, sentimental idiot.

“Does that idiot realize what she’s just done?” I asked out loud.

“Morgan didn’t do anything! She was trying to help us, unlike yourself.” Rainbow Dash said.

Great, now I was starting to feel the heartbreak of Darcy dying again. Crumbling to the floor like a ragdoll, I let the tears come out in choked sobs.

“Darcy?” Pinkie asked uneasily.

“I just got her back. We had forgiven each other, and now Darcy is gonna die all over again.” More choked sobs.

“Darcy, are you okay?”


The six of them were silent, I could only see Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

“The worst part is she knows what happens when she dies, but she’s doing it anyway. I always thought Darcy was a few pints short a quart, put this is new even for her.”

“Wha-what are you talking about?” Rarity asked.

“Darcy. While I was asleep she switched outfits with me and did my hair to look like her’s. I assume she did the same for herself, probably brought the stuff with her just in case.” I was still slumped on the floor, my knees holding my up and hurting from the concrete flooring. “I may have joked about killing the bitch, but I would never actually do it. Darcy knows what happened before she came into my life. She knows the shit I did. They shit I’ll do again when Dominic kills her. Yet, she did it anyway, whether from lack of oxygen in her brain or sisterly love I don’t know. Maybe both, maybe neither.”

“Morgan?” Twilight asked warily, like she knew did something wrong and was expecting yelling. Oh yeah.

“You wanna know what I did Twilight? Why I’m giving my sister such crap about this? How it’s costing more than helping? Why I’m being a bitch? Because I’m hungry. Because before Darcy was around, bad things happened when I jumped.”

“Bad things?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Things that would make what Sombra did seem like Sweetie Belle picking flowers and putting them in her hair.” I shot back quickly. “There was a movie, Thirty Days of Night. Bad things happened there, terrible fucking things.”

“Like?” Rainbow asked.

“Unlike the Twilight Saga, no Twilight it doesn’t have anything to do with you, where vampires sparkle. The ones in Thirty Days were true vampires. Ones you need a nightlight for months after finding out about them. For thirty days, all they did was feed. In one month, the sun didn’t rise for this one town. No sun, then it’s an all you can eat buffet for Vampires. That’s all did they, all they thought about, all they wanted. To drink. To make the people bleed in the streets. To make them cry for help that never came. To beg to die.

“And guess who went there?”

“Are you saying-” Rarity said, looking a little sick.

“That when I was twelve I was a flesh-eating, blood drinking, thin eyed, sharp toothed, pale faced, bastards? Yeah. Did I regret it at the time? Didn’t even know the word. Did I have nightmares after Darcy? But your ass I had nightmares. Darcy was the only thing stopping me. All that killer instinct is gone, going to her the second, no, the millisecond she killed for the first time. She helped me thru all that guilt, the guilt of helping murderers, not just the vampires, kill everything in sight. Helped me past the memories of that rush when I heard their screams.

“So, Twilight, logic question. If all that killer instinct is in Darcy, what would happen if she died?”

“I-I-I-I don’t k-k-know.” Twilight stuttered.

“I’ll tell you what, it’ll go back home.” They all gasped. “Now you see the problem with what the airhead did? I’m tellin’ ya, what she lacks in guilt she makes up for in stupidity.”

The three ponies I could see looked sick. Green in the face was a perfect description, because they literally were green. I could tell Twilight, Pinkie and Applejack fared no better. My revelation was not something pony ears were meant to hear.

Worrying about Lilac was now building. If that instinct came back, what would I do to her? Or would I even get the chance?

Author's Note:

Ohh...revelations! You feel the anticipation? Can you? Can you? Seriously, can you?
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