• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 78 Comments

Scootaloo's Years - Broneyofnoel

A long awaited sequel to Scootaloo's Dreams, this story follows scoots through her years at the FillyDelphian Arts Academy

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Ch. 13 Guy Time

Pixel and I flew off of the stadium and we headed towards the Fillydelphian town square. Pixel had said that it was the centerpoint of everything in the city; Shopping, socializing, even events for schools.

I had never realized how far the academy was from the center of town: We’d been flying for almost ten minutes and it wasn’t even in sight yet.

Something I had noticed is that Fillydelphia had a much larger suburb than I had previously thought, there had to be at least a million ponies living around the city. there were streets that had house after house-most o which had a small yard- and they extended forever it seemed.

As the city center came into view, I realized what Pixel had said was ture.There were hundreds of ponies and what looked to be a few griffons walking the streets, some shopping, and some just having fun.

Pixel and I descended as we drew nearer to the city center. we landed about two blocks from the official start of the square, although ponies were still cramming themselves into shops and clubs where we landed.

“So where exactly are we going?” I asked as the two of us edged closer to the main plaza.

“There’s a really nice snack place I want to show you, it’s at the end of the next street over. The place isn’t usually busy-but they do make a good fritter,” Pixels licked his lips.

“Sounds fun,” I said as the two of us pushed our way through the crowds of ponies.

We mosied our way onto the next street. The street had almost no traffic (compared to the others anyway) so we walked quickly to his snack cafe.

True to his word, there was a small cafe at the end of the street. It had a single glass window and a door on the side. It looked like a diner from fifty years ago, yet had a futuristic feel to it.

Pixel held the door open for me as it sounded with the tingle of a bell. I walked in and the smell of baked goods and fruit made me flutter. Pixel walked up to the counter and tapped a bell with his hoof.

Not half a second later did a colt who looked to be about our age spring out of nowhere to land in front of Pixel and I. I jumped back and nearly fell onto a table that was behind me.

“What’s up Drizzle?” Pixel said to the new colt.

I looked closer at the colt, he had a light blue coat and a black mane. those features were accompanied by green eyes and a Cutie Mark that showed a drizzle of icing on a pastry.

“Oh you know, just working at the shop before school starts,” Drizzle looked over to me, “Who’s this?”

“This is Scootaloo, she’ll be a freshman this year,” Pixel said simply.

Drizzle appeared in front of the counter now, making me fully stumble into the table behind me.After I regained my balance I looked at Drizzle.

“Hi, my name’s Drizzle! I’ll be the pony you come for for snacks, meals, cheats on diets, cakes, sweets, sours! Everything!” he held out a hoof,”Oh! Also, I’m fun to hang out with, I like having tons of fun and I’m available anytime! Well, outside of school at least!”

I shook his hoof slowly, but he had a much better idea of shaking my hoof fast enough that i didn’t know when it was over.

“So, what do you like to do?” Drizzle asked happily.

“Well uh, I like dancing and hanging out with friends,” I said, not sure if that was a good enough answer for his question.

“That’s awesome! i wish I could dance, but ponies tell me that when i try to dance it makes them cry, wanna see?” Drizzle was across the room by now.

“Sure?” I half answered.

What I saw next was the single most horrifying, magical, and amazing thing I’d even seen.It literally brought tears to my eyes. By the time he was done, I was nearly sobbing out emotional confusion.

“I don’t understand, why do ponies do that?” Drizzle asked sadly.

“I don’t understand what you just did, but it was both terrifying and amazing,” i said, not sure of my emotions.

“Ditto,” Pixel wiped his eyes.

“You thought it was amazing?” drizzle literally had hearts in his eyes.

Before I could muster a response, he had both Pixel and I in a death hug. I could tell that I was not the only one who was having trouble breathing by the sounds that Pixel was making. The second Drizzle released us we gasped for air, taking in as much as possible.

“Drizzle, please, no more hugs,” I said in between breaths.

“Aww, maybe some other time then?” Drizzle resolved.

“Sure,” I said, finally catching my breath.

“So what’ll it be Pixel?” Drizzle was back behind the counter by now...somehow.

“Hmm, well I really just came by to introduce you two, I think you’ll get along great. I guess I’ll have two of those daily specials,” Pixel said surely.

“Coming right up, and the one for the pretty filly is on the house,” I blushed at Drizzle’s words.

“So that’s what, two bits?” Pixel questioned.

“Yeppers, it sure is!” Pixel gave the money to Drizzle and Drizzled gave him the food.

The three of us sat at the bar type area where the customers in a hurry would eat. Each of us had our own little special, it was some sort of fudge-chocolate-sundae-cake type item. The only thing I was for sure on is that it tasted amazing.

“Well, we gotta go, see you around Drizzle!” Pixel said as we left the diner.

“See you two around,” he gave me a wink, which again made me blush.

After a minute or two of walking, I started up a conversation.

“So i think Drizzle might like me,”

“What makes you say that?” Pixel laughed a little.

“He gave me a ton of compliments and winked at me as we were leaving,” I said, again unsure of my emotions.

“I seriously doubt that Drizzle likes you as more than a super-duper friend,”Pixel said, completely straight faced.

After i gave Pixel one of those ‘What didja just say’ looks, he continued;

“His definition of more than a best friend but less than a partner,”

“What makes you say that anyway?” I questioned as we neared our original landing zone, we were now completely surrounded by hundreds of ponies again.

“I’ll tell you when we get into the air,” Pixel said a moment or two before he took to the skies, I followed almost immediately after.

After we escaped the chaos of the city, Pixel continued,

“Drizzle Only makes a running joke about flirting with all the new fillies he meets, he is probably the single most flamboyant coltcuddler out there,”

“He’s a coltcuddler?” I questioned, why did it seem that almost everypony around me was not straight.

“Yeah, and I already know that Peachy is a fillyfooler, it seems you attract even the most hidden of ponies around here. What surprises me is that you couldn’t tell by his hyperactive attitude and his interest in hugs,” Pixel laughed.

“So like, the odds of me knowing both of them?” I questioned.

“Amazingly slim, now let’s talk about something else,” Pixel said as a gust of wind hit the both of us.

“What is there to talk about?” I questioned.

“Well you could start by telling me why you’re rooming with a colt,” Pixel said simply as he looked over to me.

I deadpanned, I also dropped in altitude a few feet before recovering. I wasn’t even sure on how to answer this because I didn’t know why I was rooming with a colt either.

“I don’t....how did you?” I questioned him, he already had his answer prepared.

“Red is a friend of mine, I met him at the beginning of the year,”


“Yep, now, let’s get back before the six o'clock bell rings,” Pixel said as we neared the school.

“Why so soon?” we’d only been hanging out for an hour or so, maybe two.

“Gotta get to class by six, i would have stayed longer if I didn’t have class,” Pixel said plainly.

“Speaking of classes, what’s Drizzle studying?” I asked.

“He does the Culinary Arts across campus, it’s more of a smaller field here,” Pixel responded as we started descending towards the school.

“That’s what I figured, when do his classes start?”

“I’ll have to check with him, but I think they start about a week from now,” Pixel said as he landed on the soft grass.

“Well see ya later Pixel,” I didn’t bother landing, I just went into a low glide before climbing back into the sky.