• Published 27th Jan 2013
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Quizzical Greystone And The Basements Of Doom - JMac

A famous naturalist takes Cheerilee's class on a field trip into the Everfree Forest. This promises adventure, excitement, and other things Quiz really hates.

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Chapter 10 "Excitement?" Sigh.

Chapter 10

“Excitement?” Sigh.

“Girls, trust me, this is a lot easier than it looks,” said Shadow. “I do this sort of thing all the time. It’s a good, strong vine and more than long enough to reach the other side. So cheer up. Especially you, Quizzie. This will…”

Quiz held a hoof in front of Shadow’s mouth to silence him. “I see the need, I see that this is inevitable. I will do this, Shadow. I only ask one favor. Please do not tell me that this will be fun.”

“I… but it… you will… um….” Shadow gave up. “Okay, Quizzie.”

“I know the temptation to say it is is strong, but I ask that you please resist,” said Quiz. “I do not want to hear it.”

“Um… right. Anyway, the vine is strong enough for two of us, so I can guide you all through it. I’ll swing across with one of you, then swing back and get the next one, then do it again for the last. Quizzie, do you want to get it out of the way and go first?”


“Um… okay, but waiting and anticipating isn’t going to make you feel better.”

“I know, Shadow,” said Quiz. “Nothing is going to make me feel better.”

Diamond Tiara stepped forward. “Can I go first, Shadow? I think this looks like fun!”

Quiz did not seem to react, though there was a soft sound that might have been her grinding her teeth.

“Okay, Di, come here and get a hold,” said Shadow, offering Diamond the vine. She wrapped both forelegs around it, and Shadow took the vine with one leg and held Diamond with one leg and his good wing. “On three kickoff hard and lean towards the other side. Just like a swing on a playground.”

“Wait,” said Diamond. She turned her head and kissed Shadow. “For luck.”

“Well,” muttered Silver Spoon.

“Oh, okay,” said Shadow, grinning. “I like your enthusiasm. Now, one… two… three!”

Diamond shrieked “Weeeee!” all the way across, which made Silver Spoon jump up and down and clap her hooves. Quiz covered her ears.

The landing on the far side was smoothly anti-climactic, and Diamond actually pouted that it was over.

“Wow! Like, that really does look like fun!” exclaimed Silver Spoon. One look at Quiz made her wish she could take it back. “Oh, gee, I’m sorry, Quiz, I didn’t mean… I mean, yeah, I did… but I didn’t really mean…”

“Never mind, Silver. I will be fine.”

“Quizzical Grey-stone!” A taunting, singsong voice called from the tunnel behind them. “Oh, Quizzical Grey-stone!”

“Oh, darn,” said Quiz. “The rather unpleasant Mr. Reader has caught up with us. I was hoping to have more time.”

Quiz and Silver Spoon looked back up the tunnel.

“I can see their torch light,” gasped Silver Spoon. “They’re almost right on top of us! What are we going to do, Quiz?”

“That was a very mean trick you pulled on us, Quizzical,” called Reader. “My associates would like to have a word with you about that.”

Quiz sighed so hard her whole body shook. She turned and called across the gorge. “Shadow, there is not enough time for you to come back for us. Throw us the vine, please. Silver Spoon and I will have to swing across together.”


“Indy is not looking forward to his next meeting with Princess Luna. Indy has some ‘splain’ to do.”

“You could practice by explaining it to me,” said Spike. Indy was not tall, as diamond dogs went, but he towered over Spike, and he set a good pace as he hurried down the tunnel at a fast walk. Spike had to run to keep up. Luckily, Spike was used to this, as he’d had many conversations with Twilight Sparkle when she was at full gallop. “What the Hay is going on?!”

“That is a very good question,” said Indy. He displayed his empty hands, as if to show that ‘he had nothing.’ “Chief Bowser does not give Indy regular progress reports on the secret plans he conducts behind Indy’s back. Indy knew Bowser was up to something, but Indy never dreamed that Bowser was stupid enough to involve ponies again. Indy should have learned not to underestimate Chief Bowser’s stupidity.”

“Yeah, that was pretty silly of you,” agreed Spike. “But why is Bowser even still around, anyway?”

“Because Princess Luna allowed it,” said Indy. “When Quizzical was freed from our warrens the Princess had Bowser right where she wanted him. She wanted a treaty and a trade agreement with the diamond dogs, and Bowser was in no position to say no to her about anything. And, when beginning diplomatic relations with a people the first step should not be to disintegrate their leader.”

“Okay, I get that, I guess,” said Spike.

“So, Princess Luna did not turn Bowser into a smoking crater and a bit of light, fluffy ash, as she no doubt wanted. Instead, Princess Luna did the cruelest thing she could possibly do to Bowser. She gave the diamond dogs a fair deal that made everyone happy!”

“Huh?” said Spike. He scratched his head. “I take back what I said about getting it.”

“It is politics. Indy apologizes if Spike gets a headache,” said Indy. “Trade with ponies got us goods and services and many things that made diamond dogs very happy. All but Bowser. The better things got the worse he looked for insisting on hating ponies. Status is everything to a diamond dog, especially the Chief. And, as Speaker to Ponies, and the source of these good things, Indy’s status rose as Bowser’s fell. That was Indy’s favorite part!”

“Then why not get rid of Bowser?”

Indy shrugged. “Bowser is still the Chief. He has lost status, but he is still too popular to just remove. Sadly, Bowser is not actually much worse than any other chief diamond dogs can remember. Committing acts of war against Equestria might have changed that a bit, but that is now, this was then. Indy could have challenged Bowser to mortal combat for the chiefdom, but…” Indy waved a paw in front of his slim frame. “Indy did not like his chances.”

“Yeah, about that,” said Spike, looking over his shoulder at the troop of dogs following them. “Can your gang here take Bowser’s gang?”

“Oh, sure,” said Indy. “Bowser’s pack follows him because he bullies them, and because they are stupid. If there is a fight most of them will run away. But Indy has chosen his best friends. Laddy, and Rinty, and Turner, and Asta, and the rest, all good dogs, loyal and true.”

Hearing this, the other diamond dogs sang out on cue, “Here come the dogs! Strong and brave, Woof!!!”

Indy smile with satisfaction. Then his expression turned grim. “We will rescue the little ponies. If we are in time. Indy is heartened that Quizzical got a message to Spike. That means she must be free. She is very clever, and should remain safe and free, so long as she does not do anything stupid.”

Spike made a face. “”Stupid’ as in, oh, I don’t know, maybe following them, trying to help her friends, or wrecking Bowser’s plans? You know, just the sort of thing Quiz would do?”

Both Spike and Indy heaved a heavy sigh.

“What will Bowser do to her, if he catches Quiz?” asked Spike.

“Spike should not ask questions that he will not like hearing answered.”


The two fillies stood together, clinging to the vine. The very tips of their rear hooves were just over the edge of the cliff.

“Are you sure you’re ready, Quiz?” asked Silver Spoon.

“Absolutely not,” said Quiz. “But my being ready does not seem to matter at all.”

“Sorry, it was a stupid question.”

“Quizzical? Don’t be afraid, we just want to talk to you,” called Reader. The diamond dogs were close enough that there torches now lit the tunnel mouth. Reader’s taunting had grown increasingly sarcastic as they had come nearer. “Just wait right there for us, Quizzical. Don’t go anywhere!”

“I think the diamond dogs know the bridge is out,” said Silver. “They think they have us trapped. At least we get to disappoint them.”

“That is a small comfort, yes,” agreed Quiz. “Very small.”

“Do you want to shake hooves for luck?”

“It cannot hurt.” Quiz offered Silver her hoof. They shook. “We should count together to three, then kick off as hard as we can. One. Two.”

“You’re not going anywhere, Quizzical,” called Reader as he emerged from the tunnel. “Not unless you can fly…. Hey! Don’t! Stop that!”

“Three.” The fillies flew across the gorge.

As they flew the vine twisted, and they reached the other side with Silver Spoon leading and Quiz trailing. Their friends reached out to help them land. Shadow caught Silver because she was first. Diamond Tiara caught Silver because she was her best friend, and Quiz most definitely wasn’t.

As soon as she felt her friends holding her and she could feel ground beneath her hooves, Silver Spoon let out a cheer. “We did it! We did it, Quiz!” She let go of the vine.

Silver only then realized that none of them were holding Quiz. She shrieked and lunged for the vine. She grabbed nothing but air, and Shadow had to grab her or Silver would have fallen over the edge.

The vine swung back across the gorge with Quiz still clinging to it.

At the other side Reader made a mad swipe at Quiz, but she did not come within reach. Reader almost fell, and Corso and Scud had to catch him.

The vine soon lost momentum and came to rest. This left Quiz dangling over the middle of the gorge.

Excited splashing and snapping sounds rose from the river below.

“Oh, Quiz, I’m so sorry,” wailed Silver.

“Quizzie, hang on!” called Shadow. “We’ll… think of something…”

“Well, this is quite awkward,” Quiz called back. “I am very embarrassed.”

The laughter of the diamond dogs rang out across the gorge.


“What’s Bowser’s problem with Quiz, anyway?” asked Spike. “She never did anything to him.”

“No, Bowser’s problems are with Princess Luna, that is true,” said Indy. “But Bowser can hardly do anything to punish the all-powerful Princess of the Night. The little filly who the Princess came to rescue is another matter. Bowser is free to vent his anger upon her, if he can just get his paws on Quizzical.”

Spike huffed angrily, and blew two little curls of smoke out of his nose. “That is so unfair! It’s not as if it was Quiz’s idea to be kidnapped.”

Indy nodded. “It is true that Quizzical did not volunteer to be enslaved by Bowser. But when Bowser formed his clever plan to abduct a pony it did not occur to him that he might kidnap the Princesses' student. Perhaps Quizzical should have warned him about that.”

“That wouldn’t happen. Quiz was more surprised than Bowser that Luna went overboard to rescue her. The kid just doesn’t understand how much anypony cares about her.” Spike stumbled on a loose stone, but caught himself and kept up with Indy. “So, you never did tell me what Bowser will do to Quiz.”

“That is correct, Indy didn’t. Indy would like to keep it that way.” He began rubbing the back of his neck. “Doesn’t looking up at Indy bother Spike? It is not a comfortable posture.”

“Nah, I’m used to it,” said Spike. “You may have noticed I’m a little shorter than most everyone else.”

“Well, it is uncomfortable for Indy.” He popped his neck with a loud crack. Indy turned and called to the diamond dogs following them. “‘Toven! Come here.”

“Yes, Indy.” A huge, white and brown dog ambled forward.

“‘Toven, would you please carry Spike on your shoulder?” asked Indy.

“Sure, Indy.” The big diamond dog lifted Spike into place with no effort.

“Hey, what are you doing….” Spike began to protest, but immediately stopped. “Hmm. So, this is what it’s like to be tall. Nice view. I could get to like this.”

“Good,” said Indy. He resumed his quick march down the tunnel. “Now we must hurry, we have very far to go…”

“You are changing the subject, and you haven’t answered my question yet,” said Spike. “What will Bowser do if he catches Quiz?”

“Indy does not want to talk about it.”

“Oh, come on! You can’t just say that and leave me hanging,” said Spike. “Now you gotta tell me!”

Indy sighed. “Very well. Indy suspects Bowser would have his pack play ‘Make A Wish’ with Quizzical.”

“‘Make A Wish’? What’s that?” asked Spike.

“It is a game diamond dogs play. It combines tug-of-war with the breaking of a wishbone after a feast. It is played with four teams, at a four-way tunnel intersection. A strong rope is tied to each of the victim’s limbs, then the teams…”

“Stop!” cried Spike. “Okay, I get the picture. Please don’t say any more!”

“Indy did warn Spike that he didn’t want an answer.”


“We are very sorry, Quizzical,” called Reader. “But the branch your vine hangs from looks much too weak for us to climb out and rescue you. However, if you could just climb up your vine, then down the tree, we would be happy to have you join us!”

“I think I would prefer not to do that,” Quiz called back.

Reader laughed. “You would rather stay where you are?”

“For the moment, yes.”

The other little ponies watched from the other side of the gorge. “What are those other mutts doing?” asked Diamond Tiara.

“I think they’re gathering rocks,” said Silver Spoon. Then her eyes went wide with horror. “Oh my Gosh! They’re going to throw rocks at Quiz until they knock her off!”

“I’ll fly out and get her,” said Shadow. “It’s just a quick hop out…”

“You can’t!” cried Diamond. “Not with your hurt wing!”

“You’ll make it out to her,” said Silver. “But if you try to fly back with Quiz you’ll both end up in the river!”

“You don’t have to be afraid of us,” called Reader. “We aren’t necessarily going to turn you over to Chief Bowser, Quizzical. We have another option. You might find it interesting.”

“No doubt you will tell me all about that,” Quiz replied.

“Of course!” Reader laughed again. He had a very obnoxious laugh. “Don’t you want to hear my proposal, Quizzical?”

“I am your captive audience, Mr. Reader.”

“The diamond dogs have found things in the tunnels beneath the Everfree Forest,” said Reader. “Writings, inscriptions, things we do not understand. A clever pony such as yourself might interpret them for us. If you come with us, perhaps we find find… interesting things. Things we need not share with Chief Bowser.”

Quiz considered this silently. Finally, she asked, “If I surrender to you, will you let my friends go free?”

“Oh, yes,” said Reader. “They have reached the far cliff, and they are more trouble than they are worth. We only need you, Quizzical.”

“No!” cried Silver Spoon. “Quiz, don’t listen to him, you can’t trust him!”

“We stick together, Quizzie!” shouted Shadow. “We don’t split up. You just hang on and we’ll think of something.”

“What if I refuse your offer, Mr. Reader?” asked Quiz.

“Then we will throw rocks at you until we knock you off.”

“What?!” shrieked Diamond Tiara. “Don’t you dare! You leave her alone! If anypony’s going to knock Quiz into the river it’s going to be me! So, you back off!”

Diamond began hysterically chucking stones at the diamond dogs. Unfortunately, her throws were weak, and her aim left much to be desired. Few of her shots made it more than halfway across the gorge. She came much closer to hitting Quiz than the diamond dogs.

The diamond dogs thought this was hilarious. They were soon helpless with laughter. Reader managed to stop long enough to shout a question. “Does the little pink one own you, Quizzical?”

“It often seems that way,” said Quiz.

“That’s right, she’s my chew toy, and I don’t share!” screamed Diamond. “So you mongrels better just leave her alone!”

“Yipe! Diamond, please be more careful with your aim,” said Quiz.

Reader fell to the ground laughing again.

“Well, as long Di’s carrying on the dogs will keep watching the show instead of hurting Quiz,” said Shadow. “We need to find a vine we can use to reel Quiz in.”

“We don’t have much time,” said Silver. “Quiz is starting to glow. The magic in the air is going to make her sick again! And how do we keep the diamond dogs from stopping us once they see we’re trying something?”

“Di’s got the right idea,” said Shadow. “But we need better ammunition.”

Quicker than the eye could follow, Shadow scooped something off a branch and threw it. Unlike Diamond Tiara, Shadow’s throw was strong, and his aim was perfect.

“A frog?” declared Reader. “You threw a frog at me? Who does that… oww! It’s on my throat! Get it off me! Get it off me!!!”

Shadow went into lecture mode. “Girls, there’s another difference between giant flying tree toads and giant flying vampire frogs that my father didn’t mention this afternoon. Giant tree toads are solitary. Vampire frogs gather in large flocks.”

At that, a cloud of flapping frogs rose from the tree. Responding to their friend’s feeding calls, the flock crossed the gorge and descended upon the diamond dogs. The dogs disappeared behind a screen of glistening, rubbery wings. The laughter turned to screams.

“We have to work fast,” said Shadow. “They should be able to fight the frogs off with their torches. Vampire frogs are wimps at heart.”

He looked across the gorge. The frog’s wings seemed to sparkle in the torchlight.

“I think this vine will work,” said Silver. The three ponies tore the vine loose from the tree it clung to, and Shadow tied a loop at one end.

“Quizzie, I’m going to throw you a line,” Shadow called. “You have to catch it.”

Shadow threw Quiz the vine. Instead of releasing the death grip she had on her vine, Quiz used her magic to catch the loop. There was a bright green flash the second she cast the spell.

“Aieee!” Quiz slipped to the very tip of the vine before she got a grip again. She hung from her front hooves, with the loop over one rear hoof. Quiz carefully worked the loop up over her haunches.

Below her, the crocodiles began to groan with excitement.

“We have to hurry!” cried Silver. “Quiz is, like, super stoic. If she’s crying out then she must be really hurting!”

“Okay, Girls, reel her in,” said Shadow. “Easy. Don’t jerk her or she’ll slip.”

They worked steadily, and quickly. Hauling Quiz in required almost no effort. She was almost to the edge when Quiz went limp and fell.

The groaning of the crocodiles went up in volume.

The loop caught Quiz under her shoulders, and the ponies soon pulled her the rest of the way up the cliff.

One of the crocodiles roared in protest.

Quiz lay still. Shadow shouted at her, “Quizzie! Can you hear me?”

Quiz did not open her eyes. She managed to moan, “I do not feel so good.”

“Aww, does that pretty brain of your’s hurt?” soothed Shadow. Despite his big grin, Shadow’s relief at hearing her speak was evident.

“Yes, very much so.”

Shadow scooped Quiz up with his good wing, and gently settled her onto his back. “We’ll get you back underground now. You should be feeling better in no time.”

“Thank you, Shadow,” Quiz mumbled. “Um… could we please just walk the rest of the way?”


“Shoo! Get away, you pest!” Reader swung his torch wildly at the last frog to retreat. Then he yelled across the gorge, “That is twice you escaped me, Quizzical Greystone! You will not get away with it again!”

The ponies had long since disappeared back into the tunnels, and Reader was shouting at nothing.

“What do we do now, Reader?” asked Scud.

Reader looked at his companions. They were mostly unharmed, but from all the bites they looked like the victims of a mauling. Reader did not want to think about how he must look himself. It was humiliating.

“We go to another crossing,” said Reader. “We will lose time, but it does not matter. The little ponies will soon come to the black canyon. We will trap them there!”