• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 6,068 Views, 171 Comments

The Sparkle of his Eye - Silentpegasus

Ink Blot, one of Vinyl Scratches oldest friends is moving from Manehattan to Ponyville. He's an artist with extraordianary talent and Twilight has taken a fancy to him. There's only one problem, Ink is blind.

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Chapter 7: The Truth

Chapter 7

The Truth

Spike, Pinkie and Rarity waited for their friends to arrive outside the library. Spike let out a sigh as Applejack and the two Pegasus mares trotted up to them. “Good we’re all here.”

“Mind telling us whats going on?” Rainbow said in a grouchy tone.

“Do you guys remember when Twilight went nuts?”

“You mean when she made the town fall in love with that doll?” Rarity asked. The ponies cringed at the memory of the dreaded ‘Smarty Pants Incident’ as it came to be known by the locals.

“Yes, since then Celestia put a spell on Twilight that would send me a message if she ever went off the deep end like that again.” He said in a worried tone.

“Did she?” Fluttershy asked in a timid tone.

“Yeah, only it’s worse this time.”

“What?” The mares yelled.

“When Twilight enchanted the doll she was around a six maybe a seven on the stress scale. This time she rates a ten.” He said as he withdrew the letter that only had a red number ten on it. “I’ve never gotten something like this before so I don’t know how Twilight will react.” He said as he opened the library door and braced himself.

The group gave a gulp and made their way inside the massive tree and slowly trotted up to Twilight’s room. “Twilight? You okay in there?” Spike asked as he knocked. No response came. Applejack tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge.

“She’s locked it.” The farmer said with a frown.

“Hang on.” Spike said as he grabbed his tail and inserted it into the lock. He moved it around inside the door for a few seconds until he felt a satisfying click. Spike slowly opened the door to see the room in darkness except for a lavender mare crying on her bed. The dragon and her five friends rushed over to her with concern in their eyes. “Twilight what happened?” He said as he put a claw on her shoulder. Twilight looked at her friends with tears in her eyes the six friends immediately wrapped her in a hug and slowly calmed her down.

The mares eventually got Twilight downstairs into the main area. Rarity made some tea and offered it to her disheveled friend who took a small sip. Rarity looked at the others who had the same looks of concern strewn across their faces. “Twilight what happened?” The lavender mare took a deep breath as she recollected the night’s events.

“Twilight, I’m blind.” The dark stallion said as red tears poured down his face. Twilight’s mind was in disarray at the news. She slumped to the ground and started to cry. Ink approached the mare but she immediately cringed back.

“Don’t touch me!” She yelled.

“Twilight please let me ex-”

“Explain? Explain why the only stallion I’ve ever loved was keeping a secret this big from me? Explain the countless lies you’ve told me?” She bellowed. Her mind was consumed with rage, confusion and sadness.

“Please let’s calm down and talk-” He said as he took a step forward.

“NO! How could you lead me on like this? I thought you cared about me!” She said as her horn began to flare.

“I do. I love you I-”

“It’s just another lie! Just when I thought I found a stallion I had feelings for TURNS OUT YOU’RE NOTHING BUT A BLIND FREAK!” Ink felt as though some one had shoved a knife through his heart. “JUST GET OUT!”

“I know you’re angry and-”

“I SAID GET OUT!” She yelled as a purple bolt erupted from her horn launching the stallion out the door and into the hallway. Ink felt his heart shatter, he levitated his glasses and ran out the door with a river of red tears running down his face. After Twilight had cast the bolt she came to her senses and broke down in a fit of tears and anguish.

The mares looked at their friend in shock. Twilight wiped the newly formed tears from her eyes and stared down at the floor. “I called him a freak, I can’t believe I attacked the one stallion I love.” She said as Pinkie put a hoof on her shoulder.

“He’s been blind this whole time?” Rainbow said as she lowered her head.

“Why didn’t he tell us?” AJ said in a low tone.

“I don’t know darling, but we can’t dwell on it now. We need to find Ink.” Rarity said as she put the tea cups away.

“I doubt he’d accept my apology.” Twilight said with a sniffle.

“It doesn’t hurt to try darling, you weren’t in the right state of mind. I’m sure he’ll listen to reason.” Rarity said with a warm smile “We’ll be there to support you every step of the way.” Twilight took a deep breath and gave her friends a weak smile.

Wub wub.

“Thanks girls you’re the best.” She said as she got to her hooves and trotted towards the door.

Wub wub wub.

“Hey does anypony hear that?” Pinkie asked.

“Hear what?” Applejack asked.

Wub wub wub wub.

“It sounds like a-” She was cut off as Twilight opened the door only to be hit by a bright blue beam knocking her back against the wall. The ponies looked in horror as they saw Vinyl holding what looked like a massive speaker made into a cannon. The DJ’s mane was like a vibrant blue inferno and her eyes were glowing red with rage. Vinyl dropped the weapon and followed up with a punch to Twilight’s stomach.

“You bitch! I’ll kill you!” She yelled. Rainbow grabbed the white unicorn and pulled her off the lavender mare. “Let me go!” She yelled as Applejack looped her lasso around the musician and Rarity trapped her in a magical grip. Vinyl struggled in her restraints and started to curse wildly. Fluttershy and Pinkie helped Twilight to her hooves who shook off the attack.

Applejack felt the rope beginning to loosen as the mare continued to thrash around. Vinyl grabbed the rope around her and threw the farmer into Rarity breaking the magical hold. The DJ lunged forward with malice in her eyes. As she closed the gap between her and the librarian she was stopped by Fluttershy’s stare. Vinyl tried to move but found no freedom to wiggle.

“What’s your problem Vinyl?” Rainbow asked as she helped the farmer to her hooves.

“My problem? My problem is that because of that little egg head Ink almost killed himself last night!” She said as she narrowed her eyes on the lavender mare who was stricken with grief. “I found him lying a pool of his own blood with his wrists cut!” She said as tears began to flow from her eyes. Twilight was ina state of pure sadness as new tears started to form in her eyes.

“Is he okay?” Applejack asked in a shocked tone.

“He’s still in surgery. I’m just here to deliver a warning. If Ink doesn’t pull through then no pony; not your friends, not your brother, not even Celestia herself will be able to protect you from me!” She yelled as she eyed the lavender mare. Fluttershy released the stare and Vinyl’s mane returned to normal.

“We were just on our way to see him. Twilight is really sorry for what she said. Just look at her.” Rainbow said as she pointed to the distraught lavender mare. Vinyl narrowed her eyes and turned to leave, but was stopped by an orange hoof.

“Can we come and see him?”

“If you want to.” She said in a stagnant tone.

“What about-”

“I think Twilight has done enough for right now.” She said as she made the bass cannon vanish. “Just so you know, that was level three. You don’t wanna know what happens when I crank it up to eleven.” She said as she looked back at the mare with daggers in her eyes. Rainbow, Applejack and Vinyl made their way to the hospital as fast as their hooves and wings could carry them.

Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity trotted over to Twilight who was on the ground shaking as a river of tears flowed from her eyes. “It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t been so stupid he wouldn’t-” She was cut off as Rarity slapped her across her face and glared at the mare.

“I would have reacted the same way! What’s important right now is making sure he’s okay, right?” Pinkie interjected. Twilight looked at her friends and nodded. The mares got up and galloped out the door after their friends towards the hospital.

AJ, Vinyl and Rainbow Dash ran through the streets of Ponyville at a breakneck pace towards the hospital. Vinyl noticed that the orange mare had matched her speed and looked at her with a worried expression. “You said you found Ink. How did ya know he’d do something like that?”

“Ink has this black safe that holds something important to to him. I don’t know what it is, he never told me. Whenever he got depressed he’d take it out and look at it.” Vinyl said in a low tone. “His therapist told me to keep an eyes on it. I placed a charm on it that would notify me the next time the safe was opened.”

“His therapist?” Rainbow said in confusion.

“Yeah, like I said Ink has had a hard life and he started therapy a few years ago. I thought he was cured but now I’m not so sure.” She said as they approached the hospital. Vinyl burst into the lobby and galloped up to the doctor. “How is he doctor? Please tell me he’s okay.” She said with tears in her eyes.

“Ink is going to be fine. He’s lost a lot of blood but we have him on an I.V. He’s stable and conscious if you want to see him.” Vinyl let out a sigh of relief and followed the doctor to the room where the dark stallion was sitting up right in the hospital bed. The stallion didn’t bother to look at the mares. AJ and Rainbow cringed back when they saw the stallions eyes. Vinyl rushed over to him and wrapped him in a hug.

“Ink, I’m glad you’re okay.” She said with a sniffle. Ink wrapped a hoof around the mare and sniffled.

“I’m so sorry Vi. Things just went to shit and-”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Yes, it is. If I told them from the start then none of this would have happened.” He said in a low tone. “I should have told Twilight on our first date. I’m just weak.” Vinyl slapped her brother across the face as tears flowed from her eyes.

“Stop saying that! You’re the strongest stallion I know. You’ve made it this far and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you check out now!” She said as Ink ‘looked’ at her. “I gave Dr. Velvet a call, she’ll be here soon.” Ink nodded and turned towards the farmer and Pegasus mare.

“Howdy Ink.” AJ said in a low tone.

“How do ya feel?” Rainbow asked as she approached the bed.

“I’ve been better.” He said as the two mares adverted their eyes. “Right, hang on.” He said as he materialized his sun glasses. “Better?” He asked.

“How can you see us?” Applejack asked.

“I used that pulse I told you about.” He said in a flat tone.


“I can see outlines and the magical aura you give off.”


“Every living thing gives off a magical aura. For instance, AJ yours is a light orange. If I focus it then I can see details but that uses a lot more magic and concentration.” He said in a flat tone. A knock on the door startled the group. A nurse opened the door and poked her head in.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but you have a few more guests if you feel like having more company.” The nurse said with a smile.

“Sure, send them in.” He said with a smile. Three more mares entered the room with a nervous grin on their faces. “Hey guys.” He said in a low tone.

“How are you feeling?” Rarity asked as she gave him a hug.

“About as good as I look, so I really don’t know.” He said with a small chuckle. The mares looked at him in confusion. “Too soon?” The mares nodded. “Sorry.”

“Look Ink, Twilight is really, really sorry about what happened.” Pinkie said with a quivering lip.

“Yeah, she just lost control of her magic and-” Dash was cut off by the dark stallion raising a hoof.

“I know how unicorn magic reacts to emotions, trust me I’ve been there and I know that Twilight would never hurt me on purpose.” He said as he let out a sigh.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were blind?” Applejack asked.

“I didn’t tell you because you’d act like I wasn’t able to do things on my own. You’d think that I’d need extra help with simple mundane tasks. Like every pony else who knows I’m blind.” He said as he let out a grunt. “I just wanted to be treated like a normal stallion. Is that too much to ask?” He said as he ‘looked’ back at the mares. “For the record I can see you guys and the world around me, just not in the same way you can.” The mares looked at him in shock. “In a way I have better sight then all of you, the one thing I can’t see is fabric color.” Rarity hung her head in shame.

“I’m so sorry dear I didn’t know.”

“It’s alright. Twilight you can come in if you want.” He said as he faced the door. Twilight took a deep breath and entered the room. She instantly felt the DJ’s glare focus on her.

“Ink I-” Ink raised a hoof.

“Can we have some privacy please?” The mares nodded and started to leave the hospital room. Vinyl mad the ‘I’m watching you’ sign with her hoof. “Hey Vinyl.” The mare turned around to see the stallion point to his ear. The DJ nodded and her horn began to glow as she left the room. “Now we can talk.” He said as he sat up on the bed.

Twilight rushed over to him and wrapped him in a hug and started to cry. “I’m so sorry Ink! I-I was just so shocked and I lost control.” She said as he hug tightened. Ink returned the gesture.

“It’s alright Twilight.”

“No, no it’s not! You almost died because of me!” She said as Ink felt the mares tears touch his coat. Ink broke the hug and faced the mare.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” She said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Then close your eyes and don’t open them until I say so.” Twilight took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Ink put his hooves on her head and made their foreheads touch. Twilight saw nothing but darkness. Suddenly a small line of light appeared and it illuminated her surroundings. She saw the light bounce from surface to surface. She ‘looked’ forward to see the dark unicorn being outlined by a white aura. Ink broke the connection and let go of the mares head. Twilight took a few moments to collect herself and readjust her eyes sight.

“What was that?”

“That is how I see the world.” He said as he let out a sigh. Twilight began to cry and noticed her tears were blood red. She stared at the liquid in shock. “That’s a small side effect to the spell, it’ll pass. Unfortunately if you use it too much and you go blind.” He said as he took a tissue and wiped the tears off the mares face.

“Is that how you-”

“No. I learned the spell after I lost my sight. Celestia herself taught it to me.” He said with a smile.

“You know Princess Celestia?” The stallion nodded. “How?” Ink let out a sigh and pointed to his eyes.

“That story ties in with this one.” Twilight lowered her head in shame.

“You don’t have to-” She was cut off as Ink put a hoof to her chin and raised it so their eyes met.

“I want to, I’m tired of lying to the mare I love.” He said with a smile. Ink let out a sigh and collected his thoughts. “My dad was for lack of a better term, an asshole.”

“Vinyl told me.”Ink raised an eyebrow at the statement.

“Okay, so my mom and I moved out and found a place of out own. It wasn’t the best but we made due.” Twilight leaned her head in and focused on the story.

Ink opened the door to his mothers apartment building and found it dark. Ink flicked on the light switch and made his way into the kitchen. As he set his books down he heard a crash coming from the other room. Ink cautiously made his way through the apartment, he continued to hear the struggling noises. Ink poked his head into the living room to see a black Pegasus stallion holding a knife over the red mare.Who’s eyes were full of rage and tears, She noticed the black colt and mouthed ‘run.’ As Ink backed away his back hoof hit a nearby cabinet causing a vase to drop and shatter.

The enraged Pegasus stallion whirled around to see the colt stare at him in horror. The red mare latched onto the stallions back and started to choke him. “INK RUN!” She yelled as the stallion flipped her off and delivered a quick blow to her gut. Ink ran through the apartment and hid inside a cabinet. He placed his hooves over his mouth trying to smother his cries of distress. He heard hoof steps and fell silent. He felt his heart beating a million times a minute as the Pegasus put the record player on and put on a familiar tune.

As the steps faded Ink slowly poked his head out of the cabinet and saw that the coast was clear. Ink stepped out of the cabinet and let out a sigh. The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up and his eyes shrank to the size of pin tips. Ink gulped and looked up to see the Pegasus stallion floating above him with a surgical scalpel in hoof and a a twisted smile on his face.

Ink Scrambled towards the door only to be caught by the stallions hooves. The Pegasus injected the colt with an anesthetic and Ink felt his body go numb. The Stallion dragged in into the living room where his mother was lying there bleeding from her mouth and cut she had across her chest. The mares struggled in place as the Pegasus threw the colt on the ground. Ink felt himself slipping into darkness as the stallion loomed over him with scalpel in hoof.

“You have your mother’s eyes.” He said in a calm tone as he stared into the colt’s crystal blue fear stricken eyes. The Pegasus raised the hoof holding the scalpel and slashed ink horizontally across his face. Ink cried in agony as he felt the light leave his eyes. He grasped his face in pain. The stallion was too focused on the colt to notice the red unicorn mare getting to her hooves and charged at him with a knife between her teeth. She slammed the knife between the stallion’s wings and crashed through a window. As she fell still holding the knife in place she let out a tear. I’m so sorry Ink, please take care of yourself. As the thoughts passed she collided with the cement and all faded to black.

Ink heard voices coming from the hallway and cried out for help. He heard the strangers say they were police and he yelled with what ever strength he had left. “Oh Celestia. Get a medic up here!” The officer said as he took the colt in his hooves. The cop let out a tear as he saw the black colt’s destroyed eyes. The officers noticed the shattered window and left to examine the two figures below. Ink felt himself being lifted into an ambulance cart and paramedics screaming orders at one another as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Ink held his head in shame as Twilight wrapped him in a warm hug and cried on his shoulder. “When I got to the hospital I heard that my parents died on impact. Quick and painless.” He said as tears ran down his face.

“There was nothing they could do for you?” Twilight asked as she hugged him tighter.

“There was one thing but I refused.”

“What was it?”

“They could have transplanted my fathers eyes into me, since we have the same blood type. If I accepted then every time I looked in the mirror I would be looking into the eyes of the stallion who killed my mother.” He said with a sniffle. “I told the doctors I’d rather be blind then face that!” He said as he broke down and cried. Twilight put a hoof on the back of his head and ran her hoof through his mane calming him down.

“I understand.”

“Vinyl visited me every day when I was in the hospital and convinced her folks to adopt me. Celestia herself paid me a visit and taught me that spell. She verified the paper work and produced financial support to help Vinyls parents with our education funds.” Twilight was crying harder than ever.

“I’m so sorry Ink I had no idea.” Ink wiped the tears from his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Don’t be. I never really talked about this with anyone except my therapist.” Twilight broke the hug and gently touched her hoof to his cheek.

“I want to see your eyes, if you’ll let me.” She said as she calmed down.

“Go ahead.” He said with a weak smile. Twilight carefully removed the glasses and saw the massive scar across his face. She put her hooves on the side of Inks head and brought him into a passionate kiss. Ink closed his eyes and returned the gesture.

“Your eyes are wonderful.” Twilight said as she broke the embrace.

“Yours look good too. At least from where I stand.” He said with a smile. Twilight chuckled and hugged him.

“That’s another thing. How can you joke about it so easily?”

“I learned a long time ago that if you focus too much on the past then you’ll never get to your future. Plus sometimes my life is just so ironic that it’s funny.”


“Let’s see, I’m a blind artist who’s in love with a librarian with a book addiction.” He said in a teasing tone. Twilight rolled her eyes.

“That’s an...interesting way to look at it.” She said with a smile.

“If you can’t laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at?” He said with a smug grin on his face.

“So are we still-” Twilight was cut off as Ink pressed his lips against hers. Twilight was lost in the kiss and let out a moan of happiness and pleasure. The two instantly broke apart when they heard the door open. Ink sent out another pulse outlining the nurse.

“Sorry to disturb you, but Ink’s therapist is here.”

“Thank you nurse send her in.” He said with a smile.

“Mind if I meet her?” Twilight asked.

“Not at all, you’re a big part of my life and I’m sure she won’t mind.” Ink said with a smile. The lavender mare looked in shock as the door opened to reveal a white unicorn mare with a snow white mane and a purple stripe running through it.

“Mom?” Twilight said in shock.

“Twilight? What are you dong here?” Ink ‘looked’ up at the ceiling and raised his right hoof.

“Damn you Irony! Damn you to hell! You bested me again.” The white mare looked at the dark stallion and her daughter in confusion. Her eyes shrank as she put the pieces together.

“Oh for the love of Faust you’ve gotta be kidding me.” She said as she face hoofed. A long silence fell between the unicorns until Ink broke the silence.

“Well, this is awkward.” He said as he scratched his mane.