• Published 30th Jan 2013
  • 18,334 Views, 331 Comments

Second at Best - Wages of Sin

At her father's funeral Twilight snaps, finally showing how she feels about her so-called family and friends.

  • ...

Revelations II

"She's big, white, and a monster."

Twilight teleported all the way to her old room in the castle. It remained unchanged from how she left it so long ago, but she didn't notice past all the tears in her eyes.

She truly meant everything she said, and a small portion of her was happy to finally have revealed it. Another, larger, portion though was appalled that she would bear her soul out like that.

She knew that Celestia really wasn't her mother, so she knew she shouldn't have been so surprised when her mentor decided to side with Cadence, her own flesh and blood, as opposed to her student.

She knew that; but that thought only brought more pain via another thought: Why hadn't her parents done the same?

Celestia sided with her flesh-and-blood, and Shining had been under a spell, but why did her own parents rather side with the vicious false-bride over their own daughter! They had no pre-conceived notions of who Cadence was. She had met them before foal sitting appointments a few times, but they never spent the whole day with her or anything like she had!

Unless... They did…

Maybe they were looking to Cadence to replace their old and forgotten daughter? Maybe they decided that having a "perfect" princess as a daughter in law was much better than the old bookworm that they had been forced to raise? ...or at least drop off on someone else to raise.

Twilight cried, waiting for her mentor to come to her room to make up. Secretly she hoped Celestia would dismiss what she said and explain it away so Twilight could claim to herself that it was just nerves and lock those feelings away, never to come to bear again.

...but Celestia never came to make-up, she never came to put her fears to rest, she didn't even come to punish her.

She didn't come at all.

No one did.

Celestia was eating a salad in the royal dining room when she felt the tug of the sun warning her of its impending dismissal. She gave it the final nudge it needed, and waited until she felt the moon being pulled up by her sister's familiar aura.

"Twilight sure is taking a long time to come apologize." the thought crossed the monarch's mind as she continued to eat.

The stares of everyone at the table made her realized someone must have asked a question of her."I'm sorry, I was setting the sun, was there a question?"

"Ah' asked if you're sure Twi's alright, she's been gone an awful long time." Applejack looked to her from where she sat at the table, speaking a little louder this time out of concern.

"She's fine, it's nothing to be worried about. She just needs some time alone." Celestia thought back to her student's little spat.

From experience Twilight's little outbursts were as quick and short as they were violent. She continued to eat, "I'm sure that she'll be alright soon enough."

"Are you sure we shouldn't go to her? I mean she seemed awfully upset... If one of my mice friends lost a parent I know I'd want to be there to comfort them..." The shy pegasus squeaked just over the ambient noise.

"No, it's best we leave her alone for now. She's not thinking straight, you know how she gets when~ ...well, you know how she gets."

Everyone at the table gave a little nod.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she always is." Rainbow Dash concluded.

After hours of sitting alone with nothing to do other than re-evaluating what she had said to her mentor, Twilight came to two startling realizations. The first being that when she had spoken the words they became more than an idea to her, now that she had finally said it, they were reality. She had been having those kind of thoughts for a while, always keeping them suppressed at the back of her mind, chalking up the seditious thoughts to one of her characteristic bouts of stress-induced paranoia. No longer could that be her claim. Now she had acted on the corrupting words, and it no longer felt like lies, the guilt she had expected to feel never came.

That led directly was the second revelation: She realized that with her secret revealed she no longer bore the oppressive guilt she had been feeling for so long. She felt good.

For the good or bad of it, Twilight Sparkle felt good to give up, to denounce everything she once strived so hard to gain, she felt like she no longer had to try to be the perfect daughter to the parents who forsook her, nor to the mentor who took her in.

She felt liberated. No longer would she have to sacrifice her happiness and time devoting herself to the pursuits that made those who did not appreciate her happy. With her "perfect student" mask now broken, maybe she could actually do what she wanted to for a change!

...which at this moment was to get some sleep. All that crying was a strain both on her body and her already exhausted mind.

Twilight fell asleep with one last thought assuring her conscience: If Celestia cared for her enough to apologize she would have done so already.

After a good portion of the evening and into the night with no sign of Twilight returning, the Elements of Harmony had decided to leave Twilight in Celestia's capable hooves and to leave Twilight to come back to Ponyville when she was ready.

Celestia, meanwhile, had gone to her office to finish some work that had been put on hold for the funeral. After some time, Celestia decided her duties should conclude for the night and began making her way to the royal chambers.

On the way she had intended to check in on her student, but didn't for fear Twilight might not have had enough time to sort herself out.

In her room Twilight had had enough of being left alone and ignored. Now that she was rested her mind was clear. Now that she had nothing to lose, she no longer feared the consequences. She was going to do something she should have done a long time ago…

Author's Note:

Wrote this while waiting fanatically for "The Monster in the Twilight" by Georg to update.

Go check that out here! (If you haven't already)