• Member Since 15th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2017



~This story takes place before the season 3 finale~
Twilight receives a new book from Celestia; a book of dark magic. When she casts a spell from it, against Celestia's instructions, will she go to Celestia for help undoing the damage?

Maybe somepony would, but this is Twilight Sparkle we're talking about.

Note: The events of Where is Everypony? occurred as portrayed in the epilogue at around the beginning of this story.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 38 )

So, Rainbow Dash is a book now? Wow. That's a bit harsh. Then again, I think that it would be a book that in comparison to "Daring Do" is at least... :rainbowdetermined2: 20% cooler.


On a more serious note, though, is Rainbow an equivelant of "The Diary of Tom Riddle"? If you open the book, can she communicate through a drawing version of herself? Would you be able to see all of her secrets in plain Equestrian text, and be able to... :rainbowdetermined2: read her like a book?



However, this story plot puts a huge twist ripe full of potential. Mabye the possibility of having different ponies having different book styles when they are hit by the spell.

Speaking of that spell that made this mess in the first place, what is the name of that spell? How exactly does it work? Is it similar to how Twilight uses dark magic in the Crystal Empire episodes? It probably doesn't have a known counter-spell, and is probably a permanent transformation or a reeeaaaalllly long lasting spell if Twilight can't fix the problem right away. I also wonder what the name of this book is as well.

Will these inquireries be answered? Will the Equestria Inquirer talk about a rampaging burrito? Will Twilight ask either Princess for help?

These questions will be answered...

Right now.

(If the author wants to, possibly, and - due to the description - most likely not.)

Keep writing, my friend.

P.S. I wouldn't put it past the Equestrian Inquirer to talk about rampaging burrito's. They are approximatly that silly... possibly even more-so.

Wait a minute, is this a story with no "Alternate Universe" tag.

:pinkiehappy: Why, whatever do you mean by that statement?

Remember the episode "Lesson Zero" or that episode where Applejack exhausts herself doing the entire apple orchard and helping her friends?


Yeah. My reaction too.

Basically, if Twilight chooses to outright avoid help of any shape or form, she would be acting out of character. I understand the first few minutes or hours she would be too terrified to ask for help from Princess Celestia, but downright disregarding any help would be disastrous to the character credibility, as well as canon. Maybe she could rationalize in her unrationalized mind that she could get help from Rarity since she is a unicorn. Then the fashionista's life is threatened and Twilight uses the spell, again.

Just wanted to put my two cents out there.

Keep writing, my -

Wait a minute...

Note: The events of my previous story Where Is Everypony? occurred as portrayed in the epilogue at around the beginning of this story.

What do you mean "as portrayed in the epilogue?" *Takes another look.*

Scootaloo handed Pinkie the flashlight and settled down with the other Crusaders to listen to the story. Pinkie replaced her usual smile with an oddly serious expression.
"Have you girls seen Rainbow Dash recently?"
Scootaloo looked at the other girls, their confused expressions mirroring her own.
"No," she said slowly. "Why?"
Pinkie's smile returned in an instant.
"No reason!"
Random, Scootaloo thought.

But Rainbow Dash got turned into a-




You clever cheeky bastard. :raritywink: Why did I not see that? :facehoof:

2047737 Thanks for reading and commenting. Out of all your questions, I'm afraid I can't answer many now without spoiling something later. What I can tell you is that I did not name the book or the spell, I may come up with something for it at some point, but it's really not that important what it's called for now. I can also say that when casting the spell, Twilight's magic aura looks almost normal. It's a little bit darker, but unless you knew her really well, you wouldn't notice a difference.

So "Will these inquireries be answered?" Yes and no.

"Will the Equestria Inquirer talk about a rampaging burrito?" I hope so.

"Will Twilight ask either Princess for help?" Come on, this is Twilight Sparkle we're talking about. Terrified of disappointing the Princess? Not to mention expressly forbidden from casting the spell under any circumstances.

I'm glad you like it so far.

P.S. I really want to answer some of the other questions you've raised, but I have to be patient, just like you do, so as not to spoil the story.

It's a good thing Dash avoided those rocks, she could have been mashed into a pulp! Oh, wait...


Okay, I'll be patient for the sake of the plot. Just keep on writing, man. This story is excellent so far.

By the way, since you didn't put in an "Alternate Universe" tag, are you going to make this canon? When would you say that this story took place? Also, while Dash is a book, is there any way that she has some sort of awareness whenever she is read?

2083503 Glad to hear you're still enjoying it.

I decided, upon further consideration, to include the "Alternate Universe" tag after all. This is due in large part to the season 3 finale coming up. Everything that happens and all the character responses I do have reasons for which would work in canon, but to be on the safe side... So essentially, this story starts as though canon shortly before the season 3 finale, but then diverges on its own path from there.

And no, Dash has no awareness of anything that takes place after her transformation into a book. So she has no idea that Twilight now knows about... whatever that was.

:rainbowderp: I've been turned into a book? Well, isn't that the story of my life.......:rainbowhuh:...........:rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

2083602 ...Looks like Twilight already anticipated my response... :facehoof:

2083656 I'm sorry, but it had to be done

If I were Spike, I would write that letter anyway. But in a way that lets Celestia know Twilight reacted without thinking and was trying to save Rainbow Dash. He should say something like, "You know what would make her even more upset? Making a mistake and not getting her help to fix it."

2088977 Yes, to think of all the trouble that could be avoided if only he were to send the letter despite Twilight telling him not to. To be fair, at the moment he thinks they've reached a reasonable compromise; they are asking for help, after all.

Oh, lord. Spike, Twilight seems to be starting to drive herself into insanity by the dark magic. Write that letter when Twilight is not looking.


On a serious note, though...

Couldn't Spike say that he was listening in on Twilight when she was studying and overheard a spell about "transformations" and "books." Why not Spike write a letter to the Princess saying that he wanted to surprise Twilight with that spell since she has a fondness for books, and for her to send everything, including the spell incantation, alternate spell matrixes, and information such as how long the spell lasts and how to reverse it. Celestia would be none the wiser, Twilight would apologize to Rainbow and Pinkie for casting the spell, and everyone would go on their daily lives.

:rainbowhuh: I know that expression. it's one I've used before. it's a combination of fatigue, desperation and fear.

ummmm........I think I see where this is going, but I may be wrong.

She's going to turn all her friends into books! Ah! I feel so bad for Spike. Rarity is the only survivor...for now. :raritydespair:

Finally. Spike wrote the letter. It has been done. Let's see what happens.

Wait, since Spike told Ms. Cherille about what is happening, if Twilight read Cherille at any time, then she would know Spike told somepony and shit would hit the fan even more than possible.

Spike better be on his guard until Celestia arrives.

(Author, what do you think? A good plot point for the next chapter?)

2251902 That's a good thought. Just gonna have to wait and see what happens when I publish the next chapter on Wednesday.

The only Thing Celestia will be mad about is not telling her her sooner.

2259943 If only Celestia had gotten the letter, and Twilight hadn't gotten to it first.

2259954 (Late_To_The_Party)

Excellent story. Nice twist that the story was what we would read from Spike's point of view if we read him as a book. I would like to offer my two cents on what I would think would happen latter on, and what I think happened in this story.

WARNING; This comment has spoilers! If you want to read this story, do not read this comment just yet!

-Considering that you did not put an AU (Alternate Universe) tag on your story, that would mean that the story would be as close to canon as possible or is canon. This would mean that the ending will get resolved somehow, since every pony in season 3 seems to be not a book. This would also mean that even though Twilight stopped the letter from reaching Celestia, she was delaying the inevitable.
-Celestia would have some pony investigate the matter when shipments from Ponyville stop coming in. Remember, some ponies have businesses, like Carrot Top, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie as well as the Cakes. Stopping those shipments as well as any and all contact from Pony's family and friends would bring suspicion sooner or later.
-It is possible that Twilight did not get everypony in town. Twilight did go from Applejack from Apple Acres to Fluttershy down the road. There may be a few ponies who saw what Twilight was doing and wrote a note like "Out of town will be back soon." and put those on their doors, then hightailed it out of town towards Canterlot to request an urgent summons for the Princesses. OR they may still be hiding in Ponyville.
-Twilight could become so depressed and racked with guilt that she eventually does get help after she tries to keep up the businesses of the ponies in Ponyville for a few days and ends up failing miserably.
-Is it possible for the spell to be reflected back at the user if a strong bubble shield spell is used? (Shining confronting Twilight)

Also, in the story "Where is Everypony" If you replace Applebloom with Ms. Cherilee, Gummy (with his mouth closed) with Spike, and Gummy (with sharp teeth) with Twilight, you were literally foreshadowing that story into this one.

By the way, I was wondering, because I asked this a while ago; what would you make the name of the spell and spell book?

Seriously. So many spoilers here. You have been warned.

-Considering that you did not put an AU (Alternate Universe) tag on your story, that would mean that the story would be as close to canon as possible or is canon. This would mean that the ending will get resolved somehow, since every pony in season 3 seems to be not a book. This would also mean that even though Twilight stopped the letter from reaching Celestia, she was delaying the inevitable.

Indeed so. Am I just leaving it up to the reader to decide how things get resolved in the end? I'll answer my own question later.

-Celestia would have some pony investigate the matter when shipments from Ponyville stop coming in. Remember, some ponies have businesses, like Carrot Top, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie as well as the Cakes. Stopping those shipments as well as any and all contact from Pony's family and friends would bring suspicion sooner or later.

Ah, yes, this is true. There's also another pony who might notice if an entire town stopped going about their daily lives, or to be more specific, their nightly dreams.

-It is possible that Twilight did not get everypony in town. Twilight did go from Applejack from Apple Acres to Fluttershy down the road. There may be a few ponies who saw what Twilight was doing and wrote a note like "Out of town will be back soon." and put those on their doors, then hightailed it out of town towards Canterlot to request an urgent summons for the Princesses. OR they may still be hiding in Ponyville.

While that's possible, for the moment we'll say that I think she got everyone in town. This includes pegasi who frequent the town but actually live in cloud homes nearby.

-Twilight could become so depressed and racked with guilt that she eventually does get help after she tries to keep up the businesses of the ponies in Ponyville for a few days and ends up failing miserably.

That sounds like a fun story in and of itself.

-Is it possible for the spell to be reflected back at the user if a strong bubble shield spell is used? (Shining confronting Twilight)

I.... don't know. I suppose it's possible. I'll have to give that some more thought.

Also, in the story "Where is Everypony" If you replace Applebloom with Ms. Cherilee, Gummy (with his mouth closed) with Spike, and Gummy (with sharp teeth) with Twilight, you were literally foreshadowing that story into this one.

I meant to do that.

By the way, I was wondering, because I asked this a while ago; what would you make the name of the spell and spell book?

I haven't come up with anything for it yet. The spell itself may not actually have a name. As for the book, I did say that it had a title, so I guess I'll have to think of something...

...in the sequel!
So, no, I'm not leaving it up to the reader to decide how this all gets resolved, unless said reader decides not to read the sequel. It's going to be considerably longer than this story, as I'm 5000 words in with well over 1000 words of notes and I'm barely scratching the surface on the story I'm about to tell. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the story, I'll have to get a lot more written before I start uploading any of it, in case more foreshadowing is needed in early chapters.

Oh, and thanks. I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:


You're welcome! Good luck on the sequel! I'm writing a Calvin and Hobbes fic, so wish me luck as well!

2265674 Good luck with that! I love Calvin and Hobbes, let me know when it's ready to read!

Spike, can you give us a few minutes?

That part didn't make sense. Spike knows just as much as Twilight about the situation and she could have used his support while spilling the beans to Pinkie Pie. She dismissed him for no reason.

2327970 Pinkie wanted to talk to Twilight alone, so she asked Spike to leave them be. After all, she could tell this was a serious situation and does know how to take things seriously when necessary, and Spike is usually likely to make some kind of sarcastic comment that would not help matters. However, things may have turned out differently had Pinkie not asked him to leave her alone with Twilight.
As for the other two's thought processes, Twilight was too upset to think clearly about any of it at the time, and Spike was glad someone was there to take over for him, allowing him to just get out of there, which I believe I... *checks* yes, I did say that.

Just pretend this was pasted into all the chapters following this one as well.

2361314 Yes, quite so. However, when I eventually get the sequel done, it will make more sense why exactly it escalated that quickly.

Seems like something from the Twilight Zone. Good job! You got a new follower. :twilightsmile:

2377399 Thanks! It's nice to see that someone is still following me for something less silly than Princess Luna Visits a Wet Dream.

2378384 (Late_To_The_Party)

Hi, it's me again.

You know, I figured out something. If Spike's dragon breath started to burn the letter, all that was needed was for these words to be sent to Princess Celestia;

I'm scared. Please help.


Then she would know that something was wrong. Just to confirm, how would your head-canon view of Spike's dragon breath work? Would there have been any way for even a partial letter to have reached her?

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