• Published 1st Feb 2013
  • 1,825 Views, 17 Comments

Twipocalypse - heidi666

Twilight is made an alicorn in a grand ceremony by Celestia and Luna. How will she cope with the changes that lie ahead for her?

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Twilight had thrown herself on the soft bed in her room face down like a sack of potatoes. Luna came in behind her, and closed the door. She had brought the new princess to her room first, explaining to the others that she was naturally tired from all the changes, and then had taken care of the rest of the guests. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she laid a hoof on Twilight's withers and spoke softly. “How do you feel, Twilight?”

She answered with a muffled voice, “I don't know, Princess -”

“You can call me Luna now, dear. After all, you're a princess too now.” Luna sounded amused as Twilight continued.

“Er, yes, Luna. I feel... strange. Is this normal?”

“Well, to tell you the absolute truth, Twilight, we have never tried this spell before. It was taught to us by our parents many, many generations ago, along with all the other spells we would need to rule – most importantly, the ones to move the heavenly bodies.”

Finally Twilight turned onto her side, supported her head with a hoof and looked quizzically at the princess of the night. “But why would you ever need to create an alicorn by magic? Aren't you immortal? Don't you breed?” She brought her other hoof to her mouth and blushed, realising how personal the questions must have seemed.

Luna tittered at Twilight's discomforts, and went on. “Don't be embarrassed, Twilight. You had boundless curiosity before becoming a princess, and it's even more justified now since it concerns you personally. To answer your questions... technically, yes, we can breed, but the alicorn gene is not something easily passed on to our progeny. I seem to recall my sister making an analysis once, concluding that approximately one in a hundred foals of a pair of alicorn parents would be an alicorn themselves. That number obviously reduces to even more paltry odds when only one parent is an alicorn.”

“But that wouldn't be a problem for an immortal, would – oh.”

“Precisely, Twilight. We are indeed immortal, and it is hard to breed when you know that almost certainly you will bury your foals and countless of their descendants. We are incredibly lucky to be natural alicorns born of our parents. They must have had either great persistence or a healthy handful of luck in giving birth to us.”

Twilight gave Luna a sympathetic look as she continued, “I believe Celestia tried, once. She managed to put several foals into the world, and even succeeded with Princess Cadance, but didn't have the heart to continue when her other foals died. Some of their descendants live on though – you might know one as Prince Blueblood.” A smile appeared on Twilight's face as she remembered Rarity's rather exciting encounter with the prince at the Grand Galloping Gala.

“This spell was intended as an emergency measure, a sort of last resort if we felt ourselves to be in danger with no other alicorns around. After all, only royalty of our race have the magical power necessary to rule the land. But, thinking long and hard, my sister and I felt that there was no other way to fully recompense you for the great services you have done for us and Equestria.”

“I'm honoured you think so, Pri – um, Luna.”

“Now you should rest, Twilight. There are many questions that you undoubtedly have, and it is right that you should have them, but there will be plenty of time for all your answers.”

“I guess so, Luna. Thanks for your time today, and thank you especially for the celebration.”

With a smile, the princess replied, “It was my pleasure, Twilight. I shall see you tomorrow. Ah, one more thing – Celestia asked me to tell you she'd have the pleasure of seeing you as soon as you wake up.”

“Alright. Good night, Luna.”

The princess got up with a grin, and quipped, “Thank you.” Leaving the room, she closed the door behind her and so left Twilight to sleep.

Not five minutes later, Twilight was languishing in that delicious world half-way between waking and sleeping, when she was roused by a quiet tapping on her door. She listened for a moment, but couldn't hear anything so she turned over with a huff, trying once more to go to sleep. The tapping came again, with a whispered “Psst! Twilight, it's us!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, getting out of bed and going to open the door, she saw her five friends and Spike, all gathered excitedly in front of her. They all started to speak in low voices at once:

“Oh man, I just had to see those wings once more! I convinced everyone to sneak out to come and see you -”

“You, um, look really nice, Twilight -”

“That mane, darling! It's simply fabulous -”

Twilight interrupted them. “Um, guys, thanks a lot, but I'm really tired. I have to see Celestia early tomorrow, so I can't talk right now.”

Pinkie Pie, ignorant of the sudden change in mood, persisted. “Aw Twilight! Don'tcha wanna stay up all night? It'll be just like that time we went to Appleloosa on the train – we can have a mini-party, I brought some cupcakes too, and you can tell us all about how you feel, and -”

She stopped as Applejack laid a hoof on her. “Pinkie Pie, stop. Ain't it obvious? Twi's said she's tired – hell, ah guess ah would be too if ah'd been through what she has. We can always meet up tomorrow, right Twi?”

“Sure, Applejack. I'll see you tomorrow.”

As the five friends dejectedly turned to leave, Spike came up to Twilight, giving her a hug. “Are you sure you're ok?”

“Of course, Spike, my favourite assistant. I'm just...” she interrupted herself with a yawn, “...really, really tired. Good night.” The conversation ended as Twilight went back into her room, shutting the door. Spike stood there for a few moments, then shrugged and hurried after the ponies going back to their rooms.