• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 1,164 Views, 25 Comments

Finding A Home - DerpyDaringDitzyDoo

Home. A place where one can feel at ease and have rest. It was a fairly foreign idea to Scootaloo, but she always dreamed of finding such a place.

  • ...

Chapter 5 A Purpose

After a few laughs and goodbyes, the trio parted ways. Jet went to go find the furiously blushing Cool Breeze while Scootaloo and Dawn decided to go straight to dinner. It was a long quiet walk, and Scootaloo was grateful for the time to think.

This was only her second day in Manehatten, and she’d already made more friends here than she ever had in Ponyville. But even though she made so many friends and met so many nice ponies that treated her like family, she was really beginning to miss her rural little hometown. She missed the wide-open blue skies, the smell of fresh apples and vegetables in the air, the friendly waves she often got when she passed other ponies in the park, and she really missed her scooter. The more she thought about it, the sillier it was that she ran away in the first place. I mean sure I don’t have any family in Ponyville, and only a few friends. But Rainbow Dash would have helped me, and so would miss Cheerilee. I mean hay that colt Pipsqueak is an orphan and he seems pretty happy. Maybe I’ll ask Dawn if-

Scootaloo let out an ‘oof’ as she was pulled to her haunches by Dawn’s magic. “Whoa slow down there crazy pony, you almost walked right in front of that carriage. You okay?”

“Huh? Oh sorry I just wasn’t paying attention.” Scootaloo tried to start walking again, but Dawn would have nothing of it. She firmly sat Scootaloo down with a tug of her magic as she sat in front of her.

“Nuh-uh, something’s bothering you and we’re not going anywhere until you tell me what it is.” Scootaloo’s stomach growled as if to accent Dawn’s point.

“I’m just a little homesick is all, no big deal.” Dawn gave her a skeptical look, but after a moment she relented her magic and they continued walking.

“Okay if you say so. Just remember if you want to go back or something, I’ll make sure you get there. Of course that’ll be a lot easier when you’re flying!” She hoofed her in the shoulder playfully before pointing a hoof across the street from their original destination. “Hey what’s that all about?”

Scootaloo’s eyes followed her hoof to the normally empty lot across the street from the restaurant. A large crowd had gathered around a covered wagon and stage, and a blue unicorn was standing at the center of attention giving some kind of lecture. “I don’t know some kind of magic show?”

“Ooh come on lets go watch!” Dawn galloped off with Scootaloo at her side, an unspoken race made from their trip. By the time they arrived they were a panting mess, with Scootaloo winning the race by a nose. Or maybe a half a nose? Anyways… “How’d you do that?”

“Do what, beat you? I used to do a lot of running.” Scootaloo gave a sheepish smile as they pushed their way to the front of the crowd.

“Nah I let you win the race.” She gave her a wink as they pressed onwards. “But how did you see what this was? I mean all I could see was a crowd of ponies, but you could even see what they were doing.” Dawn turned to Scootaloo as they finally ‘earned’ their front row seats.

“Oh umm… I think it’s just a pegasus thing. Because I could always hear and see way better than my dad, and he was an earth pony.” They turned their attention back to the stage and the blue unicorn sauntering back and forth.

The showmare had a light blue coat, with an even lighter blue, almost white mane and tail. She wore a purple magician’s hat and cape, both were spotted with gold and silver stars. Perhaps her most notable feature however, was her ‘yes I am just that much better than you’ attitude. She spoke up to address the crowd, her voice clearly expressing her self-appointed superiority.

“Come on this is foals play! Surely the great city of Manehatten has something at least a little challenging for the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Her name was accompanied by a burst of fireworks, drawing several ‘oohs’ and ‘awes’ from the crowd.

“Umm, I think I can do something you can’t.” All eyes turned to an older unicorn colt as he tentatively stepped onto the stage. He had a brown coat, and a darker brown mane and tail. His Cutie Mark was a grouping of clouds, Dawn noticed. “I mean at least I’ve never seen you at the factory.”

His horn lit up as he closed his eyes to concentrate. Slowly, the humidity in the air around him was compressed into a puddle on the stage, drawing a few cheers from the crowd. He then lowered his horn to the puddle, and it almost immediately turned into a white, fluffy cloud.

The crowd cheered wildly at his magic as he blushed and hid behind he is cloud. “Oh it’s nothing really, somepony has to do it.” This just got him even more cheers and a few eye-rolls from the airborne pegasus section.

Trixie scoffed as she circled the growingly nervous brown colt. “Ha! You call that magic? Let me show you what a real magician can do!” Her hat lifted from off her head, revealing her horn surrounded by a blue glow that matched the glow around the cloud on the stage. She began reshaping the cloud into various animals, starting with a rabbit, a bear, a pony, and finally a songbird. Each shape drew a larger cheer from the crowd until she turned it into a timberwolf which chased the poor colt off the stage. The crowd burst into fits of laughter till Dawn jumped onto the stage and glared at Trixie.

“Hey! It’s cool that you’re good at magic and all, but you don’t have to be such a jerk about it!” She looked over her shoulder and winked at Scootaloo who was still amazed she got up there so fast.

Trixie burst out laughing as she patted Dawn on the head. “Oh that’s rich! Listen little filly why don’t you run a long now, the adults are talking.” She turned to walk back to the center of the stage before Dawn pulled her hat over her eyes with her magic, causing Trixie to trip on her own leg out of panic. As she rushed to stand up and readjust her hat, she tried to ignite a giggling filly with her angry stare.

“Okay, if that’s how you want to play. I tried to be nice, but not anymore! So don’t blame me when you go home crying to daddy.”

“Don’t judge a pony by the size of their fetlocks, I got a few tricks to pull.” Dawn’s horn lit up as Trixie’s face began to glow a matching soft blue. The onlookers went deathly silent before erupting into laughter as Trixie’s face sprouted a lumberpony’s beard.

Trixie’s hat fell off and was forgotten as she scrambled to find a mirror before growling and turning back to Dawn. She pointed her horn dangerously at Dawn, and the filly’s coat and mane erupted into a fluffy mess. The disgruntled eyes of the student were barely visible within the white and mint colored cotton ball.

Dawn had a lopsided grin as her horn once again lit up as she focused her magic. Several of the wooden planks stage right lifted and took the form of three small ponies. She sat down and focused harder as they began to dance around the stage to unheard music.

She crowd cheered wildly as Trixie grew more furious. “Oh yeah well how about this!” The wooden ponies were wrapped in Trixie’s much stronger blue glow as she disassembled them. The crowd gasped as the wood was fitted together into the shape of a Timberwolf twice the size of Dawn. The make-shift beast let out a howl as it jumped at Dawn who was panicking too much to focus her magic. It barely got a foot from its starting point before it exploded into splinters and tinder, leaving an unharmed and very relieved Dawn to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Trixie sat slack-jawed and stared at the tan pegasus, that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, emerging from the crater in her stage. “What… but there’s… no way he… nopony is that fast! What kind of magic was that huh?”

Swiftwing had a cocky grin as Dawn ran up and hugged him. “I call that one wrath from the clouds. And I don’t recall there ever being a horn up there, so no tricks here. Just pure, awesome, speed.”

The ever-growing crowd let out a few cheers and laughs, angering Trixie even further. Scootaloo thought she could feel the temperature rise by a few degrees when she jumped onto the stage near the blue unicorn. After giving Swift a hug they gathered in a huddle with their backs to Trixie, more to annoy her than out of any necessity.

Swift looked over at the magician as she dusted her hat off and returned it to its perch on her head. After she noticed him looking, she smirked and began giving herself a hooficure to show how easy all of this was. “Looks like she could go on like this for hours, so you’ll have to really have to wow the audience with a shocker if you want to win.
Scootaloo tapped her chin with a hoof before shouting and jumping with a giant smile. “I got it! I got it! Why don’t you use your magic to talk to Trixie like you do with Mr. Star Dasher! I bet that would really knock her horseshoes off.”

“I don’t know I’ve never really made the magic link myself before because it’s really hard.” Dawn frowned before looking at Scootaloo skeptically. “And knock her horseshoes off? What does that even mean?”

“Uh I don’t know actually. I think it’s a country pony thing cause a lot of the adults in Ponyville say it.” She scratched the back of her head as she grinned sheepishly.

“I think we’re getting a little off topic here.” Swift turned his attention back to their huddle and patted Dawn on the head. “So what’ll it be? Do you want to try and show that jerk who’s boss, or do you just want to go to dinner?”

“Well I guess it won’t hurt to try.” Dawn slowly walked from the huddle towards the showmare who was brushing her hair and pretending to feel indifferent to the filly’s approach.

Trixie scoffed as she put her brush up. “Are you finally done plotting your own downfall? Trixie has far more important things to do than play with the likes of you. Besides it’s not like you ever actually had a chance to win. Trixie doesn’t even know why anypony would try to beat the Great and Powerful Trixie in a magic dual- hey do not ignore Trixie!”

Swift and Scootaloo were playing tic-tac-toe in the dirt next to the stage while Dawn was reading her book about Pegasus magic. After noticing Trixie’s glare she put her book up and stretched. “Oh are you finally done ranting? I have far better things to do than listen to your dumb monologue.”

Trixie once again tried to ignite the filly with her angry glower before she focused her magic. “Oh it is on!”

“Whoa hold on there angry pony, you can’t just start casting spells all willy nilly when you want.” Trixie stood speechless while Dawn continued her lecture while holding up a halting hoof. “This is a proper magic dual, and according to rule number three you have to wait your turn since you cast the last spell.”

“What… but… grr fine, but hurry up so Trixie can vanquish you.” She sat down with a huff, pointedly looking away from her lecturer.

“Woohoo you tell her Dawn! Show that lame-o who’s the most magical unicorn in all of Manehatten!” She recognized the voice, but she couldn’t see any recognizable faces in the crowd.

Not now, I need to focus. Okay first step: take a deep breath and relax. Dawn sat down and closed her eyes as her horn began to glow a familiar soft blue. The crowd and stage alike grew deathly silent to Dawn’s ears as she focused harder than ever before. Step two: of your surroundings and release a wave of sensing magic; take note of the responses of the objects and ponies around you.

She recited each step perfectly as she performed them. Step three: Identify the pony that the link will be made with, and observe their flow of magic. Step four: Focus you magic in them and force its flow to match theirs. Step five: Form the thread-like link between your magic in them, and the magic in yourself. Step six: “Speak.”

Trixie’s eyes widened as she frantically looked around the stage. “Who said that? Who dares command Trixie?”

Dawn giggled as she continued to speak into the showmare’s mind. “I did silly filly. Wow it sure is dusty up here, you don’t use this too much do you?” She knew telepathy didn’t even come close to allowing you to enter the actual mind of another pony, but what were the odds that Trixie knew that?

Meanwhile the magician was curled up in a ball on the stage with her hooves over her ears. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!”

Dawn hated to do this sort of thing, but somepony needed to take that pedestal out from under this showoff bully. Plus she wanted to pull one last prank. “Your voice is so much more annoying in here. To answer your question, yes I really am in your head. You’re not that crazy yet. Oh and to answer your next question, yes I can read your thoughts. There’s like a big chalkboard in here with all of your thoughts on them. Though I have to admit it’s pretty empty.”

Dawn opened her eyes to the sight of Trixie running off the stage screaming. She quickly disappeared around the street corner, forsaking her hat on the stage.

The crowd broke out into cheers and laughter as they all went their separate ways, each recalling their favorite part of the show. Dawn was busy waving to some onlookers when Swift tackled her to the floor with a hug.

“Quit waving at random ponies and check you flank you silly mule!”

Dawn blinked as he helped her up. “My, flank?” She slowly turned her head with confusion written on her face till she saw – “My Cutie Mark! My Cutie Mark!”

She started prancing around the stage shouting ‘yes’ as loud as she could with the biggest smile imaginable. It took the combined efforts of Swift and Scootaloo to hold her down with a group hug, much to the amusement of some of the onlookers that still remained. One unicorn in particular shed a tear before walking across the street to the restaurant.

“I’m proud of you.”

Dawn looked around skeptically after they broke the group hug. “Did anyone else hear that?” She turned to her two pegasus companions as they began walking off the stage. Before leaving she decided to be courteous so she levitated the magician’s blue hat and hanged it on a lone hook on the stage’s only wall.

“Hear what, you prancing around and shouting ‘yes’ like a filly who got her first gold star in kindergarten? “ Scootaloo fell over laughing at her joke while Swift patted Dawn on the head with an easy smile.

“Oh yeah well… oh just shut up.” Dawn tried to think of a way to get back at her friend, but she decided to let it go since nothing could ruin her best day ever anyways.

They crossed the street with the two fillies giggling the whole way: riding on Swift’s stomach as he lazily flew circles upside down before landing on his back to let them climb off. He led them into the upscale restaurant at a leisurely canter, waving as they passed Mr. Brue and the still indignant greeter. After showing Scootaloo and Dawn to a table in an empty side room, he excused himself to help Sky prepare a surprise.

The two quickly got bored of sitting in the small, quiet room. Scootaloo had an idea as she excused herself to the fillies room. After making sure Dawn was busy reading her magic book, she darted into the kitchen as quietly as she could.

The heart of the restaurant was as busy as ever. Chefs ran back and forth between cluttered workstations, cooking and preparing foods Scootaloo had never even smelled before. The organized chaos made it fairly easy for her to slip under a large table in a corner without anypony noticing
Before long she spotted Swift and Sky in the crowded kitchen, and after shifting herself to face them she could barely make out what they were saying.

Swift was currently re enacting the events of the previous magic duel with a little too much enthusiasm, much to the chagrin of the kitchen staff. When he got to the part where Trixie ran off screaming she thought she might give away her hiding spot with how much she was laughing, but luckily everypony was too distracted by his antics to notice.

“I mean can you believe it? Dawn really got her Cutie Mark! Oh I wish you could have been there.”

“Yeah, me too.” Sky couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice, so Swift stood next to her and draped a wing over her back.

“Don’t let it get to ya. Maybe you weren’t there when she got it, but you still get to make the best “Congratulations For Getting Your Cutie Mark” dinner ever, for the best filly to ever get her Cutie Mark right?” Swift finished by poking her nose with a wingtip, getting no small giggle and smile from her as he leaned into her side.

“Yes I suppose that’s true. Oh you always know how to cheer anypony up, how haven’t you found a mare yet?” She pushed him off with a wing before returning to work.

“Well I am pretty awesome. Wait what about the letter? Are we still gonna tell her?”

Sky sighed as she moved closer to Scootaloo to work on a cake. Yes we still have to tell her, you know she hates it when we put it off.”

Swift walked back to her side and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Yeah but it’s so unfair. This is the seventh time she’s applied and they haven’t even given her a chance! Can’t we at least put it off until tomorrow? I mean she did get her Cutie Mark today, can’t bad news at least wait until tomorrow?”

Well as long as Swift doesn’t- no, nevermind. There it goes, the infamous pout: quivering lip and everything. Scootaloo knew Sky was done for the moment she saw his face, and sure enough she let out her trademark sigh followed by a tail flick to Swift’s face.

“Okay fine you win this time, but I’m telling her at breakfast tomorrow morning whether you like it or not.” She went back to finishing a cake while Swift rubbed his cheek.

“Well it’s not like I’ll be there anyways I have that trip to go on remember? I’m supposed to be there at least until this weekend.”

“Oh yeah that dumb Equestria Record Holder’s Convention or whatever. Just a bunch of athletes trying to brag louder than each other.” She had too many bad experiences with athletes to much enjoy their company. Swift was one of the few exceptions.

“Aww don’t be jealous, one day you’ll have a record of your own. Besides there’s more than just athletes you know. They give awards to the most successful businesses, farms, even the most efficient weather team get’s an award.”

“Yes I’m sure it’s all quite charming, but for now we have to hungry fillies that are probably bouncing in their chairs right now.” She laughed at Swift’s ever growing smiled. “Come on the food’s ready. And yes you can show her the cake.”

They began balancing plates on their back and wings as Scootaloo frantically tried to get back to their table outside. Dawn barely noticed her come back as she was too busy groaning and hitting her head on the table.

“Ack I know he did this on purpose. Pegasus magic is the most complicated magic ever! I mean with a unicorn all I have to do is try and match my magic flow to theirs. But with pegasi their magic flows change based on whether or not they’re on the ground, flying, the weather, even their emotions! Why can’t you be more simple?”

Scootaloo blinked a few times before shrugging. “I don’t know, sorry?”

Dawn sighed as she put the book back in her bag. “No I’m sorry. It’s not your fault or anything, this is just really hard and it’s going to take a lot longer than I thought.”

Swift and Sky arrived and began placing their dinner on the table. Dawn smiled when they walked up, and it only grew as Swift turned to reveal the white cake balanced on his back. Sky was by no means the best baker, and if you asked her about it she’d throw a tantrum as she told you all the things she did wrong and how frustrated it made her.

But if you asked Dawn, then she would say a better cake had never been made. She couldn’t help but cry as she thanked and hugged them.

Scootaloo felt a little left out as she watched them from across the table, but she also couldn’t help but dream. Here were three ponies that weren’t actually related but they were as close as a family could be. Maybe one day she would have a family to throw a Cutie Mark party like this for her?

A gentle nudge on her shoulder shook her out of her thoughts, and she turned around to see a familiar giant pegasus.

“Well what are you doing over here? That hug look big enough for one more,” Strat said as he smiled warmly.

After noticing Swift waving her over with a hoof she ran around the table and plowed into the group as Strat chuckled.

After they all separated he quietly cleared his throat to gain their attention. “Do you mind if I join you for awhile?”

Swift’s face lit up at getting to spend time with his old friend, but Sky was much less courteous as she answered him with a snort. “Sorry but I only made enough food for four.”

Strat hesitated but smiled and took an empty seat. “That’s okay I already ate, and you have an empty chair to fill.”

After her eye stopped twitching she returned to passing out the food. “We don’t have any alcohol either.”

Strat stood with a sigh as he bowed his head. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you, but please give me another chance. Besides I don’t drink anymore… that’s just something I quit.”

Swift choked on his water at the news, but Sky just smirked. “Oh really? And when did this start?”

“Since last night.”

“Wow what an impressive record, is that why you’re going with Swift tomorrow?”


Whatever willed Strat to stay was crushed after that, so he turned to walk away. “Nevermind then, even I can take a hint. Sorry to bother you all.”

Swift moved faster than Scootaloo could track,and was standing in front of Strat before he took the second step. They all looked at him in shock as their manes finally stopped blowing around. “Now hold on a minute Strat. Sky can we talk?” His disapproving look made her squirm in her seat before nodding.

The two of them walked to the corner as they talked in harsh whispers, Strat didn’t move an inch and his posture seemed to deflate even more, all while Dawn and Scootaloo talked on their own.

Scootaloo looked over her shoulder at Strat with concern. “Wow that was pretty harsh, did he really do something to deserve that?”

Dawn shrugged in response. “I’m not sure. I mean my mom always said he was a bad influence so that’s why I never really met him properly until last night. But I mean he is friends with uncle Swift, so how bad can he be?”

“I don’t know, but I hope everything works out. He doesn’t seem like a bad pony to me. Do you think there’s anything we can do to help him?”

“I don’t think so, I don’t even know what the problem is, much less how to fix it. I mean you could give him a hug again, that worked last time.” Dawn giggled as she poked Scootaloo’s side.

“What no way! If he want’s another hug he’s going to have to work for it.” They both laughed until Swift and Sky returned to the table. Sky sat down and avoided looking in Strat’s direction, but Swift went over and bumped hooved with him.

After clearing his throat, Swift broke the silence. “Alright here’s the deal. Strat you said that you stopped drinking, and that you wanted to start being a better example right?”

Strat pawed at the floor as he looked away. “Well that’s not exactly what I said, but yeah that pretty much sums it up.”

“And Sky said that you were… umm… let’s just say, not a good role model. Like at all. So Sky and I agreed to put you through a test to see if you really deserve a second chance, and if you should be allowed to have any contact with these two adorable filles.”

Strat didn’t say a word as he listened, perking his ears up as he waited for Swift to continue. “Right, so here’s the deal. Me and you are going to that convention tomorrow right? Well since we’re rooming together and are pretty much going to be around each other the whole time, I’m going to watch and make sure you don’t have a single alcoholic drink. “

That got Strat to waver a bit. He looked unsure of what to say, but after he looked around the table at everyone, his eyes resting on Sky last, he straightened his posture and stood tall. “If it let’s me be a part of this, then I’ll gladly never drink again.”

Swift hoofed him in the shoulder as he walked back to the table. “Alright thats the spirit! Now come on I’m dying to eat this cake!” Everypony laughed as they ate their dinners and shared stories. Strat didn’t partake in much of the conversations, but he sat at the table with a content smile.

As the five pony party started to die down, Scootaloo decided it was time to ask Sky about something that had been bothering her. “Umm miss Sky? Can I ask you about something?” Scootaloo hopped out of her chair, followed shortly by Sky.

“Well of course dear.” She waved to Swift before leading Scootaloo to a far corner of the room. “So what can I help you with?”

“How can I write a letter to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?”

Sky blinked at her for a few seconds before shaking her head. “Why in equestria would you want to do that?”

“Swift said they weren’t even giving Dawn a chance right? So I want to send them letters too!”

“What? But how did-” She glared at Swift, who shot her a wink. After she removed her hoof from her face she couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright if you’ll write the letter, I’ll send it for you.” They walked back to the table with smiles on their faces, and the night passed by in a flash. Before long Dawn and Scootaloo had fallen asleep on chairs pushed together to make beds, and the adults were not far behind.

After a few brief goodbyes, some more brief than others, they all parted ways with Swift carrying Scootaloo and Sky carrying Dawn. They walked down the dark, quiet streets on their way home; the sleeping fillies seeming not to mind the rhythmic movements. Although there was still plenty of dangers in the big city, it was peaceful moments like these that made the two Pegasi almost forget about them. Almost...

“We’re being followed.” Swift whispered to Sky, almost making her jump when he broke the silence. “I recognize them, three Unicorn stallions I saw earlier a the train station. They must have seen me picking up that order for Mr. Sherbert and thought I had some extra bits to throw around. And it probably doesn't help that they saw where we just came from either.”

Sky glanced at Dawn and Scootaloo. “Well what do we do? We can’t exactly outrun them, and I’m not the safest flyer with a filly on my back.” She did a horrible job of disguising the rising fear in her voice.

Swift sped up to a canter as he grinned. “Up ahead on the left is a bar, rough place but I know the owner so you’ll be fine in there until it’s safe to leave. Plus it’s full of Pegasi, I doubt these guys will walk within earshot of the place. They’re following me, so I suppose I’ll give them a run for their money. Give their stubby little legs some exercise.”

“Oh...okay then. You want me to take Scootaloo?”

“Nah she stayed at your place last night, she can crash at mine this time.” Sky stopped walking briefly before rushing to catch up with Swift.

“Wait a minute Swift we both agreed not to let anyone else know where you live, and for a good reason too.” For the moment she actually seemed more concerned about this than their stalkers.

“Relax there’s no way Scootaloo can tell anyone where it is, she’s only been in Manehatten for two days now and there's no way she knows her way around yet. And if I tell her not to talk about it to anypony, I’m sure I can trust her. Besides she did say she likes it when others take her flying right?”

Sky sighed and nodded before tilting her head. “Wait when did she say that?”

“Oh would you look at that! Here’s your stop missy, I hope you had a great trip it was so nice to visit with you but unfortunately I have to go now bye!” Swift turned the corner and bolted down the street, the unicorns barely giving Sky a passing glance as they rushed to follow.

It didn’t take long for the rough ride to wake Scootaloo up, and without a helpful wing from Swift she would have fallen off. “Hey what’s going on? Why are we running?”

“Well actually I’m running while you’re sitting back there on your lazy butt, but to answer your question… Because magic? Yeah let’s go with that one.” He turned a sharp corner into an alleyway, yet again having to lend a wing to Scootaloo so she wouldn’t fall.

She wordlessly mouthed his answer before scratching her head. “Well that doesn’t answer my question at all.”

“Maybe that’s because the answer isn’t what’s important, but the question? I don’t know I was always bad at this philosophy stuff.”

“What’s philosophy?”

Neither of them said anything for nearly half a minute. “How about we just change the subject… Hey you want to do some flying?” He didn’t give her the time to react as he did a nearly vertical take off mere feet away from the brick building’s wall that the alley ended into. Scootaloo kept her head low and squinted her eyes as the fierce winds rushed by.

The wind was cold and harsh, the ride was rough and bumpy, but none of that could take away from the smile she wore as they climbed and climbed; far above the buildings and city streets they traveled before. Scootaloo thought Manehatten was amazing to see before, but seeing the city from the night sky, lit up like a blanket of stars, she had never seen something so breathtaking. She watched the city lights grow brighter as they flew over downtown Manehatten, and fade away as they approached the far side of the city.

Swift slowed down to a gentle glide as he made wide banks around the large warehouses and factory buildings. Scootaloo couldn't help but fall asleep as the wild ride suddenly turned so calm. He could feel the lethargy in his wings as well, but they soon arrived at Swift's home. After some quiet and quick greetings with the home's other occupants, he put Scootaloo to bed in a guest room.

After a shower and some teasing from those who greeted him earlier, he quite literally fell face first into his bed and didn't even bother getting comfortable. After the long flight he did today, spying on a couple fillies at school, the performance he put on outside the restaurant, and that run through the town, he was too tired to care. But at the same time his mind was to busy to let him sleep.

So many things had changed for them in such a short amount of time. Before they had a simple routine they followed almost everyday. Sure sometimes Swift would have a large out of town order, or Sky would have to work overtime, but they still had a system. Scootaloo changed all of that: now there was an entire other pony to fit into that routine. Though clearly she wasn't the most demanding filly ever to walk Manehatten, she still had needs far beyond just physical that they hadn't even begun to uncover. Getting to know her was going to be interesting indeed. But would he get the chance? He was scared he might not.

They knew Scootaloo couldn't stay here safely, this city is like a caged Manticore: just waiting for someone to open the door. And it was only going to get a whole lot worse before it got better. Of course he would always do anything to protect her, but that's just not any way for a filly to live. But at the same time if she wanted to stay, could they really make her leave? Even if it was clearly for her own good? Swift wanted to think he could, but he was starting to doubt himself. He sighed and rolled onto his back. "Well I guess I'll find out when the time comes."

He chuckled when he thought about what Scootaloo would think when she woke up in the morning. After all most ponies have never woken up in a house quite like this...