• Member Since 1st Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Monday



Trixie Lulamoon doesn't talk much about her parents, does she? Let me tell you how she came along. (Written as part of a story-to-come-later, but stands up fine as a short one on it's own.)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 17 )

Nice!:pinkiehappy: A little sad though, because Dusk died.:raritycry:


Well, I did tag it for "Sad" because yeah- Trixie never struck me as having the best of luck. Now, take that as being "Twilight Sparkle's runty sister who got all the leftovers from the womb on...and it explains a lot about her."

Don't worry. I wrote this bit to help develop Trixie in my head for later work in the same universe, there's some less sad to come. :)

Because the cover image was so cute...
I like.


*bows* I do try and find something that doesn't make your average reader cringe before reaching the text. Be sure to give the artist a like on Deviantart, then- they deserve it. :)

I would've read your story anyway.
I try not to judge on cover art. Someone might write a brilliant story but not find fitting cover art.
All of my praise goes to your writing. And I usually do check out image sources. Some deviantart images used here link to interesting artists.

Question. Explain what just happend. I was very confussed. Nice story, Dusk died, twilight lived, and trixie... How does trixie tie into this?:trixieshiftright::facehoof:

What happened is this: Midnight Shadow's foal was a preemie. Slightly later, Twilight Velvet (Sparkle's mother) gave birth to a surprise pair of twins- the smaller of the two happening to be a close match to Shadow's in size and color.

Needing a little extra room, they squeezed in an extra bassinet for the extra baby in a hurry- which throws off the count the nurse gives Midnight, meaning she ends up picking up Velvet's smaller child instead of her own, seeing as she'd only barely seen her own foal after giving birth (and not very well- preeclampsia can actually cause blindness in severe cases, though it really does usually go away after giving birth!). They fall asleep and Midnight ends up being taken back with "her" foal- actually Velvet's. The "newborn twin" (really Midnight's premature foal) suffers a fatal case of crib death, and "Dusk" is actually that foal that Night Light and Twilight Velvet bury that "didn't last the night"- and after Twilight comes the Dusk, of course. The name cards were knocked loose by the napping Midnight, and the nurse assumed the (very similar and size and coloration) foal she was feeding was her own, the other one was Velvet's newborn- and put the wrong card for the foal still in her bassinet.

Midnight's happy motherhood for what she thinks is her baby is actually Twilight Sparkle's fraternal twin....that she names Trixie Lulamoon.

TL:DR version a little clearer? :pinkiehappy:

2060317 okay I get it now. So trixie is twilight's sister, the foal that died was midnight's daughter. okay, that makes much more sense now!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for that explaination. I was rather confused myself. Poor Midnight Shadow. She lost her foal and didn't know it. I am assuming this story is the prologue for the story you have to come?


When I'm writing, now and then I'll find a hole in the canonical stuff that'd be fun to fill in with a short bit of story that'd break the flow of the narrative if I tried to squeeze it all into whatever story I'm marching onto the page. The nicest thing is in cases like this, it's a bit of backstory that works for more than one if I need it to- even if there's more about Trixie that's different from one to the other, it can stand on it's own. Maybe in one story, Trixie's relation explains her obsessive need to replace Twilight Sparkle. Or while studying her geneology to discover what it takes to have alicorn potential Twilight Sparkle realizes the lock of baby hair her mother snipped before burying Dusk doesn't match her bloodline at all. Or even by noting the truth without telling any of the characters, you can have a scene that seems one way to the characters in the story, but takes on a completely different angle because the readers are "in the know". There's a lot you can do with a few thousand words! :)

My emotions in chronological order. :rainbowhuh: :rainbowderp: :twilightoops: :raritycry: :fluttershbad:
End result emotions :pinkiecrazy: :trixieshiftright: :applejackunsure:
Still, in the words of eric kartman, "kickass"

Great story, truly loved it, please tell me that you plan to continue it soon.

Aww... Now I feel bad for trixie

Well, I guess there explains a tad bit the background of Trixie Lulamoon.

So the Lulamoon family (at least in this story) WAS blessed, to an extent, by Princess Luna I suppose. Certainly gives a nice explanation for the crescent moon part of her cutie mark.

Not the only "Trixie and Twilight are sisters" fic, but it might be the first one.

A nice little ficlet, made rather bittersweet by several tragedies (Twilight's family assuming one of their fillies died, Twilight and Shiny being separated from their sister, Midnight probably never realising her daughter died and she got someone else's filly).

Of course, one wonders whether the truth will stay unknown, or if it'll eventually come out, and if it does, just how dramatic the set of circumstances surrounding the event will be. One can always imagine the outcome of Magic Duel could be thrown awry by such a revelation :trixieshiftleft:

So was it Tragedy or a Miracle? A curse or blessing? Perhaps this was the best outcome for all.

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