• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 550 Views, 27 Comments

Vast Imaginations - Multitraveler

Edaniel is cast into Equestria, and must make a choice that decides his fate and others. He must shed the weights of his old life, to create a new one in its place, or shroud himself in his old life, to protect him from the terrors the new one holds.

  • ...

Waking and Living

...And so it begins...

Edaniel awoke to the feeling of grass on his back.He was very drowsy for some reason. He tried to stand, but found that he could not hold himself up. "What's going on" Edaniel said aloud. He kept trying to get up, but to no avail. He tried to look around, but everything was blurred. Things began to come into focus.

He noticed that he was in a large field. He also noticed something very odd. He wasn't himself. He was shorter, by about a foot. He was a different color. He tried to move his fingers, but to his confusion, he couldn't move or feel them. He tried to move his toes, with the same result. ' I'm shorter, I'm naked, and I have hair everywhere, and I don't have thumbs.' Realization dawned on him.

"I'm a pony! Or a monkey." He exclaimed in a mixture of confusion and glee. His mane and tail were both pitch-black.His tail was long, as well as his mane, although the mane wasn't that long. His coat was a normal red color, not different from the kind in a street light. His eyes were still the same Green color. Each of his hooves had large tufts of white fur, that were hanging on the sides of them.

".........I don't know how, but I feel colorful........."

'I wonder just what happened', Edaniel thought. He recalled the events of what happened before he passed out. Just what had happened to him? He could guess that he was near the Everfree Forest, judging by the amount of trees nearby. He remembered the portal, Joey pulling that switch, and feeling an awesome amount of power before passing out. He also remembered A feeling of emptiness, and then a feeling of fullness.The feeling was as though the air around him became physical and part of him. Judging by his feeling and what he thought it meant, he thought that he must be able to use this feeling as if it were an extent of his body.

"I wonder if I can fly" Edaniel said before he launched himself into the air......., and promptly fell on his face.

"ow, my everything"! Edaniel said.

"Okay, I can scratch that off the list". Edaniel said while walking towards the highest hill in the area.

He was at the bottom of the small hill, when a question flew into his mind and hit him like a brick, effectively stopping him. 'I wonder if grass tastes good'. He bent down and ate some grass. He chewed slowly, staring straight ahead. He slowly bent down and ate more while still staring straight ahead. 'Must..... Quote..... Memes!' "Eat 'all' the grass"! Yelled Edaniel, after sticking his hooves in the air, and saying the word 'all' at maximum volume. 'Okay, time to climb some hill'. He climbed the hill and on the other side he saw something beautiful. Ponyville, with all of it's awesomeness just waiting to be found and used for the good of bronykind.

Edaniel took a moment to admire the scenery, looking at everything with extreme detail and curiosity. He noticed a few ponies walking around, such as Lyra and Bon Bon, Colgate, Cheerilie, Rarity, and Rainbowdash. 'Everything is so....... rainbow.....y'. Edaniel began walking down the hill, enjoying the scenery. There was about 40 yards of field behind him, Fluttershy's house was in the distance, about 70 yards to the left, towards the edge of the forest.

The world around him seemed untainted, compared to Earth. 'Is this earth, or is Equestria the planet? I never understood that'. The colours were brighter and seemed unnatural, although, he was trying to explain a dimension of talking ponies. The air tasted cleaner, and the ponies seemed to be in good moods. Everything about this place would make someone want to live here. The grass was greener and seemed like it had been cut minutes ago, but had sharp edges as though it had never been cut.

'Great, now I'm hungry, again.'

There were also animals like birds and bunnies everywhere.

He trotted into town and said hello to Bon Bon and Lyra. As he walked past them, he saw the gingerbread house-like bakery that was Sugarcube Corner. He decided to explore before meeting the mane-6. 'I wonder what episode I'm in'. He began exploring the town, looking at and saying hello to a few ponies. 'Hey, look it's Derpy hooves, or is it Ditsy Doo?' He thought noticing the oddly-eyed pony.

"Hello miss." He said, walking towards her.

"Hello mister" She said. "what's your name?"

"I'm Edaniel. What's your name miss?" Said Edaniel

"I'm Ditsy Doo." Said Ditzy

"Would you like to be friends?"Asked Edaniel

"Okay!" Said Ditzy

'My god, that was easy.'

Edaniel presented a happy face, the likes of which have rarely been seen, ever. She then noticed something odd. "Edaniel, you don't have a cutie-mark!" She Yelped in surprise.

"Oh, well I guess that I just have not found that special thing that I do best." Edaniel said with a smile.

'How...exactly.... did I not notice that?'

" How do you not have one? Everypony has one." She Said, obviously quiet confused.

"I guess it just means that I'll find one soon." Edaniel said in a sincere voice.

"Okay." Said Ditsy, still perplexed.

"Well, it's been great talking to you Ditsy, but I've got to be going." Edaniel said with that sincere smile. "Alright, bye Edaniel!" She said with a smile.

He began thinking and noticed that he would need a job. He set out for the cafe. After a lot of searching, he eventually found it. It looked the same as it did in "The ticket master". As luck would have it, there was a 'job wanted' sign in the window. 'Just like every fanfiction....ever' He thought as he walked in. The inside of the cafe was full of many potted plants and some ivy that hung from the wall into a dirt area alongside it. The inside color was yellow, or beige. A few ponies were sitting at tables, talking. There were two waiters, taking orders.

Edaniel began walking until he reached a small podium, at which a gray pony with a "spoon and fork" cutie mark and a black comb-over sat. He spoke.

"Please, excuse me sir, but may I try out for the job opening?" Said Edaniel in his fanciest voice.

"Of course, have you done this before?" Said the Gray pony.

"No, I'm afraid I haven't." Said Edaniel.

"Okay. Do you have any talents that would be an asset?" Said the gray pony.

"I don't know, to be honest." Edaniel said, slipping out of his fancy voice.

"May I do a sort of practice-run?"

"I suppose, it couldn't hurt." The gray pony said nicely.

"Thank you sir, and my name is Edaniel, by the way. It is very nice to meet you." Edaniel said while reaching out a hoof to emphasize the greeting.

"My name is Cater Way." It's good to meet you too, Edaniel." Said Cater Way.

"You can start by putting these on." Cater Way informed as he passed Edaniel a uniform.

'This uniform is gonna clash with my purse.....'He thought.
"Thanks man." Said Edaniel.

Once dressed, Edaniel walked back towards the podium.

"Tight and uncomfortable?" Asked Cater Way.

"Eeyup." Edaniel said.

"That means it's working." Said Cater Way.

"So, which table should I wait?" Asked Edaniel.

"How about that one?" Said Cater Way, pointing to a table with two ponies.

"Aye, Aye, Cap'n." Saluted Edaniel.

Edaniel began walking towards the table.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Asked Edaniel.

"Hello, we'd like a Hay-Sandwich and an Ice-Cream-Sundae." They said at the same time.

"Did you two practice this?" Asked Edaniel, jokingly.

"No" They said, at the same time, blushing.

"You sure?" Joked Edaniel.

"Yes" They simultaneously said, again, while blushing.

"......" Poker-faced Edaniel.

"......." Poker-faced the couple.

"I'll get your order. Sorry to antagonize you." Edaniel apologized.

"No, it's fine" They both said..........at the same time........again.

"Okay, thanks for being forgiving. To the foods!!!" Exclaimed Edaniel.

He went back to the kitchen. "I need a Hay-Sandvich and an Ice-Cream-Sundae." Said Edaniel, to the chef.

"Gotcha." Said the chef.

'That hat looks like a bomb on his head.' Edaniel waited for his order by the counter.


"Here you go." Said the chef.

"Thanks, man." Said Edaniel. Edaniel merrily bounced his way back to the couple, balancing the plate on his head.

"'Ere you go." Said Edaniel in his best Leprechaun voice.

"Thank you." The couple said.

Edaniel made his way back to Cater Way with his plate on his back. 'Gotta figure out how I do this stuff later' Thought Edaniel.

"Well. That didn't go so great." Said Edaniel. Cater Way just smiled at him.

"What....Is there something on my face?" Asked Edaniel. He then patted his face as though it held the key to the universe...or a waffle vault.

"No, Edaniel. Your customers keep checking you out. They'll come over here." Said Cater Way.

" Hubbazaywhaaaaaa?" Edaniel said, before turning around. The couple from earlier was finishing their meal. The waiter and test-waiter awaited their arrival. (pun not intended)

"Hello there." Said the Mare.

"We never caught your name."

"I'm Edaniel, and you are?" Asked Edaniel.

"I'm Mrs. Cake. This is Mr. Cake." Said Mrs. Cake.

"It's a pleasure." Said Mr. Cake, extending his hoof, for a hand...hoof...whatever-shake. Edaniel gladly accepted it.

"It's great to meet you, Mrs. and Mr Cake." Said Edaniel.

"Likewise." Said Mrs. Cake.

"You should come by our sweets-shop. It's the house that looks like it's made of candy. Can't miss it." Mrs. Cake said with a smile.

"I'll be sure to come by, Mrs. Cake." Said Edaniel.'

"Great. See you then, Edaniel." They both said, in unison.

The Cakes walked out of the cafe. Cater Way gave him a happy look.

"What?" Asked Edaniel.

"That was great!" Exclaimed Cater Way.

"How so?" Asked Edaniel.

"You got them to like you instantly! That will probably make them come by more." Said Cater Way.

"All I did was make some small-talk and get their food." Said Edaniel, surprised by his new friends change from; calm and collective, to Happiness Mode Activated, *BOOP*.

"So, I actually get the job?" Asked Edaniel, incredulously.

"Oh, no. I just gave you that praise for nothing." Said Cater Way, flooding the sentence with sarcasm.

"Oh, well that's too bad." Said Edaniel.

Cater's face was what.

"You alright?" Asked Edaniel.

"You got the job..." Cater Way deadpanned. "Really? Wooh- Oh! Tight clothes, tight clothes!" Exclaimed Edaniel, as he tried to stretch his hooves out in cheer.

~One change, and a few minutes later~

'Okay, so I got a job. What now?' 'I bet that there's a pink ninja watching me and waiting for the moment to party.

'Edaniel thought. He did a quick scan of the area.

'Looks clear.' reported Edaniel.

"Oh dang' it. It's dark." He stated.

' I guess, I should have seen this coming. I'll just head back to the pasture.....Heh-heh. Pasture. Ponies. Punny.' He Snickered in his mind. Edaniel walked/trotted to were he awoke that day.

'Okay, I'll stay away from the Everfree, unless manticores suddenly get an everlasting burst of friendliness.'

*Yawn*"Time for sleep" Edaniel said aloud. He settled himself in for a good night's rest.

'I don't know what happened, but I'll ask Celestia and Luna. Maybe they know.'

~One sleepifacation later~

Fluttershy awoke to angel bunny tapping his feet on her stomach. " Oh, good morning Angel. How did you sleep last night?" She asked her slightly annoyed pet. Angel just continued tapping his feet on the bed, signifying his inpatients. " Are you hungry?" Asked Fluttershy. Angel nodded his head, an irritated look on his face.

Fluttershy yawned, put a small smile on her face, and got out of bed. After fixing her sheets, she walked downstairs. She began feeding all of her little animals.......and bear. She walked outside and noticed a peculiar sight.

There was a large heap of something in the pasture next to her house. Granted, it was fairly far away. " Oh, my. Is that a pony?" Angel simply glanced at her and continued eating his ridiculously over-decorated salad.

Fluttershy flew towards the figure in the grass. 'It is a pony!' she sped her pace. She was now right next to the mysterious pony. He seemed fine. He was odd looking, to say the least. He had a black mane, Red coat, and White tufts of fur on his hooves. There was also dust and cobwebs littered around him. "Um, hello? Sir, are you alright?" Fluttershy asked, quite concerned for his well-being.

He made an odd gurgling noise, which scared her even more.

" Erugghagurblesmifts..... Morning." Edaniel gracefully awakens, somewhat like a beautiful swan, flying into the sunset. Yep, that's exactly how it went.

"Hello sir, are you alright?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I'm fine, miss?" Edaniel half asked, half answered.

"So, you're sure that you're fine?" Asked Fluttershy, making sure.

"Yes. Now, what is your name?" Asked Edaniel, again.

"My name is Fluttershy" She mumbled, now returning to her usual state of shyness, after learning that he was alright.

"Nice to meecha' Fluttershy." Edaniel said, extending a hoof in greeting. She just bent her head towards the ground and glanced at his hoof every few seconds. After a few moments of this, she shook his hoof daintily. He obliged.

"Why were you sleeping on the ground?" She asked in a firm, yet shy voice.

"I just moved here from faaaaaaaaaaaar away and don't have a house yet" Edaniel stated happily. Fluttershy stared at him.

She stared some more.

"Did I break you?" Asked Edaniel.

"You don't live anywhere!?"

"..... Urhm..... No?" Edaniel said, scared completely everything-less by her sudden assertion-attack.

"But, but but but."......."You're staying with me." She stated.

"I'm fine here." Edaniel said happily.

"I will not let a poor homeless pony sleep out on the cold ground!" She stated, clearly punctuating her sentence with a stomp of her hooves.

"But... I like my ground" Edaniel fake-whimpered.

"No!" She repeated her claim.

"Can I keep rocky?" Edaniel asked while holding his new pet rock he had found while getting up.

"Yes, and we'll keep him nice and comfortable." She assured him.

"I dunno'. Rocky has some pretty high standards." Edaniel clarified.

"Like what?" She asked.

"He needs wide open space and a friend to play with." Edaniel stated his rocks needs.

"Done and done." She countered, with a smile.

"You've got yourself a deal." He replied while shaking her hoof again.

'I get to live with the aminals :D' Edaniel thought, as he followed her back to the cottage.

"Welcome to the cottage. I know it's not much, bu-" She was cut off by Edaniel.

"It's great. There are animals and food and animals and food and animals........and a couch." Said Edaniel, smiling at her.

"Okay." She meeped.

Some of the animals started converging on him. The first was a small squirrel.

"Well, hello there little friend. How goes it?" Edaniel said to the squirrel, not feeling silly in the slightest while talking to a cartoonified squirrel.

It looked at him....and looked at him.....and looked at him. It finally squeaked, AND THE SQUIRREL ARMADA ATTACKED WITH CHEEPS AND HUGS.

The squirrels all converged on him. They ALL converged on him. They hugged and sniffed and crawled.

"So. Much.Adorable!!!!!"Edaniel yelled.

Fluttershy just stood there quietly. She had never seen the squirrels, or any of the animals for that matter, so social with ponies. Let alone one that they had just met.

"You must really like animals." She said, her shyness evaporated due to the animals boldness.

"I love 'em!" Edaniel yelled over the noise caused by the massive squirrel-suit he was wearing.

Fluttershy thought that this was going to end well. She smiled. She had a feeling her new roommate was going to be fun.

Author's Note:

' = Thoughts
Edaniel = Mine