• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 465 Comments

Giving Love a Helping Hoof - Kroqgar

Since the creation of the Elements themselves, the bearers of Harmony have never found true happiness. After seeing so many generations of unfulfilled ponies, Princess Celestia decides to do something about it.

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Chapter 6

Giving Love a Helping Hoof
Chapter 6

Sunlight streamed in through the great arching windows of Canterlot's banquet hall, catching the dancing motion of countless dust motes frolicking through the air, washing the entire room in a warm golden glow. Such was the gift of Princess Celestia.

A small group of ponies a dozen strong sat inside, quietly talking amongst themselves. Were one to walk into the hall at that point nopony could fault them for rubbing their eyes in disbelief, thinking they were seeing double. They very nearly were. Seated in a circle were six young mares, and directly next to each were six young stallions, all looking so alike as to be uncanny.

Most conspicuous however, was the pair of pink ponies, seemingly incapable of standing still. The two were bouncing on the spot, yammering at each other at a speed nigh indecipherable, wound by some perpetual internal spring. This very pair had nearly caused the remaining ponies to have a group heart attack not a few minutes ago.

“Oh come on Mister Mopeypants! It wasn't that scary!” said the pink stallion, prodding a grumbling unicorn.

Dusk looked irritably at his most unpredictable friend. “Are you crazy?! It was downright terrifying! It was worse than the first time I met Gummy in the bath!”

Fluttershy and Butterscotch had been far and away the most frightened. “Did you r-really mean to s-scare us like that, P-Pinkie?” asked the yellow filly, still slightly hidden behind her mane.

“Well, we didn't MEAN to,” explained the party-pony, “But we knew it was going to happen! We got a combo! Knocky knees, itchy hoof, ear flap! It means, 'I'm about to terrify everypony in the room'!”

Butterscotch spoke up. “Can't you s-stop a c-c-combo from happening?”

Berry looked puzzled for a second before he shrugged. “I've never really tried! I just let 'em happen!”

The pegasus stallion swallowed and sat up, his trembling easing. “We n-need to find some sort of c-c-c-combo-breaker.”

Pinkie and Berry overheard him and, to everypony's confusion, found his statement highly entertaining. Both leapt to their hooves and shouted, “C-C-C-COMBO-BREAKER!”

Opening his mouth and pointing a hoof, Dusk fully intended to question his eccentric friend, before noticing everypony else shaking their heads at him. With a sigh, the unicorn resigned himself yet again to simply, as Blitz put it, 'go with it'.

Luna trotted beside her sister, the grand doors of the banquet hall looming ever closer before them. The younger Alicorn kept her gaze firmly fixed on Celestia, a quizzical look on her face.

“What is it Luna?”

She wasn't surprised that Celestia knew she was being observed, but was still curious as to her methods. “How did you know?”

With a short laugh, the Princess of the Sun turned to face her sibling. “I could almost hear you thinking.” She smirked. “Besides, you're never this quiet.”

Luna smiled weakly at the joke, but moments later grew thoughtful once more. “I just don't understand what you're doing, Tia.”

The white Alicorn stretched her wings, eyes impatiently flicking to the banquet hall doors and back again. “What do you mean?”

Luna shrugged. “Well, you've always liked to play your jokes.” The purple Alicorn smiled nostalgically. “Father did say it was genetic.”

Remembering those very words, Celestia let out a musical laugh. “Remember when he tried to teach us how to jump out from underneath a bridge to startle ponies, like the trolls in the stories?”

Glowering, Luna nodded. Oh yes, she remembered. She had been pulling lily pads out of her mane for hours. “In any case, this all seems rather elaborate. Why are you going to such lengths just for a slightly amusing jest? And how will the Elements of Harmony react when they find out?”

Celestia's face fell as she regarded her sister. “You know more than they do, my dear Luna, but even you do not know my full plan. I will tell them all that they need to know and see them off to Ponyville. Then you and I shall have a talk.”

With their typical groan, the banquet hall doors opened, aglow in golden magic. The Solar Sisters entered and everypony respectfully bowed.

Long since used to this reaction, Celestia motioned for them to stand. “Well, I'm glad to see you’re getting along. Did you all enjoy meeting one another?” Now back among her subjects, the Alicorn once again had to work to keep the amusement out of her voice.

Without fail, everypony glanced at their gender opposite, caught the other glancing back, and immediately looked elsewhere.

“Well...” Dusk Shine struggled for words. “How do I put this? It was... erm...”

“...interesting,” finished Twilight.

Luna managed to convert a giggle into a passable cough.

“Yes,” said Celestia, “I'm sure it was.” There was a moment of silence as her eyes ranged over each of the ponies, taking in the scene before her. Her gaze misted over slightly as all the amusement drained out of her and she remembered just what she was doing and why. For a moment, it was all she could do not to hang her head and let her wings flop by her sides.

They were all looking at her, confused. Come on Celestia, hold it together. “In any case, I'm sure you all have questions. Hopefully I can put a lot of them to rest now. Yes: you are each other.” She gestured to the closest pair. “Elusive, you are Rarity. However, Rarity, you are also Elusive.”

This caused some consternation among the ponies, particularly Dusk Shine and Twilight Sparkle. Even though they had spent the greater portion of their time together discussing just how they were connected, how they came to be each other, hearing it out loud, from the Princess herself no less, eliminated any doubt. But in the deepest, most scientifically and rationally entrenched corners of their minds, they still couldn't quite let it go. It... it simply wasn't possible; there had to be a reasonable explanation for it!

“But, your Majesty...” Heads turned at the sound of the cultured voice, to behold a slightly frazzled, though still pristinely groomed, white stallion. “I mean, surely... Which one of us came first? Who is the real... us? The real me?”

This gave the Alicorn pause. How to answer.... “Both of you,” she declared, “and neither of you. You are one and the same, two halves to a whole.”

Glancing at Rarity, AJ said, “But Princess, are we still our own pony? I mean, can we still each make our own decisions, even though we're kinda... the same... ish? Whoa-Nelly this is hard to keep track of.”

Smiling benevolently, the Princess replied, “Of course you are, my little pony! Free will is something that no magic can touch, and each individual is unique.”

Everypony slumped in relief at hearing it straight from the Alicorn's mouth. Nothing could be more terrifying than a loss of self.

“Now, as for the Elements,” continued Celestia, “As you know, Luna and I have been studying some of Canterlot's most ancient and powerful scrolls. Over the past few hours, we have also been subtly observing each of your magical vibrations. From what we can deduce, you are still all Elements of Harmony. The fact that there are now twelve of you does not affect how powerful the Elements are; they all draw from the same wellspring of energy. However, all of you are now needed to manifest the full power of Harmony.” Sighs of relief echoed; Equestria was still protected.

“Umm... Princess?”

Celestia smiled. “Yes, Twilight? Do you have a question?”

The unicorn straightened. “While this is all very fascinating... How did it happen?” The unicorn looked perplexed, as if there was a connection she couldn't quite make. “Where did these stallions come from?” An instant later a rainbow trail burned itself into Twilight’s corneas and she found her vision obscured by a frenetic cyan blur.

Poking her chest with an accusing hoof, Rainbow Blitz hovered before her. “Waddaya mean 'where did they come from'! Who says we came from anywhere! We were here first!”

Rainbow Dash, nostrils flaring, spread her wings to take after him and put the stallion in his place, but before she could even launch herself into the air, a lavender blur swatted Blitz's hoof away.

“Not only does Twilight say that we came from elsewhere, which should be more than enough,” said Dusk Shine, glaring at the pegasus, “I say we came from elsewhere. This is their world, and they were here first.” The unicorn stepped slightly in front of Twilight, shielding her from Blitz.

There was a tense moment of uncomfortable silence. Twilight couldn't take her eyes off Dusk, the stallion defending her from her accuser. It wasn't that she couldn't take care of herself, but still, the gesture... Heat crept up her face. For his own part, Dusk was still glaring at Blitz, the pegasus glaring right back at him. Upon seeing his friend's strong reaction, Blitz had realised that perhaps he had gone a bit far, but his pride would never allow him to admit it. His mind raced, considering ways to escape this situation with pride intact.

Got it! “How the hay do you figure that!” he cried, throwing his hooves in the air. “This is all so weird! I have no idea what the hay is going on!”

Livid, Elusive hissed, “Blitz!” The pegasus turned. “Not only is that no way to treat a lady, but that is no way to speak in front of Princesses!”

Finally, Blitz appeared repentant, his gaze flicking over to the silently watching Alicorns. “Oh, uh... Sorry your highnesses. I guess I got carried away...”

Luna waved a hoof. “Do not let it concern you. Celestia and I have been around long enough to have heard far worse.” Unconsciously, both Alicorn's gaze slid over to Twilight and Dusk, recalling their first two words to each other. Who knew the bookworms had it in them?

“Quite right,” agreed Celestia, nodding. She turned to her students. “Dusk, Twilight, how did you conclude that it is the stallions that are not native to this world?”

Relaxing once more, Dusk explained, “Simple logical deduction, Princess. We realised that since you didn't recognise any of my group...” He trailed off, gesturing vaguely towards the stallions.

“...But you did recognise us,” continued Twilight, nodding towards the fillies, “Our group must still have been in the same world, whereas their group travelled here.”

During the explanation Blitz had quietly slinked back to his position next to Rainbow Dash, going to sit next to her as he had been. In truth, he felt a connection with this filly that went beyond being the only flier in Equestria who could match him for speed. No, not filly... He regarded her for a moment, taking her in. The pegasus frequently 'checked out' other fillies, almost unconsciously, but this was different. Rainbow Dash was the type of filly that he wanted to look at, but not to 'check out'. She was above checking out. She's above being a filly... She's a mare. But he noticed that now she took care to stay a couple extra hooflengths away from him, and kept shooting him dirty looks out of the corner of her eyes. Apparently his stunt before had ruffled a few feathers. Slick move Casanova. He refocused his attention as the Princess spoke up.

“Exactly! Well reasoned, my prized pupils. Does anypony else have any questions?”

“Well, um... Yes, Princess. I mean, if it's alright with you.”

Celestia smiled warmly. “Of course Butterscotch, what is it?”

The stallion blushed and ducked his head at being addressed by the Princess. “Well, um... What happens to us now? If we aren't from this world, I mean, even though it's the exact same as ours, what do we do? Can we go back? Or should we stay here? I'll miss Angel Bunny terribly...”

Elusive gasped dramatically, terror in his eyes. “SWEETIE BELLE!” All the stallions suddenly looked varying degrees of uncomfortable, only now recalling the loved ones they might never see again.

Thankfully, this was something Celestia had planned long and hard to take care of. “You don't have to worry about never seeing those you care for again! Though I suggest you all sit down, this is a rather complicated explanation and may come as something of a shock...”

For some time, the princess spun a tale of dimensional law and physical theory, always using words so everypony could understand. She explained how two separate ponies could be the same being, how they could exist in two different places, lead two different (though incredibly similar) lives and even the consequences of being placed in a different world. Finally, she sat back and heaved a great sigh. “And that is everything.”

Applejack closed his eyes, still trying to wrap his head around the concept. “So, your hahness, what your sayin’ is... when we came t’ this world, our world... disappeared?”

Wide-eyed, Celestia shook her head. “No, not at all Applejack! It is not that your world ceased to exist, but rather you ceased to exist in your world. It is as if you were never born there, never existed there. Nopony would know you, and therefore nopony would miss you.” At the downcast eyes, she continued, “However the silver lining to this rain cloud is that due to the severing of your ties in that world, you have gained new ones here. Have none of you noticed how natural this place feels?”

All the stallions traded glances, silently communicating. Dusk shrugged, saying, “I'd felt something, but I thought that was just me.”

The Princess nodded. “You probably feel it particularly strongly due to your ties to magic, Dusk Shine.”

“I feel it! I feel it!” cried Berry, jumping on the spot. “A super duper, fuzzy wuzzy warmy feeling in my tummy!”

“I had noticed a certain... je ne sais quois in the air,” nodded Elusive.

Applejack shrugged. “This place, it doesn't feel weird 'tall, it feels...” He trailed off, grasping for words.

Looking up at the blonde stallion, AJ smiled warmly and said, “Like home, sugarcube?”

The stallion smiled right back. “Bingo, haystack.”

Celestia smiled warmly at this. “Dusk Shine, Elusive, Berry Bubble, Applejack, Butterscotch and Rainbow Blitz.” All the stallions stood straighter, felt happier, smiled more broadly.

“Welcome to Equestria.” Her smile widened, a warm glow extending from her body. She was the avatar of the sun itself, and despite some of her un-Princess-like tendencies, she loved each and every one of the ponies she shone down upon. “Think of this as a new beginning, a new chance. A glorious new day! Welcome to our world. Welcome to your new home.” A smiling Luna joined in, manifesting the power of the moon in a pure white light. The magic of the two Alicorns flowed together, joined as one, before pulsing outwards in a blinding flash, showering everypony in the room with magical luminescence. As warming sunlight and soothing moonlight streamed over them, streamed through them, each of the stallions felt more than heard a heartfelt statement from each of the Princesses, overlapping as one.


In an instant, all the tension drained out of the room, all animosity forgotten. Berry and Pinkie actually stood still, simply drinking in the sensation. Dash smiled warmly at Blitz and moved a little bit closer to nudge his shoulder, forgiving his earlier transgression. Dusk and Twilight, particularly attuned to the magical sensations of the Princesses' blessing, happened to glance at each other. They held each other's gaze for a breath longer than they had before.

Eventually the light died down and the Princesses stood waiting once more. Looking around, Twilight noticed that everypony seemed content, with nothing left to say. Facing her mentor, she asked, “Princess... What now?”

The group of ponies strolled through the halls of Canterlot, led by the Princesses themselves. They were heading towards the private royal air strip, where Princess Celestia had said their transportation back to Ponyville would be waiting. At the front of the group, Twilight thought back on the Princess' words.

“I'm sending all of you back to Ponyville,” declared Celestia, looking between each of the ponies. “I want you all to help your fellow Element get settled in.” Turning to the stallions, she asked, “What new career would you each like to pursue?” Only then did it occur to each of the colts that since their job would already be taken, they'd have to find a new profession. Even Berry was stumped at this, none of them able to think of anything they'd rather do than their old jobs.

The Princess smiled mischievously. “From the looks of things I assume that none of can think of anything else you'd rather do?” She got some miserable nods in return. “Well, it's a good thing I've arranged for you all to keep your old positions!” All eyes snapped to Celestia, filled with hope and confusion.

The Alicorn explained herself. “Applejack, Rarity, you both have jobs that would benefit directly from having another set of hooves around, don't you? As do you, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie? Well, why don't we just get each of the stallions to work with you?”

This was the perfect solution for almost everypony; another set of strong hooves on the farm, someone to help with the difficult medical procedures that would be so much easier with a second pony around, even someone to help think of new recipes! Rarity, though she took great pains not to show it, was the most hesitant; however, she was not about to let down the Princess herself! Happy agreements were heard all around.

“Princess, what about me and Dusk?” Rainbow Blitz looked mildly concerned; he'd never admit it, but he had come to like the weather patrol. “Neither of us have a say in how our jobs are run.”

Celestia grinned. “Not quite correct, Rainbow Blitz! Twilight Sparkle gets her weekly stipend directly from me, and her pay as librarian of Ponyville is regulated by the government of Ponyville, which answers to Canterlot. It will be a simple matter to double both. As for your job as weather pony, the weather patrol was created by the Equestrian military and serves as a civilian branch. I can just put in the word with the general of the Pegasus division and the problem will be solved!”

Rainbow Blitz leapt into the air in delight. Yes! I get to work with her! “Thank you Princess!”

She laughed musically. “Think nothing of it, my little pony!”

Twilight broke out of her reverie as the Princess started speaking. “Now, I want each of you to use the ride back to Ponyville to go over some details with your opposite, how you will work together and such. The guards will be moving quickly, so you will have to stay on the chariots to be able to hear each other over the wind.”

Blitz and Dash shared a sour glance; they wouldn't even get to fly!

Celestia's choice of words had piqued Dusk Shine's interest. “'Chariots', Princess?”

As the group broke out into the sunlight of the air strip, the Princess nodded. “Yes, chariots!” Everypony was flabbergasted at the sight before them. Sitting on the air strip was not a large, communal, carriage-like transport, but rather six, small, private, two-pony chariots.

The Princess continued as if she'd never been interrupted. “Not even the royal carriage would have been large enough for all twelve of you!” Again she felt the urge to giggle incessantly. Hold it in Celestia. “This will give you all some private time alone with your fellow element to discuss things. I wish you all a safe journey, and look forward to hearing how each of you adjust to your new life.”

Author's Note:

Ha, what follows is an excerpt of the original author's note I wrote for this. Still make me happy to read it. I still stand by it, too.

"Lastly, I want to thank just about everyone. I mean... It’s just great what is happening here. A group who’s motto is to love and tolerate? That’s about as good as it can get. Thank you Ms Faust, thank you Equestria Daily, thank you everyone for making such a wonderful thing possible."