• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 10,597 Views, 198 Comments

Scootaloo's Guardian - Night--Mist

They say everypony has a guardian pony to protect them. For Scootaloo, it has new meaning.

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Onto Fillydelphia

It had been three days since the field trip to Canterlot and Cheerilee and Applejack were preparing to leave for Fillydelphia. They were now saying their goodbyes to their little fillies, after Cheerilee had arranged for Scootaloo to stay at the Apple Family's residence. It was a little hard for Scootaloo to say goodbye to her new mother as she says, "Mom, I don't want you to go."

"Honey, I have to. Your cousin and I have some business to take care of, and then we'll be back before you can say 'apple strudel'. When we get back, we'll have plenty more time to spend together, I promise," Cheerilee says.

"But, why do you have to go? Couldn't Big Macintosh go?" Scootloo asks sobbing.

"Scootaloo, somepony has to take care of your grandma, and I'm a little inexperienced," Cheerilee replies.

"I guess you're right," Scootaloo replies.

"There's my big girl. Now I want you to behave yourself while we're away. If all goes well we may be back early," Cheerilee says.

Scootaloo smiles at her and says, "Well then I hope it all goes well, whatever it is."

Cheerilee smiles back and soon nuzzles her little filly. She wished she didn't have to let go of her daughter, but then she heard, "Train will be leaving in three minutes, all passengers, please board."

"Well I have to go now, I love you dear," Cheerilee says as she releases from the embrace.

"I love you too mom," Scootaloo says as she waves her mother goodbye.

She and Apple Bloom watch as Cheerilee and Applejack board the train. It was only to be a week, but if they were able to get enough information with the princesses, they may be able to take down the orphanage early. The princesses were already on their way down to the orphanage and had sent word throughout the kingdom that Princess Cadence would be assuming their political duties while they were needed elsewhere. "Do ya'll think the princesses are already ahead of us on findin out what the orphanage is like?" Applejack asks.

"They arranged for us to arrive in Fillydelphia on the same day they are, if not the same time. If they are in Fillydelphia already, they are probably just getting checked in," Cheerilee says as she and Applejack look through the window, waving goodbye to the family.

"Ah'm still shocked the Princesses would go through with it," Applejack says, as the family is out of sight and the sit down to face each other.

"They have been around longer then we have, I'm sure they can handle it. Oh and Princess Celestia's name will be Autumn Breeze and Princess Luna's name will be Dream Catcher. Their going to be two fillies who recently lost their parents according to what they tell the care takers. How young they are is anypony's guess. We'll have to come up with names of our own if were gonna pull this off. They definitely know your name, but what you look like, they don't, and I don't know how far my name has been spread, so better to be safe then sorry," Cheerilee tells Applejack.

"Darn tootin. Hopefully we can take care of this as soon as possible. With the stories that Apple Bloom told me about Scoot's time there, Ah wouldn't be surprised that we take care of this whole thing in three days at the least," Applejack says.

"Well we can always hope for the best turn of events. Now lets talk it over about how we're going to approach these ponies. So I'm thinking for my name, Corn flower, so I can have some name close to what my cutie mark looks like," Cheerilee says.

"Alright, Ah think....... Apple Tart would be good for me. If Ah went by any other name that didn't reference to my cutie mark, they may get way too suspicious," Applejack says.

"No argument on that matter," Cheerilee says, knowing Applejack was making sense.

They go over their plan at least three or four times as they near Fillydelphia. Once they arrive at the station, they ask the stationmaster where to find the Prancing Pony, and he shows them that the hotel is a few fields away and on the same field as the orphanage. They soon grab there luggage together and head towards the hotel. Once they get there, Applejack says to a unicorn stallion at the desk, "Howdy sir, my friend and I here have a room reserved."

"May I have your names Madam," the stallion asks.

"Applejack and Cheerilee," Applejack replies.

"Ah, yes, the princesses have arranged for you to stay in a room on our top third level. Faces right at towards the orphanage. And don't worry," he whispers as he eyes the door suspiciously and continues, "The princesses have told us what you intend to do about that place. We've been trying to get rid of the higher employees for ages now. How you intend to do so is beyond us, we only hope that you succeed. Truth be told, the orphanage gives the rest of our city a bad rap. True there are ponies in this city who are cruel, but to be cruel to a filly or colt is another level. Some of the employees there are just to afraid to stand up to their instructor, others are just cruel because they have been turned. since we've had no proof to give about them, we are unable to shut them down. But the princesses say that there is a plan in motion that they will see succeeds. We may lose our orphanage, but we will find a way to make the children happy again. If you are wondering how I know this, It actually helps when you befriend Princess Celestia at a young age sometimes, and I am always happy to see her and Princess Luna when they visit our hotel for over night stays. They are always cheerful to swap conversations here, now I won't keep you waiting. I'll let you get to your room and we can talk more later, and of course, your secret is safe with me and my staff."

He hands them their key to their room and Cheerilee says "Thank you sir."

He nods and soon the two earth ponies make their way to their room. Once they make it inside, they lay down their luggage set out the thins they would need for their stay and their day at the orphanage. After a little while of getting everything in order that afternoon, Cheerilee says, "Well, it's nice to know we've got some ponies to helps us on the outside here in Fillydelphia, this may still yet go better than we hope. We can't stay here to long today, we still have to make our way down to the orphanage."

"Darn tootin. Let's get going right now, the quicker we get there and get hired, the quicker we can get those foals away from that cruel place," Applejack states.

"Took the words right out of my mouth niece. Let's go and help the little ones out, Apple Tart," Cheerilee says.

"After you, Corn Flower," Applejack says.

Soon Cheerilee and Applejack make their way down to the first floor and the Unicorn says, "Good luck girls, we're rootin for ya."

"Thank you sir, we didn't catch your name earlier," Cheerilee says.

"It's Star Dust," the unicorn tells them.

"Well it's nice to meet ya Star Dust. We'll be back later tonight," Applejack says.

Once they had finished the conversation, the two mares take off for the orphanage. It takes them about five minutes to get to the front door and once there, Cheerilee knocks. The door opens and they see a brown unicorn mare with half moon glasses and a look on her face that seemed it would intimidate any foal, and maybe a few staff members. The mare says in a monotone voice, "Yes, may I help you?"

"Good afternoon ma'am. My friend and I are here to apply for job at this orphanage," Cheerilee says.

"Follow me," the mare says.

Applejack and Cheerilee follow her in and she leads them to an office that says 'Orphanage Mistress' on the door. They follow her in and soon see her walk behind a desk and sit on the chair. "Now, I must ask as to why you are choosing this job," the Mistress says.

"Well, ma'am. My friend Corn Flower here and myself both lost our jobs. We were looking around for new jobs, when she saw that the orphanage was hirin," Applejack says.

"That is correct mistress. My friend Apple Tart and I are hard working and feel we can contribute to helping you here," Cheerilee says.

The Mistress says as she walks to look out the windows, "Well, I will admit that number employees is at a low right now. Most of the new interns that come around here either get fired in the first three weeks or quit. We just got two new fillies that came in, and they're already a hoofful on their first day here. For now you're hired, and I'll put you on trial for one month, but I doubt you can last two weeks in this place."

"Glad we ain't stayin that long," Applejack mumbles quietly.

Cheerilee nodded, and the mare turns around and says, "While you are here, you are to do what is asked of you. Do not make the fillies and colts favorite you over everypony else, for I will be watching. I do not want to see the foals here running to anypony for protection from other employees. As caretakers, it is our job to discipline them and make sure that they are treated with what they deserve. If I hear any complaints from the other employees, you will be out of here faster then you can say Elements of Harmony. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am," the Cheerilee and Applejack say.

"Well then get to work, your employment starts now," The Mistress commands.

The two Earth ponies nod and head of. Once they knew she was out of hearing distance Cheerilee whispers, "Looks like she lacks the Elements of Harmony."

"Ah'll say. She is one stuck up mare," Applejack whispers back in reply.

"Well time to get to the employees and the Foals," Cheerilee says.

Soon they come upon the area where the employees are either punishing the little foals or was ignoring them when they needed help. One unicorn filly had just scraped her knee and was limping and crying, while the Pegasus stallion was telling her, "You just need to learn to go with the pain little brat."

Cheerilee soon spotted the two ponies they had been searching for. An earth pony, going by the name of Autumn Breeze, and a younger Unicorn filly still in training diapers who went by the name Dream Catcher. The two ponies were being yelled at by two pegausus mares as one of them says, "You two have caused us enough trouble this afternoon. We are going to have sweep the floors in the dining hall and then we'll see if you like being so care free and uncooperative."

"Bu-but ma'am, Dream Catcher is still in training diapers. W-what if she needs to go or n-needs a change while we're sweeping?" Autumn Breeze (Princess Celestia) asks trying to stop them from punishing Dream Catcher (Luna) at least.

"Well then she'll just need to deal with the diaper rash, and maybe you'll learn your lessons for not following the rules," the other pegasus says.

"Oh boy, we got ourselves a rough day ahead. Hope the Princesses are able to make it through without, you know, losing it," Cheerilee says.

"I have a feelin that we may fair better then them. Come on we need to get to our job Corn Flower," Applejack says, trying to get them to blend in in case the Mistress was watching.

"Alright Apple Tart, let's get to it," Cheerilee says.

The two ponies take off and do their routines for the day, some of which made them wish there was a way around it. They had chores that stretched from washing diches and clothes to making sure the little foals didn't wonder off or do anything that would upset the Mistress, resorting to punishing them, which seemed routine for the employees. The children had quickly grown to be scared of both of them, and they wished they could do something about it. Then Applejack had an idea and waited for miss Cheerilee to get on break with her. Once they were able to meet with each other, Applejack says, "Hey Ch- Ah mean Corn Flower (looks around to see if anypony else is near by), Ah have an idea. Look, ya see how the foals have grown to become afraid of us real quick?"

"Yes, what are you getting at here?" Cheerilee asks.

"Well tonight, before we go, we'll tell the Mistress we'll make sure the fillies and colts go to sleep. while we're doing that, we tell the little ones what we're really doing here. We also tell them to keep it secret so they can get out of here, and Ah think they'll listen once we explain. Ah know it's not part of the plan but..." Applejack says before she was cut off.

"Apple J- er Tart, I think it's a great idea, but we need to plan it carefully. We must make sure they treat us the same way as the rest of the staff, or our cover could be blown," Cheerilee says.

Applejack nods in agreement and soon the two mares were off again doing chores. The day seemed to drag on for a bit, but finally came to an end. The clock showed 8:30 p.m. and the Mistress says, "Alright everypony, the day is finished, who will stay behind and make sure all the foals are in bed before the night staff gets here?"

"We will Mistress," Cheerilee quickly says.

"Ah, taking the extra step on your first day, good hustle. Be sure they are all in bed and do not be late tomorrow," the Mistress says.

"Yes ma'am," Applejack and Cheerilee say.

"The rest of you go home, and be here tomorrow. No slacking," the Mistress says before walking out.

Soon the other ponies walk out, leaving Cheerilee and Applejack inside with the foals. Soon they go to both the girls' and boys' bedrooms and they say to each pony, "Now little ones, listen we're actually here to help you. We know how rough we seemed today, and we are working on a plan to get you out of this place, all of you. But you have to understand, you can't treat us any different then the staff members knowing this if you want to get out of here. We have someponies we know who are really powerful ponies and they will help to get you out of this place, but you must keep it a secret. Do you understand?"

Every filly and colt nods, feeling a weight lifted off their backs that they will soon be free of this poor excuse of an orphanage. Once the night staff came, Applejack and Cheerilee tell them that all foals were asleep. Once the night staff took over, Cheerilee and Applejack sighed in both relief and sorrow. They were happy not to be around the cruel ponies, but felt so downhearted for the foals that slept there. Once they got to the hotel and up to their room, the princesses were already waiting for them. Both ponies then bowed to the princesses. "Ah, Applejack, Cheerilee, it's nice to see you outside of that orphanage," Celestia says before revealing to them the information they had recorded.

"Well it wasn't an easy day for us, but Ah reckon yours were just as brutal if not more your highness's. You were putting on quite an act when we trotted in your majesties," Applejack says after hearing all their information.

"Well thank you Applejack, living thousands of years does give us some acting skills. And yes the day was hard for both of us. We have gathered more information about this orphanage today then we had hoped for, and it would be more then enough to take them down tomorrow morning, and the Fillydelphia police and our guards are more than ready to take them down, however, we will have them hold off for it would look too suspiscous if the two new fillies and employees that just got there all of the sudden vanished. What we need you to do now, is to cause yourselves to get, how do they say it, oh, thrown out tomorrow or the next day after that. Once that happens, we will have the police, the guards and the EBI (Equestrian Bureau of Investigation) raid that place. I honestly don't think I can spend more then four days in that place with the way they were treating us," Luna says.

"I agree completely little sister, no Foal should have that kind of cruelty given to them. And I thank you for not losing your head and using the old royal voice on them," Celestia says.

"I was tempted, and honestly if it hadn't of been you there to try and defend me big sister, I just may have," Luna replies.

"Ah still can't believe that we have ponies like that in this world. To harm a child like that is down right nasty. Ah would never forgive myself if Ah treated Apple Bloom or Scoot's that way your highness," Applejack states.

"Me neither, and thank you for giving us outside resources for this your highness's " Cheerilee says.

"No trouble my little pony. Now we must return to the orphanage and to our filly states before they spot us missing. I have a tracking spell on the night staff and they are nearing our sleeping quarters. We bid you good night and hope to have this whole thing settled with soon," Celestia says.

"Good night your majesties, we hope it is settled soon as well," Cheerilee says as she and Applejack bow while the princess teleport back to their room in the orphanage.

Applejack and Cheerilee soon get ready for bed and agreed one of the best things to do tomorrow was to show up late to get themselves fired, and if that didn't work, to do everything that the Mistress told them not to do. Soon both ponies were under the covers waiting for what tomorrow would bring and fall asleep, knowing that they didn't have much longer to stay in Fillydelphia after the raid takes place.

Author's Note:

End of chapter six. Hope you like it. I was trying to make the orphanage cruel, but not too cruel. I would once again like to thank Celestia's Paladin for helping me with this chapter and coming up with the undercover names. I know that Applejack is the Element of Honesty, but this was one of those times she had to lie, like on the episode for Pinkies birthday so please don't criticize me too much on that. It's for the good of the foals. I hope to here your comments soon and will accept constructive criticism for this chapter to help it look better and interest more readers should it need some editing. I hope to see no flames and I'm sorry if anypony was looking for detail in the cruelty to the foals, but I thought it might make the chapter too long. Please do read and comment. I'll update the next chapter when I can. As always, stay tuned.