• Published 7th Mar 2013
  • 6,770 Views, 340 Comments

So Many Wonders - MerlosTheMad

This story is a short tryst into the world of Hayao Miyazaki from Fluttershy's perspective. Inspired by Tyruas' fantastic art.

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Chapter 2 : An Oasis

It was a beautiful spring day, the morning air was crisp, and the grass was delightfully cool beneath Fluttershy's tummy. Nearby, a bright blue song bird alighted on a nearby branch, then whistled a friendly tune to the yellow pony.

Fluttershy—along with her mare-friends and Angel Bunny—was enjoying a picnic at the lake, which was set up nearby beneath the deep shade of a walnut tree.

All of their pets were with them too, and were happily playing along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Fluttershy couldn’t be more at ease here. She was overcome with giggles as Angel leaped up on her shoulder to give her a hug. Afterwards, Angel proceeded to affectionately lick her cheek.

Oddly, this sensation felt very real. It was far more powerful, and vivid than anything else happening around her. Fluttershy lost focus on the friendly faces that were all around, even her bunny Angel, now cradled in her forelegs. There was only the sensation of something licking her cheek....

The sudden presence of an unfamiliar voice made her ears perk up. "This isn't where you belong," it said, its voice stranger than strange, like cracking wood or marbles clicking together.

The voice spoke again, heat in its tone. There was the unmistakable sound of leaves being crushed, or perhaps snow, accompanying it.

"Wake up, return to your tomb. You can't die, yet."

Everything felt hot, scalding hot, to Fluttershy.

One of her sand encrusted eyes wearily cracked open and was met by bright light. She realized right away she was still deep within the desert wastes she had fallen asleep in, not at home. The unforgiving sun began to attempt burning its way into her retina, which made her wince and shield her eyes with one hoof immediately. The slight movement made her body feel as if it were ablaze in another kind of way.

Unable to help it, a whimper escaped her.

Fluttershy took a moment to gather her thoughts and let the aching subside before rising. Her turquoise eyes blearily looked about under her foreleg for whatever had caused her to stir. As the shimmering and blurry scenery came into focus, she took notice of a familiar yellow quadruped, sitting patiently at her side.

“...Hello… little guy.” Fluttershy managed to pant from her parched lips. The fox-squirrel stared at her with an uneasy looking calm. She wasn’t sure given his stillness, but it felt as though he was waiting for her.

He walked towards her slowly, and nuzzled her withers soothingly.

Fluttershy smiled weakly. “I’ll... be okay... Just need... water...” She croaked.

Fluttershy had trouble understanding the creature when fully rested and conscious, let alone now. But, she thought she saw a glint of understanding in his eyes. He began to nuzzle and wipe his cheek on her more and more urgently, tail swishing.

Does he want me to get up...? Fluttershy thought. I hope I can... how long was I asleep? Her hooves slid beneath herself wearily. “Okay...” Her words were clearer, but still felt dry in her throat. “I’ll get up. I'll come along...” With what little energy she had left to muster she struggled up, barely managing to stand. Her leg still hurt some, the twist from the day before throbbing slightly.

Overhead, the heat of the sun seemed to intensify as she became more aware. It felt as though it were actually singeing her back. Sand cascaded off of her in droves, she had been well on her way to being buried.

Weakly, Fluttershy turned her head to look for the critter that had led her into this mess. She reflected on that, but quickly fought off blaming him. Oh, but it isn’t his fault. I shouldn’t have followed him like I did... That wind was strange... though. Where did he go?

Fluttershy spotted him at the base of a nearby dune, skittishly pacing and flicking his ears. He was looking back in her direction, appearing very anxious. Releasing a tired sigh, she limped up to him, only to whimper when he began scaling the sandy slope.

Despite the pain, Fluttershy trudged after him. Never had she felt so tired before, so dead on her feet.

You can do it Fluttershy... You can make it through this. Just put one hoof...in front of the other... She encouraged herself. Her wings flexed slightly on her back. They seemed no less strained or cramped than they had when she fell asleep.

Fluttershy focused on following her only company. Countless steps followed the first as her cloudy mind pushed her hooves to keep moving. After what seemed like an eternity of exhaustion, Fluttershy finally crested the sand dune.

It turned out to be rather close to the edge of the desert. Fluttershy spotted the forest, several miles away, and just beyond the bottom of the hill, maybe a mile away on the vast plain’s floor, she saw...

“Water... Glorious water.” Fluttershy squeaked out... Her little guide was already racing down the steep rocky slope before her, glancing back after every other stride. Beyond him, was a little pool of the life giving liquid, surrounded by sparse vegetation. I had been so close. Oh, thank Celestia! She took a step down the decline, and yelped. “Ouch!” The little pony looked down forlornly at her ankle, which was busy throbbing at her with retaliatory pain.

“Fine.” Fluttershy set herself with a determined look, focused onto the tiny, glistening pool just on the horizon. It had no trees, and only a few plants around it, but the pool was unmistakable for what it was. Her wings snapped out with fervor, maybe something had snapped a little inside of her, as well—or maybe she was just really, really thirsty...

The next hour passed by in a blur as Fluttershy glided down the slope and across the coarse expanse that separated her from the prize. Behind the pool was the forest from the day before. A part of her wondered how she hadn’t noticed how much closer she had come to the edge of the desert. It was highlighted intensely by the rising sun. The sight itself felt surreal, along with her even being there. A part of her supposed that perhaps this was another dream.

That part of her was promptly ignored. “Water!” Fluttershy cried out, desperation from thirst clear in her voice.

A few gnarled shrubs soared past her as she drew nearer. They became more numerous, and livelier as she got progressively closer to the little oasis.

Fluttershy's glide managed to get her to the edge of the pool. Her wings still ached, but actually felt a little better after being used. Her body collapsed by the pool’s edge, muzzle dipping straight into the water without waiting a second longer.

It was cool. The pool's water was the greatest thing she had ever tasted or drank in her entire life. If Celestia herself had told her it was some special liquid with magic powers, she would have believed it based on taste alone.

Fluttershy took great gulps, eyes shut. After a few glorious moments of bliss, she pulled out of the cool waters of the wasteland spring. "Aaah..." Her tired eyes teared up a little as she opened them to look up at the blue sky for a moment. She had to resist the urge to simply dive into the water.

Beside the pony, a familiar chitter came.

Fluttershy looked over, spotting the little fox-like squirrel that had guided her. She smiled, extending a hoof over to pet him slightly. He stayed still and allowed it. “Thank you so much for helping me get here. I’m not sure if I would have lasted up there much longer.”

The squirrely little guy let her finish, then took a few drinks of the water itself.

As Fluttershy sighed and laid back down beside the pool. The ground here was cool, as well, slightly damp from the water. It felt marvelous to her. She lowered her head back into the water, absently eying the part of her long mane that had been dipped, and was therefore soaked. Her injured leg found a home in the water while she drank, the swelling brought down by the water. She relaxed more and more, shutting her eyes slowly and picturing a happier place for the time being.

The snapping sound of a twig came from nearby.

Fluttershy lifted her dripping muzzle from the desert oasis and felt a presence watching her. She gulped in sudden terror, finishing her drink with a final swallow. Looking up slowly, she saw a little red headed creature staring at her. Odd, but odder still was the way in which it stood on two legs. It wore a look of awe and wonder on its young face.

Beside Fluttershy, her friend hissed loudly and ran off without explanation into the nearby brush.

Fluttershy herself stared after him dumbly for a moment, before looking back at the strange creature.

Her eyes widened, spotting the tooth filled smile of the bizarre creature staring straight at her. “Eep.”

“Hime!?” a strong, authoritative voice shouted and a larger silhouette stepped out from the plants ringing the oasis. Its head searched around until it spotted the smaller one, and rushed over to it.

With the approach of this new, intimidating creature that also seemed to speak clear as day, Fluttershy quickly followed suit with her friend. Her wings flapped until she reached the half alive bush her companion had hidden in. Behind her, she thought she heard the shorter stranger laugh... Even though the creature had looked harmless, she was still wary.

More so because they didn’t seem much like a forest animal.

Fluttershy found her friend in the bush.

He jumped with widened eyes at the pony's presence, hair standing on end. After a second he calmed and seemed to let out a surprised breath at seeing who it was.

“Sorry!” Fluttershy whispered and tried to hunker down lower to the ground. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” She watched the fox squirrel blink at her several times, then turn away to watch the strangers on the other side of the pool.

“Oh, who or what are they?” Her eyes looked over them, they wore clothes much like a pony, but far more than was normal. It wasn’t cold out either, quite the contrary it was scalding hot, and there was certainly no formal event nearby, was there?

It grew quiet, the one that had been watching Fluttershy at the pool must have suppressed its joyous laughter. The laughter had been very feminine, settling in the pony's mind that it was a little filly. She began to study what must be a child and what may be the parent.

The strange filly sheepishly responded to something the other, taller, scarier stranger had said. “Otōsan...” Her words just barely reached the pony’s hiding spot.

Fluttershy noticed that they were saying made no sense. She couldn't understand them at all.

The filly turned back to the pool, looking around for something, still speaking in a language that Fluttershy didn't recognize. She could read the filly's expression though, which seemed disappointed.

In an attempt to make out the details better, Fluttershy leaned her head out of the shrubbery a bit.

The scary stranger was wrinkled and older, if not terribly so. He had a very... kindly face, the pony thought. They both had claws though, like spike.

Fluttershy's brow wrinkled in thought. Mmm, nope wait, that’s not a claw, what is that? She thought she recognized the other strange being's anatomy, but couldn't come up with a name. It's... it's a hand. Yes, a hand. Of course, minotaurs have hands. How silly of me. Oh, Iron Will... What ever happened to him? She hadn't really thought about that before.

The thoughts distracted her momentarily from how dangerous the stranger looked, but now she watched him warily again.

It would be better for me to stay hidden, Fluttershy decided. They could help me though, maybe... Her thoughts argued back at her, but she shook her head in refusal. Be quiet common sense! Her eyes shut defiantly in firm opposition.

When Fluttershy opened them again, she saw the tall figure visibly tense up, and its hand quickly found purchase on the handle of something at its waist. Small eyes scanned the immediate area, looking for something. For her, she realized. She gulped, hurriedly considering why it would want to look so threatening while doing so, and searched her mind for the answer.

Before Fluttershy could find one, another voice came from behind the red maned creatures. Whatever it said, the adult of the two creatures eased its aggressive stance and looked back. After a moment, it answered back to the other, with what must have been a male voice. Whatever they were saying was still indecipherable, but they sounded wary.

Fluttershy watched the taller one lead away the smaller, who looked sadly over a shoulder towards the bushes as she went. The pony sagged, a ragged sigh drawing itself out of her as she did so.

Fluttershy eased down against the ground, the tension leaving her body. She spoke down to her new friend, a little breathless. “That was close, huh little fella...?”

The squirrel looked up from where it had laid down beside her, staring up blankly.

Still, Fluttershy thought he didn’t seem eager to leave her side, judging by how close he had scooted up against her. She smiled at him, still sagging in the dirt, then perked up along with her ears as an idea came to her. “Hey, you need a name! I can’t just keep calling you ‘little fella’, now can I?”

He stared at her a moment, chirping a response a moment later.

Fluttershy supposed that may have well been his name, but she still couldn’t understand a word he said. “Well, how about I call you...Nutella! If that’s okay with you, because... you’re a squirrel looking sort of animal.”

Her audience flicked his tailed once and appeared to deadpan at the suggestion of a name.

Fluttershy's ears drooped a little and tried again. “Mr. Squirrel?”

He put his head down into his paws and wiped one down his face.

“Oh, dear..." Fluttershy held a hoof up to her mouth to cover it, a little embarrassed, while searching around herself to try and come up with a better idea. "Uhm, well, let’s see.”

The foxish critter pawed her other hoof, and Fluttershy looked down from searching the bush branches. She tilted her head, curious as to what he was doing. His paws were quickly digging at the ground, spurts of sand were being kicked up behind him.

“Oh!” Fluttershy said, once again struck by name choosing genius. “How about Sandy!” She grinned enthusiastically, sure that he would love that one. That is such a nice name.

Her friend turned around and hissed at her, before continuing his underground quest.

Fluttershy murmured to herself, hooves folding ashamedly in front of her. “Oh, well, I thought it was nice...”

His tail caught Fluttershy's attention by whisking rapidly in front of her nose. She blinked and followed one of his paws, pointing at the ground. It took her a moment, but she realized he was directing her attention towards the roots of the bush which they were both hiding beneath.

“Roots?” Fluttershy quirked an eyebrow and looked back her squirrely friend.

He was sitting straight up, looking from the roots, to staring at her, then down again.

Fluttershy's ears flicked absently. “You would like to be called Root?” she asked him, smiling a little at the name.

Root's piercing green eyes locked with hers.

Fluttershy nodded once. “Well, Root it is then. Thank you for saving me, Root.” She leaned down to nuzzle him appreciatively for the earlier gesture. She felt the water and his company were truly a blessing from Celestia.

“Now..." Fluttershy sighed and sat down, hunching slightly underneath the bushy branches surrounding them. "I just need to find a way home. You can understand me. I don’t suppose you would know where to go to get back where we came from?”

Root’s head was already shaking ‘no’.

Fluttershy frowned. “Really? I hope my friends will find me, then." She fell over onto her side with a thump and stared up through the gnarled foliage. "Fluttershy, just what have you gotten yourself into...?”

The ground was somewhat cool in the shady underbelly of the plant that Root had sought refuge under.

Fluttershy rolled onto her back and stretched her wings out lazily. “This can’t be Equestria, Root. I remember..." She didn't want to, but she could clearly recall everything. "I fell into the ground, and then out of the sky. What does that mean? Just where are we?”

Root purred beside her casually, laying atop one of her wings. He didn’t have any answers for her, though.

“At least I’m n-not alone...” The corners of her muzzle turned up in a weak smile. “I suppose I should try and approach those other creatures and ask for help."

Root nuzzled into Fluttershy's side, while she stared up through sparse leaves at the clear blue sky, deep in thought. I need to find somepony to help me. She held a hoof over her head, watching the shadows play over her fur. Are there even any ponies here that could help...? I’ve never seen anything like Root before. Or those other things, either...

A little while later, and no closer to coming up with any ideas... Fluttershy heard a rustling noise come from somewhere nearby.

Root raised his head, ears mirroring the pony’s as they worked to decipher the sound. The two stared around themselves, but remained quiet.

“Konnichiwa?” The voice said, as though it were asking something.

Root let out a low growl beside Fluttershy, the both of them crouching low in their cover.

“Konnichiwaaaa...?" The voice asked again.

It sounded familiar to Fluttershy, but she didn't recognize the voice, or the language. That dispelled the faint glimmer of hope that her friends had found her already.

The voice continued to speak more of the strange language, pacing around outside the bush.

Fluttershy matched the voice to the creature from earlier, and realized it was the same red-headed filly. She seems... nice. Is she trying to speak to me?

Cautiously, Fluttershy sat up and looked out into the oasis' clearing, making sure to stay hidden. The young one was there, and by herself, looking about into the shrubs and bushes around the pool of water. More than that, however, the pleasant smell of warm bread began to waft towards the pony's nose.

Fluttershy gasped quietly, then smiled despite herself and how hesitant she felt. She looked down at Root sadly. Her animal companion looked back up at her, in what seemed to be the animal's version of anger mixed with mistrust.

He doesn't think she means well at all... but she seems friendly. Fluttershy's stomach rumbled, agreeing with her. "It smells so good, Root. I'm sure I'll be okay." She bit her lip, still holding back from trotting out to meet the stranger. It was obvious to her that they were looking for her, and perhaps to make friends; considering that they had brought food.

Root appeared to remain doubtful of the prospect Fluttershy suggested. The sound of movement came closer. Both Root and the pony froze in response.

Fluttershy peaked up again, looking out of her cover.

Just outside the shrubbery was the basket, and the filly had retreated to the pool's edge.

Fluttershy made her decision. She stood up from the dusty ground and crawled out, the low growl of Root following her. Words tried to form before she stepped out into the sun, but died in her throat.

Almost as soon as Fluttershy crawled out into the sun, the stranger gasped.

Fluttershy watched the filly carefully from underneath the relative safety of her own mane. Well, here goes nothing, Fluttershy. Just be polite, not too forward about being hungry, and everything will be alright. The basket was sitting right beside her, but she didn't want to presume to just dive into it. Though the thought was tempting.

The filly began speaking again in its strange language, its voice soothing and its face smiling enthusiastically. They were calm though, obviously not wanting to cause fear.

Fluttershy was somewhat mesmerized by the child's voice and language; it was so strange. The dialect sounded a little familiar, after all, she thought. Her face raised out from under her mane, and her eyes stuck to meeting the green ones looking back at her.

"Wooow," The strange creature cooed at her. That at least seemed like a pretty universal phrase.

Fluttershy snapped out of her revery at the response and hid once more beneath her mane. She finally managed to murmur a quiet response. "Uhm, hi. I'm Fluttershy, nice to meet... you...?"

After a moment, it was clear to Fluttershy that the stranger hadn't heard her. She shuffled her hooves, trying to work up the courage to speak again.

The filly giggled and sat cross legged by the pool instead of answering, then gestured to the basket. She did not act as if she had expected a response at all. Instead, she was studying Fluttershy, looking over her curiously.

Fluttershy thought the filly was studying her a bit like Rarity might look over a strange piece of clothing. Still, her stomach rumbled again, and she found herself staring intently at the basket. Tentatively, she grabbed the little piece of cloth covering the food with her mouth. The food she had smelled inside sat there, waiting.

The filly stayed seated some distance away, and gestured again.

Fluttershy held up the bread roll in her hooves and bit into it. Oh, it's sweet. She smiled around the food, then took another bite.

Fluttershy looked over at the filly, her resolve to speak strengthened by the food. "My name's Fluttershy..." She said, louder than before.

The filly gave her a strange look, then rubbed her eyes as though she were tired. In a questioning tone she spoke a few more strange words.

Fluttershy wasn't sure how to respond to that exactly. "Uhm... yes...?" she managed to answer.

The strange filly gasped once more, then grinned ear to ear. She pointed to herself and began saying more things.

Fluttershy picked up on what she thought she the filly asking, which was whether she could understand. "I'm sorry, I can't understand a word you're saying." She shook her head hesitantly in answer and sat down.

The breeze swirled around them briefly as the filly began to look crestfallen.

Oh dear, I hope I didn't hurt her feelings. Fluttershy wilted a little at seeing the change in the newcomer. Briefly, the pony wondered how much she could trust her. Their smile was warm and welcoming, though.

Beside Fluttershy, Root had crept out and sat down calmly next to the yellow pony. She spotted him from the corner of her eye and looked down at him with a smile. "See Root, she's friendly."

The filly said more words excitedly, waving a hand towards Root.

The little animal turned his nose up at the filly though. Fluttershy gasped a little, but couldn't help giving out a giggle. She was caught off guard when the filly joined her.


Fluttershy slowed her laughter and looked up again at the child. She was pointing at herself and grinning. "Nausicaa," she said again, gesturing to herself. Next, her hand pointed with one digit at Fluttershy, making the pony flinch slightly. "Fluttershy," she said happily.

Fluttershy relaxed and nodded, smiling. "Yes, my name's Fluttershy." She pointed up at herself with a hoof.

Nausicaa pressed her hands to her cheeks and made another happy noise, then began speaking rapidly with excitement.

Fluttershy sat back, chewing every so often on some of her gift, listening to, if not understanding Nausicaa.

A few minutes past in peace, until Nausicaa's strange language and attempts to communicate were cut off.

A crack of thunder rolled over the oasis from somewhere in the distance. The trio all looked up in shock at the nearby hills.

Fluttershy stood up, mouth opened slightly, but not yet saying anything. Her wings unfurled on her back, instinctively readying themselves.

Shouts and screams reached them from the in the distance, sounding like faint echoes. They were accompanied by a dozen more blasts of harsh sound, all of them coming in rapid succession.

The three beings present stood still, save for Root, who jumped to his paws and began hissing, fur standing up on end.

"Wha-What's that?" Fluttershy stammered out, now that her smaller companion had acted. The filly looked back at her, a frightened look on her face.

Whatever she answered with, it was in a frantic, panicked voice. Nausicaa leaped up to her two legs and ran for the hill. "Otōsan!"

Fluttershy wasn't sure what to do as she watched Nausicaa go, stumbling along the way in her peculiar and bulky looking dress. She watched the filly climb the hill, running towards whatever those scary noises over there were.

"Wait! Uhm, oh dear," Fluttershy called after Nausicaa. The air was deafening, and she couldn't even see what was causing it. Her ears folded back and her hooves carried her after the filly, the basket of bread forgotten.

Fluttershy's thoughts screamed at her that there was danger on the other side of that hill. Her regard for the young girl overrode her fear though. It isn't safe, but...Oooh, pony feathers! She charged up the hill after Nausicaa. Her legs complained, having just gotten used to rest again. She could see something that came as a surprise, namely, Root running up the hill alongside her.

Author's Note:

A shrubbery! :P