• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
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Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.

Comments ( 35 )

If you hate it, don't make more of the crap.

This story has been violated by Hate Dumb for far too long. :ajbemused:

It looks great so far, d00d. :rainbowdetermined2:

3640518 Broly?

1. That idea is awesome

2. Broly is a psychopathic manic. He talks, he jokes, WHILE he is killing you. C'mon bro.

3642582 It was either him or Lelouch from Code Geass. Since Lelouch is hard to pull off even for professionals I went with Broly.

3642837 You could have done a transformation scene.

The syntax in this is all over the place. You're gonna need an editor for this story, buddy.

The only being that has a chance to stop broly is goku but he probably wouldn't intervene if he knew what the ponies were doing.
On a side note good story.

I initially had problems with the quality of the story but if this is just a fun ride, then hell if I care. LET'S KICK SOME FLANK!:flutterrage:

I...already read this... huh.

Small world, ain't it?

We need to see more violence and more chapters.
In other words good job.

>>Dark Colt Sabata

Why did u cancle it it was so good why

6089769 Because unlike other ATCB writers, I had no idea what I was doing.

6089864 I never have any idea on what I am doing when writing my stories. Just, I don't know, let the writing flow out of your fingertips!:pinkiehappy:

Why is this cancelled!? It was just getting good!

7758457 I don't know how to properly write a Conversion Bureau fic, but imagine the rest being One Punch Man. But with Broly against invading ponies from another dimension, because that's pretty much the only direction I can see this story taking.

but Saitama would just have a bored expression on his face because it would only take one Serious Punch attack to solve it.

7759798 Broly would do the same while laughing and smiling like a maniac, that's one difference.

7759814 true. but this would've been the one story with him as the main character i would've enjoyed. I never liked him in his movies. he was way too much of a gary stu with a stupid reason to hate Goku. Could you at least do one with the Doom Guy from Doom 2016? Here's a sample of his work.

7760732 Look up Bringer of Doom, that'll sate you for a bit.

7760777 Read it loved it. wish for it to happen to the conversion bureau too.

7760779 If I don't have another mental breakdown and if I get motivated enough, I might work on something.


How is the rewrite going currently? If i may ask?

11165199 Like my other story, not well. I'm stuck on both of them.

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