• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 12,228 Views, 538 Comments

The Twilight Child - Detectivefish

A new pony arrives in town, and all she wants to do is leave. But why? And what's her connection to Twilight Sparkle?

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The Great Rainbow Brain Swap Part Two

A short time ago...

Midday sat in Sugarcube Corner, an odd jaunty tune coming from a record player. Across from her Scootaloo was downing a seventh milkshake. Midday had drank all of one. Evidently Rainbow Dash's body had a smaller stomach, or the guilt of not having returned the pegasus's body was the reason she didn't feel hungry. It was when the minature pegasus was through her current milkshake something occured to Midday. She knew absolutely nothing about Scootaloo. She'd met the filly several times both in her own time and the one she was now stuck in, and had never learnt anything about her. She'd never even heard the filly describe anything about herself, nothing. Not so much as a vague hint. All she knew was that Scootaloo admired Rainbow Dash more than anypony she'd ever seen. That seemed to be the reason for her avid consumption of milkshakes, in an attempt to impress the pony she thought was Rainbow Dash.

Then something else occured to Midday. Mainly the fact that it was Monday.

"Hey, Scootaloo?"

"Yeah?" The filly said, now slurping down the last of the milkshake.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"
Scootaloo's eyes went wide and she grinned nervously.

"It's... a day off?" she said.

"Nice try."
Scootaloo sighed.

"I didn't feel like going" she muttered. Midday facehoofed. There were two ways she could go about this, being calm or yelling. And considering how her day was going, yelling did sound amazingly tempting. But it wasn't an idea to have Scootaloo chewed out by 'Rainbow Dash'.

"Why?" The filly scratched the back of her head.

"Well, we were gonna hang out. And besides, it's not like I'm learning anything important." She frowned. Midday didn't have to guess that the absence of a Cutie Mark probably wasn't helping.

"That's not really the point" Midday said, "By not learning you're depriving yourself of future benefits. What if you miss something that might actually be important in the future?" she considered questioning Scootaloo whether she wanted to end up like Rainbow Dash, then thought better of it.

"But it's boring, and I don't need a fancy education!"

"It's not about need, it's about potential. It's about learning your strengths and weaknesses and strengthening them and compensating for the rest, it's about discovering things about yourself you didn't realise and growing beyond yourself."
Scootaloo stared at her like she was mad.

"I guess" Scootaloo shrugged, apparently not concerned about her hero-figure's out-of-character burst. Her wings fluttered slightly. Suddenly she smiled.

"Hey, Rainbow, can you take me flying?"

Instantly Midday's mind was consumed with conflict. If something happened to Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash would probably kill her. Of course, since she was misusing the speedster's body Rainbow Dash was already likely to try and kill her, so she was probably going to be double dead.

'Double dead?' she thought to herself, 'where the hay did that come from?!' She looked down and saw Scootaloo was staring at her.

"Okay" she said, hesitantly.
Scootaloo beamed. It was one of those 'lights-up-the-room' smiles, one that also happened to be capable of inducing terror in almost everypony in Ponyville.

The two ponies paid for their milkshakes and walked outside. The air was slightly chilly, and there was a slight breeze.

"Nice day for a flight, huh?" Scootaloo said, standing next to Midday-in-Rainbow Dash.

"Bit chilly" she muttered. The two stood there. Scootaloo coughed. She looked down at the filly, who looked slightly impatient.

"Oh, right, yeah, sorry." She knelt down, allowing Scootaloo to hop on her back. She was surprisingly warm, similar to Celestia, now that she thought about it. But that was almost certainly an entire coincidence, especially since the tabloids had been claiming every pony from Mimic herself onward was her illegitimate love-child, even Twilight Sparkle. Hay, even she'd been labelled as one of Celestia's love-children (Which had led to her getting the Talk from her mother. In explicit biological detail which had made her swear off reproductive acts forever.)

"You aren't gonna wear like a helmet or, I dunno, a scarf or something?" She asked the filly.

"No, I'm cool like this" Scootaloo said, without any sense of irony or sarcasm. She braced herself, ready to take to the air. She gave 'her' wings an experimental flap.

And then there was an ear-splitting scream. She recognised it, more or less. Unfortunately she didn't notice the sound of a small pegasus falling off Rainbow Dash's backside.

"Me!" She declared.

"What was that?" asked Scootaloo, referring to the scream, not Midday-in-Rainbow Dashes body's declaration.

"Somepony in trouble" she said, beginning to walk towards it.

"Should we actually be moving towards the screaming?" Scootaloo asked.

"I thought you wanted to be a hero"

"Yeah... An alive hero, and when I'm a grown-up. Running towards loud screaming probably won't help with that."

Midday gave this some thought.

"You're with Rainbow Dash. What's the absolute worst that could happen? (Aside from huge slobbering purple things with tentacles. Lousy land-squids.)" She shook her head, trying to forget having to take part in an impromtu opera alongside her university roommate. Well, she had been trying to prevent an opera.

"I dunno. Exploding?" she stared at Scootaloo.

"Alright, you know when grown-ups say when everything's gonna be fine, and you think they're probably lying to make you feel better?"

"Yes!" Scootaloo rolled her eyes. Midday smiled.

"Everything's gonna be fine."


The pegasi (well, pegasus and unicorn mind in a pegasus body) rushed towards the library, where the windows were shattered. Midday stopped and turned to Scootaloo.

"You absolutely sure you want to go in? You can wait here if you want, nopony'd blame you."

The filly looked quizzically at her.

"Wait, you convince me to join in, and now you're trying to make me wait outside?"

"That was a few moments ago, when I hadn't thought of things that might be dangerous for fillies. Like bookworms."

Midday found herself wondering where that came from.

"I'm not scared, I'm with Rainbow Dash, the toughest, greatest, fastest, awesomest pony around!" Scootaloo tried to make herself look bigger. It didn't really work, but she did get points for the effort, and for looking frankly adorable as she did.

"I'm just saying, whatever's in there might be a bit... weird." Scootaloo's face became impassive.

"Have you ever been covered in tree sap trying to operate a cannon?"

"... No."

"Or trying to feed a rabbit?"


"Or trying to make breakfast?"

Midday blinked, and stared at the filly for a few seconds.

"How'd that happen?"

"I really don't know" Scootaloo said, looking confused as she tried to remember those events.

"Anyway, I'm pretty sure whatever's going on won't be anywhere near as weird as that. And besides, you're here so you can take care of it."

She wouldn't admit it, but Midday felt terror. True, she was in a body that could take a lot of punishment, but Rainbow Dash was in her body, and there was no telling what damage she could do with it, and the vast magic at her disposal. But Spike, Trixie and Twilight were in there as well, and couldn't know about the sheer range of her magic.

She quickly pushed the door open, and did not see a reassuring sight. Books and furniture were floating around the room, and there was an odd hum. She quickly rushed past these obstacles and up the stairs, and paused at the door to the bedroom. Fear of a violent Rainbow Dash reaction flooded her mind. She quickly shook past those doubts and kicked the door open. She was rewarded by something incredibly heavy slamming into her, and she hit the wall.

"YOU!" A voice she determined was her own yelled. She looked up (at least she assumed it was up) to see an alarming sight. It was her body, only her hair was aflame, her horn glowing, and there was a truly alarming look in her eyes. This felt alarmingly familiar, but the only true thought going through her head was that she looked a bit... thin.

"Hey... Rainbow Dash" she said.

"Wait, what?" said a voice she recognised as Spike's. She looked around. The dragon was pinned to the ceiling by her body's magic, along with Twilight and Trixie. She sighed.

"Oh, come on Spike. It's simple enough to figure out. Rainbow Dash and I have had our minds swapped because somepony has lax safety standards!" She said, glowering at Twilight.

"Me?" Twilight asked, "What did I do?"
Rainbow Dash-in-Midday looked up at Twilight, and then to her own body.

"This is your fault?"

"No, it isn't!" Twilight said hurriedly.

"Oh come on Twilight, you read out everything you read while studying magic, sooner or later disaster's gonna strike!" Midday snapped.

"But I didn't. I wasn't studying magic last night, I was brushing up on early Equestrian history!"
Midday paused. Recollection hit her. The purple unicorn had been mentioning her study of the traditional Heart's Warming Eve play, having taken a break before she started getting angry at the long list of inaccurate moments. And as Midday could now recall, she hadn't been paying attention.

"Oh, yes. You were." Midday said sheepishly. Rainbow Dash in her body started looking from Twilight to Midday.

"So who did this?" She snapped.
There was a nervous cough. Suddenly the whole room went silent. All eyes turned to Trixie.

"Oh" Midday sighed.
The blue showmare laughed nervously.

"Really?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well" Trixie said, trying to look composed, "I said I would get revenge upon you for humiliating me"
Midday blinked. Then she remembered Trixie's words from a few weeks ago.

"Oh, right, the whole... piano thing. It's all coming back to me now."

"So why am I in her body, and why is she in mine?" Rainbow Dash in Midday's body asked tersely.
Everypony looked about awkwardly.

"You are wondering how she did it, right?" Midday asked.

"Yeah. Duh." Midday winced. Her body was being used to say 'duh'.

"Right, okay" She said, "Trixie, you are going to switch our minds back."

"So, how do I put everything down?" Rainbow Dash said.
And then something unexpected happened.

"What's going on?" asked Scootaloo.
Then she saw her horn glow, and her body popped out of the room. A second later, two unicorns and a dragon hit the floor.

"Well, that's one way to get down." Spike groaned. "That's gonna hurt all week."

"Did she just teleport?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Midday in Rainbow Dash turned to Spike, "Spike, quickly, write a letter to Princess Celestia telling her to summon the Royal Guard to get my me... my body with Rainbow Dash in it." The dragon nodded.

"Trixie, you-" She turned to point at Trixie, only to see nothing. She was gone, and a window was open.
She sighed.

"Right, Trixie, run away. Because that's constructive." She turned to Twilight.

"Okay, you're going to help figure out the spell she used to switch minds."

"What's going on?!" Scootaloo yelled. Midday turned to Scootaloo.

"Well, it's quite easy to explain. I'm actually Midday Eclipse, my mind is in Rainbow Dash's body and Rainbow Dash's mind has gone and ran off in my body because I threw a piano at Trixie and she's holding a grudge. Any questions? No, good."
Scootaloo stood utterly in shock, her mouth opening and closing for a few seconds.


"Well, when I say 'run off' I mean teleported because of fear reflex. I do that sometimes."

"So where is she?" Twilight asked. Midday pondered this.

"Well, since the teleport is a automatic process, so... probably in Canterlot. Most likely. Unless she's fled to where she feels safe. Maybe I should go check Canterlot and see if Rainbow Dash-in-me is there."

"And what about me?" Scootaloo said. She looked and sounded utterly confused and lost, with a tiny amount of rising anger.

Midday stared at the pegasus. Considering Rainbow Dash's anger, Scootaloo would probably help keep her from doing anything dangerous. It occured to her that that was a downright cold-blooded statement, even if it was true.

"I suppose you could come with me. You were supposed to hang out with Rainbow Dash today."

"Yeah. I was!" Scootaloo said.

However, she still hopped onto Midday-in-Rainbow Dash's back, and the pegasus walked down the stairs, past the piles of books and out into the winter sun.

"Hold on. I'm gonna go pretty fast."

"Cool." Midday tried not to smirk at Scootaloo's utter lack of concern. Or was it just the sort of calm a pony reached once they got angry enough? She suddenly became a bit concerned about Scootaloo holding onto her via the neck, even if she was technically in the body of Scootaloo's idol.

She launched herself into the air, and started soaring towards Canterlot. She was vaguely certain Scootaloo was cheering as she rocketed through the air.


Twilight watched as Midday-in-Rainbow Dash's body rocketed away. She frowned and turned to her books.

"Spike, we need to search every inch of the library to find out how Trixie accomplished this act."

"Got it."
Twilight quickly began searching through the books.

"This will probably take a while. I just hope nopony shows up" she said. At this, Spike stopped what he was doing and facepalmed.
The door opened.

"Twilight, I came as soon as I heard the screaming (and folded several shirts). What's the problem?" Twilight smiled a really unnerving smile at the newly arrived Rarity. To be fair, one of her best friends had swapped minds with her lodger because of her other lodger because of a grudge the second lodger seemed to have against the first lodger, who had been the pony who'd brought the second lodger to Ponyville, and worst of all, because of all this her books had been haphazardly scattered around the room, and it would take precious minutes of her schedule to re-arrange them.

"Nothing, Rarity" She said, her voice eerily calm. "But would you be a dear and help me?"

"Of course, I am ready to assist you with anything, just tell me what you require?"

Twilight's smile grew and she took a deep breath.


Going as fast she go in a rented body, Midday reached Canterlot in twenty minutes. She landed just outside Canterlot Castle.

"Okay, it took her a few seconds to teleport, and bearing in mind the average response time of the guard, and Rainbow Dash's probably emotionally unbalanced state, and generally irrational mood, she probably hasn't gone far. All we need to do is find my body, and everything will. Be. Fine." She grinned the sort of grin usually reserved for the truly mad, or clowns.


"It will be" she said, her voice cold and stern.
She walked along into the courtyard. Suddenly several guards appeared, carrying weapons.

"State your business!" one barked.

"I'm here to see Princess Celestia" she said. The guards looked at each other.
"Proceed" they said in unison, and stood aside. She continued, Scootaloo following on behind her.

Strangely enough, the flightless filly didn't seem at all awed at being inside the home of the rulers of all Equestria, although after learning your idol and would-be mentor has been mindswapped and only having learnt this after spending twenty minutes talking with her, she probably didn't have much room for emotional reactions.

As the two walked through the castle, Scootaloo looked at Midday-in-Rainbow Dash.

"It's not fair" she muttered. Midday stopped, and turned to look at her.

"What isn't?"

Scootaloo looked up at her, a miserable look on her face.

"You were flying like it was completely natural" she mumbled, which she punctuated with a flitter of her wings.

"I can't even stay in the air for more than a few seconds." She added, quietly. Midday looked at the filly.

"Well, you are only ten-ish, right? Wings don't kick in until you're twelve."
Scootaloo just scoffed.

"The way my life goes, I'll probably never be able to fly. It's not fair. Even Fluttershy can fly, and she's afraid of her own damn shadow!"


"Whatever." Midday placed a hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder.

"You'll get your wings one day, and when you do, I know you'll be brilliant." Scootaloo didn't look reassured.
"And if I am wrong then let me be struck down by a piano."

Apparently the image of her being concussed by a heavy musical instrument was funny to the little pegasus. She smiled, very slightly.

"Thanks." She muttered.

The two then continued on towards the throne room in silence, Scootaloo's mask of nonchalance slipping, and Midday saw the occasional smile when the filly thought she wasn't looking. Eventually they reached the massive doors that lead to the throne room of the princesses. Midday knocked upon the door.

Slowly, the doors opened, and she heard somepony calling out.

"Presenting Rainbow Miriam Dash, Bearer of the Element of Loyalty. And her Plus One."

"That's Scootaloo!"

Princess Celestia looked up from a large looking document.

"Rainbow Dash? What brings you to Canterlot?" The clearly surprised Princess of the Day asked.

"Midday Eclipse" she stated. It sounded even weirder saying her alias with somepony else's voice.

"What of her?" Midday felt her stomach drop. That was not what she'd wanted to hear.

"Isn't... she here?"
Celestia looked about.

"Why would she be here? Has something happened?"

Midday found herself scratching her head.

"It's... not actually complicated." Princess Celestia stared at her. Quickly, she explained, and some minutes later she was finished.

"I see." Celestia said. She stood up and descended from her throne.

"Did it not occur to you that while in your body, even if it still retains its own reflexes, she would teleport to somewhere she feels safest at, rather than somewhere you feel safe at?"
Midday blinked.

"You try thinking clearly when you can suddenly fly." She muttered. Celestia just smiled gently.

"I'm sure you'll be able to solve this... predicament you are in. I shall inform Twilight Sparkle. Don't let me keep you." She said, though not unkindly.

"Thanks anyway." Midday said. She turned.

"Good day, Midday Eclipse and Scootaloo."

"Right... back to Ponyville then." She muttered awkwardly.

"Got it" Scootaloo said, apparently imitating her gloomy mood.

Another thought occured to her on the way back to Ponyville. That though was that the embedded tabloid journalists that camped out around Canterlot Castle would no doubt enjoy the chance to weave fanciful nonsense about Rainbow Dash or Scootaloo being Celestia's daughter, or both at once, or crazier options.
'Element of Loyalty Taking Part in Bring Your Daughter to Work Day' sounded the most likely to her.


Some twenty minutes later she landed in Ponyville, and Scootaloo hopped off.

"Now what?" she asked. Midday sighed.

"I guess... we find Rainbow Dash. Although we've been gone for about an hour, so maybe everypony else has found her, instead of just sitting around on their flanks."

They returned to the library, where they found Rarity, Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all crowded around her body with Rainbow Dash's mind in it. She looked distraught. And her body looked alarmingly thin, and taller than usual. Though that was could just have been how she looked from Rainbow Dash's perspective.

"Oh, goody. You found my me." Midday deadpanned.

"Yes, she just suddenly appeared in front of my house fifty-five minutes ago" Fluttershy said.

"Good. Now can we just swap bodies back and put this insanity behind us before I start getting comfy with wings."
Everypony glowered at her.

"Okay, only two ponies in this room have reason or right to be angry at me."

"I'm not angry at you" Scootaloo said from behind her, "I'm just indifferent."

"I am angry" Rainbow Dash-in-Midday said.

"I didn't meant to say that." She said, sounding confused and alarmed.

"Or that."

"Oh good, my brain's still doing its job." Midday smirked.

Rainbow Dash blinked.

"Hardwired honesty. Unless I'm acting, or telling jokes. Then I get away with it."
Twilight coughed, politely.

"I'm afraid to say this but... there has been a complication. I couldn't find the spell Trixie used to swap your minds. Or a book containing the spell Trixie used to swap your minds. Although I did find a small stash of tabloid papers."
Midday looked at Spike, who looked nervously.

"Those aren't mine!" He declared. "I was holding them for... Moondancer, and I never got a chance to return them. Yeah."

"Moving on!" Midday said, resisting the urge to shake her head, "Twilight, you don't need the spell."

"I don't?"
"You could just make one up." Twilight looked at her like she'd declared she was going to write a series of novels including sentient trees made of custard. Then she smiled a slightly smug smile.

"Magic doesn't work like that, Midday. At all. Believe me, I wish I could just invent spells whenever I like, but I cannot make them up whole cloth."
There was a polite cough from Spike.

"Haven't you made up spells before?"

"That was different" Twilight said, though she didn't sound convinced.

"Twilight, can I talk with you in private?" Midday said, using Rainbow Dash's mouth to smile unnervingly.

"I suppose."

"No!" Rarity declared, "You can talk about it in here, with us."

"It's really sappy."

"Let 'em" Rainbow-in-Midday's body said quickly.

"I'll be quick" Midday said, trying to sound reassuring.

She lead Twilight into the secondary library room. She sighed.

"Okay Twilight, you can switch us back, you and only you."

"How do you expect me to do that?"

"You are the Element of Magic, you wield all of its power, you can create magic just as easily as you channel it. A mind-switching spell should be childsplay for you!"

"I don't know. This sounds dangerous and complex. What if I accidentally merge you and Rainbow Dash into one?"
Midday stared at Twilight.

"You are the strongest, smartest magic wielder alive Twilight, you have no idea the power you wield. Why did you think Discord couldn't brainwash you directly? You can do this, Twilight Sparkle. Now damn you, you will try, or I swear to all that is holy I will haunt you till the end of time!"
Twilight just looked at her.

"I suppose I should at least try."


Midday-in-Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash-in-Midday sat opposite from each other. Pinkie, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy and Scootaloo sat in a sort-of circle around them, with Twilight in-between the two mares. She focused her horn.

"Here goes something" she said, hesitantly. She closed her eyes.

Her horn glowed, there was a hum that soon increased to a roar, and two beams of energy lanced out from Twilight's horn, hitting Rainbow and Midday straight in the forehead. There was a strange feeling, like Midday was being pulled out of her body. Her awareness seemed to slip from her, and the last sound she heard was Twilight yelling "I think it's working. I think it's working!"


Her eyes opened blearily, to see Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy staring at her. She quickly lifted her hoof in front of her face.
A royal blue hoof hovered in front of her.

"Oh, good. I'm back in me, all's well with the world." She sighed.
There was a grunt from Rainbow Dash. Followed by a surprised yelp.

"What did you do to my hair?!" She yelled, advancing on Midday.

"I washed it" The unicorn deadpanned. There was a cough.

"With some help from Rarity." she quickly added, flashing a smile at Rarity, who just nodded in response. Rainbow Dash glanced from Midday to Rarity. She sagged.

"I'm gonna go have a nap. Nopony try and stop me." At which point she collapsed and started snoring. Scootaloo walked over to the prone form of her idol, and tried to put a cushion under her head.

"Okay," Midday said, "before we go any further, can we agree to never, ever, ever mention this insanity again?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie said. Nopony else made the motions.

"Thank you, Pinkie." Midday sighed. She looked around the room. It was only lunchtime and she'd already had enough insanity for a whole day.

"I'm going to go find Trixie. Anypony care to join in?"

"Yes" said Twilight.

"But only to stop either of you doing anything foolish."
Midday stared at Twilight for a few seconds.

"Fair enough" she said.


One quick magic-scan later, and she found Trixie sitting in the local cafe, staring at a bottle of bourbon that appeared essentially untouched. When she saw Twilight and Midday approaching she leapt to her hooves.

"Stay back, I have magic, and I'm willing to use it!" She yelled. Twilight and Midday exchanged glances.

"Yeah, okay" Midday said. Trixie looked confused.

"You... aren't angry?"

"I've had my brain swapped with Rainbow Dash, travelled to and from Canterlot on a wild goose chase and been glowered at by Fluttershy. I'm pretty much burnt out, and it's only one in the afternoon."
Trixie frowned.

Midday looked at her.
"How did you do the whole mind-swapping thing, anyhow?"

"Oh, I just found this spell lying about. I figured it would help with getting revenge on you for throwing a piano at me." Trixie shrugged, staring at the ground.

"So why in the world did I end up in Rainbow Dash, of all ponies?"
Trixie shrugged again.

"How should I know? I just cast a spell designed to inflict vengeance on you." She scuffed her hoof against the ground.

"I, ah, I probably should have checked what it did, first."
She sighed.

"However, we have not finished. I will have my vengeance against you for my humiliation" she stated, jabbing a hoof at Midday, who stared at Trixie for a second, then sighed.

"Okay, Trixie, I am too irritated to bother yelling, so let me be blunt. This is your only chance, you can either try and make up for the massive train-crash you made of your life, turn good and let go of your ego, or you can throw it all away in a chance to get vengeance on me."

Trixie pretended to give this some thought.
"The second option sounds good."

Midday looked Trixie straight in the eyes.

"Vengeance won't work. Let me break this down to a comparison of scale. You, Trixie Lulamoon, are from a family of illusionists and stage magicians. Me? I'm from one of the most powerful families in Equestria!"
There was a noise of disbelief from Twilight.

"So?" The showmare said. Midday leaned in toward the mare.

"You are a firecracker, Trixie. Me? I am the sun" She looked at the mixture of confusion and not-quite-awe of Trixie's face, and smiled.

"Now I'm going to go see if Rainbow Dash is going to try and kill me."


She waited an hour for Rainbow Dash to wake up from her nap.

"Oh" The pegasus said upon opening her eyes and seeing Midday

"Afternoon, RD. How do you feel?"

"Like I've been used." She muttered.

"Sorry about that." Rainbow Dash just glowered at her. If she knew anything about Rainbow Dash, her pride was more damaged than anything else.

"Look, I'm guessing you don't want to hear this, but I will try and make things up to you at some point."

"Whatever." The mare said, getting to her hooves. She looked at Scootaloo.

"Sorry I didn't manage to hang out with you today, squirt. Gotta go." She said, before taking off. The orange pegasus turned to Midday.

"Miss Eclipse?" She said, not sounding angry, but more a form of calm that made Midday feel nervous.

"Yeah, Scootaloo?"

"Thanks, for... y'know, what you said in Canterlot." She muttered.

"Sorry for cheating you out of your day with Rainbow Dash." The pegasus looked up at her.
"It's alright. Least I got to see what flying's like" she said half-heartedly, before galloping out of the door.
Midday sat down in a comfy chair, and sagged. She levitated a piece of paper.

"Dear Celestia.

Today has been the day from Tartarus. From the looks of it,

all of Twilight's friends hate me, or at least blame me.

(Not that I blame them)

And I generally feel rubbish, and stressed, and tense and awful.

But on the plus side, I got to fly!

So... should I be careful what I wish for, even when I don't know I'm wishing for it?

And I shouldn't throw pianos at ponies to win duels?

Either way, this is not going to be a fun week at all.

Yours in good health,

Midday Eclipse"

PS: I got to fly!

She rolled it up, and went to find Spike. Two weeks until Heart's Warming Eve. The though of Twilight spending the next two weeks getting increasingly annoyed by the historical inaccuracies of the play would be mildy entertaining.

She also made a note to herself to do something nice for Rainbow Dash.

And after she found Spike, she was going to have a nice long bath.


"Rainbow Dash, I've been thinking, and... well, perhaps you were right. There is something suspect about Midday Eclipse. Maybe we should keep an eye on her, if only to prevent something like this from happening again" Rarity said. Rainbow Dash just raised an eyebrow, but otherwise remained immobile on Rarity's sofa.

"Okay" the pegasus responded.

"But I must warn you, Rainbow Dash, I am not doing this to fuel any desire for revenge you may have."

Rainbow Dash raised her hooves in front of her.
"Hey, I said I'm not angry. Even though this was entirely her fault for annoying a spiteful magician."

"And of course that she ended up using your body, doing your job, and associating with Scootaloo with nopony being the wiser, all before you even woke up."

Rainbow Dash growled at her.

"Sorry" Rarity said.

"Like I said, I'm not angry. Even if she did do all those things with almost no commupance. And not because I was unwilling to damage my own frankly awesome body, or because she was sort of a victim in this as well. Who just got the better half of the deal."

"Quite" Rarity said, after a few seconds consideration, though she looked uncertain.

"Now that we've gotten all that out the way" Rainbow Dash said, a grin spreading across her lips
"Let's see what we can find."

Author's Note:

Enjoy the cribbed shout-outs. Note that I will not specify Scoot's origins, in case the show reveals it (*snerk*) and contradicts my nonsense.
Edit: A bit tacked onto the end when I realised I hadn't really done RD much justice. Just assume she was terrified from not having her wings / speed for most of the chapter, because I was too lazy to just say so.

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