• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 1,485 Views, 25 Comments

Something Small and Fuzzy - Lolsternater

The cute and angry can only get cuter. Add Discord to the mix and you've got on hell of a party.

  • ...

Tea and chaos

There are days where everything goes your way. There are days where the world just seems to be crushing down on your soul. Today has nothing to do with that. This story just needed an introduction, and I need my pay.

We will be following the story of a little blue creature that had a rather strange stroke of fate, although he wasn’t always blue. No, he used to be pink; a tannish kind of pink, and a lot taller too. This tall, tannish pink, creature was what would soon to be known as a human. This human was sitting at home like a total loner. He preferred to bury himself in the art of music, where his only company were the strings of guitars and the keys of a piano.

His name was Brian. And he had many friends. Five, to be on the point. But we won’t be meeting that many friends today, because the day just ended ten minutes ago for Brian. It was now the time of ten past twelve and three of his friends were throwing rocks at his window.

“Hey! Brian! Let us in, we’ve got pizza!” shouted Scott, the one who was the unofficial leader of the group. His hair dyed blue to the point of almost black and black leather jacket with blue jeans.

Brian was almost too tired to care, as it seemed to be a ridiculous hour to be banging on windows, but friends were friends and he had to keep them; for social reasons. Reluctant, he went down and unlocked the front door. Tyler came through the door, closely followed by Eli and Adam, both with medium brown hair but where Eli’s was flat; Adam’s was in short curls.

“Heeeeeey!” said Tyler before bringing in a hug. “How are you? We haven’t seen you in ages!”

“I’m fine. But what are you guys doing here; it’s the middle of the night?!”

Adam answered. “Yea, we were just hanging in town when we thought we’d piss someone off and visit them in the middle of the night. Eli suggested you ‘cos you were closest.” Eli just nodded, being the quiet one.

"Fine, come on up to the lounge. Just don't wake my dad up or he'll be pissed."

"Cool, I need to check out ma Facebook anyway!" Replied Adam.

After consuming the pizza, the group of now four headed out into the shadows of the city at night. Streets of shops and clubs stood empty, with only drunken people who see ghosts, wandering the pavement. It gave the group a good laugh and show. They traveled the dark towards the taller part of the city and away from the shops. Glass and steel rising to touch the moon and proving to make quite an amazing sight with the reflections, moonlight dancing from window to window; almost like silver lasers.

The group weaved through the narrow alleyways and sidewalks to a empty car-park with buildings covering all sides, except one.

“So, what now?” Brian asked as he walked to the rail that was on the one side without a building, looking out at the building across the gap.

Scott smiled and joined him by the rail. “Simple. Look down.”

The rest of the group joined them and looked. They each let out a gasp of equal amazement at what they saw. It was like a large clump of trees and bush, all hidden behind the concert walls of the city; avoiding sight and temperament while still getting sunlight thanks to the glass towers. The boys were high above the mini-forest on the car park, getting the perfect and only view.

“How could this still be hidden?”

“It’s… awesome. Like a secret base or something.”


After the initial awe wore off, the group started idle chatter. They stayed but the rail as they talked about all things friends would talk about. Eli brought out his old Nintendo DS and passed it around.

“Hey, finished the Poke’dex.” He said.

Eli had been playing the game Pokémon Platinum, for a least over a year now. Despite being quiet and keeping to himself, Eli would always finish something when it came to mind. As such, as soon as he got his hands on the game, there had been no stopping him in his quest to finish it to its limit.

He passed the DS around the group, each of them giving him a pat on the back. Brian took the mini-console and flicked through the many anime monsters. Brian had taken a liking to the game, but had never found the time to buy it or play his friends versions. He instead watched from the side lines as they captured and fought with each other. Brian was well into looking at the list, not paying attention to his friends.

Scott thought of an idea. Just a harmless prank that many had done before; pushing people close to dangerous edges and catching them again before they would really be hurt. Brian was well into the console as Scott stood before him, a silly smile on his face.

He pushed Brian with force, enough to make him trip over his own feet. Scott quickly grabbed his shirt again before his weight carried him into danger.

“Saved your li-“

He was interrupted by a loud tearing noise echoing around the enclosed buildings, as Brian’s shirt ripped. He staggered backwards, over the rail, and fell.


“I must say Fluttershy; you weren’t kidding about this cake!” said Discord, sitting next to a yellow Pegasus on a couch. “I’ll have to replace my chocolate rain with this!”

The yellow Pegasus, named Fluttershy, sighed. “Now Discord, you must remember not to do things like that. It took such a long time to calm that family of bears after being turned into fish.”

The immortal spirit of chaos chuckled at the memories, but it also drew out some others since the day he was reformed.

Shortly after that fateful day, Celestia returned to her castle but first granted Discord ownership to a small cottage, near where Fluttershy’s was located. This was just another test, he knew, to see if he would stay true to his word and behave. Discord had every intention of doing just that, but he had to let out steam every now and then.

He also did what he was told to do, use his powers for the good of pony kind. He had helped build homes, move animals, divert wild clouds from the Everfree forest away from the town, and keep his powers to himself. Mostly.

Now he sat with Fluttershy enjoying a lovely afternoon with cake and tea, a routine they had picked up after the first few weeks. Discord quietly sipped his tea and ate his piece of cake; Fluttershy talked about her friends and adventures, as well as her animals.

“As I was saying; it was quite a shock when we found out Twilight was going to be a princess, but we understood. The coronation was lovely and now Twilight gets to live forever! Can you imagine?”

Yes, he could imagine, but for his new friend, Discord stayed silent. As much as he enjoyed Fluttershy’s company, it was a bit dull. So while keeping half his brain focused on his friends chatter, he spent the other half trying to find something to entertain himself.

Discord gazed the globe of Epuis, looking across Equestria and beyond. And nothing was happening. The planet was a giant snore fest. No big disasters, no plotting villains, no princesses bathing each other in the outdoor spa. Frankly, no interesting things at all. He turned his gaze away from Epuis, and looked to the stars. As his mind’s eye wandered the vast space, he spotted a large amount of metal just floating around. It seemed to be in the gravitational pull of a planet.

With nothing better to do, he closed in on the planet, passing many strange objects. One of them even made a noise.


Discord descended on down to the planet, and found his mind in a city, run by incredibly strange ape creatures. Strange noisy machines beeped and honked at each other, while a few of the ape creatures seemed to be fighting. This place was built for entertainment! Nearby, he heard a scream, and turned his attention towards it.

He saw one of the ape creatures falling from an incredible height, most likely to his doom, towards what looked like a miniature forest.

Well, they did say to use my powers for good… Perhaps this won’t be such a boring afternoon after all.

Back at his body, his tail wavered behind him and flicked, giving a quick 'snap' sound. Fluttershy quickly noticed, and gave a slightly confused but mostly worrying face.

“Discord, umm, what did you do, if you don't mind me asking?”

He only chuckled. “Oh don’t worry my dear. You’ll see in a second.” Discord took another sip from his tea.


One second he was watching the horrified faces of his friends as he fell, the next the world exploded into colour. Nothing formed a shape or solid colour, everything just wavered and moved. Brian looked at himself and noted that even his own body wasn’t a solid object. It stretched and broke, grew and shrunk; forming claws, fingers, faces, wings, horns, holes.

“The fuck is this?! The fuck is that?” he tried to say, but as he said them, the words floated in front of his very eyes, before dispelling before his eyes.

All lived yet everything was dead. The sun burned out and lava broke the surface of his favorite cookie. Hair split at the face where they filmed that new program. All else failed. Mozzarella cheese.

Then as quickly as it started, it ended, and Brian was greeted with a ceiling in front and a hard floor beneath. He heard the crack of his own skull, then silence.


Fluttershy slowly poked her head from behind Discords back, and gazed at the creature. Her nature loving instincts took over in a flash as she jumped into action.

“Oh no! He’s bleeding from the head! Quickly, you grab the first aid kit and meet me in my room.” She barked at Discord, which almost took him by surprise.

Fluttershy picked up the small animal and flew up the stairs. Discord clicked his claw once more and joined her in the bedroom, first aid kit in hand, as well as wearing a nurse’s uniform. Fluttershy, after placing the creature on her bed with the cut facing up, grabbed the first aid kit from Discord and flipped it open; scanning the many bandages and tonics for the right things.

She picked some sterilizing clean wipes, stitches and needle, and a roll of bandage. After cleaning the wound with some wipes, she stitched it closed and sealed it with a bandage. Once Fluttershy was sure the creature was in no more danger, she tucked it into her bed; then turned to face Discord.

“Mister! You’re in big trouble!” Her eyes reaching stare level with anger, taking steps forward to bring her closer to Discord. “What did that creature ever do to you that you had to smash its head into the floor?”

“Erm, yes. This does look quite bad. You see, while you were chatting away I tried to find a way to entertain myself by looking across Epuis. When I found nothing interesting, I decided to search through the stars instead, and found a planet inhabited by strange ape like creatures.”

“A-a new p-planet?”

“Quite. Well I was just looking around this new place, when I saw one of the creatures falling, most likely to his doom. So I did what Celestia told me and used by powers for good. By bringing him here, I insured he didn’t die and got medical treatment pronto.

“But it seems the trip had some side effects. As you can tell, this creature no longer looks ape like, more like a rabbit really.”

Indeed, the creature lying before them was closer to a rabbit, but instead of a fluffy tail it had a blue rectangle. On each of it's cheeks were the mark of a minus sign, surrounded by a ball of blue. Another patch of blue was on it's ears on it's forelegs, which looked more like arms.

Discord and Fluttershy stood there and watched the creature in silence. Finally, Fluttershy spoke.

"Well, I guess you should take him home and take care of him then."

"Hmm... yes..." Discord said absentmindedly. "Wait, what?! Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no. I do not do care taking duty. That's your job."

Fluttershy sighed. "I know, and I really hate to do this to you, but I have too many animals to care for right now. Not to mention poor Angle Bunny is under the weather. I just can't handle caring for yet another critter, epically one I know nothing about."

"But-but, what about your friends? Couldn't they handle this?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to burden them with anything. Besides, they are probably busy themselves." Discord gave a grunt of unhappiness, clearly not pleases with this. Fluttershy took a more assertive pose. "May I remind you that you brought him here in the first place? Just do it for a week and we'll see how he recovers, that's all I ask. Please, Discord?"

He looked down at the almost pleading pegasus and sighed.

"Fine, but only for a week. And don't except me to be cleaning up after the mess he leaves behind."

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief. "Good. I will drop by tomorrow and check up on how he's doing."

With a click of his claws, Discord and the animal were gone. Fluttershy could only hope she made the right choice.

Author's Note:

This chapter has been somewhat edited. Mainly spelling mistakes, typos may remain. Sorry.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own, beat, eat, tickle, or own any of the things mentioned in this story, except my own characters. Any resemblance to real people living or dead is just luck. Except space.