• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 649 Views, 5 Comments

The Front - Blue Tunes

The SUF- A movement seeking to unify all species of Equestria through the removal of the Monarchy. Dart is a young griffin with good reason to hate the false goddess. As he slips deeper into this militant faction can he stay true to his morals?

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Prologue: Childhood

From the Diary of Talwar Nightwind; SUF Canterlot Faction Leader circa 989

From the earliest of days, there has been tension between the species of Equestria. As far as one cares to look back into the annals of history, examples of skirmishes, wars and inter-species rivalries can be found. These conflicts are typically based around the same crucial issues, these being the differences in diet between species, xenophobia stemming from centuries old conflict, and the natural instinct of all species to converge into homogenous groups, packs or herds, shunning outsiders.

In this modern age though, a phenomenon is occurring that may be seen to challenge this centuries old situation. In this age we may observe entire populations consisting of members of numerous species co-existing peacefully and without incident. The question that must be asked then is why this abrupt change in population demographic has occurred.

The first notable observation that must be made when considering these new heterogeneous communities is the distinct lack of Equus Sapiens, or ponies. What phenomenon is causing the creation of multicultural towns and villages lacking in one specific species? When considering this question, the very nature of pony society as it stands now, must be taken into account.

The primary cause of this division lies in the expansive nature of Equestria itself. As more land is cultivated and settled by ponies, more and more species have found themselves in close proximity to pony population centers. Combining this proximity with the natural herding nature, and the tendency for ponies to distrust other species, particularly omnivorous or carnivorous species often leads to conflict, followed by the eventual upheaval of local indigenous communities.

In the past fifty years, the amount of land settled and the numbers of displaced has grown exponentially. Finding refuge in these mixed species communities has simultaneously proved beneficial and detrimental to inter-species relations, with discontent towards pony society rampant in such communities.

In response to outbreaks of violence towards colonialists and settlers, the implementation of species specific legislation by the Monarch has both served to hamper relations and send this discontent underground. Hunting bans placed on what used to be ancestral grounds have rallied the gryphon clans to our cause, the zebras of the plains have been spurred into action by the illegalisation of their alchemies, a weapons ban forbidding non-ponies from carrying knives and swords has brought the weapons trade into our capable hands, a new source of income that funds our cause. All of this legislation meant to disempower us only makes us more resolute in our stand.

But it is not ponies as a whole that I stand against. Were it my choice, the ponies of Equestria would live side-by-side with all other species. No, rather it is the governing framework that is to blame. It is the Monarchy that has plotted the course of a nation, and it is this Monarchy against which I will fight.

For a thousand years, the pony Princess has disregarded the plight of hundreds of thousands of beings, has fed the lies and propaganda, the specism and the stereotypes that plague pony society. And only the removal of the Monarch will bring about the unity of all races in true harmony.


“We are a circle of pony friends, a circle of friends we'll be 'til the very end!”

Rakk clicked his beak appreciatively as the young hatchling finished her impromptu dance and song number, memorised by heart from the previous night’s performance. His daughter gave a little bow and a giggle as the gryphon nuzzled her affectionately.

“Very well done Elora!” Rakk exclaimed, sweeping up his daughter and placing her in the small of his back. “Wasn’t that something Dart?”

The Westwing household was typical Canterlot fare, all archways and expansive rooms, an open, airy living area. While the huge rooms would otherwise be freezing in the middle of winter, the huge open fireplaces that occupied most rooms of the house crackled merrily, filling the house with warmth.

“Aye, it sure was” Dart deadpanned with a roll of his eyes, the smile on his face ruining the facade. The young gryphon followed his father back into the dining room, where the most delicious scent, one that had been distracting him all morning, invaded his senses. His curiosity piqued, the fledgling gripped the edge of the table with his foreclaws and, balancing on his two rear paws, stared wide eyed at the feast laid out before him.

Hearts Warming was very much a pony tradition, but living in Canterlot meant that the small avian family of four had learned to adapt to certain things. This would be their second Heart’s Warming, and if there was one thing Dart had loved about the last one, it had been the food.

“Dart Westwing, you keep those claws off the food until it’s done!” A scolding tone interrupted the young gryphon’s train of thought, and he froze, palm outstretched, inches from a bowl of freshly baked bread.

Dart blinked, a sheepish look on his face. “I wasn’t gonna...”

“Eat it all?” his mother finished for him, a gentle smile on her beak. “Go and wash up now, the stew won’t be another five minutes.” Dart grinned and rushed upstairs, earning a soft chuckle from his mother. “That boy will be the death of me yet” she smiled as she returned to the stove.

“He’s got an appetite like his Pa” Rakk remarked as he joined her, little Elora in tow. “Means he’ll grow up big and strong, like me.”

“Just so long as he doesn’t grow outwards like his Pa did” Ida Westwing smirked as she poked her husband’s midriff with her wooden spoon.

“Och, now that’s just a wee bit unfair” Rakk remarked, the burr in his accent more pronounced with his surprise at his wife’s sudden and ruthless betrayal. “There’s naught but muscle on this bird!”

Ida giggled as Dart joined them, the young gryphon’s eyes fixated on the table of food. The variety of food was something else, with meat stew, pasties, potato salad and a whole roasted turkey to cap it off.

The quantity of food was also staggering. While gryphons were permitted to eat meat within the nation of Equestria for health purposes, there was extremely strict legislation regarding the acquisition of animal flesh. After ten years of eating strips of dried venison, the smell of a rich stew was almost mesmerizing the young gryphon. His father leaned in, murmuring into Dart’s ear.

“Best not to go telling your pony friends about this one then, eh Dart?” Rakk winked as his son’s head bobbed up and down obediently.

“Stop teasing Rakk, and come sit down” Ida chided him, and began to dole out the food.

“Hey Pa?” Dart asked after a moment of comfortable silence.

“Aye son?” Rakk’s attention was focused almost exclusively on the meal in front of him. The older gryphon smiled thankfully as his wife handed him a plate of food, and leaned forward to take a deep breath over the plate of turkey. “Now that’s the stuff”

“I was over at Featherflow’s house for lunch yesterday” the youngling started.

“Aye, go on son.” Rakk spooned a large chunk of stew up and went to eat.

“Their whole family thanks Princess Celestia before every meal. Why don’t we ever say grace?”

There was a clatter as the spoon fell from Rakk’s grasp. Staring down at his food with a dark expression, Rakk growled softly.

“Pa?” Dart asked, his eyes widening.

“Eat your lunch son.” Rakk picked his spoon back up, shoving an enormous chunk of venison stew into his beak, making a show of enjoying it.

A combination of self-preservation and hunger had Dart picking up his cutlery and joining the rest of his family. The young gryphon was not distracted enough by the food though to miss the look shared by his parents. Nor was he naive enough to forget his father’s reaction.

Dart kept a steady eye on his parents as they finished the cleaning up. The awkward glances they shared when they though he wasn’t looking were enough to tip him off. Soon enough they were heading upstairs, the same way they always would when they needed to have a private conversation. Slipping outside into the snow, Dart crept along the side of the house until he reached the gutter. With the ease that only comes from practice, the young gryphon leapt up, snagging a small ledge with one claw and the gutter with the other.

After a brief scramble, Dart was on the roof, and making for his parent’s window. For the last couple of years, this had been his method, his means of finding out what his parents were talking about, particularly when school results came out and the end of each semester. When his flight feathers grew out in a year or so, he wouldn’t even need to bother with the climb.

Creeping along the rooftop, he snatched up a small piece of metal, carefully hidden in a notch he’d dug out previously. Using the metal piece to pry open the window a smidgeon, he leaned over, balanced precariously to listen in.

“...Just doesn’t know Rakk” Ida spoke softly, her voice full of concern.

“Aye, ah know. But that pox-ridden Princess has taken enough from this family without my son doting on her like one of her little ponies.” Rakk’s voice was sharp and serious. “Sooner or later he needs to be told, and it might as well be sooner.”

“Rakk, he’s only ten, what good will come of...”

“He’s older than I was when it happened.” Rakk spat out, hatred seeping into his speech.


“Do you really think he’s never going to ask about his grandparents? That... whorse... took them from me, and I will not let it happen again. Not to anyone I love.”

“He’s still a fledgling though.” Ida reminded him. “And fledglings get ideas that can lead them astray. Do you really want him joining up with the Species Unification Front? I barely got you back in one piece; I can’t let that happen again.” Sobs were threatening to overcome her, and past the heavy curtains, Dart could picture his mother holding on to her tears as she pleaded.

His father sighed, some of the anger from his previous spiel being let go. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. The Front needs all the able bodied gryphons it can get.”

“No...” gasped Ida. “Please Rakk.”

“I won’t tell Dart about his grandparents” Rakk spoke more softly now, a hint of guilt in his voice as his wife sobbed. “But I’m joining back up. I have to, it’s just who I am.”

“Promise me Rakk. Promise me you’ll come back every day, alive and well.” Ida’s voice grew a little sharper as she went on. “Promise me that you’ll always be there as a father for our children and that you won’t die in the gutter after some botched crusade.”

A pregnant silence filled the air. Rakk sighed. “I can’t” he said. “You know I can’t. But I still need to do this.”

And with that, Dart heard his father leave the room, the only sound remaining was his mother’s muffled sobbing.

That night, Rakk took an extended business trip to Appaloosa. Tucking his son and daughter into bed with a kiss on the head for sweet dreams, that was the last night that Dart ever slept easily.

That was the last night that Dart ever saw his father.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is. I've been wanting to get this down for a while, it's an idea that's been buzzing around up there for weeks. Anyway, rate, comment, fave if you enjoy it.

As usual, thank you for reading!
Blue Tunes