• Published 8th Feb 2013
  • 2,601 Views, 28 Comments

Of Dragons and Unicorns - WhisperWoods

Spike decides to woo Rarity's heart once and for all, and it's up to Twilight to reign in the resulting disaster. Does Twilight and Spike's past frame the anxious unicorn's motives? And what does it really mean to be "brave&q

  • ...

The First Favor

* * * * *

The persistent, upbeat murmurs of conversation rolled through the royal reception as the filly Twilight Sparkle nuzzled into her mother's neck with glee, tiny forelegs pressing against her. She couldn't help herself as she hobbled back down to all fours, wide eyes staring at her own haunches with unbridled glee as she giggled, clumsily chasing her own rear to get a better look at her brand-new cutie mark. Her father's gaze was warm, and both parent chuckled as their daughter hobbled around in such wild enthusiasm, exchanging a quick, affectionate nuzzle; the pair looked up to make idle small talk with other parents. They knew that letter of recommendation would do the trick! Of course the yearly dues were a little steep, but that was the price of success, they supposed! And look how it had paid off, their daughter under the close mentorship of Canterlot's elite. Not to mention earning her cutie mark! That too.

"Mom! Mom! Oh my gosh, look, it's got stars like yours! Did grandmom's have stars too?!"

"No, her brother is doing exceptional in Cadet training too! We're just thrilled to pieces with how well they're excelling. Can you imagine the opportunities that are going to -, " her mother blinked, bowing her head with an earnest gesture to her friend as she looked down to her daughter, "I'm so sorry sweetie, what was that?"

"...um, nothin', it's fine mom!" Twilight giggled, to be greeted with a rehearsed smile and a turn of the head from her mom. Her mom turned and resumed the conversation with her friend without missing a beat, and Twilight ambled off into the crowd for whatever mischief she could find.

Princess Celestia watched her student with gentle eyes through the ethereal tendrils of her cascading mane, Twilight darting and weaving through the adult legs of the crowd, still pausing periodically to admire her newly-adorned cutie mark. She chuckled, looking down to Pickaxe. "They're always so fascinated by it when they first earn it!"

But he was far too enraptured by the reptile sitting before him to respond. Pickaxe busily shuffled around and circled the creature, furiously scribbling notes away, taking measurements and carefully poking and prodding at the oblivious dragon. To which the infant was apathetic; he simply suckled on his tail spade, bright eyes enamored with it, fat arms slowly, clumsily grasping their way around his own tail. He toddled onto his side in the cradle of his eggshell with a harmless thump, quietly cooing between suckles, blinking eyes full of wonderment before their thin lids drooped closed in a nap. His legs shuffled, smooth skin still wet with a light sheen, blunted spiked glimmering and fragile little earfins slicked to the sides of his cheeks.

Oviparous, confirmed, offspring hatch viable tho vulnerable in apprt. need of much nurturing? Specimen approx. 14" snout to tailtip, 12.2 oz, appears to be a terrestrial

Pickaxe shook his head in recollection as he took his notes, pausing, before slowly continuing.

specimen, else deformed? unsure, offspring wingless, suspected parent flighted species, malformed? imposter egg from other parent? nest-stealing dragon species?

He sighed, scrawling more off-the-cuff theories as he inspected the creature, his tiny body rising and falling with the rhythm of his slow, sleeping breaths.

"So he's a dragon?" Twilight popped up next to the pony and asked, Pickaxe doing all he could do to stifle his yelp, hooves scrambling in place. Her eyes glimmered as graceless forehooves held onto the edge of the table, arching her neck as high as it could reach to try and peek over the edge of the egg, get a look at the newborn. Pickaxe composed himself, his eyes equally wide with wonderment at the rare creature he was getting the benefit of studying.

"Uh-um, yeah! Yep, he sure appears to be a... healthy baby dragon! Fascinating," Pickaxe whispered in reply, nodding with a smile to Twilight, a messy mop of orange mane bobbing along.

Twilight continued to struggle to get a peek, gasping at the feeling of being hoisted upwards. Unsure legs kicked helplessly in the air, wide eyes calming as she looked over to see Celestia, her spiraled horn glowing, lifting Twilight to the tabletop. Dainty hooves settled onto the table, Twilight gasping as she took careful steps towards the egg.

She admired him, not even turning to head to face the princess as she spoke, "Wow... so um, does... does he go back with his parents now?"

Celestia failed to reply, wearing a bent frown. Her eyes fell wordlessly to Pickaxe, and their gazes met. His eyes were full of trepidation, and for a moment they bounced back to the dragon curled in front of them, his back turned to them both, then back to the princess. He gave only the smallest, most constrained shake of his head.

The princess cleared her throat, speaking slowly, being careful to choose her words with deliberation and care, "Well, Twilight... no. No he doesn't, actually! You see..." Celestia faltered, "...we don't know a lot about dragons, so we're doing our very best to learn as much about them as we can! And so this little guy presents a very... unique research opportunity, so he's actually going to be living with me at the castle."

Twilight's big, curious eyes turned up to Celestia, then back to the dragon, still suckling away on his own tail. "But what about his parents, aren't they gonna miss their baby?"

Celestia pulled her lips tight, heaving a gentle sigh, eyes falling closed, "Well, Twilight... we don't know much about his kind. But from what little we do know... his parents didn't seem particularly keen on keeping his egg. It's... probably for the best if he's raised in our stead."

The princess's reply was curt, but it was all that needed to be said for Twilight to blink a few times in realization, and look down to the dragon with sad eyes. She swallowed, looking up and across the room to her own parents. She must have been out of their sight for ten minutes or so at this point, but there they stood, cheerfully socializing, sipping away on their drinks and regaling one another with tips and stories and pride of their successful colts and fillies. She shook her head, a mess of a mane fluttering along with it, and closed the gap between her and the slumbering infant.

Celestia started to say something when Twilight bent down and nuzzled his wet cheek, but she held fast.

"...don't worry, li'l guy! Celestia's a really good mom."

The princess chuckled warmly, a world-weary sigh punctuating it.

"...so what's his name?!" Twilight chirped suddenly.

"...Well, Twilight, since you were the one talented enough to perform such a feat, I suppose that honor should go to you, then?"

Twilight gasped hard with wide eyes, mouth slowly turning up into a smile, "...ohmigosh REALLY? Ah, ah..." she stumbled around the reptile, inspecting his smooth body head to toe, "um, ummmmahh... Spike!"


"Yep. 'Cos he's got spikes," she nodded assent. Twilight smiled; she was proud of herself. The newly-so-dubbed Spike stirred awake with a coo, bright green eyes flickering upwards, meeting Twilight's, a fascinated breath slipping from her muzzle. A thoroughly soaked tail spade slipped from out of his tiny maw, jaw cautiously teething on nothing for a moment before yawning, his entire body sprawling every which way as he did. An incredibly careful hoof eked towards his little clawed hand; Twilight muttered in awe as the infant's gentle hands wrapped around it curiously.

A million questions and statements and exclamations flew through the filly's mind, all of which fizzled and failed to come out of her mouth. She giggled a little as he attempted to gnaw on her hoof.

"Twilight, dear? Time to go, honey, it's bed time for little fillies," her mother would chime from behind her, "you can play with your new little friend tomorrow."

* * * * *

Many others may claim to understand the art of fluffing a cloud to perfection for a nap, but Rainbow Dash was quite self-assured she was the undisputed master. Busy hooves pushed and fussed with the wispy whorls of her cloud, rolls of the cloud lazily dissipating as she kicked them off. She circled on her perch like a cat, dainty muzzle burying itself in the pillowy cloud and tossing a mote wayward before she finally flopped onto her belly, satisfied with her awesome handiwork. She'd had a long day! A 2 P.M. nap was well deserved, she thought, unfurling her wings in a lazy stretch. Rainbow Dash sneezed, flicked her tail, then carefully set to the task of preening, flight feathers bending in a wide arch as diligent, careful teeth nibbled and tugged and fussed and rearranged her plumage. It was a grooming ritual she found soothing, and one she often set to before a nice long nap.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Spike yelled from the ground, causing the pegasus to flit in surprise.

"Urgh! - bleh, " she spat out a mouthful of feathers, rolling over to the side of the cloud and peering over, "Oh, uh, hey Spike! Um, what's up?" a ping of mild annoyance evident in her voice.

Spike ignored the fluttering cascade of azure feathers that danced in descent around him. "Well, I just have the absolute deal of the century to offer you, is all, " he scoffed playfully, faux-polishing his clawed digits on his belly. One hand was hidden behind his back.

Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow and blinked, contemplated for a moment, and in one clean move she kicked off the edge of her cloudy respite. Her wings didn't even flap, just opened as they held her steady for her quick descent, touching down lightly in front of Spike. "I'm listening. But this better be good."

"Haha, well you tell me, are THESE good!?" Spike declared, revealing from behind his back a pair of goggles; Rainbow Dash immediately gasped.

"Ohmigosh, are those the official Wonderbolts Training Academy Replica Flight Goggles?! Spike dude, how did you even GET those?!" Excited forehooves idly danced against the grass, Rainbow Dash fidgeting in excitement.

"A dragon's got his ways!"

"Awesome," Rainbow Dash smirked, but as she reached out to scoop the goggles from his grip, Spike's free hand pushed itself against the heel of her reaching hoof. Rainbow Dash blinked, and Spike tutted a few times playfully.

"Now now Rainbow, I said I had a deal for you, I have a favor to ask."

"Wh. What kind of a favor," she hesitated, ears lightly pinned and a bent frown spreading in her cheeks.

"Wellllll, you see, I have this plan, and it's an awesome plan, and I used -"

"Every ounce of your cunning and wit?" she knowingly recited.

"Every ounce! Every ounce of my cunning and wit, and this time it's PERFECT. But I just, uh, I need a little help with a few parts of it!" Spike's eyes glistened with sheer enthusiasm, wide grin on a tiny muzzle, and the strap of the goggles still in his clutches, his little hands clasped expectantly in front of his chest in a pleading gesture.

"Aha! Uh, well," Rainbow Dash faltered, eyes wandering for a moment before she chuckled, smiling down at her young friend, "normally I'd be a little more hesitant to pony up my awesome skills on a whim? But for you - and such a flawless plan - I think we can make a deal," she nodded a big nod, mane bobbing, punctuating it with a wink. Part of her was a little concerned about a condescending tone, but the rest of her took note of Spike's never ending exuberance, and disregarded the concern.

Spike's entire body tensed up with excitement, shoving the goggles into Rainbow Dash's hoof in the same gesture as leaping forward to hug her neck. She chuckled a little at his excitement, peering over his head spikes to the high-quality, lovingly detailed pair of goggles in her hoof with starry eyes and a barely-subdued squeal.

"Aahhh, thank you thank you thank you!" Spike hung gracelessly around her neck, giggling before scuttling up a little to cup her ear with his hand, burying his snout sneakily in the gap, "okay. Here's what I need you to do...."

* * * * *

A bell rang out, a classroom's worth of hooves clamoring to the ground in mutual enthusiasm to go home. A classroom minus one, however; Twilight took her time to carefully pack her folders into her saddlebags, giving awkward see-you-laters to her passing classmates, before slipping out of her own desk with a gentle clop. The room was quickly emptying out, but she didn't seem in a particular hurry. It always took a little bit longer for Shining's cadet training to get out, and their parents (or Cadance, depending on the day) would always pick the two up together, and if all parties would be completely honest, it made Twilight nervous to wait in the atrium alone. So it was with due diligence that the filly organized her belongings, nervously walking forward, and up to her mentor herself.

"You did very well today, Twilight, I can tell you've been paying exceptional attention," Celestia remarked when Twilight approached.

"Oh, uh, thank you Celestia! I'm tryin' my best!" she replied, eager to please tone resonating in her voice, looking up with eyes thirsty for approval. They were greeted with an affectionate, regal smile.

A young Spike would apprehensively dart out from under Celestia's desk, clumsily scrambling between the princess's legs up to Twilight. "Hey Twi!"

"Hey there Spike! How're ya doin'!"

"Really good! Look, lookit what I'm learning!" Spike nodded, holding a short, chubby finger up as he took a deep breath, tiny chest puffing up. He huffed a few times, face curled in concentration, and with a determined exhale, tiny fists curled tight. A few glimmering, green embers would flicker out of his curled lips, falling harmlessly to the floor. He didn't quite realize when to stop and continued exhaling, the breath eventually ending in a raspberry and a deep inhale.

"Ohmigosh Spike that's so cool!" Twilight almost shouted with a grin and an excited hop-in-place.

"Haha, he is quite the little fast learner," Celestia remarked, a dry undertone to her voice betraying the many, many burned linens and curtains in her study that have led to his current point of progress.

Spike took a few more deep breaths to catch it, "haa.... haa... thanks!" His tone would drop, still breathing heavy, "So, um... do you think Cadance would let ya come down here again over the weekend? She did that one time and it was really cool."

"Maybe, I dunno!" she mused with curiosity.

"Oh, okay..."

"...awww!" she giggled, closing the gap between the two of them with a quick nuzzle against her tiny friend, "don't worry Spike! I'll be back in two days at the MOST. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, fine I guess," Spike giggled and teased.

"Okay! Bye Miss Celestia! Bye Spike!" Twilight called out, finally taking her leave out into the hallway.

* * * * *

Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Twilight grumbled; she wandered through Ponyville, plodding along a dirt road, again searching for her young, reptilian assistant. He was insanely loyal - right up until he got a wild hare of an idea in his little head, and then all bets were off. And Twilight would be lying if someone asked and she said it wasn't at least a little maddening. He'd taken off again without telling her where he was going, and Twilight needed his help with her current project.

(Truth be told, some part of Twilight was pretty aware of the fact that she was more than capable of finishing the present assignment on her own; she'd located all the necessary books, and had even already gone to the effort of bookmarking the relevant chapters. However, every time she sat down to focus on the work before her, her mind couldn't help but wander to the whereabouts of her friend; sooo she needed Spike in the library for this assignment, she rationalized.)

She sighed, making her way into the heart of the town, pausing only to scan the horizon. It just so happened that a little bit of serendipity landed in Twilight's life, and Rainbow Dash wandered next to her as she was paused.

"Oh, hey Twilight! What's up?"

"Oh hello Rainbow! Um, not much, I'm just..." she would pause, being unable to help herself from noticing the pair of goggles proudly dangling around her friend's neck. "Wow, those are gorgeous, where... did... wait."

"No, you won't believe it, Twilight! Sp-"

"-Spike, right? Uuugh," she groaned, rolling her eyes.

Rainbow Dash blinked, then smiled, "...yeah, how did you know! Haha, I can't believe he'd give me something this sweet, all he wanted to do was -"

"Help with his plan, I'm sure."


"Well awesome, neat, do you know where he is?!" Twilight's tone was bordering on curt at this point. To be honest, the entire situation was... vexing her. It wasn't that he was so doggedly pursuing her. It wasn't the elaborate and excessive efforts he expended on his plans. Honestly? She didn't know what it was; all she knew was that she was mildly annoyed.

But her friend's tone didn't even faze Rainbow Dash. "Yeah! I was actually going to go meet up with him right now to help him, wanna tag along?"

"Really, Spike, already?" she thought aloud, "...um, yeah, thanks!"

The duo began their journey to a nearby meadow, Twilight's gait noticeably more rushed and anxious than that of her friend's. She was nervously half-running, pausing each time she became aware of the gap between her and Rainbow Dash, waiting for the mare to catch up. Her eyes would be darting about, head turning and niggling little thoughts nibbling away at her. Frankly, even to the normally-unflappable Rainbow Dash couldn't ignore Twilight's behavior at this point.

"...Dude, Twilight. What's up."

"...did you really agree to help him on his little hare-brained scheme?! Do you really think it's going to work?" Twilight would half-snap.

Rainbow Dash blinked, then chuckled a little. She was aware that she had the right to be upset at her friend's actions; but she wasn't, regardless. If anything, her anxiety was kind of cute. So Rainbow Dash laughed a disarming laugh, bumping Twilight's shoulder with a gentle hoof and offering a playful smile.

"Yeah, I totally agreed to help him," she smiled, "And no, I don't think it's gonna work at all," she punctuated her thought with a mischievous giggle, "but hey, it's worth it to me; it should be funny either way!"