• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 721 Views, 25 Comments

Gusty and Ember - Tobyc

Two months after being freed from the corruption of the Alicorn Amulet, Trixie is working off a rented room at an inn in Manehattan when a friend of her late cousin tracks her down, intending to repay a debt to her.

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Chapter 14 - Before the Show

Chapter 14 - Before the Show

It was early afternoon when Trixie woke up, soon realising that she'd been moved into the kitchen and propped up in a chair by the table while she was sleeping. Also, there was a bowl of oatmeal on the table apparently waiting for her.

As she tried to get her bearings, Bow entered the kitchen and sat down across from her. "Rainclaw will be over around three pm, that gives you just over two hours to eat, shower and rehearse your act with me."

Trixie blinked as she processed Bow's words. Her scowl returned as she thought back to last night. "My deal with Ember is over. There's not going to be a show tonight if she cancels-"

Bow interrupted. "Do you really think she'd do that?" Trixie remained scowling, but she didn't answer. "Look, I get that you're pissed about the article, and whether she misled you, lied to you or just slipped up somehow, I'm not going to defend her. But at this moment, to our knowledge, you have a show tonight and I expect you to be ready for it."

Trixie sighed and picked up her spoon.


Ember stepped off the train onto the platform feeling overdressed, and not just because this was Ponyville. "Unbelievable," she muttered. "I spend seven years trying to get used to a freezing cold holiday season, and then this happens." She made a mental note to ask TL about the unseasonable warmth she'd been feeling since Rambling Rock Ridge.

As she walked out of the station, Ember glanced at her watch. "More than enough time to find Cheerliee. Shame Bon Bon couldn't give me more information than an address." She looked around for a familiar landmark, smiled and headed over to the Golden Oak library.

Twilight Sparkle looked up from her desk as the door opened and smiled as she recognised the visitor. "Ms Roundup! I wasn't expecting to see you back in town so soon. Did you want me to set up another meeting with Zecora? Or do you need more research materials?" Without waiting for an answer, she teleported over to the library's Arcane Magic section and began scanning through the spines.

"No, thank you Twilight, I'm here on very different matters this time," Ember replied. Twilight turned back to her, curious. Ember pulled the newspaper article out of her saddlebag and put it down on the table.

Twilight's eyes widened in recognition. "I thought this was another of their fabrications. You're not telling me-?"

"I'm not going to comment on this until I've spoken to them," Ember interrupted.

Twilight took the hint. "Well, I know the fillies personally. Do you want me to take you to their clubhouse?"

Ember shook her head. "My gut's telling me I should be getting their teacher's help with this." She pulled out the card Bon Bon had given her and put it down on top of the article.

Twilight read the card and smiled. "Follow me."


Rehearsal with Bow and Medley had gone well, though the living room's area didn't really allow Trixie to set up anything more complicated than card tricks. Hopefully, there would be time to try out the stage later that afternoon.

Thunderlane turned up at the apartment around ten to three, while Trixie was packing up her equipment. "I thought you'd be writing with Lyra today," she commented.

"She wanted to work on a couple of chapters solo, though of course I'll look over them later tonight," Thunderlane replied. "She and Bon Bon have promised they'll be at the show."

Trixie smiled to herself, though it faded quickly. "And Ember?"

Thunderlane hesitated. "Out of town, trying to track down the source of that leak," he answered evenly.

Trixie turned back to him. "She's really sticking with that story, even despite the quotes in the article?" After a moment of silence, she turned back to her case. "...I guess she did seem shocked last night. But even if it's true, the information's out there and I don't believe it could have come from my family. I don't care how it happened, there's no way she can make this up to me now."

Before Thunderlane could think of anything to say in defense of his friend, the doorbell rang.


Cheerilee answered the door to find Twilight Sparkle and an unfamiliar mare about her age. After Twilight quickly introduced the two, Cheerilee invited Ember in and listened to her story.

"So, what exactly do you want my help with?" asked Cheerilee.

"If I'm going to confront them about this, I want to do it on school grounds, preferably with you there. Somewhere they'd normally feel safe but not to the point that me being there would seem... intrusive or scary I guess."

Cheerilee nodded. "I see what you're getting at." She paused in thought for a moment, before smiling. "Supposing I have you in for a Q&A session to the class tomorrow morning. You introduce yourself, answer questions about your career and how any of them can make it as writers - then I ask the three of them to have a word with the two of us at recess. Don't worry, it won't throw off my lesson plan much."

Ember returned the smile. "Perfect."


The 3:25 train from Baltimare pulled into the station. A light blue unicorn with a long grey mane stepped off and trotted along the platform, suitcase in mouth and Fillydelphia travel-guide in hoof.