• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 603 Views, 18 Comments

Krass' 255 collection - Krass McWriter

All the cool kids were doing it so I waited til they stop.

  • ...

HLF: Shin Kicking Division

It was cold dark night. The moon was in eclipse, giving the already errie landscape a more haunted feel than usual. The low howling wind almost hid the practiced clambouring of boots and panic clopping of hooves as a young mare galloped for her life.

"Way to get lost in HLF territory Rose," She scolded herself as she galloped through the alleyways of a city that had been largely abandoned. "How're you going to get out of this one?"

"I saw her go this way, c'mon!" A gruff voice called out, rallying the rest of the troops hot on her tail. The sound of leather boots grew louder, where the HLF got leather was something she really did not want to think about.

Suddenly, she came to a dead end. The alleyway ended in an improvised wall made of refuse. What I wouldn't give to have been a pegasus... Rose thought to herself. She turned to face the way she came Maybe... she hoped, but her hopes were quickly dashed as three human men and a woman came into view. Rose flicked her ears back and weakily took a defensive stance.

"Hey there little pony, you lost?" The woman asked, grinning much too wide.

"Ha! Look at her, she thinks she can take on all of us!" One of the men chimed in.

"P-please, just leave me alone! I got lost, thats all! Ju-Just please don't kill me!" Rose begged, crying.

"Kill you? Why the hell would we kill you?" The woman asked quizically.

"I think she thinks we're in the pony killin' division of th' HLF boss." The man on her left awnsered. Rose was very confused, she wasn't going to die?

"Oh, I would say not! We're the shin kickin' division!" The man on right awnsered.

"Shin kicking rhymes with pony whinnying. Coincedence? I think not." The man on the left smiled.

"All them shins, what're they for if not to be kicked?" The man behind the woman murmered.

Rose was now very lost. "What." she puzzled as she scracthed her ear.

"Get her!" The leader orderded as she kicked Rose in the shins. The others soon joined in, each taking a shin as she danced, trying to avoid the blows.

"Oh sweet celestia my shins! Luna why?!"