• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 8,503 Views, 297 Comments

Brand New Dusk - AlphatheGriffin17

Book II. Returning once more with new determination, new goals and a new hat, Dusk is ready to see what the magic of friendship can offer... and perhaps much more.

  • ...

The Show Stoppers

"Thank you Twilight, for letting me place this poster for the talent show in the library," Cheerilee expressed to the unicorn, as they approached the door.

"It's no trouble at all, Miss Cheerilee," she assured her. "I intend to come and see it on the night, so it'll be a reminder for me."

"Wonderful, I'll be happy to see you there. The children are, of course, very excited about it, it's a real opportunity for them to showcase their talents." She looked at Twilight. "I don't suppose you would be able to give any help in setting it all up?"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I'll have the time. But," she added quickly, "I'm sure my second assistant Dusk will be more than happy to help. We can ask him, if you like."

"That would be wonderful, I'd be most grateful if he could." They opened the door to the library and stepped inside, immediately confronted by Spike.

"I had nothing to do with this," he said straight away. Twilight soon saw what he was talking about.

"What is going on here?"

She looked over the scene, feeling quite scandalised to see so many books in such disarray in a large pile in the centre of the room. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom were at the centre of the chaos, scanning through any book, parchment or scroll they could find. Close by, she saw Dusk, who was desperately trying to bring some order, sorting out any books that they tossed aside into neater stacks.

"Well, we sure ain't gettin' our cutie marks as librarians," remarked Applebloom.

"I should think not," said Spike sternly, earning a frown from Twilight. "What?"

"I'm sorry, Twi," said Dusk abashedly, looking up. "They were looking for a way to earn their marks... I didn't think it would do any harm in letting them try."

"It's alright, Dusk," she assured him, smiling gently at how forthcoming he was. "We can sort all of this out later. Girls," she said to the fillies, "I think you're going about this the wrong way. Instead of trying to do things in areas you're not familiar with, why not try doing things in areas that you already like?"

"And I have the perfect place to start." Cheerilee rolled out the colourful poster on the floor for them to see.

"'Showcase your talents...

'...for all to see...'

'Perform in the Ponyville school talent show,"' they each read in turn.

"There'll be all sorts of awards. Best dramatic performance, best comedy act, best magic act... Surely you can find your talent," their teacher said encouragingly.

"This would be the perfect place ta discover our talents," exclaimed Applebloom. "Jugglin'!"

"Acting!" procclaimed Scootaloo.

"Magic tricks!" piped up Sweetie Belle.

"Square dancin'!"

"Tightrope walking!"

"Tiger taming!"

"My little ponies! You're missing the point." Twilight cut off, refraining from laughing at their extreme suggestions.

"She's right." She looked up to see that Dusk had wandered over. She let him offer his own insight, for it was usually good. "From what you've told me, you've been attempting to find your talents in unfamiliar territory. Instead of trying new things, why not focus on what you're already good at, what you enjoy doing? That's how you find your talent."

"Sure! We can do that," agreed Scootaloo.

"Yeah! Sure we can," echoed Sweetie Belle.

"Well," said Applebloom, "whatever we do, we'll do it as..."

"...The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Together, they raised their hooves to the sky. They then turned to Dusk. "Thanks for letting us try and be librarians. Sorry we messed up the books so much..."

"It's fine girls, nothing that can't be cleared away," he said gently. "You run along now, I think you've got some plans to make."

"We sure do! Come on, let's go!" Scootaloo lead the way, as they ran off to begin making plans for their performance.

"Well, at least they're enthusiastic," remarked Dusk, turning to Cheerilee. "Sounds like it's going to be a good night."

"I certainly hope so. Now, I was wondering Dusk, if you would like to help set it all up? We're about to start preparing the stage, if you'd like."

"I uh... certainly!" His own enthusiasm to help made Twilight smile. "That is... if Twilight doesn't mind?"

"Of course not," she said. "Well, first I want to talk to you about something. Is that okay Ms Cheerilee?"

"Yes, it's fine. just come along when you're ready, Dusk. You know where the school is, so I'll see you there." With a grateful smile, the school teacher left, leaving the three librarians with some tidying to do.

As soon as she did leave, they set to work rearranging all of the scattered books and parchment, though Spike was little reluctant, as it wasn't their mess. After some encouragement from Dusk and frowning from Twilight, he soon set to work too.

As they did, Twilight would occasionally glance at Dusk, who would be levitating several books at once, sorting them with a spring in his step, a smile on his face and humming an upbeat tune. She couldn't help but marvel at how different he was, to when she'd first met him. Instead of working in silence, almost brooding, he was now happy, eager to work and brought a different kind of air to the library whenever he was there. Friendship had really changed him for the better...

This occaisional glancing was something the both seemed to do. There were times, when Twilight's gaze flicked to him, that he would be looking somewhere else, diverting his eyes away from her and looking a little red in his cheeks. It could just be her imagination, but she could swear that he was doing it... but why was he doing it? For that matter, why was she doing it too?

"That's the last one," Dusk said, bringing her out of her thoughts. "Remind me never to let them anywhere near these books again."

"You got that right," Spike agreed, wandering off into the kitchen, leaving her and Dusk alone.

"So... Twi," began Dusk, "what did you want to see me about?"

"Huh?" She'd been a state of deep thinking again. "Oh, yes! Did you bring the stones, like I asked you to?"

"Of course." He levitated them out of his saddlebag to her, letting her examine them once more.

Just like she'd seen them last time: jet black, varying in appearance and a little in size, all with a tiny dash of colour on them. The newest one, she noticed, had the colour of her fur, purple. She still didn't know why they had these, nor why Dusk had collected them. But they were obviously important to him, so she wanted to do this for him.

"Curious, aren't they?" he noted, as she studied them. "I suppose that's why I collected them. So, what do you want these for? They're just knick-knacks really..."

"That's why I want to make them something more." She smiled at his raised eyebrow. "Remember when you got me those flowers?"

"Yes..." He flushed red again at the memory of it.

"Well, it really was a nice thing for you to do. So, I wanted to give you something in return. So... here..."

She levitated them before her, remembering the spell that she needed, engulfing them in a bright light. When it had passed, they were all joined together on a length of black rope, which she allowed to hover to Dusk and gently tie around his neck, as he gazed on, a smile growing on his face.

"Twilight... what's this?" He looked down at the necklace, wonder shining in his eyes.

"Do you like it?" Really hoping that he did, she pointed with her hoof. "It was a simple enough spell, I know it's not much but... you can wear it, for luck."

"I... I..." She could see his eyes watering a little. Then, he gave her a gentle hug. "Thank you Twi... I really like it. This is... a great thing you've done."

"I'm glad you think so." She let him step back, returning his warm smile. "You're very welcome, Dusk."

"You know... the things you girls do for me... you can still surprise me," he said, with a smile.

"We try," she giggled. "You can go help with the Talent Show, if you like." For some reason, she found herself hoping he would say 'no'.

"Right you are." He hurried to the door, giving her one last smile before he left. "Thanks again for this Twi, I'll be sure not to lose it."

"I hope not. See you later..." Once again, she felt a small amount of disappointment as he dashed off. But... why should she?

When Spike returned from the kitchen, munching on a sapphire, she had him fetch the book on magical theory that she'd been meaning to continue pursuing... the one Dusk had got her for Hearth's Warming. She'd already read throught half of it, and it was quite a fascinating read, with some new additions updated from the previous volume in the series. She opened the page she marked out, her eyes travelling over the words:

Starswirl the Bearded, possibly the greatest unicorn magician to have ever lived, always sought to push the boundariesof what could be done with unicorn powers, unlocking spells of huge power and potential. However, he also believed that these spells should never be misused, or the consequences could be disastrous...

Twilight nodded as she read the passage. She certainly found it hard to argue with Starswirl on that regard. She wondered if Dusk knew much about this field of study, he certainly did know quite a lot... what did he think of the ancient unicorn's views? What would he say? Would he want to discuss that with her?

Wait, why did that matter? Sure, they were best friends, worked in the same place and shared a lot of the same interests, but why did she feel the need recently to ask his opinion on things, get his view? She didn't need to ask him about everything... it was just because they were friends... and co-workers.

Shaking her head, she tried to return to the book. But, whenever she tried to immerse herself in it, her thoughts kept drifting to Dusk. No matter how much she tried, she just couldn't stop her thoughts wandering to him somehow... why was that? Maybe... maybe it was because he would normally be here, but he wasn't, so she was trying to just get used to it. Yes, that was it.

Not much happened throughout the rest of the day. The Cutie Mark Crusaders showed up again, to get a book called Ghosts, Goblins and Goulish Figures, leaving both her and Spike expressing their thoughts on what the fillies would need with such a book. And again, she couldn't help but think about what Dusk might have said about it. It felt strange, not having him around as much... well, he would be busy.

Not that it mattered to her, she didn't mind. Why should she?

Over the next days leading up to the talent show, Dusk was, of course, kept with helping out set up the show for Cheerilee, always making sure it was okay with Twilight first, before leaving to get more things organised. He was always considerate like that, she'd noticed. She'd noticed lots of things about him, since he'd moved here and started working... how did he ever think of himself as just some nopony? So clever, so well-read, so handsome...

Wait, handsome? She whipped her head up now, so hard that she hit the shelf above her with it. Rubbing it, she thought furiously why that description had come to mind. Why was she thinking like this? Why couldn't she figure it out? She had to know!

It was the day when, in the evening, the talent show would be taking place that Twilight decided that she needed to talk to somepony, about her constant musings about her stallion friend. She couldn't figure it out herself... she had to ask somepony. She needed to have some honest advice.

Asking Spike to watch the library, she trotted off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, arriving in just a few minutes, she was moving so quickly. Calming herself down, she searched for Applejack, who came through a thicket of trees, smiling at the sight of her.

"Well, howdy there Twah'light!"

"Hey Applejack, where've you just come from?"

"The CMC clubhouse. They're busy practicin' fer the talent show ah've jus' seen 'em," she told her with a grimace.

"How are they doing? Are they ready for it?"

"They're ready alright... everypony's gonna be 'speechless', let's jus' say..." She shook her head, before restoring her smile. "Anyway, what brings ya hear taday?"

"Well..." Did she have to ask her so quickly? No, get a hold of yourself, Twilight. "I wanted to ask you about something... well, somepony."

"Sure thing, hun." She beckoned her to a spot under an apple tree, sitting on the grass. "What's on yer mind?"

"Well..." Twilight felt the heat rise to her face. Why was she acting like this? "It's... it's about... Dusk..."

"What about him?" Her expression hardened. "He hasn't started actin' distant again, has he?"

"Oh no, no! Nothing like that," she said quickly. "He's actually helping to set up the talent show tonight."

"Really? That's nice-a him." Applejack smiled, nodding approvingly. "He's sure changed from that nervous lil' colt ah firs' saw in the marketplace, ain't he?"

"Yes... yes, he has." Twilight smiled fondly, happy that one of her friends thought the same as her, in that respect. "Anyway, I wanted to tell you something about him... that's happened with me..."

Twilight then proceeded to tell Applejack, who just sat and listened patiently, everything that she could put into words about how she felt around Dusk, how her thoughts always centred around him and, most importantly, that she just couldn't explain it herself.

All the while, Applejack just listened. However, with every word that Twilight spoke, her smile seemed to grow more knowing, more warm. Like she really did know something Twilight didn't. By the time she finished, she was positively grinning.

"What? What's so funny?" Twilight asked, a little annoyed that she wasn't taking this seriously.

"Nothin', sugarcube. It's jus'... well, it's kinda obvious really," she said, still smiling.

"What's obvious? What?" Why couldn't she just be straight with her.

"Twah'light, ah may not be an expert, but anypony'd tell ya.. well..." She paused for a minute, still wearing that grin. "You like Dusk."

"What? Of course I do, we're best friends!"

"No, not what ah meant... ah mean, ya like like him," she emphasized.

"Huh? What's that meant to-" She stopped when her mind finally revealed the answer. "Oh no... no, no no no, that can't be it."

"Why wouldn't it be? It's the only thing it could be."

"But it can't be!" She now found herself nervously pacing. "I can't feel about somepony... like that. Friendship is one thing, but romance? That's just silly! Absolute nonsense!"

"Why would it be nonsense? What's wrong with romance?"

"It's just silly. I mean, devoting all of your time trying to dote somepony, woo them, when they may not even feel the same way? That just doesn't make any sense, it's foolish!"


"And why would he even feel anything like that for me? I'm not saying he does, but why would he? I'm not... well, it's just not possible! How would it affect us? Wait, why am I even asking? It's all just not possible!

"Okay, okay, calm down Twah." Applejack had wiped off her grin now, concerned at how distressed she now was. "Ah'm jus' tellin' you what ah think. Ya don't have ta believe me, ah'm sure there's a... different reason. You'll figure it out, if that's the case."

"Yeah... yeah, of course I will," she agreed, calming herself. "Maybe it's something else... I just need more time to think... sorry, I kinda lost it there..."

"Don't dwell on it, Twah." She gave her a well-known honest smile. "If ya like, ah can keep this between us fer now. Ah won' tell a soul."

"Thanks, AJ." She returned the smile as best she could, turning to go. "I'd better get going. I'll see you at the show tonight."

"Sure thing. Have a good one. And Twah?" Twilight turned back. "Jus' wonderin' here... what if ah am right?"


"Jus' if, sugarcube, jus' if," she repeated.

Twilight thought for a moment, being sure not to dwell too much on those words. It would be a waste of time, even considering it now.

"Then... you can say 'I told you so'."

"Duly noted. See ya Twah..."

As she made her way back to the library, returning to her studies once more, no matter how hard she tried, Twilight couldn't stop Applejack's words from resounding in her mind, echoing in her thoughts.

What if ah am right?

It was the night of the talent show. Everypony in town had turned out to see the little fillies and colts perform and show off their special talents and skills, to revel and share in the pride that they no doubt shared with them.

Twilight was backstage, crossing over to the three dark-robed figures that were Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. All the while, she couldn't help but cast her gaze around for Dusk, wondering where he might be back here... it felt like so long since she'd seen him...

No, stop thinking like that Twilight, she told herself. It's all silly... Glad for the distraction, she approached the girls.

"My little ponies! How are you doing?"

"Nervous..." They all admitted

"Don't worry," she said in a determined tone. "You're gonna be amazing. Remember, just stick to what you know best."

"See girls, just like I've been saying." She looked up to see Dusk, descend down a stage rope and landing before them. "Phew, glad that worked... anyway, hav-" He stopped and tripped, realising his leg was still stuck in a loop of rope. Red in the face, he disentangled it and cleared his throat.

"You okay Mr Dusk?" asked Applebloom.

"Fine thank you," he said with as much dignity as possible. Twilight suppressed a giggle at how flustered he looked and he tried again. "Anyway, haven't I told you everypony else would say the same? Focus on your strengths and you'll do fine."

Twilight wasn't entirely surprised at how supportive he was being to them, he was always good with words of encouragement. But still... it was nice to see him being there for the girls, as he apparently had been. It was why she had tried her best not to laugh at his slip-up.

Her feelings for him still felt confused, almost hidden. But she felt for sure the two of them were still good friends, she wasn't going to let a little confusion spoil that. She would just have to keep her feelings in check and under control.

"Yeah... you were right Mr Dusk. Thanks for the support, you too Twilight," Sweetie Belle said sincerely.

"It's no trouble." She exchanged a smile with her friend. "I can't wait to hear you sing, Sweetie Belle."

"Why does everypony always think I'm gonna sing?" she asked, annoyed.

"Actually, Twilight Sparkle," corrected Scootaloo, "I'm the main singer tonight."

"Oh?" She hadn't expected that. But there was more to come...

"And I'm the main dancer." Applebloom proceeded to perform a karate chop.


"And I'm in charge of..."

"Costumes?" she asked, fearing the worst.

"And sets and props. How'd you know?" So... they'd taken her words to heart, but not in the way she expected.

"Really, girls?" she said nervously. "Are you sure..."

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, you're on next," announced Cheerilee. "Break a leg."

"Knock 'em dead, girls," added Dusk.

"Wow, the theatre sure has a lot-a violent ways-a sayin' 'good luck'," remarked Applebloom, as they scurried off.

"Break a le-" She stopped as she heard Applebloom trip. "Uh... good luck!" She turned to look at Dusk. "How do you think they'll do? I thought... well, you know..."

"That's what I thought too," he said nodding. "But, they're doing what they're comfortable with and we shouldn't fault them for that. Let's just see how it goes." He turned to smile at her, beckoning her up a set of stairs. "Come on, these are the bests seats in the house."

Twilight looked down to see they were up in the rafters, where the lights were shining down on the stage below, looking down from above. This certainly was a unique spot to view it from. She looked at Dusk, to see that the necklace she made for him was still there.

"Hey, you've still got it," she remarked.

"Of course, you made it for me. I'm not going anywhere without it now. I might get struck by a bout of bad luck," he joked.

"Dusk... I-" She was cut off, as the lights went down and the music began to play.

Twilight watched with Dusk as the girls began to perform their routine. It didn't start off well, as Scootaloo sang many notes off key, most of the dancing was uncoordinated and clumsy and the sets and props looked crude and tacky. She knew they were just fillies, but considering how well Applebloom had done fixing up their clubhouse she thought they would have done better at set design. She looked at Dusk, who was grimacing and gasping, so he thought much the same.

The routine started off badly and it ended just as badly, with the set the girls had made literally falling to pieces, the audience bursting into laughter. Dejectedly, the girls trouped off the stage. Twilight wanted so badly to go and make them feel better and, by the looks of it, so did Dusk. However, the girls were called back on stage for the awards, reluctantly mind.

They watched as Spike handed out the awards, as the CMC hid behind the other performers to avoid more laughter. They were just as surprised as the two unicorns, however, when they were given the award for 'best comedy'. Dusk and Twilight must have clapped the hardest out of all of them as they all gave a bow, quickly leaving the rafters to congratulate them for their efforts.

"Congratulations, ponies! Job well done," Twilight voiced to them.

"Seconded," agreed Dusk. "See, I told you you'd be great!"

"Thanks..." they all said sadly.

"Hey, why the glum looks?" Dusk asked gently. "You should be proud of yourselves."

Scootaloo sighed. "We worked really hard and won a prize, but we still don't have our cutie marks."

"Which is the prize we really wanted," moaned Sweetie Belle

"Oh, girls..." She couldn't help but feel disappointed for them. She couldn't imagine how they must feel. But still, she was surprised by what Applebloom and Sweetie Belle said next:

"But we think we know why."

"Yes. We know why."

"Oh? Tell me," she requested. "I'd love to make a special report to the Princess."

"Want me to take a letter in Spike's absence?" asked Dusk with a grin.

"It's fine, I'll have him write it up later," she giggled. "Anyway, go on girls."

"Well, maybe we were trying too hard?" started Sweetie Belle nervously.

"Yes? And..." she encouraged gently, making them think rather than spoon-feeding them the answers.

"And instead of forcing ourselves to do something that's not meant for us..." continued Scootaloo.

"Yes? Yes?"

"We each should be embracing our true talent!" finished Applebloom.

"And that is...?"

They all exchanged a glance, then proclaimed: "Comedy!"

Twilight's and Dusk's eyes widened simultaneously at this. Even as they ran off to see their elder siblings, 'idol' in the case of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, they relaxed and exchanged knowing looks of their own, knowing they were both thinking the same thing.

Like when Twilight would eventually figure out the real reason why she felt this strange way for Dusk, pushing down any notions of romance, the day when those three finally figured out their talents would be a proud day indeed.