• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 2,998 Views, 105 Comments

The Hive Life - Thorax

Two Hundred years before the crazies, there were some Changelings in a cave.

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Episode 1: The Gang

{Authors Note: This story follows the Canon of my previous stories. However, they are not required to enjoy this story. Though several characters such as Queen Chrysalis follow the personality established in those previous stories}

Two hundred years before the return of Princess Luna and the revival of the Elements of Harmony, Equestria was a much darker place. Princess Celestia, the living embodiment of the sun did her best to maintain the peace between her ponies and the many other inhabitants of her world. However, war was common and threats were everywhere in the ever expanding territory of her little ponies.

Griffin Warlords and Dragon Kings waged battles against each other, for the rights to gold and jewels. Pony villages and towns getting caught in the cross fire. The Sun Goddess found herself in a constant state of bargaining in hopes of bringing peace to not only her Ponies, but all the creatures of her world.

However this is not the story of a war torn land, or the story of ponies. No, quite the opposite, this is the story of a thriving race. A race in an almost perfect state of peace, the knowledge of their existence lost to all but the most ancient.

Deep beneath a forsaken area of Equestria, known as the Equestrian Badlands, the long forgotten Changeling Empire continued to flourish. Led by Queen Chrysalis, this species had remained hidden for the past five hundred years, feeding off the love brought in by their top soldiers stationed throughout the surrounding countries.

“General Scarab, it’s good to see you back so soon.” The Changeling Queen stated happily as she returned the Changeling’s salute.

“All is well in the outlining Hives my Queen.” Stated the General as he retrieved several scrolls from his husk woven saddle bags. “The excess magic gathered from operative “Neightoven” alone is enough to feed every Hive for the next three months. Those ponies throw their love at musicians so freely, that if we may be able to bring some of our other operatives home sooner than expected.”

“This is good news, the Hive mothers will be glad to hear their children will be home sooner than expected.” Chrysalis finished as she closed the scroll and stood up from her throne, before making her way towards the large balcony, the General following close behind.

“Look at it Scarab” Chrysalis happily said as she pointed to the small “Village” below. From the surface no one would ever know about the sprawling alien world far beneath the surface. Green fields of grass flowed from the Changeling Castle all the way to the outer most walls. Forests of “trees” blew in the unearthly breeze as the world below was lit by its own sun.

“Scarab? The Changeling Queen repeated as she waved a hoof in front of the stunned Generals face.

“M-m-my Queen” stammered the Changeling as he pointed to one of the “Husk Houses” in the town below, a large pillar of smoke billowing from one side. “Is that not Prin-“

“Yes” Chrysalis stated flatly “That’s Princess Cocoon’s nest.” She finished with a facehoof “Go gather some of your troops and tell them to bring water, I’ll meet you there.”

Meanwhile down in the now smoking nest

“I thought you knew what you were doing!” Shouted Mandible as he threw another bucket of water at the blazing fire before them.

“No, I said I had no idea what would happen.” came the returned shouts of Princess Cocoon as she searched through her spell book.

“Why did I volunteer for this?!” cried Thorax as rolled about the floor, doing his best to put himself out.

The three Changelings had been attempting to create a new spell to synthesis “Love” out of the natural magic. Well more or less Princess Cocoon had been attempting to create a new spell; the other two Changelings had found themselves the victim of poor job choice.

The first Changeling, Mandible, or Private Mandible was assigned the position of Royal Guard to Princess Cocoon. This was just the kindest way of calling him “Personal Servant” to Princess Cocoon. Mandible was one of the latest recruits to the Changeling guard his “Father” had been a nest builder, long before the Hives retreated below the surface.

The second Changeling, Thorax was nothing but ordinary. He had served as a Hive servant to the royal family from which Cocoon had descended. When the Princess had decided to train under Queen Chrysalis he had been sent along to make sure all her needs were met. Sadly for him, those needs usually ended with him on fire.

“Cocoon, Thorax, I think it’s time to get out of here.” Mandible stated in panic as he showed his completely empty bucket.

“You don’t hear me arguing” retorted the Changeling Princess as she opened the door.

“Hello my faithful student” greeted the Changeling Queen as she smiled at her student.

“Uh oh” mumbled the Princess

Several minutes, a dozen buckets of water, one flaming Changeling and some awkward stares from on-lookers later, the fire had been put out, but sadly the nest was unsalvageable. After some quick treatment for some minor burns, and receiving the rest of the day off Mandible and Thorax and wandered off.

However, Chrysalis and Cocoon remained, both silently sitting on the grass, staring at the charred remains of the house.

“So” The Changeling Queen began as she nuzzled her student “Seems like you’re having a rough day. Mind telling me what you were doing to burn down… what is this? The seventh nest?”

“Ninth” Cocoon mumbled sadly as she shifted her gaze towards the ground.

“Oh Cheer up Sad shell” Chrysalis spoke attempting to cheer up her student. “You’ve always done everything in your power to make things better for everyone. Sure a few nests are burned down every once in a while but nobody is ever hurt. So why don’t you tell me what you were working on?”

“Well you remember those reports you sent me a few weeks ago?”

The Changeling Queen paused as she sorted through her thoughts. In between all of her work and other “Project” Chrysalis had begun training Cocoon for when she would reach the maturity to takeover one of the many outlining Hives. However, over the last few weeks she had lost track of her lessons.

“Wait, are you talking about the Gathering Reports?”

“Yeah, well I was reading through them and I noticed how many of the other Changelings were sent outside of their Hives and I thought if I found another way to gather food for us, we wouldn’t need to send so many out.” Cocoon finished a faint bit of sadness in her voice as she remembered her failure.

Chrysalis gave a smile as she stared at her student.

“A very noble cause” She said as she patted Cocoon on the head. “Sadly though, I don’t think there are any such spells. However, I do have something that will cheer you up. Before we came to check up on you, we received news that several of those Changelings will be returning early.”

Chrysalis carefully picked herself up from the ground as she began to stretch.

“Let’s head back to the Castle, there’s something I want to show you and there are a few things we need to talk about.”

Elsewhere in the Hive

Mandible and Thorax continued on their way through the village. Stopping several times in order to gather the necessary items for their night of “forgetting” in their line of work, forgetting was a very nice thing to do.

“An entire weeks pay” Scoffed Mandible as he glanced at the barrel on his back. They had just finished picking up the most important item for their night, the finest brew in any of the Hives.

“You know Mandy” Thorax began

“I told you before, call me that and I will kill you.”

“Fine, you know Mandible. I hate my job, I hate it so much.” Thorax paused as he examined his burn mark on his hoof, one of many.

“Oh you hate your job?” Mandible began mockingly “I was promoted to Royal Guard and ended up being stuck as one of Cocoon’s test dummies. I mean, I love her as much as any other Changeling; she’s our Princess and our friend. But it’s kind of embarrassing… and painful.”

Thorax gave a forced laugh as he began counting his old burns.

“You think that’s bad?” Thorax began as he fell to his flank “I’ve been a servant to the royal family for the past two hundred years. Princess Cocoon was only the latest in the long line of my tormentors. When she was younger I was forced to take part in her games.”

“Oh no, the mighty Thorax was forced to play game with a foal Princess.” Mandible mocked “How is any of that torment?”

“She forced me to play dress up!” Wailed the Changeling as all the repressed memories came flooding back. “She would dress up as a pony called “Queen Celestia” and make me pretend to be her evil sister “Nightmare Moon” then she’d make me run from her throughout the castle.”

Mandible did his best to hold in his laughter, but it was rather hard when someone’s darkest moment was playing dress up with a foal.

“You know what the worst part is?” Thorax asked as he attempted to open the barrel directly

Mandible shook his head, fearing that if he tried to speak his laughter would betray him.

“Changeling Servants are bound to their duty for life. You can't get a promotion, or even change your job if you want. I’ll be stuck in this never ending cycle until something finally kills me.”

“We’ll don’t be so glum; maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get stationed with Queen Chrysalis.”

Mandible waited for an answer as he stared off at his Queen’s sun. Within the next few hours it would begin to dim and eventually go off completely. “Thorax, are you going to answer me?” After several more seconds of silence, Mandible turned to face his friend and was stunned by what he saw.

Thorax had at some point managed to pry the barrel open and had begun downing its contents.

For the next hour, Mandible did his best to keep his possibly alcoholic friend from killing himself. It was a losing battle, but when the alcohol finally kicked in, Thorax was easily subdued and dragged back to his nest.

Back in the Changeling Castle

Queen Chrysalis and her student made their way through the hoof carved halls. Several statues of different Changelings and creatures their identities lost to time. However, as they made their way to end, they came to a stop at two specific ones.

“Cocoon, can you tell me who these two Ponies?” Chrysalis pointed to the first one, a large and imposing Pony adorned in armor. All Changelings were taught about the creatures that lived on the surface. However, this pony was different from the ones she had learned of before. The Pegasi had wings and the Unicorns had horns. However this pony had both.

“Well it looks like the pony from the story Mom use to tell me.” Cocoon answered as she continued to circle them “If that’s Queen Celestia, then is that Nightmare Moon?”

“Well you’re close, that pony is Princess Celestia” Chrysalis stated as she pointed towards the first pony. “The second one is her sister, Princess Luna. Now, I know you’re probably confused as to what this has to do with you.”

“Is this another History lesson on the outside world?”

“Not this time, my faithful student. Not everything can be taught, something’s have to be learned and if you are to one day rule a Hive, you must know of the outside world.”

The Changeling Princess felt a surge of joy as her mind put the pieces together.

“Does this mean you’re going to be taking me to the surface?” Cocoon had seen it only once, during the trip from her home Hive to this one.

“Well, yes and no. You will be heading to the surface to get a true understanding about life on the surface. However, I won’t be accompanying you. Though I would love to be the one to show you all the beauty of the surface and make sure you’re safe, I cannot.” Chrysalis finished as she pulled Cocoon into a hug.

“So I’m to go alone?” the joy in Cocoon’s voice beginning to fade.

Chrysalis let a devious grin spread across her face as she went over her plan once again.

“No, I had a better idea. I want you to pick anyone from the Hive to accompany you. Tomorrow I’ll be sending you to the surface, just for a test run. So do you have anyone in mind to accompany you?”

A grin to rival Chrysalis’s began to grown on the Changeling Princesses face as one of the most sick and twisted thoughts began to run through her mind. She knew exactly who she wanted to bring and she couldn’t wait to see how happy they would be to hear the news.

The next morning at Mandibles Nest

Thorax groaned as he pulled himself from the bed and onto the floor. His head was pounding and the taste of raw fish filled his mouth. He wasn’t sure what had happened the night before all he could remember was being set on fire.

*Knock Knock* came a pounding on the door.

Thorax gave a groan as he began to pull himself towards the door. Though it took him several minutes and the pounding of the door never ceased, he eventually made it to his target.

“Who is it?” Thorax groaned as he pulled the door open.

“It’s your Queen” Chrysalis answered cheerfully as she stared at her little Changeling floating on the edge of consciousness. Part of her wanted to spare him from the torment, but she had promised Cocoon she could take anyone, and these were her friends.

“That’s funny; now tell me the one about the Cave worm in the bar.” Thorax laughed as he rolled over to see his guest.

There was something about the look of pure terror on the poor Changelings face that the Changeling Queen found surprisingly funny.

“You and your friend are going on an adventure” Chrysalis said flatly a grin plastered on her face.

“Eeeyup…. That’s about right.” Thorax said flatly before passing out once again.

Several minutes later Mandible had woken up and was extremely confused to see his Queen attempting prodding Thorax with a large stick and dumbfounded look on her face as if Mandible had been the one doing something weird.

“Good news Solider” Chrysalis spook with a grin once again. “You’re going on an adventure.”

Chrysalis never did find out why both of them passed out.