• Published 9th Feb 2013
  • 1,803 Views, 95 Comments

Eternal Requiem - Apocryphal Frost

They truly believed she did not have allies, that she acted alone in her 'rebellion.' Fools, the lot of them. We were there. And if I must, I will continue where she left off...If only I could find a way to do so without her power level.

  • ...

Introduction: Freedom and the Resolution to an Absolution

Date: 250

I am here.

I have always been here. For as long as one can possibly remember, I have been here. Waiting.

Date: 568

It can't possibly be long now, through the crack below my prison door, I can see the passing of the days.

Date: 710

They shall aid in her escape, they must, and I shall be set free. And I...I shall serve her once more.


I can hardly wait anymore, my perception of time has stabilized. Time has crawled to such a speed that I can hardly bear it. The time for her goal to be realized is nearly upon us.

Every day that goes by is another reminder of my greatest failure. And a reminder of how long I must wait until I can see her again.

Date: 900

The time draws near, and I must prepare. The wait has been so unbelievably unbearable.

I can't even begin to imagine how she must be feeling.

Date: 999

Please, let the days pass quicker. The time draws ever closer. And I must hurry to her side once I am free of this accursed place. It shall be a glorious reunion, and the world will quake from her wrath.

Date: 1000

I haven't miscalculated. And even if I have, too much time has passed. And I know it has already come to pass. It was quite obvious when it happened. But the days continue as they always do. Not much has changed...

I fear I must face the fact that I-I...I have been...forgotten. I have been left here.

I have been abandoned.

Date: 1001

It was a presumptuous thought, all things considered. That I would be needed. Why would she need me? With all of that power she commands, and the perfect mind to wield such terrifying power...

I am useless.

Date: ???

I have stopped counting the days, it is a pointless chore. It's funny, I never once thought about sleeping this entire time, but now...now I want nothing more than to lay my head in my own pillow in my own bed, just one more time.

Has it been days? Months? Or has it been years? I have long stopped caring, and I have stopped noticing the effects of time. For all I know, it has been merely hours since my revelation. The revelation that I was abandoned. That I was useless, not needed. Forgotten. A bad memory left to the sands of time.


A small metal room was all he could see, all that he had seen for some time. Standing in the middle of the small metal room, with nowhere to sit. It wasn't uncomfortable, at least in terms of how he was standing. Even the door was made out of metal. Whether it was iron or steel, he did not know.

This was his prison.

He had long forgotten what he even looked like, outside of the rounded, rectangular glasses sat perched on his nose. He wondered briefly what one might think of him, if they were to walk through that door right then. Would they be disgusted? Delighted? Happy? Sad? Angry?

He dismissed these thoughts as quickly as they came. No one ever walked through that door, there were no guards posted outside, he didn't even know if there were any living creatures within a hundred miles anymore. They may have simply left him there, alone. Unable to leave.

Well, that suited him just fine.

'She must have been imprisoned again.' Those few words had been playing inside of his head, over and over again. Like a broken record. Ever since that fateful day had come to pass, and not a damn thing had changed.

It was the only possible explanation. He could accept the reality of being abandoned, of being tossed away like trash. But for everything to continue on as it did...No. She would not allow that.

He did not know the exact truth behind those thoughts, and he didn't care to know. It would be best if he could hold on to the last remaining hope he had left, it was the only thing keeping him from devolving into a gibbering mess of a man...


He was male. It honestly disturbed him how easily that had slipped his mind. It disturbed him because of just how much of a shock that thought brought to his sense of self.

'I am a male member of my species. I am a...'

...What was he? He wasn't like his Master. His Goddess, the one being to ever garner his respect. He was different. He knew what he was, he knew his species' history, his general body shape, and other such things. But he couldn't remember the name.

Or his own, which was the most troubling. But that had been lost long before the name of his species.

It wasn't like forgetting your own appearance after being imprisoned without mirrors for so long, this was a vital part of who he was. A vital part of his own identity as a person.

It would be like forgetting the name of his Master. And he very much remembered her name. As clear as when he first heard it.

He could remember her goals, her personality, and her terrifying power.

He could remember the details of what she wanted to do with the utmost of clarity, and even the specifics of her appearance were still within his memory.

But he couldn't even remember his own name. Was it a voluntary purge? Had his memories been altered? He should have remembered such a thing, as easily as one would remember to breathe.

This did not bode well.

Despite his insistence to stop counting the days that go by, he was pretty sure it had only been a few days since his little identity crisis had started. The light fading in and out was still hard to ignore sometimes, even after all this time.

But this day was special, an especially different day, all things considered.

Sound. A tiny sound, one that he would not pay any mind to, under better circumstances. But he knew this sound, it was one he had hoped to hear every single day that had gone by.


It was the sound of his prison door being unlocked.

With his eyes staring firmly ahead, at the same door that had mocked him for so long, he watched as it slowly opened. Revealing something he was starting to think he would never see again.

A pony.

A purple pony.

A purple unicorn pony.

A purple unicorn mare pony.

“Ah, there you are.” She spoke to him, not in the surprised way he imagined he would be found. She did not seem at all surprised at his condition either.

Knitting her eyebrows together in thought, she stared passed him, seemingly thinking of something beyond his prison.

“I should report to the Princess that I have located the human's prison.”

'Human...that's right. That's what we are called.' So many thoughts went through his head as he stared at the intruder whom had easily opened the door that had been closed and locked for his entire stay. And that was what he was most focused on?

He wanted to laugh, to cry, to lash out in anger, at the first living thing he had seen in just over a millennium. But he didn't.

You can't very well react in such ways when your entire body has been turned to stone, now can you?

“Now to get you out of here...” She had such a determined look on her face as she spoke, it was kind of cute. Well, all ponies are cute in some way to him. He felt a slight buzzing sensation as her horn lit up with a purple glow.

Yes, a purple glow. Is that a strange thing to see? It should not be. Humans were one of the few species in existence naturally able to see magic, especially when it was just being charged within the focal point of it's caster's body. Even they, the ponies themselves, could not see their own magic while it was in this stage. At least he assumed so, they always looked at him so strangely when he mentioned it...

He was being lifted, the purple glow signifying this strange unicorn's power was visible just at the edge of his vision. And for the first time in so long, he felt hope swelling within him.

He would see his Mistress again, he was sure of it. His Master, Queen, Goddess. He would find a way to rip open whatever new prison they had put her in if he had to. He vowed then and there that he would be useful to the great and powerful-

Nightmare Moon.

And it seemed as if his time had finally come. They had remembered his existence. He was not completely forgotten. This feeling...he had not felt it in so long. He wanted to express it, only his stone prison keeping him from doing so. He just wanted to tell the strange purple unicorn everything he was thinking, feeling, and seeing. He just wanted to express to the strange purple unicorn mare...

That he was absolutely livid.

Author's Note:

The first thing I would like to say, is that there will be no human/pony romance.
I know how it looks, that was intentional.

The second thing I would like to say, is welcome to my first fanfiction...on this website. I have written several before this one, but none have been about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

I am an inexperienced aspiring writer, and I would hope that all of you reading this...will not let that stop you from criticizing my work and letting me know exactly what is wrong, and how I can improve. Don't hold back.