• Published 25th Jan 2012
  • 1,476 Views, 25 Comments

What I had and What I Was - ty500600

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I'm going to give you all a brief synopsis of what had gone down after school, since there really isn't much to tell. Basically what had happened was that we had hung out for a bit, us and some friends and such, and then we parted ways. Like I said, not much to tell, but it was still fun. I had made it a point to go after her again tomorrow and get her to hang out with me alone, or at very least with a small group of people so that I could get closer to her. I had given her my house phone number, and her I, so that way she could get a hold of me if need be, say for studying or something.

So it was around seven o'clock when I had gotten home from playing kickball and whatever, and I had just plopped my flank into my gaming chair in front of the TV and got myself settled in, when the phone rang. Begrudgingly and very annoyed, I pulled myself up and lazily strolled over to the phone and answered it nonchalantly, "Hello." It was more of a statement then a question cause, to be honest, I really didn't care about who was calling.

"Hey Sticks? It's Sparkle," replied the voice. I had been scratching my ass when she had said her name and I almost tripped on myself in the hurry to grasp the phone tighter.

"Heh...hey! What's up?" All laziness and annoyance flowed away from me, left with just excitement. I didn't actually think she would call me so soon.

"Oh, nothing much, how about yourself?"

"I was just sitting down to enjoy a game of Fallout: Equestria, how about you?"

"You already asked me what was up, Sticks." I facehoofed so hard that she had heard it on the other line, "What was that?"

"Nothing, just my ego popping, but anyways, what can I do ya' for?" My face still hurt from how hard I hit myself.

"Oh, I was just wondering what you were doing tomorrow?"

"I uh...I...dunno, something maybe?" Wow I sucked at this.

She giggled at my stupidity, my heart both tried to commit suicide and fly at the same time, "well, if you aren't doing 'something,' then we should do something." My heart was no longer trying to commit suicide, it pretty much was trying to fly through my mouth.

"Uh...uh...okay, I think that my something plans can wait until we do your something plans," I try to say smoothly. For all I know, however, I was as smooth as sandpaper.

"Aww, how sweet. Okay, lets do something tomorrow." My heart had a heart attack, riddle me that one.