• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 1,424 Views, 37 Comments

Collab Cage Mini-Monthly January -- "What the hay happened last night?" - The Collab Cage

The New Year can bring about great celebration and hope for a brighter future--it can also bring a little too much partying and forgotten memories. Join a variety of ponies and non who really just want to know... What the hay happened last night?

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A Little Change

Written by: iDash

The room was quiet. A musty, stale stench filled it as small particles of dust floated around, only visible in the small beams of sunlight that managed to pour in through the crack between the curtains. Said sunlight had been making its way into the room since the beginning of the morning, slowly inching towards the bed where a regal white mare lay. As the warmth of the sunlight tickled her nose, she scrunched up her face and drifted into consciousness just enough to shuffle around under the silky blanket and position it over her head, covering all but her proud and sharp horn. As she shifted, however, a pulsing pain shot through her head, causing her to wince from the pain.

‘Ow, why in Equestria does my-’ the same pulsing pain interrupted her as even the act of thinking seemed to inflict punishment upon her frail cranium. She didn’t even know why she bothered asking as the obvious answer drifted to the front of her mind. Despite what many ponies thought, even a seemingly almighty princess could be affected by things as trifling as hangovers, and this one seemed to be taking its toll on her. It wasn’t her first, and knowing her luck with alcoholic beverages, it most likely wasn’t her last, but it was certainly one of the stronger ones she’d had.

Celestia groaned and struggled to move off of her side so that she wasn’t lying on her wing in the uncomfortable way that she was. While doing so, though, the blanket decided to slide off of her face and down her muzzle, letting the sun shine through her closed eyelids in all of its blinding glory. She groaned and scrunched up her face once again.

Her still lethargic body managed to gain control of one of her front hooves as it lifted itself slightly and moved under the silken covers. She moved it round in search for a pillow that she could place over herself to shield her from the relentless sun. The hoof snaked over the plush, soft bed that she lay on until it finally came in contact with something. Celestia smiled inwardly to herself as she went to grab the cushion. Her tired train of thought as well as her smile ended as she grasped for it, though.

Something was wrong about the ‘pillow’. Was it her or did it feel... bigger? And slightly harder? Eyes still closed, she frowned slightly as she slowly ran her hoof across the hard and... moving surface. She kept going until she felt another surface. Was that hair she felt? And then she heard it, the tell-tale soft, rhythmic noise that only came from a peacefully sleeping pony.

Ignoring her headache along with her lethargy and nausea, Celestia’s eyes shot open as the rest of her body froze.The first thing her slightly blurred vision settle on was the set of alabaster white fangs, only a few inches away from her own muzzle. The next was the sea green hair that flowed elegantly over the black surface. Celestia’s eyes drifted over the dark mare’s form until they came to her hooves which seemed to possess several holes in them. In her sudden state of shock, Celestia shot up instantly, unceremoniously throwing the blanket off of her in a flurry and seemingly disturbing the mare that lay next to her.

Chrysalis stirred at the sudden movement and shifted until the pouring sunlight was not upon her own face. She opened her eyes just enough so that she could see through the tiny opening between her eyelids and moved her tired gaze towards the solar diarch before her. She mumbled something unintelligible and shut her eyes once more, turning her head back as she snuggled back into the near cloud-like bed.

“Morning,” she grumbled.

Celestia just stared in sheer disbelief at the queen that lay in her bed, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Thoughts rushed by and questions ran rampant in her still waking mind. One, however, remained prominent, and after she gained control over some of her senses, she proceeded to voice it.


“Well, it looks like you girls had quite the night.” Cadance wore a bright smile as she spoke. The two she spoke to, though, sat on opposite sides of a table the princess of love had conjured up, sipping away at tea without the slightest hint of joy in their demeanor. She had come in to see if something was wrong after Celestia’s outburst.

They were both hard at work trying to rid themselves of their very bothersome hangovers, both of which had been acquired as a result of a very hectic New Year’s celebration that had taken place the previous night.

“Ugh,” Chrysalis groaned as she rubbed her temple with a hoof. She glared briefly at the pink alicorn beside her. “How is it that you don’t have a mind numbing hangover like us?”

Cadance looked over to the to the queen. Unlike the other changelings, who possessed chitin armor instead of fur, Chrysalis had a sleek black coat comprised of very fine fur, a special quality of a queen.

The princess shrugged. “I don’t know.” She adorned a thoughtful expression and raised a hoof to her chin. “Come to think of it, I’ve never gotten a hangover before.”

“That’s-” Chrysalis began.

“Weird.” Celestia finished her sentence for her as she gave a quizzical look to her niece.

Cadance put on a mock pouting face for a moment and then smirked. “At least I didn’t wake up to a random mare in my bed this morning.”

Celestia’s eyes shot open wide as she gave a frightened look to Cadance. “Oh, Faust! Cadance, please tell me that we didn’t-” The pink alicorn cut her off by placing a hoof over her mouth as she began to giggle with the same bright smile.

“Don’t worry, auntie. you girls didn’t do anything. You both just got tired and decided to sleep wherever was comfortable, I guess.”

Both alicorns released a sigh of relief. If they had done something... well, needless to say, it would not have ended well.

Celestia used what she could of her magic, hindered by the headache, to lift the tea cup and take another drink. She smiled as she felt the effects of the tea beginning to work and the ache fading away. A thought came to her head at the same time, however, and she turned her gaze to the changeling queen in front of her with a quizzical look.

“So, why were you here last night anyways? And how did you make it without getting chased out by guard ponies?” she asked.

Chrysalis gave her a glare before taking another sip of her tea and then speaking. “It’s not my fault. You’re the one who barged into my home-”

“You have a home?” Cadance interrupted. The queen gave her a deadpan look then continued to speak.

“Anyways, you’re the one who barged into my home shouting ‘Huzzah!’ as if you were drunk off your flank, which you were, and then dragged me off to the party against my will. I don’t remember much after that.” She set the cup of tea down and let on a small smile. “Though, from what I do remember, It was quite a fun night.”

Cadance beamed. “It was great! We all had so much fun.” She nudged Chrysalis with a hoof. “And I never knew you could dance like that, Chrissy.” the queen’s gaze turned down and the other two mares could’ve sworn she was blushing slightly through her dark fur.

Celestia smiled warmly and then raised a brow as she turned her head to her niece. “I must say, though, I’m a little surprised at you, Cadance.”

The pink alicorn cocked her head with a confused look. “Why’s that?”

“Well,” Celestia said, “despite the events of the wedding, you don’t seem to harbor any negative feelings for Chrysalis at all.”

Cadance raised a hoof to her chin in thought again before smiling and shrugging as she wrapped a hoof around Chrysalis’ neck and pulling her into a friendly embrace. “Well, what kind of princess of love would I be if I couldn’t forgive her? Besides, what’s in the past doesn’t matter, and we had so much fun together last night, too!”

Chrysalis’ blush deepened, but she still let a small smile appear on her features. After a moment, she looked up to Celestia and spoke. “And what about you, princess? You don’t seem to abhor me as I’d have thought you would.”

Celestia smiled at her again. “My little ponies were safe in the end, and that’s all that matters to me. So, I have nothing against you, Chrysalis.”

The queen’s gaze shifted down again, but her content expression remained. After a moment of silence she spoke up again in a much quieter voice.

“Thank you.”

Cadance beamed and they continued to drink their tea. They took their time enjoying the sweet, pleasant silence. The sun was now high in the sky, signaling that it was almost noon. With her headache finally subsiding, Celestia let out a content sigh as she set her small glass down once more.

“Now, I think it’s about time we get you home, Chrysalis.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Does it look like I’m smiling right now?”

Celestia facehooved with a frustrated groan while Cadance held a hoof over her muzzle as she tried in vain to mask her giggles. In front of them both, stood a pony, one that most would’ve passed off as a Canterlot noble mare, her light blue hair fell to one side on her shoulder as a violet streak ran through it. Her sleek mulberry coat glistened in the sunlight, a masquerade mask adorned on each flank as her cutie mark.

There was one problem, though. Whenever the mare spoke, Chrysalis’ nearly two-toned voice came out.

“Why the hay can’t you mask your voice like you always do?” Celestia asked, annoyed.

Chrysalis gave her a cursory glare. “It’s not my fault. Alcohol can really mess with a changeling’s shapeshifting magic.”

Celestia groaned again and Cadance lifted a hoof to pat her aunt on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Tia. We just have to be careful that she doesn’t talk.”

The regal mare sighed . Her horn glowed with a faint yellow light, the same light wrapping around four golden gauntlets while they floated inside the magic field towards the princess. She stepped into each one and lifted her head to rest her royal crown on top.

“Fine, then. Just be cautious,” she said sternly while pointing a hoof towards Chrysalis. “The last thing I want to do is have to deal with more panic and another slew of complaints from some very annoying nobles.” She shuddered at just the thought.

Chrysalis nodded, eager as well to get out without causing a ruckus. With that, the group stepped forward and opened the doors to Celestia’s royal bed chambers, walking out slowly and shifting their gaze down each end of the long hallway while Chrysalis followed close behind.

The trio skulked the surprisingly empty halls of the sun goddess’ royal castle. Their heads pivoted as they scanned the hallways. Nothing but the opalescent, pearl-like walls stared back at them, though. They passed nothing that seemed too alarming. Though, they did come across something that had taken them- especially Celestia- by surprise.

Out of all of the stained glass windows, on a larger one was an unfamiliar picture of a light blue mare with a silvery mane standing on her hind hooves as her front hooves were spread out in the air in a display of grandeur. Her pointy hat and cape adorned with the same astronomical star design and her cutie mark a magic wand surrounded by a swirl of pixie dust in the shape of a crescent moon. She had a large smile plastered on her face.

As Celestia gawked at it, Cadance explained that a mare named Trixie had, in her drunken stupor and with her large ego, taken it upon herself to embed her image onto the stained glass window.

The image was promptly and quickly deleted.

And so, the three continued to trot cautiously down the hallways, almost enjoying the silence.



Celestia’s eyes went wide as she simultaneously jumped at the sudden noise. Judging by the ‘eep!’ from behind her, Chrysalis had had the same reaction. Cadance, as always seemed calm with her usual smile on her face.

“What the hay was that?!” Celestia said, not bothering to use proper language as nopony would probably hear her.

“That would be a jackhammer,” Cadance answered cheerfully.

Celestia facehooved. “Well I know that, but why?”

“For the hole.”

“The... hole?”

Cadance nodded. “Yeah, the one in your wall.”

“The wall... of the castle?! What happened?!”

Cadance giggled. “Last night, you let Vinyl Scratch use her bass cannon and, well, you can guess how that ended.”

Celestia’s eyes widened again. “I did what?!”

“Um... excuse me,” Chrysalis chimed in. “What’s a bass cannon?”

“Awesome for parties.”

“Weapon of mass destruction.”

Both answers came at the same time, the latter being from a bemused Celestia. Chrysalis, confused as she was, just shook her head as she found out that she wasn’t going to get an actual answer.

“Whatever. Well, can we get going now?”

The other two nodded and they started down the path of the corridor they were walking through. They didn’t get very far, though.

“Cadance!” A shout came from behind them and they each whirled around to see a very happy blue maned unicorn stallion rushing towards them.

“Shining!” Cadance shouted with joy. The pink princess darted off towards her husband.

As they embraced, they rubbed their muzzles together in what Chrysalis considered a sickeningly cute and cuddly show of affection, even for somepony who fed off of love.

“I missed you, Honey Poo,” Cadance said.

‘...Honey Poo?’ Celestia thought.

“I missed you, too, Pooky Bear,” Shining Armor replied, still holding his wife.

‘Pooky... Bear?’ Chrysalis thought.

Celestia and the changeling queen looked at each other with expressions of equal parts confusion and disgust. Celestia just shrugged and turned back to the overly affectionate couple.

They finally released their embrace, both wearing dopey smiles.

“I thought you were supposed to be on guard duty, Cuddle Muffin.”

Shining grinned. “I know. I managed to get off early, though, so you and I have the rest of the day to ourselves, Schmoopey Doo,” he said with a wink.

Chrysalis leaned over and whispered to Celestia, “Schmoopey Doo? Seriously?”

The sun princess gave her a look that was as puzzled as hers and shrugged with an incredulous expression.

Meanwhile, Cadaance’s expression instantly brightened up as she talked excitedly with her husband, who had still somehow not noticed the two others. Though, they had no intentions of announcing their presence.

“Oooohh, Snuggly Wuggly!” Both of the other ponies cringed at the use of yet another strange pet name. “Does this mean we get to do that thing we talked about last night?!” She clapped her hooves together in excitement.

Shining Armor nodded with equal excitement and a sly grin. “Of course! So, if you want to get started...” He gestured with his head down the hallway they were in towards what both bystanders assumed was the couple’s bedroom.

Cadance let out a squeal of excitement and was practically hopping on her hooves. She quickly turned to her two companions.

“I’m sorry, girls. You don’t mind if I go, do you-”

“Yes! Please do!” Celestia cut her off suddenly, but caught herself. “I mean, of course we don’t mind. I think we can make it on our own from here, Cadance.” Celestia smiled warmly at the young princess, noticing out of the corner of her eye Shining Armor hastily bowing and sputtering something that sounded like ‘Oh! PrincessI’msosorry!’.

Cadance let out another squeal of joy as she leaped forward and wrapped her aunt in a hug. “Ooooh! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”

She then let go of Celestia and darted towards her husband, wrapping the still grinning stallion in her hooves and began racing down the hall.

“Have fun, Auntie! Bye, new friend!” She was careful not to say Chrysalis’ name as she rounded a corner and the two ponies watched as the pair of lovers disappeared.

‘New friend... huh,” Chrysalis thought.

She and Celestia stood in silence for a few minutes, letting the air settle around them, until the latter spoke up.

“So, what exactly was the ‘thing’ she mentioned?” she asked, still looking in the direction the couple ran off.

Celestia shook her head and raised an eyebrow at the changeling. “Do you really want to know?”

Chrysalis paused for a moment to think about it, then gave a noticeable shudder. “On second thought, I’d rather not.”

The white mare turned around with a deep breath and started down the path they were taking before. “Well we better get going. We’re almost there anyways.”

Chrysalis just nodded and followed behind the princess as they made their way out of the castle.

The walk through the castle garden was relatively quiet. The only sounds being the critters that roamed the grounds. There were a few ponies enjoying the scenery here and there, but it wasn’t anything that the two had to worry about.

Here, they were able to relax and walk without having to turn their heads anxiously and anticipate a guard coming upon them. Here, they walked silently along the cobblestone path and past the various statues. They were sculptures of heroes and villains, of ponies and monsters.

Though there was one that stood out to Celestia the most; one she had not seen before and one that they were now staring at incredulously. A few worker ponies, who she had guessed just finished setting up the statue, were checking it to make sure that everything was well and taken care of.

The statue itself showed a stallion standing tall on all hooves. His well kempt mane was swept back as well as his tail. A horn protruded from between his locks and he wore an overly proud grin on his face. Celestia ruefully recognized everything about this pony and the compass rose that was his cutie mark completely gave it away.

She stared in horror at a solid gold statue of her very unpleasant nephew, Prince Blueblood. Her jaw hung down as she gaped at the abomination that now rested in her garden. Her emotions swirled into a mixture of anger, astonishment, and confusion.

Chrysalis seemed equally as confused. She recognized the pony vaguely as a relative of Celestia’s. If that were so, then why would the princess look at it with such... some mixture of anger and disgust?

When Celestia seemed to finally regain her ability to speak, she drew the attention of one of the workers, who quickly bowed before her before trotting over.

She put on a smile to mask her confusion and spoke.

“Excuse me,” she said to the worker. “May I ask what- um, this,” she gestured to the statue with a hoof, “is? And what it is doing in the garden?”

The colt took a nervous step back as he struggled for an answer. “A-a thousand apologies, your highness. This statue was commissioned by Prince Blueblood just last night. And it was with your permission as well.”

Celestia furrowed her brow. “With my permis-” her eyes widened and her brow furrowed once again, but this time with fury rather than confusion.

‘Just how drunk was I?!’ she thought astoundingly to herself.

“Oh, why that little-” she said a very un-princessy word. “He’s going to regret this.”

She noticed that the colt had taken another couple of fearful steps back, noting the princess’ current mood. The regal mare put on a warm smile once more.

“Thank you so much for telling me. You may carry on, sir.” With that, she turned and began to walk back down the path.

Chrysalis followed her with a quizzical look and spoke once they were out of earshot.

“So... you’re just going to leave it there? You’re not going to do anything about it?”

The queen couldn’t see it, but Celestia had her face distorted into an expression of fury and annoyance as she ground her teeth together.

“Oh no,” she growled. “Once I’m done here, that thing is going straight to the sun.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at this, Celestia’s family was quite strange. She shrugged it off, however, and decided to save that for another day.

And so, their walk continued peacefully, Celestia’s irritation subsiding until she was able to enjoy the rest of the walk, even if only a little. She looked over to the changeling in disguise beside her. Chrysalis’ eyes were in constant motion as she looked and gazed at everything they passed by. A look of wonder seemed to have made its way onto her features, and Celestia could’ve sworn that she saw the queen smiling. It wasn’t an evil or sinister sneer either, like she had seen so many times on her, but a warm and sincere smile.

Celestia smiled inwardly to herself. ‘She must truly love to be here,’ she thought to herself.

Their short journey continued with the peaceful silence. Somewhere along the way, the cobblestone turned into dirt and gravel, and then to grass. There were no longer any other ponies around as they walked into the most secluded part of the garden. A wave of warmth and slight happiness washed over the two ponies as a gentle breeze made its way through.

They finally came to a stop, Celestia holding a hoof out to halt Chrysalis. The two stood on the edge of the garden, where the ground stopped, almost as if it were a cliff, and the city laid below. When the queen looked down, she observed the bustling streets of Canterlot during its busiest hours. It reminded her somewhat of her hive- or at least what her hive used to be. Always busy and never a calm moment as they all went about their business.

“Well, this is it. You should be safe to fly since not many guards patrol this area.” Celestia’s voice interrupted her thoughts and she turned to face the diarch. She was presented with an unexpectedly warm smile from the goddess. “I guess this is goodbye.”

Chrysalis seemed to pause for a moment and then nodded her head, walking towards the edge of the cliff.

“Indeed it is, Princess.” She unfurled her wings, still in disguise as a noble pony, and prepared for flight. “Until we meet again.”

Chrysalis was about to launch herself into the waiting skies, but abruptly stopped herself. The mare hesitantly turned around to face Celestia, who held a slightly confused expression.

“We...” she began quietly. “Will we meet again?” Celestia noticed the expression on her face. It seemed eager and hopeful. Though, it seemed to be anxious and a little worried as well.

Celestia’s face softened and she gave another warm smile. “I hope so, It was quite fun to have you here, Chrysalis. And I think Cadance would be quite happy to see her new friend return.”

Chrysalis’ ears perked up and her eyes widened a little when she heard the word ‘friend’. And then Celestia saw it, for the second time. She saw the queen smile. It was small, but it was sincere and truly happy.

As the queen continued to smile, she turned back around and unfurled her wings once more, preparing for flight as wind began to catch under them. She began to lift into the air and turned her head slightly and spoke.

“Goodbye, Celestia.” And with that, she took off into the sky, flying off towards her waiting home and leaving the solar princess and the castle gardens behind her.

Celestia still held her pleasant smile, delighted for her new friend.