• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 2,004 Views, 51 Comments

Snow days are forever - Onyxfire408

Snow Day, an experimental unicorn with the powers of ice is sent to Ponyville to begin a new life.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The big news

The week had passed quickly after Rainbow's... first move. Snow Day remembered like it was just yesterday, oh wait it was. Snow Day was sitting in his living room blinds shut, he was sipping a cup of iced tea and heard a knocking from his door, he found that the mail slot from his door swung slowly as he found a newspaper, he thought that he might enjoy the morning with something new to read. He picked up the paper and sat down on the couch, he started to drink his tea until his eye spotted a particular article causing him to spit out his tea and to also cause the snow pony to sweat icicles down his head.

Ponyville Full Press.

Recently our news team found a certain pony with a vile past, his name is Snow Drop and he had a interesting past. He is a snow pony, an abandon project and has the powers of ice, and this is, he's not a unicorn, he's an earth pony. Apparently he was created by a nasty doctor known as Insanity. He has the powers of ice and snow and can do pretty much anything he wants to, we have video proof evidence about himself. Apparently snow ponies are ponies that are hybrids of windigos and ponies, they were scientifically made from this doctor and were to be used as an army against Celestia. These snow ponies would kill anything that wasn't one of them, Snow Day is different and shows mercy. We secretly got his story and now the real question is, is this stallion a monster or a pony like us?"

yours truly-

Secret Paper

Snow Day gritted his teach as he crumpled up the newspaper in his hoofs. "Whoever this Secret Paper is, she is one heartless whorse." Snow Day violently threw the paper ball at the trash can, but missed as he was blinded by frustration. He ran down to his ice room and sat in his ice chamber, he couldn't face the public, they'll view him as a monster. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, forever.

Rainbow Dash was flying along the sea skies of Ponyville, she was on her way to Sugar Cube Corner to have lunch with her friends. She landed in front of Sugar Cube Corner and entered to find all of her friends reading the Ponyville press. "Hey guys, what's with the papers?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Apparently there's this pony known as Secret Paper with a juicy gossip article." Exclaimed Pinkie

"Here lemme see." Pinkie handed Rainbow a newspaper article, she looked at the image to find hew new coltfriend Snow Day on the front page. "H-Hey what's Snow Day doing here?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Read the article." Said Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash read through the article at lightning speed, what she found there was what she found out about Snow Day. She dropped the paper and flew off out of Sugar Cube Corner towards Snow Day's house.

"What's with her?" Asked Twilight

"Hmmm, Pinkie Pie, do ya know anypony bah the name of Secret Papah?" Asked Applejack

"Hmmm........Nope." Said Pinkie

"Then ah think ah know who wrote this." Exclaimed Applejack

Snow Day was in his own world, he was laying on grass, warm soft grass under a fake version of Celestia's sun, like a normal pony, though in a dream he couldn't feel it, just imagine it. He lied on the grass as he shed tears, tears of sorrow and monstrosity, he couldn't face the public, he had to think. He then felt a slight tap on his shoulders, he rose up to find a unfamiliar red pegasus mare standing in front of him. "Who are you? How did you get here?" asked Snow Day. He took a closer examination at the pegasus, she looked familiar but Snow Day couldn't find the answer.

"It has been a long time Snow Day."

"Huh, how do you know my name?"

"Because I gave it to you."

"What do you mean?" The red pegasus raised a hoof, she cause the grassy field to become an icy cavern, Insanity's icy cavern. "This place. Why. WHY HERE!?" Snow Day began to become timid from this pegasus, who was she, and how does she know his past?

"Calm Snow Day, calm. I am a peaceful one, I've come to aid you in your time of fault."

"What do you mean?" Snow Day began to sweat bullets of blue copper.

"Rainbow Dash. You like her, do you not?"

"Yes but-"

"But, you are going into isolation again, you are going to put a pony who you love in pain? Why, why do you want this isolation?

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying I don't want you to be isolated anymore, you can't keep hiding from the public or any other pony. You must be free from your prison of solitude. Rainbow Dash is on her way, if she found you in here and if she is to discover your isolation, her heart will shatter like ice. Do you wan't that to happen?"

"Well no, I love her but what will everypony else think of me? I am ruined, my secret was shown to everypony that I know magic, even though I'm not a unicorn."

"But you never told your secret, in fact, I see that you want this secret to be revealed."


"Now let me finish, you never told anypony yet. You've been here for a week and the only ponies that knew before your exposure was Rainbow Dash and Twilight. I saw that you were glad that they knew. I could easily tell that you were happy they knew who you were."

"Y-*sigh* your right, I feel happy, but I'm still sad for myself, everypony will think I'm a monster."

"Not precisely." The red pegasus popped out a few screens showing what is happening now in Ponyville, ponies were reading the newspaper, Snow Day could hear comments on the article such as "cool", "awesome", and "amazing.". He looked at the screens to find that almost everypony had smiles on their faces when they found out he has the powers of ice and snow. He looked over to the red pegasus who closed the screens of the truth.

"T-Thank you stranger, I'll never forget your kindness. But please, tell me, what is your name?"

The strange pegasus giggled at the question. "Well, my name is Burning Skies." The mare then punched Snow Day causing him to shoot his eyes open from his chamber. He opened his chamber and walked back upstairs with a smile on his face, he heard a loud pounding on his door. He opened the door to find that Rainbow Dash fell through the door falling over Snow Day causing them both to nuzzle their noses. Rainbow quickly got up with a rose colored blush on her cheeks and pulled Snow Day to his hoofs.

"Snow Day are you okay?"

"Yea, perfectly fine." He said with a happy tone.

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked with a surprised expression.

"I said I'm fine, what's wrong with being fine?"

"Y-Your secret, it's out!" Exlaimed Rainbow Dash as she ran over to Snow Day hugging him in comfort.

"That? That wasn't a secret, who said that it was a secret, not this stallion." Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to object, but was defeated, he was right, he never did say it was a secret. Rainbow Dash let out a fear tears, Snow Day put both hands on her shoulders. "Rainbow look at me." The weeping mare kept crying, looking at the floor. "Look at me." Snow Day said in a commanding tone, Rainbow looked at him straight in the eyes, they were likes snowflakes in a mirror. "Why do you still cry when everything is alright?"

"Everypony will *sniff* think of you as a monster."

"I~ think not." Snow Day said as he opened the door to find a crowd of ponies, flashes before his eyes, and sheets of white and sticks with black tips in front of his face. He had a crowd of ponies cheering his name as he was surprised himself that almost half of Ponyville was cheering for him. "Huh, didn't see that coming...kinda."

Rainbow Dash giggled at his little joke and wiped away her tears. Ponies began to run up to him with papers and with the same question. "Can I have your autograph?"

After hours, and hours of signing many items, Snow Day took the night at a small hill at Ponyville park. He was laying down on the cold grass, he saw Luna's moon being risen as he relaxed in the cold winds. He heard wings flap and he rose up to find Rainbow Dash landing towards him, he waved to his marefriend and the two were close together. "What took you so long?" Asked Snow Day with a smirk across his face. The couple took a rest as the lied next to eachother staring at the arts of the stars.

"Sorry I was just looking around."

"For what?"

"I don't know didn't pay attention, there was some crisis and I basically had to look around all day."

"Heh, it's aight, as long as your here, then I'm alright."

Rainbow Dash giggled at his soft thought. "Hey, you wanna know something?" Snow Day looked over to Rainbow with an eyebrow raised. "Me and my friends found out who this Secret Paper mare is."

"Oh? Who was she?"

"Well, apparently she is actually three little fillies, they are known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They all don't have cutie marks and will literally do anything to get their cutie marks."

"Huh, so who are these fillies?"

"Well, there's Applebloom, my friend Applejack's kid sister, then there's Sweetie Belle who is Rarity's kid sister, then finally, there is Scootaloo."

"Lemme guess, she's your sister?" He said with a grin on his face.

"No, but she looks up to me like one."

"Ha, I can see that. Do you know where I can find them?"

"Yea, why?"

"I still need to talk to them about privacy."

"Yea meet me up later tomorrow, I can show you where they always hang out."

"Sure" Snow Day looked up upon Luna's moon, signifying midnight had crept upon the couple. "Hmm, it's getting late. You have a place to stay at right?"

"Yea, I got my cloud home."

"Aw cool, can I check it out?"

"Yea, but your an earth pony."

"Yes but I'm also a windigo, so since I have the powers of ice and frost, I can stand on cloud."

"Ohhhh that makes loads more sense. But there's one more problem, how are you going to go well...up?" Rainbow Dash said as she pointed upwards towards the sky. "I don't think I'm strong enough to carry up a stallion."

"Oh I have the solution to that." Snow Day got up and walk along the edge of the hill. "Alright, this is probably my favorite part of my ice magic." Snow Day jumped off the hill, Rainbow Dash rushed over to the edge to save Snow Day but was interrupted as she saw Snow Day forming paths of ice in mid air as he slid on it like a slide. Rainbow's mouth hung wide as she say winter take upon the Stallion's hoof. As Snow Day slid across the skies on ice, he landed in front of Rainbow Dash who's mouth hung open at the sight. He gave a small chuckle as he tapped his hoof vaporizing the ice path he made. "Pretty cool huh?"

"Cool? There is no description due to how AWESOME that was!"

"Figured you'd say that, now lets go to your house."

"Right." The two flew and slid across the skies as they reached Rainbow Dash's house. Her house was massive along with a rainbow waterfall, pretty cool right? As the two landed on the cloud home, Rainbow gestured Snow Day into her home, along with a tour to go along with it. "And there's the bathroom, so any questions?"

"Well, I've noticed that you've got a shelf full of Daring Do books, your a fan?"

"Yea, I've got like all of the books, as well as a costume."

"Heh, a little loony if you ask me?"

"Hey shut up, I'm just a fan." Rainbow exclaimed with a joking smile on her face.

"Heh, alright well I think it's getting late. Got any place I can sleep?"

"Well the only places are my bed and the couch."

"It's aight, I'll sleep on the couch."

"A-Are you sure, I can just-"

"No it's aight."

"Well, if you say so."

The two went to bed at the stroke of Luna's high moon, Rainbow was fast asleep on her cloud bed as Snow Day slept on the couch with a snow cloud blanket. He struggled around the couch, he couldn't sleep, something kept flooding his mind with pictures. Who was Burning Skies, how does she know Snow Day, and why did she look so familiar? Snow Day rose up from the couch and walked to the bathroom, he dipped his hoofs in the rain cloud sink and washed his face with cold water. Snow Day walked into Rainbow's kitchen, he looked around her drawers and found a pencil and paper, he wrote a quick note and slid his way out of the house and onto the crust of the land. He walked down the dirt path towards Ponyville, wondering what to do to pass the time, suddenly a flier slammed across his face, he picked from his annoyed face as he read the flier. "The Tea House huh? Open late past 12 pm? Sheesh, this guy must be dedicated, but looks like a good place to pass the time and help lure in some Zs." Snow Day said to himself as he looked to the back of the flier to find the address, he set the flier in a garbage can and walked towards the address.

Snow Day reached The Tea House, he entered to find Twilight Sparkle having a cup of tea and reading a book, at this hour? Snow Day approached the lavender mare with a confused look on his face. "Twilight?" Twilight looked over to find Snow Day, she also had the same confused look on their face.

"Snow Day? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Eh...well, I'm just here with my coltfriend, he owns this cafe, plus drinking tea is always good with a book to read. Now what are you doing here?"

"Well I couldn't sleep and I got thirsty, Sugar Cube Corner is closed and I found a flier saying that this place was open super late."

"Yep, Tea n' Tea loves to keep his customers happy anytime." Snow Day bit his lip trying not to laugh at the name. "But you can just call him T."

"Aight, y'know where I can find T?"

"Right Here." Came another voice as a grassy green stallion with a autumn green mane, he came with a list full of names, pictures, and prices. "Here's my menu, just pick any flower, leaf, fruit, etc. Just call me back when your ready to order." Snow Day gladly took the menu and sat down, he looked around the menu to find anything that could help him sleep.

Snow Day walked up to the counter with a grin across his face. "I'll have tea with peppermint, lemon grass, and could you kindly make it chamomile?" asked Snow Day with a nervous smile.

"Yea sure, hot or iced?"

"Iced please." The stallion gave a nod and went downstairs into what looked like a basement. Snow Day looked over to Twilight. "So, how long you been with T?"

"A few months, it's funny how we met actually."

"Really? How funny."

"Let's just say on hearthswarming eve, we kissed and our tongues got frozen." Twilight said with a giggle as Snow Day tried to cover his mouth from a tsunami of laughter, all that leaked out was drops of chuckles.

A ring came from the front counter, there stood a glass of iced tea and a small biscuit, Snow Day walked to his drink, he examined the small biscuit next to the tea. "Uh...I...uh... I didn't order a biscuit."

"It's on the house as well as the tea, been awhile since I've had a customer other than Twilight to come this late." Snow Day gracefully took the tea and pastry and sat in front of Twilight.

"So watchu reading?"

"Well, someone by the name of Crescent lent me a book from another world."

"Really? What's it called?"

"It's called the Hunger Games, I'm already loving it."

The two continued to chat, talk, and snack upon the treats of The Tea House. After nearly half an hour of enjoyment, Snow Day had to departure to head for Rainbow's home. After he left and said his goodbyes to Twilight and T he walked along the streets he heard something strange. He shrugged it off and continued to walk down the streets, but then he heard it again, he could have sworn he heard somepony cry. He walked along the streets following the voice until it grew louder and louder, eventually the sounds of sobbing lead him to an alleyway. He entered the alleyway to find a large box, it had a few crayon drawings and junk to make it look like a real house, he got closer to find a small purple tail hanging out of a door cutout cardboard wall, it looked like it was a filly crying. He tapped the tail making the filly flinch, causing the box to fall apart upon the pony. Snow Day removed the junk to find a purple pegasus crying upon the junk crashed upon her.

"Hey, are you okay?"


"Hey, yelling isn't gonna help, here." Snow Day tapped his hooves together making a shelter made completely out of ice, it covered the mourning filly causing some tears to be dammed. "Tell me, why are you here?"

"*sniff* I'm just, *sniff*-"

"Just what?"


"What!? Why is a filly like you homeless? Do you have any parents?"

"N-No, My mother died when I was born, and my father died before I was born."

"Shniekies, we gotta get you out of the cold, c'mon." Snow Day picked up the filly and carried her on his back. "Who are you?" The filly remained silent at the white stallion. "C'mon, I can't help you if you can't tell me your name."

"M-My name is Scootaloo." Wait...Scootaloo? Snow Day continued to carry to filly towards his home.

So this is one of the fillies that wrote that article about me. Somepony's gotta give her a home, might as well be me. HAH look at that, I'm like Shinning Armor! He thought to himself as he noticed a soft snore coming from Scootaloo. He continued to carry the sleeping filly until he reached his home. He was ready to give the lesson of his life to a fellow sad little pony.