• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 2,714 Views, 25 Comments

Miles: A Sequel to Rain - Commando-Scarecrow

Miles, a human the Rain met when she was dropped into our world, as been brought to Equestria by the Princess and Rarity. Adjusting to a life without hands might be a problem, but the results? They'll be well worth it.

  • ...

Buck yeah, Equestria

"Rainbow Dash!" A small orange filly with no cutie mark and a violet mane ran to hug the older blue mare. Right. I almost totally forgot about that episode.

"Wassup, Scoots!" The hug was returned in kind. It was sweet. "How've you and the crusaders been goin'?"

"Great!" She rung out in her tomboyish voice, still excited as hay that what had been her honorary, or maybe full-blown adopted, older sister came to visit her. "Me, Sweetiebell and Applebloom are gonna try are hooves at getting a hang-gliding cutie mark and..." And then she finally saw the dashing rogue standing a few meters apart from the heart felt reunion of mare and filly. "Who're you?"

I thumbed (hooved?) my nose at her, confident that we would hit it off in ten seconds flat... I am hilarious. "Name's Miles, Short Stack!" I walked over to her to get a better look at her. "And I'm Rainbow Dash's pan-dimensional boyfriend!"

A confused look struck the violet maned filly's face. "Pan-demin-wha?"

"Time for a science lesson!" I hate science, but this was different. I picked up a near by stick. I laughed. "I don't even know how I'm holding this. Alright, Squirt, here's the deal. You and everypony in Equestria live here," I drew a circle with the stick in my mouth. "But I live here..." I drew another circle, then a few more lines connecting the two circles. "Rain here decided it was a good to break physics," I smirked at her, which she returned back to me, "and we got to know eachother pretty well, but..." Pause for dramatic effect.

"But...?" She waved her hoof, signaling me to go on.

"But, Rainbow Dash has a pretty cool friend called Rarity that doesn't afraid of anything," I had to say it. I couldn't help myself. "Who asked Princess Celestia for some help regarding that... And here I am!"

The small pegasus waited for a moment, then responded. "What?"

Rain sighed. "I found another world and got a souvenir boyfriend out of it."

"Oh." I liked my explanation better, but whatever. "That's cool..."

She jumped on my back. "So are you a wicked cool flier like Rainbow Dash?! Or are you some kind of other-worldly hero that saves ponies from rock-slides and collapsing tunnels and stuff?"

"Well now..." I looked up to the small foal on my back. "That's just what we're here to find out, isn't it?"

"Whadga mean?" She left my back and stood in front of me, eye to eye.

"This wasn't even my first form, lil' filly." I thought for a second, thinking of another way to explain it. "I was originally a lot taller and with less... wings. So flying wasn't really something I knew how to do."

"So you're a full-grown stallion who can't fly?"

Now I could've retorted with something about her blankflank or the fact that she couldn't fly either, but I didn't. That would be mean and hypocritical at the same time. Instead, I just agreed. "Yes. I am."

"Which is what I'm here to fix!" Rainbow Dash's voice went into coach mode, even sporting a hat that had appeared out of nowhere. "Ain't know way anypony's livin' with me in my big house up there," she pointed to her sizable ariel estate in the clouds. I thought it would be smaller. "Which goes for the two of you! Vinyl?"

"Wassup?" The familiar fan-favorite pony appeared from nowhere, just like that one hat from earlier, with a turntable and stereo system.

"Hit it!"

A familiar melody of years gone by rang threw my ears.

It wasn't...

It couldn't be...

Could it?

It was.

The music to the original pokemon theme song.

Laws of probability be damned... hard.

I'll train you to be the very best
Like noponies ever seen
I am the speed queen afterall
And you will be the king
You both will soar through the skies
With the thunder and the clouds
Don't you two see or comprehend
The potential that resides?

You two!
Orange ponies
My two best friends!
Together until the end
Orange ponies!
Oh whoa, you're both so great
Not even Twi could debate!
Orange Ponies!
Gotta train hard, yes you do!
My greatness will pull you through!
Come with me and I'll show you
Orange ponies!
Gotta train hard, Gotta train hard!


Then, as per the rules of Equestria, I had to get into the act. It was easy. I love this song

Every hurdle she challenges us with
With an iron will we must surpass
C'mon, Scoots, we'll meet her there
At her cloudy palace...
Follow her. She knows what's up
And what it at steak
We'll prove her right and live up there
In the skies and celebrate!

Us two!
Orange ponies
Her two best friends!
Together till the end
Orange ponies!
Oh whoa, we're both so great
Not even Twi could debate!
Orange Ponies!
Gotta train hard, yes we do!
Her greatness will pull us through!
Go with her and she'll show you
Orange ponies!
Gotta train hard, Gotta train hard!

Gotta train hard, Gotta train hard Gotta Train hard!


Us two!
Orange ponies
Her two best friends!
Together till the end
Orange ponies!
Oh whoa, we're both so great
Not even Twi could debate!
Orange Ponies!
Gotta train hard, yes we do!
Her greatness will pull us through!
Go with her and she'll show you
Orange ponies!
Gotta train hard, Gotta train hard!

Up in the skies, I began to fly. No I began to straight up SOAR. The sun burned my eyes, but I knew I could fly higher.

Scootaloo was left behind, bowing out after only gliding for a little bit, but I had to push myself. Even with the sun beginning to burn my new orange coat.

"Rainbow Dash, Look!" Scootaloo demanded of her honorary big sister.

"Oh my gosh..." Rain muttered to herself. She could barely believe it either. I was flying, but I still had to push myself even futher, the golden sun totally obscuring almost any view she had of me, the clouds offering only a token of protection from the heat.

I still flew higher. "Just a little bit more, just a little bit more," I began to mutter to myself. Honestly? I wasn't even sure if I was going to survive at that height, because, to be once against totally honest, I was afraid of highest back home.

But I left my home to come here. I had to impress her.

Finally, I was satisfied with how high I flew into the air. I flared my wings as far apart as I could and bellowed: "I AM MILES HIGHER OF EARTH! AND I WILL SOAR HIGHER ANYPONY ELSE RIGHT UP THERE WITH RAINBOW DASH!"

It was beautiful. The orange pegasus that may have looked like a little sister to me and the mare I left my home for both as the littlest specks on earth, or Equestria or whatever the planet I was currently was called.

Then I took a first long look at the world below. The village, the blazing sun in the distance and the mountains on the horizon. Even with the glaring, orange star in my face, if the sun was a star in this world, I could see everything. Every bronies dream, and I was living it. "Buck yeah, Equestria..." I whispered to myself.

But it couldn't last. I felt my wings tighten and the sun flared I all I could remember was falling.

I began to plummet to the dirt faster and faster.


"Rainbow Dash..." Scootaloo muttered. She looked back to the rainbow maned mare. "He'd not slowing down or stopping."

"No," she flared her wings up. "He isn't." And with stoic determination, she took flight faster than I'd ever seen. Anytime I'd seen her fly fast in the show paled in comparison to what I was watching then. And then it happened.

I can't honestly describe what it's like seeing a sonic rainboom in real life. Words like amazing and awesome, phrases like unheard of or impossible, they just don't do it justice. The only feeling I could even compare it to was seeing your first movie as a kid, but with the color all around you and wind at speeds so fast the threatened to break you. In retrospect, it was kind of like a combination of a roller-coaster and the forth of July.

I felt a thud and all around me I saw a huge ring of every color I could think of. I looked into her red-violet eyes as she brought me back to the dirt. "That was awesome..." I muttered.

"Yeah," she smiled. Then she punched me in the arm. Really hard. "Don't do that again." I tried to give her a thumbs up, but alas, I had no thumbs.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo ran up to us, her face showing an expression of pure excitement. "Look!"

And then we all looked at my... flank. It wasn't as awkward as you would think. It felt like a burning tickle as it appeared: a flaming, one-winged star. "That's cool." I said simply, fully grasping the importance of what was happening.

"Yeah it is," Rain agreed, smiling at my flank... bow chicka bow wow, by the way.

And then, exhausted from the sheer level of win this day provided, I fell asleep.

This day? It was freaking epic.

Comments ( 7 )

yes you are still working on this story


that is all

/)*(\ Allons-y!!!

When I saw this updated, I literally fist pumped.
Please update more often. :pinkiehappy:

So I can't help but notice that, for your cover image, you took an artist's work, edited it, failed to source it, and also failed to credit them. Tad disrespectful, in my book.

Here's the source. I'd ask that you provide it.

updated 45 weeks ago.... idgaf if youre working on other projects.... UPDATE

Pls update I really enjoy this story

Well its been over a year in update limbo... happy birthday!

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