• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 1,026 Views, 17 Comments

Their Changes - Fazed Audio

The Changeling race has been around longer than most ponies realize. They've always found ways to feed themselves without resorting to violence. But after their leader attacks Canterlot, one pony decides to throw away his life to see things ch

  • ...


Shining Armor

“So it’s true.” Thankfully, it was much easier for me to keep my thoughts in check this time. The situation had taken an unpleasant turn, but I still had to keep calm. I quickly thought through all my options and decided on the best one. “Take him to the barracks. I’ll be along shortly to question him.”

I was surprised when the drone’s was the next voice I heard. “Would you allow me to change back to my other form first?” I was surprised to hear it talk at all. During the attack a week ago the only Changeling that spoke at all was their queen. But this one’s voice was much sharper than hers; like a hoof on a blackboard almost. It waited a second before continuing. “I will go anywhere you demand but parading me through the streets in this form would draw quite a bit of unwanted attention.”

All my personal feelings aside; I knew it was right. Walking a Changeling through the city undisguised would no doubt cause a stir. Besides the oddity itself; the recent attack being in everyone’s mind might force some to react in unwarranted ways. “Very well; change back into your previous form. Lieutenant Dagger: restrain his legs and hold him in place. I’ll drop the barrier once that's done.”

“Yes Sir!”

The drone once again cast its magic and transformed again. This time: into a form that made me sick. All the time I’d know him; Wind Bender was very controlled with his emotions. Even when our debates would get heated, he simply kept his cool and looked at me like nothing was wrong at all. And then, once I’d calmed down, he'd toss me a smirk; laughing to himself at how I’d lost my cool. I’d gotten better at keeping calm since then, but ponies’ emotions never change completely and seeing him now was nearly enough to send me back into rage.

Dagger wasted no time casting the spells I requested. Instantly the drone was surrounded by the Lieutenant’s magic. The maroon glow pinned his limbs in place and I dropped the shield a moment later. Two guards were standing by at the gate awaiting orders. I signaled for them to come over and they quickly placed their restraints on Wind’s legs. During this entire affair; Wind Bender kept his stoic appearance. He voiced no complaints at any point in this process besides raising the issue of his appearance. It was unsettling to say the least.

“Alright then; you two take him to the barracks. I’ll be along shortly.” The two that restrained him proceeded to lead Wind off to await questioning. I had to stay there for a bit; clear my head.

"Thoughts Sir?” I had almost expected Dagger to follow the troops back to the barracks. But he was here and my thoughts were all a mess. Looking over my shoulder, I could see he was just as confused as me.

“Something’s off about this whole thing Dagger. The Changelings attack, we drive them out, Wind Bender goes missing, he turns up a week later, and we just now find out he’s a Changeling?!”

“You think he really is an imposter?”

“I’m not sure. Truth be told I’m not sure which would be better. Either Wind Bender really is a Changeling or we're dealing with an imposter which means that the real Wind Bender might be dead. Neither choice is very appealing at the moment.”

That was all that needed to be said. This was a difficult situation and the only upside was the prisoner awaiting question at the barracks. One way or another; I was about to get some answers.

“Lieutenant: please go inform the Princesses of the change of events. Let them know that I’'ll be questioning the drone shortly and will present the situation to them myself once I’m done.”

“Yes Sir!” We both trotted into the city; matching our pace from earlier in the day. It took us less than five minutes to arrive at the castle grounds where we departed ways. I continued my pace for only another minute before arriving at the barracks.

Making my way inside, I noticed that most of the guards had cleared out. The only ones inside, in fact, were the two that had escorted Wind Bender here. They were standing by a sturdy looking door on the far side of the room. What lie beyond was the castle dungeon, and its newest tenant. The soldiers tensed up a bit as I approached and gave a swift salute when I stepped in front of them.

“At ease. Did he give you any trouble on the way over here?” He didn’t seem aggressive while outside the gate but if Wind could keep this hidden, who knows what else he could do.

“None at all Sir. He cooperated the whole way here and is currently sitting quietly in his cell. Would you like us to move him to interrogation Sir?”

“Yes; and then you both can retire for the day. I’d like to be alone when I question him.”

“Yes Sir!” Both of them said with a salute. The guard to my left levitated the keys from a nearby table before unlocking the dungeon door. They both walked in to gather up the Changeling and prepare him for my arrival. It only took them a few minutes to transfer him to interrogation but it felt like an eternity waiting for them. They came back ten minutes later and saluted before exiting the building.

I gathered myself before walking through the door. The hallway I entered wasn’t too big; just a long corridor with several cells on either side. At the end, though, was another door leading to a world of headaches. I’ve spent plenty of time there listening to every form deception out there; from subtle mind tricks to outright cover-ups. And now I was about to have a conversation with a species whose entire existence i based around deceiving others. It was quiet as I walked down through the dungeon. There wasn't too much crime in Canterlot as it was and most ponies were still keeping quiet indoors, so all of the cells in this area were empty at the moment.

Once I arrived at the door, I couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment. On the other side of this door was a pony who was one of my oldest friends. He’d been the first pony I’d ever been ordered to protect once I'd graduated academy and the stallion who had taught me so much about military tactics and history. It's not a stretch to say that I wouldn’t be the soldier I am today without his help. And now it was my job to squeeze him for as much information as possible. It was days like today I wished I drank.

I took one last deep breathe before opening to door. On the other side of the room, chained to the table was Wind Bender. He didn’t even look annoyed with his state. All throughout this day, he’d been calm and collected. He had many opportunities to lose his cool today, and yet here he sat, with the smile of a pony who was happy to see a friend.

Author's Note:

UGH! I'm so lazy. I have no excuse for this chapter taking so long. Please point out any grammar/spell in mistakes I've made and leave a comment below expressing your opinion. Criticism is always welcome.

Comments ( 9 )

Man I really like this story, but...
That dark tag makes me fear for Wind's life :(


You...you like my story:fluttercry:? *faints* ...Sorry about that. And thank you. As for Wind...we shall see.

I like the story

Story seems interesting, Shinning Armor end up with one of his best buddies as changeling, I will look forward to this story next chapters.

nice story,
2178575 are you still working on it?


I'm working on it in the same way I'm working on building my orbital death cannon. I know what I wanna do just I'm lacking the motivation to actually write it.

2753252 Oh, OK. I hope you find motivation somewhere. I'd really like to see more of it.
(the story, not the orbital death cannon, although that sounds cool too) :twilightsheepish:

2753252 How come this story is on hiatus?

This is a pretty cool story's

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