• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 1,678 Views, 42 Comments

Twilight Meets Companion Cube - Prince Solstice

Companion Cube is one of the creepiest friends to have.

  • ...


"Hello! Is anyone here?" Pinkie looked out across the never-ending sand dunes as a gentle breath of wind swept across her, her voice getting lost in the tremendous amount of space. Off in the distance a cyclone began whirling about the dunes, only to peak and disappear into thin air. Pinkie felt oddly lost, like her senses were numb, and she felt no presence of life. She didn't even feel real to herself.

Looking around, there was nothing but seemingly endless sand, waves blowing with the wind. She was disoriented, the last thing she even remembered was the cube. The cube with a heart on it. Anything beyond that, she can't remember. Where was she?

Looking around some more, she decided to get to higher ground to see if there was anything around her. Climbing up the dune she began to realize how hard sand was to move in; it felt like she was being sucked into a bottomless pit. She finally got to the peak of the dune, only to look out and see a vast desert, with nothing in sight except more dunes. There was nothing. She kept trying her best to look past the desert so that she had some direction she could go.

Off way in the distance, she could barely make out a black blob of something. It was extremely far away, and Pinkie's heart sunk. Her will faltered, as she realized she had to travel that distance in the hopes there was something there.

"There is no way you could possibly make it there." Pinkie turned around, it was Twilight.

"Twilight!" Pinkie tackle-hugged Twilight and the both of them fell into the sand, Pinkie hugging Twilight very tight. "OH TWILIGHT! I knew you would help me out, I just knew you would!"

"Get off me, you virus!" Twilight said angrily. Pinkie let her go, and her smile quickly faded.

"W-why would you say something like that?" Pinkie was unsure how to feel, Twilight would never say something like that.

"You are never going to make it."

Pinkie raised her eyebrow. "What are you saying, Twilight?"

"The place you seek doesn't exist. You will never escape from this world. You will only wander it to get no closer." Pinkie took a step back, she was shocked to hear her friend Twilight say such things. "This is purgatory, you are technically dead." Twilight had a dead serious look on her face.

"Why would you say such a thing? I thought you were my friend." Pinkie began to tear up, and she collapsed onto the sandy landscape.

"Sorry, I forgot that souls don't know everything like I do."

"Wha-?" Pinkie's tears stopped, she lifted her head from the sand. "Twilight?"

"You're never going to make it over there."

Pinkie sat up, "Twilight... are- are you okay?" Twilight just stood there, giving pinkie a deathly serious stare.

"I am running at 2% of my allowed computing speed, I have no injuries, and I am receiving all my signals at a 12 ping. There's a little interference, but other than that, I'm okay." Twilight shrugged, "I am also certain with my superior intellect that you cannot cross this desert."

Pinkie had started to become angry. "How do you know I won't make it!? Maybe you can't make it either!" Pinkie got right in Twilight's face.

Twilight began to chuckle. "Oh Pinkie, I'm just an artificial intelligence modeled after your friend. Therefore I am not bound by the restrictions set in this place, but I know for a fact you cannot make it across that desert." .

"I knew you couldn't be Twilight. So what are you exactly?"

"I'm sorry, but I already answered that question. Weren't you listening at all?"

"Um..." Pinkie was having a hard time understanding what was happening. "I guess you're not Twilight." Pinkie looked out towards the blob again. "I won't make it there huh?" Pinkie faced towards the blob, leaving the Twilight thing behind.

The sand was hot on her hooves, but somehow she couldn't feel the sun. She hadn't even begun to burn, and she had been out in this sun for three hours. She wasn't even tired, nor was she hungry. Wherever Pinkie had ended up, wasn't the Equestria she knows and loves. There was nothing here but sand, a blob, and that weird Twilight.

Looking up she could see nothing but blue sky and a giant beaming sun. It had to be really hot in this place, but that's when she noticed that the wind was non-stop. She hadn't noticed it, but she could see the sand being gently blown across the desert. She couldn't feel any of it. It was like she existed with nothing but eyesight and hearing. Hopefully eating too, but that would come later. She then started to whistle a tune, and begun to sing to herself with a big happy grin on her face.

"I have to be almost there." Pinkie had begun to get bored. There is after all only so much you can sing when being stuck in an endless desert. Pinkie made her way over to another sand dune, and now the blob had become a little clearer. She could make out a structure of some sort. It was an odd light grey color. Pinkie then looked behind her, and there was Twilight, who rolled her eyes as soon as Pinkie turned around.

"I told you that you can't make it across the desert." Twilight looked bemused.

"Wha- but how?! I left you a long time ago! I would even turn around and not see you!" Pinkie screamed. "What is going on?!"

"Your soul is wandering what 'we...'" Twilight motioned her hooves for parenthesis, "like to call purgatory. You can wander all you want, but you’re only going in massive circles created by a program." Twilight stared at Pinkie.

"Program?" Pinkie was quick to ask.

"Yes, like a computer?" Twilight raised her eyebrow as if to ask 'are you serious?'

"Computer?" Pinkie scratched her head.

Twilight let out a sigh "Of course you haven't heard of a computer. Um..." Twilight took a moment to select her words, "I'm going to make it simple, think of taking somepony’s brain and making it a slave to do math and the sorts, but it has no emotions."

Pinkie was a little shocked by the image of enslaving brains, but Twilight continued. "Programs are like long lists of commands compacted together to do a task for you. This is a program in which receives files, or in this case souls, and stores it in the memory of the brain. That big grey thing over there, scans the desert - or memory - in order to detect new files, or souls."

Pinkie was a little lost, but decided she needed to know what is going to happen. "So, what is going to happen with me?"

Bemused, Twilight then pointed at the object with her hoof. "That is the citadel. So, you can stay put, it's coming for you."

Author's Note:

It's a doo-dad with gizmos and what-cha-callits. With the spinning and the whirring and the clackity clackity clackity when being used.

Thanks to Kalreas for grammar checking this, I appreciate it a lot.

Comments ( 10 )

3871224 That's going to be fixed pretty soon. I'm honestly embarrassed that I missed so many. I even proof read it, but I never catch all of them.

Holy hell, been so long since I seen this, poor Pinkie...why Twilight though? Hmm...something is wrong:ajbemused:

3871674 Don't worry that's going to be explained next chapter. :twilightsmile:

3872676 Alright there? Something bothering you?

3873100 No nothing at all its just...

Pinkie tackle-hugged Twilight and the both of them fell into the sand, Pinkie hugging Twilight very tight. "OH TWILIGHT! I knew you would help me out, I just knew you would!"

Should be "Pinkie tackle-hugged Twilight and the both of them fell into the sand, With Pinkie hugging Twilight very tight. "OH TWILIGHT! I knew you would help me out, I just knew you would!""

Pinkie faced towards the blob, leaving the Twilight thing behind.

Should be "Pinkie faced towards the blob, Turned and started trotting away leaving the Twilight thing behind."
I mean srsly you never said that she started walking away... Did she float away or fly you never specify which she does :P

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