• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 908 Views, 13 Comments

Sold out for Sweets - RatChieftain

Alcoholic Anon armyfag meets Sweetie Belle.

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Chapter One: Negotiations

We finally had the means to travel across dimensions. We humans had initially resorted to the idea due to a shortage of resources on Earth. We tried to do things diplomatically, or so my superiors claimed. Needless to say, we failed and resorted to the only thing humans seem to be good at; war. The ponies were caught completely off guard. Resistance was futile, not that many of the ponies dared to even attempt to fight back. We set a pretty good example of those that did, much to my and their dismay.

It was just another day in this damnable pony land. I was sent with a few soldiers to search for some element-wielding ponies in a small town called Ponyville. Supposedly it was a last source of defense, according to the Princess, but we didn’t have to worry about it. Humans are highly resistant to the primary effects of magic, after all. The best they can do is blind us and throw spears or other things. Regardless, my superior wanted them in captivity; he did not want them to spark hope into the ponies. Upon arrival to Ponyville, the ponies automatically closed shops and locked themselves indoors. I had heard they were naturally skittish, but I didn’t think it was this bad.

Jumping down from the vehicle, I and a few others managed to kick in the doors to the town hall and demanded information from the mayor. Surprisingly, she told me everything I wanted to hear with little resistance. First stop was the tree house in the center of town. I rapped at the door, but there was no answer.

“Twilight Sparkle, I have a warrant for your arrest,” I say though a voice amplifier.

There was no response.

“At the count of ten I’m taking down the door,” I raise my voice.

There was still no response from the building. I kicked the door in, crawled through, and stormed the whole perimeter twice, a second time with thermal goggles just in case. Taking a swig of whisky from a canteen, I went back outside to meet with the others.

“Major Anonymous, according to the ponies at the bakery and the ponies down at the farm, they’re gone.”

“Do they have any information on where they went, private?” I ask, massaging my temples.

“Negative, sir. We tried everything. Apparently they just up and went. The cottage near the edge of the forest and the cloud home seem to be empty too,” he replies.

“And the boutique?”

“Well… I thought that-”

“What did I say about thinking, private?” I interrupt. “Damn it all, just set up camp and we’ll report to the Lt Colonel at 600 sharp, I expect you to be on your best behavior while I check the boutique at the end of town.”

“Sir, would you like me and some of the others to accompany you this time? I don’t suggest going alone. We still don’t know what these “elements” can do exactly.”

“Don’t worry,” You say patting him on the shoulder. “I’m pretty sure I’m big enough to take care of myself.”

“Yes, major,” he says, saluting, before turning to go check on the others.

I take another swig from the canteen. Sure, if I get caught drinking on duty I’m screwed, but I never asked for this. No one did, it’s all just a freak accident gone wrong. I had signed up to defend my country, not oppress a bunch of helpless little alien horses that piss themselves when they look at you. All for what? For their magic? They can’t even do magic once you take everything from them since it’s somehow connected with how they feel. And humans used resources making that damned portal in the first place.

“Sign up for this,” they said. “We made a terrible mistake and you need to defend your country—no, your world—from aliens that can control the weather and levitate and power objects at will," they said. If only my superiors would actually get over here and see for themselves how helpless and innocent they are.

A bit buzzed, I enter the boutique and start searching. I know I won’t find anything so I start raiding the fridge. Whoever lived here had expensive tastes, I see. No meat, much to my dismay but I do see some leftover alfredo pasta and veggies with lentil soup on the side. I sit my ass down on the undersized couch and dig in. It’s probably the best vegetarian dish I ever had, albeit a bit cold.

I stop as soon as I hear something. I set my food down and stand up, mindful of the low ceiling. I follow the muffled crying sounds to a room at the end of the hall. Upon opening the door, the sound abruptly stops. I walk through, quiet as possible, scanning my surroundings.

“I can hear you, come out with your… hooves up, I guess,” I say, sitting down on the bed, not in the mood for any fighting or resistance. I was somewhat able to stomach watching my boys clip wings and snap unicorn horns and whatnot, but I don’t have the heart to do it myself.

“I-I’m not in any trouble, am I mister human?” you hear a voice from under the bed, that of a young girl.

“No, no. You aren't in trouble. I’m just looking for an element-wielding pony or something. Are you her?” I ask not bothering to look at I was talking too. I swear, if the elements are children, I am walking right back through that portal right now.

“No, I think you’re looking for my sister. Did she do something wrong? Are you going to hurt her?”

“N-no, she didn’t do anything wrong. I just want to talk with her, that’s all. Do you know where she is?”

I avoid her second question. Whether or not we hurt her depends on whether she fights back or not, but I don’t want to tell a kid that.

“No, she left me here and left a letter.” Her voice cracks upon mentioning that.

“Shhhh, it’s ok kid. Do you have any parents?”

“No, they went on vacation and they're not allowed to leave Las Pegasus now.” She sounds like she’s crying now.

“Okay, okay. Do you want to come out from under the bed now?” I ask as softly as I can.

She does so. It’s a little white unicorn with olive green eyes and a curly pink and purple mane. She also seems disheveled and looks like she's been crying for hours.

“Kid, what’s your name?” I ask, smiling at her.

Her irises constrict in fear as they meet yours. “I-I’m Sweetie Belle, mister.”

“Now then, listen to me Sweetie Belle, I’m Major Anonymous and I want to be your friend. What I want you to do is to get that letter your sister left you. Since we both need her right now I’m going to help you find her.”

“R-REALLY?” she asks with another adorable voice crack

“Yep.” I smile.“Now come on, let’s go to the human camp in the park here. I promise you I won’t let any of those mean old humans touch you, you hear me?”

“O-ok Mister Anonymous.”

Upon exiting the building—I pick up Sweetie Belle and her sit on my shoulders. I scan the letter and things don’t seem to be looking too good. As I reach the camp one of my boys run up to me and salutes me.

“Sir, the colonel arrived a little while ag— Have you been drinking?” he asks, catching the scent of alcohol on your breath.

“Doesn’t matter,” I say, letting Sweetie Belle down. “Hey Sweetie, this man is going to take you to my tent and I'll be back with you in a jiffy and then we'll get you fed, alright?”

A look of worry hits her face. “Okay Anonymous, you promise?”

“Yep! Private, give her my share of rations and do not lay a finger on her, alright?” I get up and lean in towards his ear.“This is our ticket to finding the elements.”

He doesn’t give me a response at first, instead just looks at me and gives me a disturbed look.

“Sweetie? A foal...? Really?”

“Private, stop that shit before I tear your balls off. Now go,” I say, facepalming.

As I enter, the colonel doesn’t seem amused in the slightest. He must have gotten word that the elements have escaped.

“How dare you search alone, you have some kind of a death wish? Wait... are you drunk, Major? I expected better from you. You better have some leads or you’ll be on the first train back to Appleoosa in the morning. I’m fed up with your reckless behavior.”

First train to Appleoosa? Shit, if I had known I could get permission to go through the portal for doing what I do best I would have done it sooner. In fact, I could do it now, but what then? Drink my post-traumatic stress disorder away until I’m a homeless bum? I reluctantly hand him the letter.

“Sir, the elements left to go unite and get help from the surrounding countries. It doesn’t specify where they will go first so we have to act now if we are going to catch them. If they go east to the griffon province, west to minotaur empire, or far south to the land of the dragons we are going to be in for a hell of a ride.”

“Where did you get this, Major?” He asks, a bit skeptical.

“One of them left a letter for a relative.”

“Very good, Major. Now, since our forces are dense down south, I doubt they would go there first. What was up north, again? Crystal Empire? I doubt they are threatening, having been gone for one thousand years, but the only forces we have up there are the troops in Las Pegasus. We should intercept them before they get too far. Also, I’m taking some of your men so we can secure the border in all directions," he says. “Speaking of Las Pegasus, some ponies started to riot and we had to kill about one-eighth of the total population. Point is, don’t single yourself out again. You just never know with these ponies.”

“Yes, sir,” I reply, saluting him.

He returns the salute and I head back to the tent. I see Sweetie laying on my fold up bed. The way she looks at me, that twinge of hope in her eyes... It makes me feel terrible for what I just did, selling her sister out just so I can get money to drown my own problems in alcohol.

“Hey Sweetie, if anything happens, like… if your sister gets hu- if we don’t find her, I’ll take care of you until I get you back to your parents, alright?” I reassure her, hopeful that they're still alive.

“Thanks Anonymous. You’re a good friend. The others were wrong about you humans," she says, tackling me into a hug.


Author's Note:

Sweetie Belle is worst CMC.