• Published 14th Feb 2013
  • 3,172 Views, 195 Comments

Of Deadlines and Doppelgangers - MidnightDancer

Rarity needs help to complete a large string of orders. Who better to help the picky fashionista than herself?

  • ...

Dancing and Dodging

vector by me, source was Google

As Celestia's sun affixed itself to noon, two unicorns slipped into the spa like an agent's hooves into a cash box.

Tan lips breathed anxiously beside a white ear. "Are you certain we can do this?"

A reassuring smile from the snowy unicorn set her fears to rest. "Of course, dear. Now, remember—you are Scarlet, a friend from the fashion scene in Canterlot. Simple is best." The two shared a nod, and Rarity took the lead, gliding up to the pink mare smiling behind the counter.

"The usual, darling! Fluttershy should be along shortly, and my friend Scarlet will be joining us today. Be a dear and put it on my tab?" The non-question was answered with a wide smile and nod, Aloe noting down the cost before shooting off to join her sister in preparing the spa.

The tan mare settled herself gracefully on the couch, Rarity joining her. The two sat close together, the quiet hum of their voices soon filling the spa. Dark blue eyes occasionally flicked upwards to the door of the spa during their conversation, then over to the clock.

Rarity, Celestia help her, was nervous. Fluttershy, for all her introversion, was no slouch in the intelligence department; the white unicorn was truly concerned that they would be caught out. Of course, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, she thought, smiling at Scarlet's voice, but all the same... I don't want to lose her. As Scarlet's bright laughter rang out at some joke Rarity's autopilot voice made, something seemed to stir in the white mare's chest, and her eyes widened for the briefest moment before she regained her composure.

After all, she thought to herself, the world sorely needs more fabulousity.

The peach mare settled back into the mud, sighing contentedly. The warm sludge flowed around her body and the seaweed wrapped tightly against her coat, and she wondered idly why this was so relaxing. I suppose Applejack had a point. It is somewhat strange that I enjoy this mud and not others. Shifting around to get a bit more comfortable, she tried not to scrunch her eyes against the chilly cucumber slices lying on her eyelids, and focused most of her energy on listening.

"...and as I said, darling, I do think you should reconsider about the modeling. With this big boom in business, I may have to start putting on fashion shows, and I can't think of a better pony for the job." Rarity's cultured voice wafted to Scarlet, who smiled.

A squeak reached her ears, and she could almost see Fluttershy shrink down. "Oh no, Rarity, I couldn't. It was so... awful, last time." Tell-tale sounds of shifting, and a slight breeze against her face—Scarlet assumed Fluttershy was fluffing her wings nervously, as pegasi were wont to do. "A-anyway, you have Scarlet here now. I'm sure she would make a wonderful choice for model. If... if that's okay with you."

The referenced mare said nothing, merely arching a brow and waiting to see how Rarity would get out of this one. Scarlet shared Rarity's fears of being caught, and of course, those chances went up with the more ponies she was exposed to. Must be careful, she thought bitterly.

Knowing she could never be famous as "Scarlet" was a hard pill to swallow. Too many ponies, too many questions. Somepony would eventually notice that there was no birth record for a one "Scarlet the Unicorn" in Canterlot or really, any other city. She also realized that she would have to continue to live with Rarity for that same reason-a double edged sword to be sure. While staying at the Boutique was the only real 'normal' part of her life now, the strange feelings she got around Rarity were distracting and rather annoying.

She was pulled from her reverie by the gentle voice of Fluttershy once more. "A-and besides, Rarity, Scarlet is so much like you! You're both so refined, and talented, and beautiful..." She trailed off quietly with a squeak, and both unicorns sat perfectly still for a moment.

Musing on how fortunate it was that nopony could see them and read their startled body language, Scarlet spoke up smoothly. "Fluttershy, you are far too kind. I can assure you, however, that I wouldn't be a good choice of model. I'm far too picky to be told what to wear and where to stand. And have you seen some of those supposed 'fashion moguls'? The things they wear, my goodness! Between you and me," she leaned closer over the edge of her mud bath towards where the yellow pegasus was, "Photo Finish? She looks like a filly dressed up for Hearth's Warming in those ridiculously poofy dresses."

Gales of laughter broke the tension, all three mares relaxing almost audibly as more lighthearted chatter began to fill the spa.

Afternoon sunlight coated the peach mare's coat as she exited the spa, body visibly more relaxed and polished than it was merely two hours previous. Stretching herself out happily, she turned her face up to the sky, eyes sliding shut. I needed that in the worst way. Standing back up to her full height, she turned, smiling and clasping Fluttershy's hooves in her own. "It was ever so nice to meet you, my dear. I do hope to see you again."

Bobbing her head meekly, the shy pegasus returned the smile. "It was lovely, Scarlet. Um, you could always stop by my cottage for some tea, if you like. I-it's not much, but..."

Interrupting her friend, the other mare nodded. "Of course. I may just take you up on that."

Fluttershy beamed, nodding back. "O-okay. I'll see you later, girls!" With a wave of her hoof, she took off at a sedate trot as Rarity stepped up beside Scarlet.

"Oh, that simply makes one feel like a new mare, does it not?" Sighing contentedly, Rarity turned to Scarlet. "Now then, we do need to split up today. One of us must go with dear little Spike to collect gemstones, and one of us must go back to the shop to work on the orders. This has been a very nice diversion, but there is still much to do."

Rolling her eyes and feeling the good the spa did already ebbing from her body, Scarlet met her eyes. "Well, I suppose I'll take the gem-finding assignment. Doing those orders has been so tedious." Flipping her hair, she fixed Rarity with her-their, really-trademark smile.

Eyes widening a fraction of an inch, the white unicorn stood, speechless, for a moment. Heavens, is that what that looks like? I had no idea it was so... nice? No. Oh, what's the word... right. Unfair. She found herself nodding, almost against her own will. "Why yes, o-of course. I'll just... head back." She cleared her throat, shaking her head to clear it. "Spike should be waiting for you at the library. Just tell him I sent you along in my stead."

Flipping her tail, Scarlet nodded and trotted off, leaving a very confused and somewhat discomfited Rarity behind.

Rhythmic squeaking filled the air, the intrusive sound cutting through the quiet that surrounded the flat plateau the two creatures traveled. Dust rose from one set of hooves and one pair of clawed hindlegs, which only the owner of the hooves minded at all. Huffing and shaking a foreleg, Scarlet glanced forward to Spike.

"Is it much further, Spike? My hooves are positively aching. This cart isn't helping matters either." Giving her body a shake, she sighed in relief as she felt the harness shift slightly, the brown band moving back towards her haunches a bit.

Keeping his head forward, the baby dragon gave an exasperated eyeroll before peeking back at her over the brown pack slung over his back. "It's not that far, we'll be there before you know it!" With renewed vigor and pep in his step, Spike strode confidently across the dusty plateau, motioning for the unicorn to follow. "C'mon, I promise it's not that bad."

With a dramatic sigh, Scarlet picked her hooves up to keep pace with him. "I would prefer to start using my spell now, if you please. We could be stepping over pockets of jewels and never know it." Glancing ahead, she noted with no small amount of nervousness the worn down mounds of loose dirt drawing nearer. Shuddering, she added, "And I'd rather stay away from all that, if you don't mind terribly."

Blinking slowly, realization finally clicked for Spike. "Oh... heh. Guess Rarity told you about the Diamond Dogs, right? I don't think it's anything to worry about, because we showed them what a bad idea it is to mess with my favorite mare!" Chest puffed up, the little dragon allowed a cocky smile to surface. "And besides, I brought a bunch of stuff with me like paper and quills, so if anything happens, I can send off a letter and have my friends here in no time!"

Shaking her head, Scarlet stamped one hoof obstinately on the packed dirt. "Spike, I respect your dedication to planning and safety, but I am a lady and have no intention of mucking around huge piles of dirt that could topple at any moment. We are here to find gems, and find gems we shall." With that, she unhooked herself from the cart magically, trotting briskly past a befuddled Spike as she lit her horn again.

Spike was beside her again in a second, pacing along beside her and tugging the empty cart over the dry, bumpy ground. "Wow, you sounded just like Rarity there, Scarlet! I bet you two are—"

"I am not Rarity," she hissed, not even sparing a glance at the drake. Sensing a pile of gemstones, she distractedly followed her own magic to the spot.

Spike, somewhat dumbfounded, tried to catch up, unsure what he did to deserve such venom. "I-I'm sorry, I just thought—"

"Thought what? That it was a compliment?" She snorted, eyes rolling before fixing back to the ground.

Clicking his foreclaws together nervously, he nodded slightly. "Well... it kind of was..."

Shooting a glare in his direction, she held his emerald gaze with her matching one for a moment before sniffing haughtily. "I am my own mare, Spike. I don't need to be compared to... to her to feel good about myself." Levitating over a small rock, she marked a large X over the gem pile she had found.

"You're right. You're not like her." Scarlet looked back, surprised and wary of the wavering note in his voice. She met his gaze, and realized something rather important.

Spike was furious.

"The mare I know would never speak to me like that. The mare I know knows that I would never try to hurt her. And the mare I know is generous enough to at least p-pretend that I'm worth her time..." Those large green eyes, the windows to the heart and mind of the little dragon, welled with tears, and he sat down heavily in the dust as Scarlet merely stood, shocked.

Dropping the rock to the ground, she reached out a forehoof to him carefully. "I... oh, my Spikey-Wikey, I'm so sorry..."

"N-no. That's her name for me." Relaxing his fists from tight little balls, he slowly wiped his eyes with one purple claw, eyes trained on the X she had marked as he made his way resolutely towards it. "You don't get to use it."

A freezing lance of hurt passed through her body, her eyes widening and prickling with unshed tears as she watched the little drake dig furiously to the gems, leaving them in the hole for her to levitate to the cart. Instead, it was her turn to fall back to her haunches, staring down at her own front hooves and willing the tears to stay back.

What have I done?

Leaving the pony to wallow in her sadness, Spike huffed and began transporting the gems to the cart himself. Brows knitted, he listened to the sobs of the unicorn behind him, keeping his back turned. Trying his best to hold on to his rage, he dumped the pile of amethysts and rubies into the cart, the sharp clanking covering her sniffling for a moment. Sighing heavily, he looked down at the gems before shaking his head. "Look, Scarlet..."


Whipping his head around, Spike's eyes widened as he saw Rarity's friend beset from all sides by slavering, bipedal canines. His mouth worked, but no sound came out as he slowly removed his backpack and quietly picked through it. He spared a glance up again as he found his parchment and quill, and paused.

Head lowered menacingly, Scarlet's eyes seemed to positively glow as she eyed the dogs circling her. Gritting her teeth, she lit her horn with a sparkling light spell. Here's hoping they don't know a thing about magic. "Stay back, you ruffians! I am a trained mage!" While not technically a lie, Scarlet still felt her cheeks flush as her mind raced. Certainly, she knew some defensive spells designed to incapacitate a pony... but Diamond Dogs were much bigger and different physiologically.

"Pretty pony thinks she can hurt us!" chuckled the largest of the group, whipping his paw out to flick at her mane ringlets. Scarlet backed up at this, stopping just short of another dog, correcting herself with a leap forward to avoid his grasp. The ring of dogs was slowly closing tighter around her, her peach hooves stamping the ground desperately as she eyed them, letting her horn grow even brighter.


The largest dog turned at the sound, catching Spike squarely in his sights. "Pony has a dragon, eh?"

Taking advantage of this distraction, Scarlet turned and bucked into the dog's twisted back for all she was worth, rewarded with a satisfying yelp of pain. Seeing him fall, she took to her hooves again, attempting to jump towards Spike over his body. Feeling the wind on her coat after her jump, she allowed a small smile. We're going to get out of here.

Falling suddenly and much sooner than intended, Scarlet looked over her shoulder desperately to see the largest dog getting back up, her tail held firmly in his grasp. "Clever move, pony, but Diamond Dogs are smarter." A scream tore at her throat as he roughly yanked her back by the tail, his other massive paw coming up to cover her horn. "And if pretty little pony thinks she can hurt me with magic, I will snap her horn off."

Sobbing, covered with dirt, and beyond caring, Scarlet quivered in the dust. "I'll go! Just... leave the dragon alone. Please."


The largest dog considered this for a moment, sharp eyes roaming over his clanmates before fixing finally on the small dragon, who appeared to be scrawling something out on paper. Grabbing up Scarlet under one huge arm, he nodded. "Stop fighting, pony, and he will be safe." A mute nod was his reply, and he grinned, throwing Scarlet down the hole they had dug so silently earlier.


Panting, Spike began to repack his bag, looking nervously at the dogs. The largest one turned, evil glint in his eye. "Bring the dragon, boys."

Eyes widening, the little drake shook his head. "N-no! You told her I'd be safe!"

"And you will be, little dragon. But dragon is coming with us." With that, the leader leaped down the hole to follow Scarlet, leaving his minions to capture Spike.

Furrowing his brow, Spike belched out a tongue of sickly green flame at them, giving them pause. "F-fine. But I'm not coming quietly." The dogs chuckled, their bravery returning, as they circled the dragon. I can't keep this up forever, but maybe just until they get here...

Down below, Scarlet laid unmoving on the packed dirt. The dog landed beside her heavily, glancing her way. "Get up, pony. You need to find us gems."

Feeling her earlier anger come back, she stayed laying on the floor. "Maybe if you hadn't tossed me down here like a bit of rubbish to be thrown away, I'd be more convinced that you actually need my help."

Rolling his eyes, the dog rubbed his brow with one paw, feeling that this encounter with a pony was going to be difficult as well. "Pony is rubbish unless pony finds gems."

"I mean really, haven't you ever heard of asking first? I would have been more than happy to find the gemstones for you if you had merely asked first." Standing and brushing herself off as best she could, she glowered at the dog. "Honestly, you don't need to be so uncouth and simply take things that would be freely given if you just asked..."

Clamping a paw over her mouth, the dog rubbed his face. "No, pony. Okay? No. Start walking."

Huffing, the unicorn acquiesced, but yanked her muzzle from his paw. "And that's another thing. You cannot simply put your filthy paws on whoever you like. Why, I had a spa visit just this morning, and now look at me!" Dramatically extending a foreleg to sweep her entire body, tears welled up as a tiny poof of dust came up from her hoof. "I'm utterly ruined. Who knows how long I need to soak to look like me again?" Trotting forward again, she tilted her snout up disdainfully.

"It doesn't matter how pony looks, only that pony can find gems. Diamond Dogs don't care." His paw was still firmly affixed to his face, and he idly wondered why he even bothered with the ponies after last time.

Gasping, she ran ahead and whirled, facing him. "I don't care if you don't care! I can tell you don't care, given how filthy and generally unkempt you all are! But I care. I'm just not sure I can use my spell to its full potential when I feel so disgusting..." Her sharp green eyes peered up at the dog that was studiously not looking in her direction. "Is it really such a hindrance to request a simple bath after all you've put me through?"

Growling under his breath, he finally glared down at her. "Pony can have bath after pony gets some gems. Need time to make bath for such a posh little pony." Snorting, he smirked, mind already whirling with how he planned to let her 'bathe'.

"There. Was that so hard?" Tossing her tattered curls over her shoulder, she stood a bit straighter, trotting on beside the dog. Once her mane was out of the way, though, the light caught and glinted on her pendant. Lowering his paw, he grinned as the two arrived at a dank cell, opening the door for her.

"After you, pony." He gave an exaggerated mock-bow, and with a disdainful snort, Scarlet trotted in.

"Hardly well-appointed, but I suppose it will do..." She glanced around, taking in the damp walls and floors with a little moue of disgust.

The dog shut the cell door, beckoning her closer. Trotting to the bars, she tilted her head. "Didn't you want me to find gems? There's no bath in here, nor any gems, so I'm at a loss as to why you—"

Breath caught in her throat, she looked down at the feel of something brushing the fur on her chest. Her eyes met with the sight of that large paw wrapped around her grandmother's necklace. Slowly moving her gaze back up, she felt the tears prick her eyes again.

"I already found some gems here, pony." Grinning widely, he gave the necklace a tug. "I will keep it for you."

"I—no! Please, not that. It was my grandmother's... and I need it. I'll stay down here for a month if I have to, just don't..." She backed instinctively, and stopped immediately when she felt the pull of the delicate chain on the back of her neck. "Please, if you have any decency..."

The dog thought for a moment, eyeing the pony carefully. After a moment, he nodded. "Okay, pony. I will give it back... after you find enough gems for us." With a vicious snap, he tore the necklace from her, admiring the rubies set inside. So busy admiring it, in fact, that he nearly missed the flash of an enchantment coming undone. Looking up in shock, his sharp eyes took in the white hooves, the purple mane, the three diamond cutie mark...

He slapped a paw over his face, letting out an aggravated noise. "Pony stays there."

Before Scarlet could protest, the sounds of scuffling down the hall met their ears. "We have dragon!"

"Excellent. Put dragon in with prissy pony princess." The largest dog motioned to the cage angrily. "Pony tricked us. Leave to rot."

A purple and green lump was unceremoniously dumped next to Scarlet, jumping to his feet quickly and shaking a tiny fist. "You dogs just wait! Our friends will be here to break me and Scarlet out of here, just you wait! Don't worry, Scarl—" Finally looking at the pony in the room, his eyes widened hugely. "Rarity? They got you too?! Well, don't you worry, because I sent letters to Twilight, Celestia, and... well, to you. Did you get it?"

Scarlet sobbed.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry this took so long to get out. Hopefully, the life issues that kept me from writing this are allayed long enough for me to continue it.