• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,847 Views, 320 Comments

How the hell did this happen? Or should that now be hay? - Lucky424

Whilst on a special duty, a brony experiences a explosion that is not typical.....and sends him somewhere not possible.

  • ...

A nefarious plot, a Canterlot Clash.......and the fall

Over the next month I had settled in to a nice routine. I'd wake up around midday and go out to catch some meat, normally in the form of a rabbit. They never seemed to run, even as I would kill one of them each day. Man, Fluttershy is going to be pissed when she finds out. Whilst my breakfast was cooking, I'd carry on my exercises, getting to a point where two hundred press ups and two hundred sit ups felt like nothing, even having enough time left over to run up and down the hall. I had even managed to finish building my shelter.

It still wasn't cemented in, but it now reached the ceiling, and I had torn off one of the larger engine panels for the door. Every afternoon I'd head to my OP and watch the day to day life of Ponyville, seeing who did what, and more importantly, what time the guard started their patrols. I had found the clock early on, and only needed to adjust my watch by ten minutes, which was a little freaky. I continued to go in to the library at night to research things, mainly the local and national history. I had to use a different entrance each night, as Twilight was putting up spells on the ones I had used. It felt like she was testing my intelligence.

I'd always leave some sort of note in that book, and my friend in some new position. The screams died off after about a week, I'm guessing she was expecting this by now. Except for when it was in her bed!! The best scribble from her though was for my 'Don't forget you towel', and her thoughts were 'Is there going to be a flood, and how does he know?' That one made me laugh a bit. I had managed to get some apples as well, although avoiding that dog took time to master.

I had “acquired” some blankets and a couple of pillows to stay warm in my shelter, and also some unused window panes so that water could condense on them and I'd have fresh drinking water. It took me a while to realise that I was no longer in the Everfree Forest, but the Whitetail Woods instead. Whilst in my OP, I could hear a tremendous thundering heading my way, and I pulled out my pistol in case I needed to use it.

Turns out it was just the running of the leaves. The usual ponies we're at the front, Rainbow and Applejack competing as usual, just not as aggressive. Trotting, and bouncing, along at the back were Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. As they came past my tree, I froze hoping they wouldn't notice, but as they ran under, Pinkie gave a gasp as her mane and coat looked like she had entered a wind tunnel. I had no idea what this meant until they both looked up.


They both just smiled and carried on. I couldn't believe, they had looked right at me!!! But then I remembered that one was the Element of Kindness, the other of Laughter. They must have seen it as not nice to reveal me, and somehow it wouldn't make me smile. I had climbed down from my now barren tree once the last few stragglers had gone past, and looked for another hiding place. About a hundred metres down was a massive Evergreen, which would provide the perfect cover. Settling in, I waited for nightfall, and the librarian with OCD to leave with her assistant for the night. Knowing Pinkie Pie, there would be some sort of “Running of the Leaves” Party. I didn't know how right I was as I made my way in to town.......

“Ugh, why do I always eat so much cake?”

Twilight and Spike were walking back home from the party, with Spike holding his stomach. Twilight was gently swaying in the breeze, having had a bit more cider than usual. “I don know Spike, but be quiet in the morning! We've got an early shtart, as we're organising the Grand Galloping Gala tomorrow night.” Getting back home, she turned the light on and found the stick creature sat in a chair. Something was different about it this time, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it.

Shrugging, she made her way over to her research diary, expecting to see some new research and some more cultural references from the creatures home. It was not what she found as she read the words out loud.

“Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor colt, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

Mama, just killed a stallion
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooo
Didn't mean to make you cry
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everypony - I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
Mama, ooo -
I don't want to die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouetto of a stallion
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo Figaro - magnifico

But I'm just a poor colt and nopony loves me
He's just a poor colt from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
Never let you go - let me go
Never let me go - ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me
for me
for me

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye
So you think you can love me and leave me to die
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby
Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anypony can see
Nothing really matters - nothing really matters to me

Anyway the wind blows...”

As she finished reading the hairs on the back of her neck started to stand up. There was something eerie about those words, and it gave her a chill. Turning around she gave a slight gasp to see the stick creature was no longer sitting there. She relaxed, assuming that Spike had once again put it away, and was about to head off to bed something tapped her on the shoulder. She turned slowly and found herself looking in to the masked eyes of the creature, and her eyes went wide with fear.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH” Not thinking and just reacting, Twilight summoned her magic and shot a blast at the creature, sending it flying through the air and breaking the door on it's way out. Fearing that she had injured it, and not wishing to face it's retribution, she galloped to the door to offer her aid when her brain sputtered to a halt, it's reaction not being what she expected.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH” Seeing her horn start to glow, I knew what was about to happen, I just hoped it wouldn't have the same effect as on the wall. Not having time to move, the blast hit me square in the chest, sending me through the door and sliding along the ground for a good forty foot. I stood up and looked at the concerned mare in the door way.

“That......was freaking awesome!! We'll have do it again sometime!!!” I took off running as I felt a change in the heat around me. A quick glance back and the lavender mare was now white with a mane and tail of flames. I had time for one last thought before her voice caught up to me, causing me to run much faster. Congratulations. Your Twilight Sparkle has evolved in to a Rapidash!


Having made it back to the forest, I had started on my journey 'home' when I noticed something different about the forest. There was too much light for this time of night. Turning off my low light filters, I looked for the source of the light, and finding it, crept forwards to see what was going on.

Getting closer, I started to hear voices. Rough voices. That couldn't talk properly. There was only one set of creatures I knew talked like that. I was thankful that I had checked out those crates entirely, as in the bottom I had found suppressors for the rifles and the pistol. Grabbing the pistol, I approached the only guard I could see. I don't know if he was a dumb as he looked or if he was just asleep. I'd never find out now. I put the barrel of my gun right up to his eye and pulled the trigger. He dropped like a sack of shit. Peering in to the clearing, I saw ten more Diamond Dogs, and listened in to their conversation.

“Everfree too dangerous now. Something killed scouts with no trouble. It ruined body as well.”
Huh, guess they discovered their friends.
“We can't go to pony town while pony princess in power. There is one thing we must do.”
Diamond Dogs making plans? This I got to hear.
“We go to pony capital. We catch pony princess. Force her to work for us.”
You really think you can catch Celestia? She and her sister are really the only ones I truly fear.
“What of Elements Of Harmony?”
You're fucked, that's what of the Elements of Harmony!
“Dogs be in position for big pony party. They will get pony princess and Elements at the same time! And then we can go to pony town and take as many ponies as needed.”
Shit! I got to get to Canterlot, but I can't leave these creeps alive.
“I have cart for getting some prissy ponies from pony capital as well.”

Taking a closer look, I noticed that all of them had removed their armour and weapons. Must be some sort of trust thing. No weapons and armour means no fighting. Each other anyway. I had chosen to take the M4 that day, and I was grateful for it. Switching to auto, I took a few deep breaths before jumping out of cover. They looked at me in shock for a moment before they went to move. I just said a line from one of my favourite Sci-fi movies.

“How you doing? Hmm?”

A full magazine later and there were ten smoking smoking bodies on the ground. I needed more fire power. Starting to run at my new full speed, I made it to my rope in record time. Dumping my gear, I started the climb. Once back inside, I grabbed my backpack and started loading all the ammo I could carry. The side and top pockets were full of pistol mags, and the main pocket was full of M4 and Sniper mags. Picking up the Sniper, I made my way back down to the bottom of the cliff and collected the M4. Taking out the spent magazine, I put a fresh one in and racked a round. Time to catch a train......

It had been almost a full day. I had managed to sneak on to the train in the baggage compartment, and almost got caught at the few stops along the way when ponies got off. Making in to Canterlot in the early hours was a good thing, as there were few ponies about, just the milkman...stallion and the like. Finding a nice high building, I snuck my way to the top, and was rewarded with a good view of the castle gardens. Looking down, it appeared that the 'meet and greet' was going to take place outside this year, which was good for me, as I can't see through walls.

Early on in the afternoon, the Element Bearers had arrived to start setting up. I could see them conversing with Celestia and Shining Armour in the gardens, but there was no sign of Luna. I also had the feeling that I was being watched. No matter how many times I looked, I couldn't find anyone there. Shrugging, I went back to watching over the gardens.

“......so as I was saying, we found the bodies this morning when Pinkie Pie was going all crazy. We didn't know what had done it until Applebloom appeared having followed us. She told us that's what the Diamond Dogs looked like after 'Lucky' had dealt with them. They had placed the weapons and armour aside, which as you know means something big is going to happen. It is therefore my recommendation, as long as Shiny agrees, that we should increase security, for tonight at least.”

“Captain Armour, what do you think?”

“The truth, your highness? In light of this new information, I think we should cancel the Gala.” This earned a shocked gasp from Rarity, who was about to say just why they shouldn't do that when he continued. “But, it is too late now, so yes we should increase the Guard. I'll have unicorns on the wall, pegasi patrolling the skies, and the earth ponies patrolling the castle grounds. Do not worry, nothing will get past us.”

Little did he or anyone else know, that just under the ground ready to burst through, was a squad of five Diamond Dogs, patiently waiting to strike.

The evening came up quickly, with all the decorations being placed up, the tables being stocked, and the band had warmed up. It really was fascinating watching Octavia play the violin without magic, and I could've listened all night, but I had to keep focus.

As I heard a fanfare ring out, I put a round in to the chamber of the rifle. I could hear Celestia's voice, even at this distance.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts, I am pleased to welcome you to this years Grand Galloping Gala!”

As the stomping set in, I heard something thud behind me. Turning, I came face to face with a massive grey pegasus.......wearing golden armour. It let out a shrill whistle, and all of a sudden the rooftop was a hive of activity. Pegasi guards swooped down in droves, and unicorn guards winked in in flashes of lights. They had cut off my access to the stairwell, so I was trapped. As far as they knew anyway.

A brighter flash then the rest signalled the arrival of another guard, this one wearing purple and gold armour, with a deeper shade of blue feathers in his helmet. Captain Shining Armour.

“We knew you would try something today, after that mess you left near Ponyville. Lower you weapons and do not resit. The Princesses have some questions for you.”

Turning back to my sniper, I noticed Celestia about to introduce the guest of honour.

“And now fillies and gentlecolts, I present to you the guests of honour, The Bearers Of the Elements Of Harmony!!”

As they walked down the carpet amidst thunderous applause, I could see five separate mounds of earth pushing up. There they are!! “I'm sorry Captain, but I can not do that. Can you communicate with the ponies down there?”

“Yes I can, why?”

“Tell your sister to duck.”

At this he ran to the wall next to me and spotted what I had sighted on. A massive Diamond Dog was behind Celestia, and four others approaching the Element Bearers. I saw his eyes shut, and in the castle grounds the six ponies in the middle hit the floor. The Diamond Dog nearest to Twilight started to laugh loudly. What, you think they're cowering out of fear for you? I clicked the safety off and centred on his chest. There was a loud boom followed by some screams as the Dog was blown apart. I don't know what's in these bullets, but they don't stand a chance!! As the sniper was a bolt action, I cycled the bolt and ejected the spent casing, hitting Armour in the face with it. Three more shots and three more bodies hit the ground.

I swung the rifle to my last target and took my finger off the trigger. The last Dog had made it to Celestia and had its arm around her neck, using her as a shield from the guards.

“Stop!! I have pony princess!!! You do what I tell you now!!! Or things happen.”

“Armour, tell Celestia to close her eyes.”

“What? Why?”

“Just do it.”

Through my scope, I saw Celestia get a confused look before trusting her captain and closing her eyes. I placed my finger back on the trigger and started to take deep breaths. If I messed this shot up, I would be torn to pieces. The problem was I didn't have a clear shot. It would have to go though her wing.

“For what is worth, I'm sorry.” I pulled the trigger. Time seemed to slow, and I could actually follow the bullet through my scope. Time started to speed up again and there was a flash of blood followed by a scream from Celestia. More importantly, the Dog was now down. For good.

Taking advantage of the guards shock, I ran to the edge and jumped off, grabbing my rope in the process. I had to leave the sniper behind. Abseiling to the bottom, I undid the M4 from it, as I was using it as a weight to keep the rope from blowing around. Hearing screams just outside the alley I was in, I clicked the safety off and ran in to complete chaos.

There were two carts. A Diamond Dog stood guard at each one whilst the other twelve grabbed whatever pony that they could that was running around like a blue arse fly. Needing to get a clear shot, I removed the suppressor and fired at the first dog. They must have thought that once the Princess was secured, they wouldn't need armour. Little did they know what those five bangs were. The first dog dropped howling in pain, causing the ponies to scatter out of my way. I continued shooting until something impacted the backed of my head, making me loose my grip on the rifle and sending me to the ground.

Rolling over, there were three massive Diamond Dogs standing over me. I came to know these as 'berserker' class Dogs. The lead one lifted up its leg on brought it down on my visor. The glass cracked and I could fell liquid pouring in to my left eye. The HUD suite was down, but at this range I didn't need to aim. I pulled out the pistol and shot him in the face three times. Struggling to get back up, something impacted my abdomen, but I was too busy to be concerned. I looked to the next Berserker and fired four shots in to its face, dropping that one as well. My extra padding from the armour holder had been torn off in the melee.

Looking for the third one, I felt things slice in to my back as I spun, and something bit in to my right forearm causing me to drop the pistol. I fell to the floor with the third Berserker still attached and I thought of ways to get him off. With my left hand flailing around, it touched something I was not expecting. In the belt of the first Berserker was a knife. Stretching I managed to get a grip on it and pulled it free. Looking down at my attacker, I saw comprehension in his eyes as I shoved the knife between them. It let go and twitched once before it stopped moving.

Standing, which was a great difficulty, I picked up my pistol and turned to face the remaining Dogs. They had fled when I took down the second Berserker. Limping my way over to the carts, I approached the front to see who was driving. To my disgust, each cart had a unicorn chained to it. They must have been using their magic to move the carts. I approached the first one and told it to close its eyes. It did as I asked and I shot the lock off its collar, freeing it. I did the same to the other one.

Making my way to the back, I saw they were locked, but there was no key on either of the guards. The key holders must have fled with the rest. Shooting the locks off, I opened the doors to the carts. The ponies in both of them backed up even further, now fearing for their lives as well.

“You can come out now. You're safe.” As I made to back away, I heard a shout behind me. Coming in on the other side of the square was Shining Armour and a detachment of guards. I took off running. This was not my extraction route. I did not know what way to go.


My body was on the verge of giving out as I spotted some steps going up and headed up them. I was then running along one of the inner walls of the city. Coming near the end, I looked for a way down, I spotted one, but the guards had split up and intercepted me. Unicorns stood with their horns alight, the earth ponies were ready to charge, and the sky was covered in pegasi. On a rooftop behind them, I could just make out the princess of the night through my fading vision. It looked like she was smiling at me.

Shining Armour made his way to the front. “Just give up, there is nowhere else left to run.”

By chance I had made it around to the waterfall side, and I peeked over the edge. The drop must have been around two hundred foot, but people have dropped in to water from higher than that. Fair enough, they hadn't been through the wringer, but what the hell. I turned back to Armour and smiled. I stood as straight as I could and saluted him, then jumped backwards off the wall. A female voice followed after me.

“NO!!!!! AFTER HIM!!!!”

I could just make out shapes heading down to catch me, a rainbow blur in the centre. As the blackness finally crept over me, I had time for one last thought which caused me to smile as I heard the music. And it was rather ironic.

Author's Note:

For the last link, you'll have to watch the adds then skip to 6:33 for the planned comment.
I spent an hour just looking for that one clip, and I couldn't find it anywhere.
If you know where I can find it, let me know and I'll change it. Cheers.

Edit: Whilst playing one of my games I realised where I got the "That was awesome" bit for being sent flying.
Can any of you work it out?