• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 2,615 Views, 86 Comments

Power of Emotions - awdawfddsgse

Second person story featuring the unexpected powers that come to you after getting sucked into Equestria.

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Chapter 2

After a very boring lecture about most likely everything there is to know about Equestria and what lives in it, you were properly introduced to Fluttershy, the timid animal caretaker, Applejack, owner of sweet apple acres, Rarity, the elegant dress designer, and Spike, who as an egg was hatched by Twilight which apparently makes him her assistant/slave. After that, Twilight wrote a letter to her mentor, who was also the ruler of Equestria, explaining how she and her friends found you in a forest, and how you were intelligent and could talk, but had unknown powers that could possibly be dangerous.

Yeah, not sure how that is going to sound, just an unheard of creature that appeared out of seemingly nowhere with uncontrollable, possibly lethal powers. You thought to yourself.

You were now standing in what was Twilight's house that was also a library. You had gotten over the initial shock of everything that had happened. You were now feeling rather calm and collected now that you knew more about Equestria and who inhabit it. Spike had just sent the letter to princess Celestia via burning the shit out of it.

"Now that that's taken care of, how about we take you to meet the rest of our friends." Said Twilight.

"Sure, why not." You responded.

"Dear, your mane has changed color again. Its back to the light brown that it was when we found you."

"Good to know its back to normal. Now lets go meet these friends of yours."

Twilight opened the door and motioned for you to go through. You had to bend your head down a bit to get through it You stepped outside, and the rest of the group walked past you. You caught up with them and all of you walked in a horizontal line, blocking most of the path you were walking on. You remembered when girls did this at school and walked only half as fast as everyone else. Damn did it piss you off. Enough for you to occasionally say things like "hey bitches, mind walking any faster?" But in this case there weren't many other ponies on the path. The ones that saw you looked shocked, and some even scared.

"Lets introduce him to Pinkie first i bet somepony could use some cheering up. Or somehuman i guess it would be in this case." Said Twilight.

"Humans just say somebody or someone." You responded

She thinks you need cheering up? This is all new to you but to be honest your kind of enjoying it. Other than the fact that you will most likely never see your family and friends again. By family you meant your brother, Your mom had died of natural causes, and you had always hated your dad, he was such a horrible parent. You had never been to close to your sister either. And then by friends you meant your band, Tyrone and Jordan.

After about thirty seconds of walking, you could feel something was wrong. Something was going to hurt you. You could feel its presence closing in from behind, moving rather fast.

"Wait." You said.

Everyone stopped and looked and you as you stared straight ahead.

"Whats tha' mat-"

You turned around and reached your hand about six and a half feet from the ground, where you then grabbed a blue hoof. With one fluent motion, you used this mystery ponies momentum to throw them over your shoulder and slam them into the ground, their back to the ground. You then dropped on their chest with your other shoulder, knocking the wind out of them and pinning the pony under you under you. The whole thing took barely a second, and it was undoubtedly the most bad ass thing you've ever done. It took the others a bit to catch up.


"*Cough* g-girls help!" Said the Pegasus that was pinned under you while she was trying catching her breath.

"Mark what did you do!?" Asked Twilight. You were overflowed with a feeling of pure bliss from what you had just done.

"She was going to attack me Twilight. I'm not just going to stand there and take it." You said calmly.

You were positioned in such a way so that you could see your own hair. It had just finished turning black again.

"Wait your all friends with this thing? I thought it was trying to hurt you." Said the Pegasus under you.

"Yes Rainbowdash we are, this is mark, we will explain everything later. Mark this is Rainbowdash one of our friends. Now if you wouldn't mind..."

"Oh, right."

Your not sure why but you felt like you were now full of energy. Instead of just getting up off Rainbowdash you bent your legs, put your hands on her chest, and pushed off of her with your hands while you jumped with your legs. You shot up about two feet into the air, you then quickly slammed your knees into your chest, and balled up to make you spin. You always thought flips and stuff like that were bad ass, so you learned from YouTube videos how to do both a back flip, and to roll to break a fall. Yup, fucking YouTube. You finished your flip and opened up again preparing your legs to land back on the ground. Only you didn't. There you stayed, hovering about two feet from the ground.

"Um...how about you explain that now. How is it flying with no wings?" She emphasized "that" while pointing a hoof at you as she got back to her feet.

Damn, and you thought the others looked like they took a bath in a rainbow. This one literally had a rainbow mane and tail.

"I have...NO idea how i'm doing this, And its he, not it." You said.

You felt like you were floating on water, and you were loving every second of it.

"It must be another power like the teleporting from earlier. I'm going to try and control it."

You concentrated, imagining moving farther down the path you were on. No use. Your thought about how you felt. Like your floating on water, so maybe...you mentally pictured yourself doing a breaststroke. You were on a swim team when you were a kid, so you were a pretty good swimmer. The second you imagined it, you flew 20 feet in the direction you were facing, moving way faster than you could have ran. You did it again and flew another 20 feet.

"Okay i got this." You yelled back to your group.

Twilight had been giving Rainbowdash a brief explanation of how they found you and what had happened since. Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy had been watching you and were now stomping their hooves against the ground rapidly. I'll take that as the equivalent of clapping. You thought to yourself.

"Alright mysterious human!" Rainbowdash flew up to your eye level. "how did you know i was going to attack you, and exactly were i was, do you have eyes in the back of your head or something?" She asked.

"No, i just sort of sensed it. I felt like i knew exactly where you were and what your intentions were." You replied.

"I've got my eye on you! And you only beat me because i wasn't ready!" Said Rainbowdash

*Sigh* whatever makes you sleep at night. You thought to yourself.


You had been flying around for about three or four minutes. The whole time Rainbowdash had been speeding ahead thinking it was a race or something, while you were just doing loops and other tricks having the time of your life. However, the more fun you seemed to have the slower you went and the more you had to concentrate to stay floating. You were mid flip when you noticed your hair. It was now a very dirty blond instead of black. Another minute passed, and you could barely stay afloat let alone do flips and barrel rolls. You took another look at your hair. Still dirty blond, but not as dark as before. Noticing this made you loose your concentration. Resulting in a face plant on the ground. Rainbowdash, Applejack, and Spike all erupted in laughter. While Twilight was unsuccessfully trying to hide a her giggles, Rarity just stood there and looked at her friends, and Fluttershy flew to your side.

"Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" Asked Fluttershy

"How rude of you all! Mark might be hurt, and here you all are laughing at him. Said Rarity.

"I'm fine, only a punch in the pride. Thanks." You replied.

You imagined yourself swimming upward to get yourself levitating again, but nothing happens. You did a back flip with ease, but fell back to the ground.

"How do you do that?" Asked Twilight.

Cool I impressed someone for a change. You thought to yourself.

"Not a lot of humans can do it, it takes a lot of practice. But i cant seem to fly anymore" You did another flip with similar results as the last.

"Just walk the rest of the way, its right there." She pointed a hoof toward a building about one hundred yards in front of you that looked like a giant gingerbread house.

You went back to walking and quickly the last of your adrenaline and happiness died out. You could always see a bit of your bangs in your vision at all times, and it was hard not to watch as it turned from blond to brown fairly quickly.

"Here we are!" Said Applejack.

You watched as she kick the door with her hind legs twice. Wait why the hell is she kicking it? Is she trying to break down the door or knock? Your question was answered when a pink earth pony open the door.

"Hey girls! Ho-*GASP*" she noticed you, and defied gravity raising up to your eye level as she gasped.

Not sure how thats possible but okay you're just going to roll with it.

Twilight used her magic to pull her down, she then whispered something in the pink ponies ear. Even though she was whispering you could slightly hear her, and make a out a couple syllables.


"Okie dokie lokie!" Was her response.

"Mark this is Pinkiepie. Pinkie this is Mark, he is a human." Said Twilight.

"Yourahumanohmygoshthatssocooliveneverseenahumanweshouldthrowapartyoopsiwasntsupposedtosayanythingaboutthat!" She said at an incomprehensible rate.

"Um...what?" Was your response.

Twilight covered pinkies mouth with her hoof and whispered something in her ear again. You could hear it a little better this time.

"...rise...kie...pony...stand...you...that fast."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinke She said once again."

Spike all of a sudden belches loud as fuck, and a letter appears out of nowhere. The fuck? Twilight then levitates it up to face and begins reading.

"Theres no time to explain, Mark we have to get back to my house! Bye girls!" shouted Twilight as she began running off towards the direction you came.

"Twilight wait whats wrong? What did the letter say? Whats happening? Damn it i hate not knowing whats going on!"

For a small animal, she sure can run fast. And now my hair is turning white again. you thought to yourself.

"Sounds important whatever it is. Ya' better give chase." Said Applejack. Twilight was already a good distance ahead. With the head start she got you probably couldn't catch up, and could lose her when she turned a couple times. You stared a few feet in front of her wishing you were there when...You're staring at yourself from far away, with blue tinted vision. This is all too familiar you knew whats happened and were you now were. Your other self burst into a cloud of white smoke and your vision lost its blue tint.

"Uhg!" Twilight rammed straight into you, knocking you on your back , but you cant really blame her. You did just teleport inches in front of her.

"What, how did yo- just never mind. Princess Celestia is Probably already at my house waiting to meet you!

Guess that's what was in the letter.

"Alright lets book it then!"

"Lets what it?

"Just get off me and lead the way."

You thought you saw a slight blush on her face as she got up and continued running.


The library was in your view, and both you and Twilight were panting heavily running towards it.

You made it to the front door and Twilight immediately kicked it open and shouted "sorry were late!"

You bent your head down and stepped through the doorframe. There in the middle of the room was a Large white alicorn, with a long, colorful, mane of many colors, that you knew was princess Celestia. She stood almost eye level with you, being about an inch too short. Beside her stood a smaller, but still taller than the average pony, blue alicorn with a Darker blue mane that seemed to sparkle with stars. You had to admit, compared to the other ponies, these two were pretty intimidating.

Author's Note:

Just a heads up. I plan on using music in the next chapter. Mark is a musician after all! Don't freak out, you don't need to listen to it, i just think it will help you understand whats up if you listen to the song once and truly listen to the lyrics. Also if anyone wants to be an editor of a proofreader it could really help. Thanks -mac