• Published 18th Feb 2013
  • 956 Views, 26 Comments

Arcadia - Sir Alexander Wolfgang

Paradise, is not always as simple as it seems. Nothing is as it seems. Let Spike and Twilight show you.

  • ...


Applejack could not sleep on this night. For several things weighed down on her mind. There was a trip to the Mycenaean's tomorrow. Those parasitic bastards. And tonight she lay next to her sister. Holding her close, trying not to let go. She didn't want her to ever live out of her reach again. Because she knew her time was limited. And if it meant the younger girls happiness, then she would succumb. She hugged the young girl as they slept, holding them close to her. Soft breath brushing across her forearm.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She was unsure if it was blood or genuine tears. But it did not matter at the moment. All that mattered was that she was close to her sister. The soon to be last living member of her family. Applejack shut her eyes once again. She wanted sleep to find her. But it would be many hours of lying there, before she would lose her self in it. Just lying there, next to Applebloom. She tried to think of ways she could tell her sister, that she wouldn't be around for her anymore. To tell her "Don't look," when she finally dies. She held Applebloom tighter, trying to manage these thoughts. And finally, she dropped into sleep.

She dreamed she was in a field. One very cool, but warm, and embracing at the same time. She looked up. There was a tree above her. An apple tree. She took a single apple, one that seemed superior to its brothers. It felt weightless. She sat, leaning against the tree's trunk, and took a single bite from the apple. She smiled, and looked across the land. She didn't want to wake up. But you almost always wake up.

Twilight was reluctant to sleep. The true fear of the dream she had the other night was really just now, sinking in. When it finally wrapped around her she found her self in the same field she was in the night before leaving the ship. But in the distance she saw a hole in the ground. A large rectangular hole, horizontal to her position. She stepped forward, realizing she was nude as her foot glided across the green grass. Surprisingly she did not feel exposed. She walked closer, and closer. Until she regretted it.

In the hole were the rotting corpses of her companions, and that of Applejack. The buzz of flies over whelming. The stink of the bloated mass' of flesh, pungent and assaulting to the senses. She looked past Spike's body to the left, and found an empty spot. She closed her eyes. Full of fear, and disgust. Why was she having these nightmares? Was there something subconscious ripping her apart? There must be. She had never even thought of these things before but her dreams were full of it now. Why?

Her eyes opened again, and instead of the rotting bodies of her friends, she found the wooden ceiling. With a sigh of relief, she tossed her blanket aside. Looking at the window, she saw the light shining in and she was grateful. With a sigh she dressed her self, prepared for another day of work. She made her way down, surprised that she had not seen Applejack. She decided that she might as well rest before the day began, and sat on the couch. Dim light filling the room. She reflected on the dream she had just experienced. Maybe she should have brought a book on dreams.

Behind her she heard the heavy feet of the massive man who seemed to just lumber about. He took his place in the love seat to the right of the couch. His wide frame taking up the entirety of the seat, his face still in its wraps as always. Twilight decided it was best to entertain her mind somehow.

"So, um. What's your name? I've seen you around but I don't think I ever caught it."

His gaze shifted in her direction. His one visible eye holding her in view.

Twilight motioned for him to speak.

He did not.

"So you don't talk much, do you?"

"Don't talk ever." Applejack said, stepping off the final step of the stairs. Applebloom was at her side, rubbing her eye.

Twilight looked at her. "So, he's a mute?"

"Yep." she walked into the kitchen.

Twilight stopped a moment. Thinking, before she turned to face the towering man. "Ya' know I'm pretty good with magic, so I bet I could make a voice for you."

He said nothing.

"I'll take that as a no." She entered the kitchen.

"You want I should get started on the work?" Twilight asked raising her voice just enough for the other to hear.

"Yeah, but hold on. We're goin' ta' town today."


"Yes. Some of them folk are comin' for their apples, and we're headin' in with 'em."

"Oh, okay. May I ask why?" Twilight asked, excited to actually see the people she was going to be helping.

"Well, for one I like to take a break from the farm sometimes. For two they've asked to see ole Mac over there."

"That's great!"

"I guess. Their ox carts ought'a be here soon, so in a minute why don't ya'll use your magic ta' move some of them baskets out front."

"Sure, I'll hop to it," just as her hand touched the door leading outside, she stopped."Hey Applejack."


"I've got something else to ask you."

"Well spit it out, would ya' kindly."

"The man who sent us, real weird guy, he said that some of the mycenaean were helping you. That wasn't true was it?"

"Of course it aint."

"Sorry. I just needed some kind of confirmation. I mean, poor starving villager's wouldn't have ox carts."

"Yeah, that's 'cause they aint poor and starvin'. I shoulda' told ya'll this already, but I aint helpin' them 'cause I'm kind. At least I aint no more. They're some greedy bastards, I tell you."

"That's, a far cry from what we were told. I can't believe I didn't piece this together sooner. Are you sure they're okay? I mean-"

"Wait 'til you see them roll up in their carts. Then tell me who has the muddy end of the stick."

"I-I'm sorry, I was told they were suffering. Starving even."

Applejack, remained in the kitchen, probably preparing some sort of breakfast.

Twilight took her leave, ready for the chore at hand.

The cool morning air was crisp, filling her lungs. She stepped to the barn door, the eary windpump's creaking making her hurry along. Inside, the apples were stored. Each one in a large basket, towards the back. Each with basket holding a multitude of apples ranging from bright red's to deep yellow's. A purple mist covered them, as Twilight began her task. She stepped aside, letting the train of baskets move past her, as she delicately carted them out with her magic. When all of them had settled, they were in the shape of a large, half-circle. Placed as if to be a barrier when the mycenaean arrive.

As the last basket left her mist, an apple lingered. It floated towards her hand, and then into Twilights mouth for the first bite. Accompanying the crunch of the fruit being ground by her teeth, was the creak of the farm door. Out stepped Applejack, this time with out her young sibling.

"Breakfast is almost done. An' thanks for moving them apples."

"Hey, no need to thank me. I'm just doing what I came to do."

Twilight nodded, finishing her apple. She contemplated summoning Danial. But she decided to at least make contact with these people first. She remembered breakfast, and walked in prepared for more apples.

Spike woke being, politely shaken by Fluttershy, his eyes snapping open.

"Sorry, to um. To wake you, but it's time to get up." Fluttershy said, unsure.

"Yeah, no worries." He sat up, hair sticking everywhere.

Fluttershy stared at him.

"I'm getting up Fluttershy," he said, sternly.

"I-I know. Twilight just wanted me to make sure you got up."

"Well I am."

"I know."

"Well, move."

"Sorry." Fluttershy moved out of the room, closing the door. Seeming worried that she had offended Spike.

Spike sighed. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, and stood, stretching. He dressed himself, leaving off his jacket for the time being. His gun, he left in his bag, under his bed. He went down stairs hearing nothing but a low grinding noise. Yawning, he stepped into the dining room. And instantly regretted it.

The table was gone, and Mac sat in a chair squeezing Applebloom's hand, his huge fist getting covered in her blood, as the wet snaps of bone overcame the monotonous creaking of the farm house. She looked at him square in the eye, unblinking. Spike stepped back. Mac turned his head to face him. The giant stood up, and began to approach him. Spike felt for his gun forgetting he had left it upstairs, he tried to run, only to be jerked to the floor by Mac. He could see him, towering over himself like the day he arrived. He felt shaking. He closed his eyes, prepared for the end.

His eyes snapped open, and the sight of Fluttershy jerking back made him sigh in relief. It was only her.

"I-I'm sorry Spike, I ju-, Twilight wanted me to make sure you're up." Fluttershy said, almost thinking she would be yelled at.

Spike sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Uh, breakfast is ready too. It looks real good, uh."

"Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm up."

"Oh, okay." She stood staring, her head down.

"Why are you still here?" Spike asked, voice growing with agitation.

"S-sorry, Twilight wants me to make sure you get up." She hid her face behind her hair.

"Well, I'm up." He swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

Fluttershy left, fearing she had been bothersome.

Spike stood, stretching himself, listening to the cracks of his joints. He dressed himself, leaving off his jacket. He reflected on the dream he had just had. He only remembered snippets, but what little he did terrified him. He felt it best to take it with him, and shoved it in his pocket. Hopefully his breakfast would not be so frightening, but you can never be to safe.

Author's Note:

Welp, here it be. The seventh chapter. Please criticize, and do all that shit I'm always asking for. By the way, they ARE going to see the Mycenaean's in the next chapter. Don't worry.