• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 12,437 Views, 308 Comments

Flutterling - Princess_Celestia

Fluttershy is not what she appears to be...

  • ...

Just another day

Fluttershy was feeling very content lately. The squirrels had new babies, the cricket's song was especially cheerful... life was truly wonderful. Whenever she felt this content, she always felt like she could do anything if she put her mind to it.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy said, her keen senses picking up the sound of a struggling bunny. Instantly, she flew from the cabin, heading straight for the river. It seemed a beaver's dam had broken, as the river was much higher and faster than usual. She spotted a tiny baby bunny struggling to stay above the water. It continued to be swiftly carried down the river, which she knew ended in a waterfall.

"Oh... oh dear!" She flew down, trying to get a grip on the little bunny with her hooves, since it was too small for her to risk getting a grip with her mouth, especially with the hectic pace of the river water. However, the rushing water meant that she didn't have enough time to safely scoop the bunny up!

Again and again, Fluttershy flew down and back up, trying to safely retrieve the bunny, but no matter how many times she tried, the bunny was either moving too fast for her to safely grab, or her hooves would slip. "Oh Fluttershy!" She chided herself "Why do you have to be so bad at this?". The happy feeling from earlier had completely left, filling her with two emotions: The desire to save the bunny, and shame for not having saved it already.

Over and over, she tried. Again and again she reached down, only to have her hooves come up empty. She redoubled her efforts, until she saw a waterfall coming up, and realized just how far the bunny had already been swept. She concentrated all her power on saving the bunny. Unknown to Fluttershy, a soft emerald light began to glow above her head. It grew, until the shape of a wicked-looking, large, jagged horn was visible, protruding from her forehead. Slowly, the glow began to wrap itself around the bunny, and was no effort on Fluttershy's part, the bunny was lifted up, and placed gently down on the shore.

Fluttershy was so relieved and confused at once, she didn't watch where she was going. With a loud thud, she slammed headfirst into a tree. A moment passed, as the tiny bunny hopped up to its motionless savior. When she came to, she was looking up at the little bunny she saved, as it sat on her. "Oh.. good, you're okay..." Fluttershy muttered, completely dazed. As her mental faculties began to return, she remembered what happened. "H...How did I do that?" She said, sitting up quickly. The bunny tumbled off her chest. "Ah! I'm sorry!" she said, catching the bunny with a hoof, and setting it down gently on the ground.

She slowly stood up and tried to put her thoughts together. She'd never head of Pegasi ever having that kind of magic before. "I... I should go speak to Twilight." She said, nodding to herself. "She'll know what to do..." She began to walk back towards Ponyville, only looking back to see that the bunny had hopped away. She knew that bunny's family, and knew that it would be found quickly, though she wished she could deliver it to them. She felt that finding out what happened was very important though, and she didn't know why.


Twilight was reading yet another dusty old tome, this one titled The Ins and Outs of Pegasus Relocation Theory. It was an ancient book, written before the uniting of the pony races, when Unicorns thought Pegasi were birds and had to fly south for the winter. Twilight shook her head as she read, silently muttering to herself. Some of these old tomes were interesting, but this was just painful for the librarian to read. This whole period of their history, when ponies were measured by their species instead of by the pony's own merits...

A quiet knocking on the door was enough to make her look up. She closed the book, a little happy to not have to finish it, and called out. "Come in!"

The door slowly pushed open, and Fluttershy quietly stepped in. "Oh, were you reading? I'm sorry, I'll just go..." She said, turning back around.

Twilight sighed and walked over to her. "No, it wasn't a very good book anyway. What do you need, Fluttershy?" She said, smiling gently. Fluttershy hesitated, then turned back around, looking at Twilight for a moment, before responding.

"Twilight... can pegasi... use magic?" She managed to ask, quietly.

Twilight looked confused. "Um, well, they have their own brand of pegasus magic so they can influence the weather, but I have the feeling that isn't what you're talking about." She responded, "What brought this up?"

Fluttershy stood quietly, feeling very self-conscious. She slowly explained what happened, as Twilight listened carefully. Twilight's expression changed as she listened, going from curious to bewildered. "Well..." Twilight began, "It's possible you created a strong air current to save the bunny without realizing it..." Twilight began, slowly, "Because I've never heard of a Pegasus using Unicorn magic."

"Oh... I see..." Fluttershy said, "Thank you." She turned around, about to leave.

"We... could run a few tests, if you'd like, though." Twilight continued, noticing Fluttershy's reaction. She had no idea why this was bothering Fluttershy so much, but she knew not to make light of something like this. Besides, her other theory was flawed. No pegasus magic she knew of ever caused an aura to appear, that kind of magic was firmly in the realm of unicorn magic. Fluttershy seemed worried, but the fact that her friend was willing to help her in this made her feel a bit better.

"T...Thank you, Twilight." She said, smiling softly.

Moving deeper into the library, Twilight began pulling out various books, as Fluttershy looked on. It was going to be a long day, they could both feel it...

Author's Note:

Oh no! What could be happening to Fluttershy??

Well, I guess the title and description give it away, whoops.

Anyway, this first chapter was written in a rather short amount of time over four days, but hopefully it flows well. Be sure to leave any criticisms you have in the comments so I can refine this chapter a bit.

This will probably be the shortest chapter in the story, as it's mostly a prologue.