• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,335 Views, 53 Comments

Just Who Should I Be? - ElementOfHope

What should I do? Do I live my life here in equestria without a care in the world...or do I live in fear of the only reason I have for being here?

  • ...


A cold chill ran through my spine. I could feel my body moving, but I wasn' controlling it. That wasn't the only thing that was different. The biggest difference was that I was back in my own world, in my own body, on two legs. No matter how much I tried I couldn't stop myself from moving. It was like my body was on autopilot yet my mind and vission were still free. Knowing this I did my best to inspect my surroundings to try and make sense of this bizarre turn of events.

"I" was walking down a dark hallway with a line of windows off to the side. It was the dead of night and the moon barely lit up the hall. Around me were signs of destruction. Bits of cloth hung from the walls where tapestries must have once hung along with picture frames of various sizes. Piles of rubble decorated the torn rugs that may have been red in the past. The ceiling looked as if it could cave in at ant time and that was exactly what happened farther down the hall. Dust and webs made it clear that no one had been here for a very long time.

"This place," Echoed my thoughts, "It looks so familiar..." Before I could finish my thought another voice, faint at first, began to make itself known.

"This place sure is creepy."

( It was a very familiar voice)

"No Alan, creepy or not you came here for a reason..."

(it was my own voice)

I paused, as if trying to remember why in the world I would ever think of setting foot inside the old abanoned mansion.




(to justice)

"...to justice!" I drew my sword and made the most heroic pose I could.

(That's right...this must be that night. Which means that this was the last time I was in my world before I was sent to Equestria. This was my memory of that night played like a movie from my eyes. Ealier my memory of this night was hazy at best but now I can finally remember what happened that night. I knew there was no way I could be sent back to my world so easily. This was nothing more than a dream and in reality I was still back at Applejack's place, asleep in her guest room. Nothing to do now but let the memory play on)

I practiced swinging my sword to try and picture how a fight with a witch would go. While there is very little magic around these days the concept of a witch had never been heavily explored, much less the powers one could posess.

The town I was staying in asked me for their help the other day. A witch named Aura had been causing trouble for the people. She would steal food, turn people into giants, and even juggle cats and dogs. Most of what she did was nothing more than childish pranks but the towns people couldn't take it any more so when I showed up in town with a sword they jumped at the chance to hire me to help them with their witch problem. Truth be told I hadn't had this sword that long though. I bought it because it looked really cool and it was the first real sword I had ever seen considering that in a modern world like today swords were a dying breed. I figured as long as I could make her leave before things got too dangerous then she wouldn't find out how much of a novice I was and if i had to, I would fight her. I wasn't planing on going too far but...if I did defeat her...

(That's right, looking back at this now I can clearly see just how foolish I was. I had no experiece fighting a witch at all and I actually thought I could do something? Why? Why was I tring to do something so stupid? I knew the answer but...)

"The people are counting on me." I said aloud now feeling proud. "If I can help them then they'll be really greatful and maybe I could even stay out here and..." I paused. "No...they would just get borred or anoyed by me sooner or later. If I stayed too long they would realize Just how borring I am." I looked down the other end of the hall. "I could just go back right now and forget these fantisies I had but..." I shook my head "I gave them my word. Not only that but there's no way I can know that's what my future holds."

(Heh...I guess I am Pretty hopeful)

The walls grew worse in damage as I continued down the hall. Instead of just torn pictures, the walls themselves crumbled. It was a miricle that this mansion could even still stand. I kicked up a rock which then fell down a hole in the floor. Unlike the rest of the mansion the hole seemed like it was unnatural. it was a perfect circle as If it was man made.

"...Or magic made." I looked down in the floor. I could see a faint, purple light. " That must be her."

(Before "I" jumped through the floor I noticed the moon for some reason. It's light shown through a wndow making the hall a little brighter. I don't think the moon was that bright that night but still, it looked very nice.)

"Hm? What was that?" I said hearing a faint noise off in the distance. It sounded like glass breaking.

"No turning back now." I said, my heart now picking up the beat.

The hall wasn't very long and in a few minutes the light that was faint at first was now a lot brighter.

"This is it." I said reading the name plate that read, "Aura," in playfull letters. "Oh boy..." I said with a sigh before opening the door.

(Just as "I" was about to open the door something...odd happened. It felt as if the world around me began to ripple like a river hit by a stone. My vision momentarily blurred but the other "me" pressed on, uneffected by whatever just happened.

"What was that?" I thought regaining controll of my sight. "That didn't happen before.")

I turned the door knob slowly, not expecting what I was about to find.

"Argh! Why is there so much glass? It was jus a little tea cup." Ranted a girl in the middle of the room. In her hands she had a broom and a dust pan. She was angrilly trying to sweep up bits of glass. She didn't notice me for a while before I accidentaly stepped on one of the bits of glass.

"Huh? You!" She said turning around, "It's about time you showed up! I was starting to get really bord." She said

Finally I had a good look at her. She had bright crimson red hair with silver highlights and her eyes were an orange red color. She was wearing a black coat over a long silver dress. Adorning her neck was a necklace with a bright puple gem that looked like it was glowing for some reason. By the looks of it she also looked like she was around my age too, nothing like how I pictured a witch to look like.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked

"It's exactly what it means Al! You took 30 minutes from the time you showed up to right now when you finally found me."
She said sitting down in a chair.


"Yeah. It's short for Alan."

"You know my name?"

"Of course. You said you're own name a few times while you were looking for me."

"You knew I was here the whole time?"

"Duh! This is my mansion...or at least this part where it's all nice and not gloomy and destroyed." She was right, the room we were in was nothing like the rest of the mansion. It looked like a normal room with two chairs, a book case full of books, and a table in front of a fireplace.

"So then does that mean you're..."

"Here, sit down." she said motioning to the other chair. I did as she said and sat down while she made a hand motion to the table. "Tea time!" She said before, out of no where a teapot and two cups of tea appeared. She then poured tea into both cups and picked up one to take a sip. "You were saying?"

"You are Aura then?"

"Yeah, isn't that why you came here? To meet the famous and beautiful witch Aura?"

"Yes and no." I said staring at the tea in the cup I picked up. "The people from town sent me." I said.

"Is that so?" she said. "What for? Did they send you here to lecture me about all the stuff I did today?"

"No," I said setting the cup down and standing up. "The towns people can't take you're pranks any more and they sne tme here to tell you to leave."

At this Aura's cup stopped inches from her lips.

"If you leave right now and appologize maybe they will reconsider." I said tying to lighten the mood.

"No." She said her tone now growing serious. "I bet the sent you here to get rid of me for good. That's why you're here! "she said with her cup trembling in her hand. "They don't understand me so they want to just get rid of me! For what? Just a few little pranks? It's their fault for not letting me live in peace! Always shunning me and calling me a witch!" she threw the cup against the wall. "I think you should leave now Alan."

"No." I said. "You are the reason the live in fear. They will never live in peace untill something is done. I tried to be reasonable but now," I said drawing my sword. "I'm telling you to leave!"

"Alan you have no idea who you are messing with. Out of respect and since you actually took the time to talk to me I am LETTING you go. Please just leave or you will find out exacly why they fear me." Seeing that I wouldn't move she spoke again. "Then you ARE just like them." She walked towards me and stopped a few feet away. "Staff!" She shouted making a staff appear.

"I am nothing like them Aura! If you just let me I can help you."

"Shut up! All people are the same! There is no reason I should trust them or you." She lifted the staff which began to glow pupple like her necklace. The light then moved to the sword I held, making it lift out of my grasp. "Why else would you bring a sword here?" She motioned her hand in front of the sword. The sword twisted and bent untill it formed into the shape of a big metal bow. "There! At least now that horrible thing looks a lot better. Now for you."

I backed up as far as I could untill my back hit the book shelf.

"How about we make you into a little bow now?" Before I could think I grabbed a book and threw it at her hitting the arm she hled the staff in. Caught off guard she dropped her staff which I reached out and picked up. "Do you really think you can use that against me?" She made another, identical, staff apear. "You don't even have any magic." She said swinging her staff making a creast of magic shoot towards me. I jumpped and barrely dodged it.

"If I don't think of something quick I'm toast!"

"...And I'll serve you with butter and jam!" She said before lfting her staff. "levitate!" Before I knew it I was liffted off the ground, upsidedown. "This is the end of you're chapter!"

"What do I do? This staff is useless. I bet it's only good for...throwing...hm." If I was realling going to do this then I would have to time it just right.

"Foolish boy who never learns.." Have to aim just right. "leave this place and never..." Now!

In one quick move I threw the staff which struck her other staff before she could finish her sentence. Both now flew across the room hitting a wall. Even though she didn't finish the spell, her staff surged with magic before finally shooting a beam of light that scatered across the room bouncing off the walls.

"Ah!!!" Aura screamed after being hit by the first beam. She was pushed with enough force to put her against the wall. I didn't have enough time to see what happened to her because in the next second I too was hit.

(This was when "I" blacked out)

I opened my eyes and tried to stand up again finding that I was no longer in my old body. I was back to being a pony.

"So this was how it all happened." I said aloud looking around the room. The other beams of magic left the room in ruins. I looked around trying to see what happened to Aura when they fell upon a figure slumped against the wall. In that instant all the blood seemed to drain from my face.


My voice was cut off. Yet again a ripple swept through my dream. This time it was stronger. The room around me began to fade away. I looked behind me expecting to see Aura but she was already gone. I rushed out of the room as fast as I could but I was too slow. The mansion was gone and nothing remained except for a lone, out of place, door.

Pushing the door open I looked through it. There was nothing but mist, fog, and more fog. For some reason I could still see the moon.

"Why is the moon still here when everything else is gone?" As if hearing my question the moon grew brighter untill I had to shield my eyes. When I opened them I spotted a lone figure walking through the fog.

"Who are you?" This was all I could think to say.

"I," the figure said stepping out of the fog into view, "was about to ask the same question to you. I know I have been gone for a thousand years but most ponies usually still recognize who I am.

A tall midnight blue pony stood before me. She had a long flowing mane and tail that resembled the night sky filled with stars. On her back rested a pair of wings which must have meant she was a pegasus like Fluttershy but upon her head in front of a dark crown was a horn. There was no mistaking it. Her cutie mark was of a cresent moon surrounded by bits of the night sky. The same moon was also emblazoned on her neckware.

"Oh...right! I know who you are. Silly me." I said which was obviously a lie. If Applejack heard that she would give me a talking to. "Wait, this is a dream. How should I know who you are?"

"I see. So you were lying. I may be in your dream but that does not mean I am a dream. As a pony you should know who I am and how I am here."

"Well...I..." Before I could voice my excuse the world around me started to fade too. The fog and mist seemed to be drawn towards the moon. Even the pony who stood infront of me was being sucked towards it.

"Make no mistake, we will meet again. We have much to discuss." She said before dissapearing along with the rest of the world.

I opened my eyes, now awake.

Author's Note:

Whew. This was one heck of a chapter to write. Sorry to all my readers who had to wait a whole month for this chapter. I hope it was worth the wait! Again i'm so sorry for the wait * hangs head in shame and cries* please forgive this poor soul.