• Published 28th Feb 2013
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The Codex: A Sister's Burden - Arvaus

For thousands of years, Celestia has battled against destiny to protect Equestria, and to save her beloved sister from her fate. But she can only delay the inevitable in a world set on tearing her life apart.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - The Battle of Everfree

The nation of Equestria has a long and prosperous history, which I have had the honour of playing my part in. But this history has been punctuated by many catastrophic events which have threatened the safety of the pony race, and even come close to destroying the very universe itself.

Through the spirits which shape the world, I have been given a warning of a great threat to come. Something which threatens to tear apart everything — and everypony — I love is coming, and I have devoted my life to determining its nature and protecting all I can from it, but know I will lose much.

In order to have any hope of succeeding, I must work in secret, hiding my purposes from everypony, even my dear sister. But I must remain accountable for all my actions, so I am compiling this codex to provide a record of my deeds. But deception is so contrary to my very nature that I fear this may not be enough to ease my troubled conscience.

But this story reaches far beyond myself. These events concern the very spirits which shape the world and give it form. If one is to understand this tale, one must first understand their nature.

Every object, every concept, all which does and can exist in the world, has a spirit. This spirit gives it presence and form, while the object in turn gives the spirit purpose.

These spirits are all connected, through powerful magical bonds. These bonds define how the world functions and hold the very fabric of reality. Together, all the spirits in the world form a single unified spirit, the essence of the universe itself, which to many is simply known as Harmony. When there is cooperation in the world, the bonds between spirits grow stronger, and so Harmony is strengthened. But if there is disharmony and conflict, Harmony weakens, and the world can start to crumble and fragment.

It is for this reason that the pony race exists. In addition to their own spirit, and that which defines their tribe and their associated intrinsic magic, each pony has a connection to another spirit, which manifests through their special talent. In this way, cooperation between otherwise unconnected spirits is encouraged through friendship between ponies, providing much needed strength and stability.

It is unknown when the pony race first came into existence, and if the world had even existed prior to this, but they are so integral to the stability of the world that it is widely believed that they arose very near the beginning. The means by which the world was even created is, of course, completely unknown.

The other source of evidence for this belief is in their strong connection to the fundamental nature of the two guardian spirits which watch over the world: the sun and moon. These spirits keep guard over the world, and provide much-needed patterns and rhythms, to keep everything within the world running as it should. When the pony race emerged, these spirits chose to descend to the earth and live among the ponies, acting as guardians and advisers. The forms they took are what became my sister and I, and we continue to perform our natural duty to this day.

Unfortunately, much of my understanding of these spiritual connections came through the first great test of Harmony, one of the most painful and traumatic moments in my long existence. As this knowledge, as well as the other revelations of these events, have proven integral in my efforts, this first chapter concerns that event. I have chosen to recount these stories in an objective narrative form, in order to properly represent the actions and intentions of all involved. These accounts are compiled from the memories of all witnesses I have been able to speak to.

Princess Celestia

P.S. I must also note for modern readers; the world described in these first chapters is markedly different from the one you know now. In the first ages, there was no nation of Equestria. My sister and I lived among the ponies more as equals, not having taken the title of princess yet.

The world also functioned almost on its own without pony intervention. The sun and moon rose and set by their own patterns, the weather and seasons all came and went by themselves. The ponies still had some control over the environment, but they never had to do more than keep the weather in check. Each of these facts would change in time, for various reasons.

For many generations, the three pony tribes lived together in peace. The pony race flourished and spread out across the land, villages and towns forming where the land was fertile and crops could be grown. The race grew rapidly in number, but through cooperation they were always able to provide for themselves. The earth ponies naturally found a place working the land, where they would grow crops and produce food to feed everypony. The pegasi, meanwhile, kept watch over the changing weather, ensuring there was always plentiful rain for the crops, and keeping everypony's homes from being destroyed.

During this time, the alicorn sisters, Luna and Celestia, travelled the land aiding and protecting everypony in any way they could. They taught the three tribes how to harness their natural talents, showing the earth ponies how they had the ability to bring forth life from the land, and teaching the pegasi how to control the weather. They helped the unicorns explore the extent of their magical abilities, helping them discover new and powerful spells. They helped settlers find the most fertile lands on which to build new farmsteads, and helped defend against the wild beasts which roamed the land.

While the three tribes managed to work together, there was nonetheless a lingering resentment, as the unicorns struggled to determine their tribe's destiny and learn their place in the world. They each found work where their talents allowed, some becoming artisans, others healers, but none felt that they truly belonged. They resented how the other tribes seemed to find a natural fit in the world, and longed to find their true purpose and take their place alongside the others.

As the tension grew, the three tribes started to drift apart, each forming their own cultures and appointing their own leaders. The pegasi, reflecting their natural protective and defensive instinct, formed hierarchical military government, with the senior pegasus becoming commander of those below. The earth ponies, used to adapting to the ever-changing conditions of the land, chose to adopt an elected government, appointing a chancellor from their numbers with the skills necessary to deal with whatever new challenges faced their tribe. The unicorns, on the other hoof, valued power above all, and the various unicorn families challenged each other for leadership until a single family rose up and declared their royal right over the tribe.

The two alicorns tried to hold together the shaky peace, and for many years they were successful. All three leaders respected their wisdom and benevolence, and willingly listened to their counsel whenever it was offered. Many generations passed and the pony race continued to thrive, but despite every effort, the sisters could not bring them together in the full unity their world needed.

~ ~ ~

The first great test of Harmony came at the accession of King Blackheart to the throne of the unicorn tribe. He was a strong leader, capable of protecting his subjects, but inside he held a deep distrust of the other tribes, refusing anything but the minimum of cooperation with his fellow ponies.

In the months after his coronation, Celestia and Luna tried to gain an audience with him, to convince him that he needed to work with the other tribes, but every request was refused, as the king saw them only as pale imitations of the unicorn tribe, and not true allies. Whenever they tried to approach him, the gates of his castle remained locked to them. Luna even attempted to reach out to him in his dreams, but she found his mind closed and hostile. They could see that he was going to lead his race to destruction, but the only solution they could see was forcibly overthrowing Blackheart, which they believed would only have caused greater destruction and chaos, so they did not intervene.

It thus came as a shock to all when one day Blackheart called a meeting of representatives from the entire pony race, declaring that he had a historic announcement to make. Delegates gathered from across the land, representing all three tribes. There was much apprehension from the pegasi and earth ponies, unsure why the king, who had until then only been hostile towards them, would wish to address all three tribes, apparently as equals.

The delegates gathered in the Meadowlands, a vast expanse of open grassland at the centre of the ponies' domain. In the centre, King Blackheart waited patiently for everypony to gather. He was joined by Chancellor Oatcake of the earth ponies. She approached Blackheart timidly and quietly asked him to explain himself, but he simply told her to wait for the announcement. She backed away and began pacing nervously. She had been elected only five weeks before in what was otherwise a time of stability for the earth pony tribe, and was not used to dealing with hostile politicians like this.

Commander Brakespear of the pegasi arrived last. He landed next to Oatcake and shared some hushed words with her, before taking off again and hovering above the ground, as if waiting for an attack. His posture was not unjustified, given that a legion of armoured unicorn mages had gathered around the edge of the crowd in a clear show of power and an attempt to intimidate the other races. There was no doubt that Blackheart was not going to let this meeting end well for the other two tribes.

From a distance, Luna and Celestia observed silently, waiting for Blackheart to reveal his intentions before stepping in.

Eventually, Blackheart stood up and looked out over everypony that had gathered. His horn glowed red as he cast a spell, amplifying his voice so it carried out across the crowd. Then, with a friendly smile, he spoke.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, representatives of the three tribes. For many years the pony race has lived a fragmented existence, the tribes working together and yet apart. Baseless distrust and feuding have threatened to tear us apart completely on numerous occasions. Well I say that this must end! The time has come for the three tribes to unite at last and work together under a single banner!"

A murmur swept through the crowd. A few cheers and some stamping of hooves was heard, but most delegates shifted in confusion at what could have prompted this sudden change of heart from the king, who had done more than any other to separate the three tribes. The alicorns shared their concerns. They could see the hypocrisy in his words, and yet he truly did seem to believe that he was right.

"I admit that much of the division arose from within my own tribe,” the king said, as if hearing their thoughts. “We have always struggled to see what our place in the grand scheme of the world was, and this has led to nothing but confusion and instability. But I believe that at last we have found our place! I have meditated over this matter at great length since taking the throne, and believe that the unicorns' true purpose is as leaders!"

The murmurs of the crowd died instantly. Even some of the unicorns present were shocked at this declaration.

"For too long have we waited to find our place, forced to barter our power for scraps of food” The king continued, walking around to look on all the gathered ponies. “Our true ability has been wasted by indecision and uncertainty, when all this time we should have been using our powers to direct and guide our race. As a result, all three tribes have tragically failed to live up to their full potential. Today, we will claim our destiny, and I extend this offer to the other tribes. Live under our rule and we will guide you to greatness! We will help you finally achieve full mastery of our world!"

The murmurs had now turned to shouts. Thousands of hooves thundered angrily on the ground. Some delegates even started attacking the unicorns in their midst, and the mages surrounding them bent into attack postures, waiting for any command from their master. Eventually the chaos died down, as they saw that Commander Brakespear had landed on the ground in front of Blackheart, and was staring him down with a look filled with rage.

"You dare to accuse us of not using our powers to the full! Your tribe's the only one that's not been pulling its weight, while we've worked our tails off to keep you alive!" He pointed an accusatory hoof at Blackheart's chest. Cries of agreement rose from the crowd, and a few pegasi rose into the air, shouting profanities at Blackheart. "You say it's your destiny to be a leader, but you never leave your castle, and I haven't see you helping another pony once! Call yourself what you will, but you are a tyrant, and my ponies will never live under your rule! If you make any attempt to seize power, we're leaving!"

Breakspear looked at Chancellor Oatcake for support, but the young pony looked like she had seen a cockatrice. Blackheart stepped between her and Breakspear, meeting the commander's eyes again.

"Leave if you wish, but it is only you who will lose out. The so-called magic your tribe clings to is a pale imitation of my tribe's power, and I'm sure you will quickly see that you need us more than we ever needed you. I'm sure our earth pony friends will happily stay, however. Is this not right, Miss Oatcake?"

Both leaders stared expectantly at the chancellor. Trembling with fear, she managed to force some words out.

"If the pegasi leave, our crops will die! There won't be enough food for everypony! Your entire tribe will starve!"

Blackheart's face dropped, the pretence of civility evaporating in an instant. He glared at the chancellor. "Is that a threat?" Oatcake didn't respond, nearly in tears. He turned back to Breakspear.

"It seems your allies won't be helping you, Commander. What is your decision?"

Before the commander could say anything, there was a bright burst of light, and the alicorn sisters appeared in front of the three leaders, their faces a mixture of shock and sadness. Silence fell, and Luna spoke.

"Must it be this way, Your Majesty?"

"Luna, I have resisted your attempts to manipulate me up until now; what do you expect to achieve? I have offered my subjects a chance and they have ignored it. If they do not want to live under our guidance then they are free to leave, but the consequences lie on them."

Celestia turned and walked around the three leaders, drawing their eyes past the trembling ponies that surrounded them. Her gaze was fixed on the king, defiance and anger burning in her eyes.

"Can't you see what's happening? You claim to be helping the entire pony race, but you are only causing new division! Those that you would call your subjects are cowering in fear in front of you! This is not the sign of a leader, but a bully! If you try to seize power again, we will not help you."

"We do not need your help. You think that you are powerful, but you are not even half the unicorn I am! You can leave too if you wish, but it will not change my decision."

Breakspear had had enough, and jumped into the air. "In that case, the pegasi are leaving. We'll manage better than you ever could, and if we ever see a unicorn in our lands, they'll be killed on sight." He shouted across the crowd, "I'm leaving this wretched place immediately, and all pegasi are to follow me! That is an order!" He sped off to the south without another word, followed gradually by the pegasus delegates.

Blackheart's voice once again carried magically across the crowd. "It looks like our friends will not be joining us. We will just have to wait now for them to realise their mistake. We shall return to my castle, and from there we will build a strong new unicorn kingdom! Any unicorns who do not follow will be deemed traitors, and my soldiers have orders to kill any traitors on sight. This is my final decision," he said to the alicorns, as he strode through the crowd and left the gathering, followed first by the other unicorn delegates and finally the armoured mages.

Only the earth ponies were left now. Chancellor Oatcake stood, cowed with shock. Celestia put a comforting wing around her, and she collapsed to the ground in tears.

"I don't understand! What just happened? What did I do wrong?"

"This is not your fault," Luna stated, watching after the departing unicorns. "You should have not been forced into such a situation. But what is done is done, and your people have a great trial ahead."

The crowd was stirring, the initial shock wearing off. Some started to cry out, demanding action.

"We need to vote! We need a new chancellor if we're going to survive this!"

"We can't stay here! We should head west, the ground is rich there!"

"Let's get to the nearest town, then an election can be called!"

Shouts of agreement poured from the crowd, and they gradually started marching west. After a long while, the chancellor stood and followed them despondently, her head bowed in shame.

The alicorns watched them leave, still processing the events which had just transpired. After a long silence, Luna turned to her sister, a concerned look on her face.

"Now what do we do, sister?"

"We help them, any way we can. Now more than ever the ponies need comfort and aid. I fear we may be stretched thin now, with the three tribes isolated from each other."

"They may not all wish to be helped."

"As is their right. But we must at least try. It is our duty in this world, and I will not just sit and wait for the impossible to happen when I could be doing something to help."

The two sisters watched the sun sink below the horizon, the sky burning red, then took off into the sky. Celestia flew to the west, following the earth ponies, while Luna flew south to follow the pegasi. They would have to wait before approaching the unicorns again.

~ ~ ~

Gradually, the three tribes set about adjusting to independent life. The earth ponies, under the newly-elected Chancellor Greenfield, fared well at first, living off the food grown from existing farmland. But over time the weather grew more and more dangerous; floods washed away many homes and ruined the fields. The poor conditions led to widespread disease, which they could not handle without the unicorn's magic.

The uncontrolled weather also hit the unicorns badly. They had settled in the foothills of the eastern mountains, where the valleys were fertile, which was a small compensation for their lack of aptitude for growing crops. This left them more susceptible to flash floods, however, as water from the mountains poured down through the valleys.

The pegasi found themselves completely unable to produce any useful crops from the ground, having the weakest connection to the earth. They were forced to live off the grass and other wild plants, much of which was destroyed in their initial attempts at farming. They began to starve, and their numbers gradually began to dwindle.

Barely a year after the tribes split, as the harvest approached with little sign of conditions improving, Chancellor Greenfield sent a message to the leaders of the other tribes, requesting a meeting to negotiate a truce. King Blackheart responded immediately, asking them to meet at the Meadowlands in three days time, and to come alone.

On that day, the three leaders gathered. Despite Blackheart's request, Chancellor Greenfield and Commander Breakspear both brought a small contingent of soldiers, a few dozen each, doubting that Blackheart would keep to his word. Sure enough, when they arrived, they found Blackheart flanked by at least fifty armoured mages. The warriors on all sides looked weak from hunger, and any fighting that broke out would likely be swift and decisive.

Celestia and Luna were not present. At the time they were both in villages in the unicorn kingdom, trying to help the unicorns use their magic to grow crops. Knowing of this, King Blackheart chose not to inform them of the meeting and proceed without them.

The three groups came to a halt some distance from each other, facing each other across a shallow dell, while the three leaders climbed down into the valley to meet each other. Chancellor Greenfield spoke first. She was a tall pony, visibly standing over Blackheart, but he did not back down, standing confidently in front of the others.

"This madness has gone on long enough, Blackheart,” she said. “If we continue to force ourselves apart, we will not survive another year."

"I quite agree," Blackheart responded with a poisonous smile on his face. "If you had only accepted my offer a year ago, your people would not be starving, and we would be a thriving nation. Have you come here to admit your mistake?"

"Our mistake?" Commander Breakspear jumped into the air and glared at Blackheart, shouting at the top of his lungs. "You put us in this mess! We were doing just fine before you started having your stupid delusions of grandeur!" He landed in front of Blackheart, and looked the king right in the eyes. His voice was quiet, but filled with rage. "I am here to give the terms of your immediate abdication and cessation of hostilities towards my tribe. Command of the unicorns will fall to me until a suitable successor to your throne can be determined. I am willing and able to use force if necessary. Do you understand?"

Greenfield forced the two apart and spun Breakspear around to look at her. "'Commander! What are you doing? This is exactly what threw us apart in the first place! You want to replace one dictator with another, and you think this will solve the problem? Are we next to fall under your wing?"

"At least I'm trying to do something!” the commander responded hotly. “If your tribe had stood up for itself before we may have been working together already! But you were too weak! And now you think that this can be solved with words? The king is clearly mad, and I'm the only one who's willing to put a stop to this before he drags us all down!" The commander took off, hovering above the other leaders in front of his soldiers. "If you force me, I will fight you, but either way this ends today."

The king watched as the other leaders descended into a war of words. Looking over his shoulder, he gave a small nod to his mages, who knelt down into an attack stance, ready to fight. When eventually Greenfield and Breakspear hit a wall, unable to find words to say and just glaring at each other, Blackheart took his chance.

"Friends, can't you see what's happened to you," the king asked the other leaders, his voice level and deceptively friendly. "Hunger has driven you to each other's throats, and you're preparing to kill each other over something which doesn't even need to happen! Please, calm down and consider my offer before you wipe your own tribes out."

Greenfield glared at the king. "The commander is right about one thing, Blackheart. You are mad if you think I would ever ally with you."

"I give you one last chance to stand down," the commander stated. "This ends now."

The king's warm smile stretched into a sickly grin, his eyes filling with greed. Taking a step towards them, he lowered his head, poised to attack. "Very well."

The other leaders recoiled in horror at the sudden change. Seeing the unicorn mages behind him, they both spun to their own warriors, desperately calling for them to attack. The earth ponies reared up, ready to charge, while the pegasi took off into the sky in formation, but they were both too slow. Spells flew out from the unicorn army, hitting both groups at the same time and knocking them to the ground. More spells flew through the air, blasting any stragglers back. The battle was swift, and decisive.

~ ~ ~

Hundreds of miles away, in two distant villages, the alicorn sisters collapsed in pain as they felt something being torn apart inside them. They both knew immediately what had happened, and, focussing all the magic they had, they both disappeared in a bright light.

~ ~ ~

The three leaders now stared at each other across the space that had formed between them. The mages slowly marched down towards them, while the other battalions struggled to pick themselves up. Blackheart began to advance towards his new subjects, when—


In a blinding flash, Celestia and Luna appeared in their midst. They stood back to back, their wings spread out at their sides. Their eyes burned with a fierce fire, filled with a mixture of rage, sorrow and pain, as they stared at the three leaders. They spoke as one, their voices filling the valley but beginning to break under the agony they felt inside.


The three leaders stood transfixed by the sight before them. The soldiers around the valley stared in shock, mesmerised by the rage radiating from the two sisters. The entire valley seemed to fill with energy, the air becoming thick and heavy. An aggressive silence fell, drowning out everything except their voices. The ponies had to shield their eyes, unable to look at the alicorns directly.


Breakspear and Blackheart were silent, unable to move, but Greenfield forced her way forward, defiant against the sheer force radiated by the alicorns. She shouted back at them over the silence:

"What do you think's going to happen? We've tried again and again to work together but never can! You know that forcing peace can never work! I'm sorry, but we're done here!"

The sisters relented, their magic pouring back inside them. The world rushed in, and roar of the earth was deafening. Celestia looked deep into Greenfield's eyes, tears welling up in her own. Her voice cracked as she spoke.

"Is there truly no hope?"

Greenfield looked away, unable to bear the sight of the desperation in the mighty alicorn;s eyes. Breakspear watched Luna for a few moments as she also began to weep, before turning away from her. Finally Blackheart stepped up before them, defiant even to the end.

"There is not."

The words hung heavily in the air. Then, with a mighty roar, the world seemed to tear in half. A blinding wall of energy burst forth from where the sisters stood, knocking down everything that stood in its way. Unable to see, the ponies felt the the magic clawing at their bodies, tearing desperately at their minds. Then as suddenly as it came, the agony ceased. The light faded to reveal a black and dead landscape. All around the valley, the once green plants had been reduced to ash. The sky was also black, the only light coming from the sun, a pale red disc hanging weakly in the sky.

The ponies picked themselves up one by one, but watched in horror as, in the centre of the valley, the two alicorns collapsed to the ground, all life torn from their bodies. They lay defenceless on the ground, their wings splayed out by their sides. Their ever-flowing ethereal manes lay tangled and still on the ground, all colour drained from them. A single tear clung on to the side of Celestia's still-open eyes.

~ ~ ~

Screams of terror filled the valley, as everypony desperately clambered away from the valley, repulsed by the death that now filled it. Only King Blackheart remained, staring in shock and confusion at the alicorns that lay before him. The other ponies watched as he collapsed on his haunches and stared at his own hooves, his mind contorting to try and find some sort of explanation for what he had just witnessed.

Eventually something gave way. His face twisted into a manic grin, and he laughed uncontrollably, rearing his head to the sky. Magically amplifying his voice so that all around could hear, he shouted out to everypony.

"You all doubted my power, and you suffered as a result! Now can't you see the truth! I, who have the power to strike down even the mighty alicorns, to control the sun itself! I demand that you follow me immediately! I am not your king, I AM A GOD! AND YOU WILL WORSHIP ME!"

He panted in crazed excitement as he stared expectantly at the ponies that watched him from the edge of the valley, But nopony dared respond.

Turning his attention instead to the fallen alicorns, he placed a hoof on Celestia's flank and pushed, watching with glee as her body rolled limply away from him. Stepping over her, he knelt down and stared into Luna's lifeless eyes. His voice was soft, but still carried over the whole valley.

"You tried to control me for so long. You even tried to break into my dreams. You've had your chance. You won't manipulate me again."

He rested his hoof on her neck, then drew it back, preparing to deliver the final blow...


The single word hit Blackheart like a mace, and he stumbled backwards, falling to the ground. He stared in shock at the alicorns, but they were still motionless on the ground. His eyes burning with rage, he shouted to the sky:


"I would." A young unicorn mare broke from the line of mages at the top of the slope and marched towards the king. He watched her in a mixture of rage and confusion as she approached, unable to decide how to respond. When she reached the bottom of the valley, she stood between the king and the alicorns, holding her head high, but her voice wavered as she spoke.

"My name is Silver Moon. I am a junior mage in the unicorn army. I came here to help ensure we could get enough food to feed my family through the next winter. But the other tribes were right about you; you've gone mad, and you're more concerned about having power than you are about my family, or any of your subjects! And now you're going to desecrate the bodies of these two sisters; spit on the graves of two ponies who have only ever tried to help us!" Silver was fighting back tears, trying to keep her voice level as she stared down the most powerful unicorn in the world. She closed her eyes, fully expecting him to strike her down, but at this point she didn’t care. Her world was crumbling around her, and she was not going to abandon those who loved her.

When nothing came, she opened her eyes slowly. Blackheart stood still before her, his face frozen in confusion as his twisted mind struggled to process anything that was happening. Feeling a surge of confidence, she cried out across the valley:

"These two sisters cared for all of us when we were hurt or scared! They're hurt now, and it's our turn to care for them! Will anypony join me?"

She looked round at everypony who had gathered around the valley. They were all completely still, and the silence seemed to last for hours, until another voice rose up.

"I will."

A middle-aged pegasus stallion flew up from the hillside, flapped limply down to Silver's side and landed by her. "Sergeant Gunner Beck at your service, in the sisters' honour." He saluted Silver, then patted her gently on the shoulder and turned to Blackheart, his wings flaring defensively.

"Me too."

A young earth pony, barely more than a colt, cantered down the hillside, coming to a halt by Silver's other side. His legs shook nervously. "My name’s Wheat Sheaf. I'd be home working on the farm if it wasn't for this stupid fighting. I had friends who were pegasi and unicorns, and I just want to see them again." Silver bent down and gave him a hug, smiling comfortingly at him. The three of them turned to face Blackheart, who was now glaring at them through narrow eyes.

"So you continue your blasphemy! I will give you one day to see your error, and after that, the consequences lie at your hooves!" He turned and marched out of the valley. As he left, his horn glowed red, and a domed shield fell across the valley, sealing the three of them in with the fallen alicorns. "I will return tomorrow, and I expect to hear you begging for forgiveness."

Blackheart marched away, head held high. Everypony else collapsed around the edge of the valley, may falling into a deep sleep, overwhelmed by the events of the past hour.


Silver Moon stared at the shield trapping them in the valley, then turned and walked back to the alicorns. She closed her eyes and pressed her horn against Celestia's. Opening up her magic, she calling out to the alicorn, but there was no response. She could still feel the traces of life in the fallen Celestia’s body, but the spirit there was fragmented, torn in three, and was fading rapidly. No healing spells would be able to repair this damage. Silently, Silver reached out and closed Celestia's eyes. She walked round to Luna and did the same, then she curled up between the two sisters and sobbed quietly.

Gunner Beck flew around the dome, repeatedly slamming his hooves into the magical shield. It rang dully with each impact, but remained strong. Relenting, he landed on the ground again. He looked at Silver, crying between the two alicorns, but didn't know how he could help her. He was a soldier at heart, and there were no enemies to fight here. He met Wheat Sheaf's eyes, shook his head silently, then started pacing around the perimeter of the shield to try and keep his nerves calm.

Wheat Sheaf looked at the blackened ground around him. Like all earth ponies, he had a connection to all life that grew from the ground. At the moment, though, there was only death around him. The ground was repulsive, and he felt like he was going to throw up.

He began pacing back and forth nervously, drawing deep breaths, but suddenly came to a halt when he spotted something on the ground. It was small, buried in the thin ash layer, but it seemed to call out to him. He drew closer and knelt down, and discovered that the object was a single apple seed. It must have been dropped by an animal at some point, and had yet to take root, protecting it from the destruction.

This seed was a small blessing, but Wheat Sheaf latched onto the faint glimmer of hope it provided. He dug a hole in the earth with his hooves, then carefully placed the seed in the ground and covered it over. With the full strength of his will, he begged the seed to grow.

For a few long minutes nothing happened. But then, slowly, a small shoot started to push its way up out of the ash. It reached up for the sky, but finding the world dark and inhospitable, it grew pale and weak. It reached barely an inch out of the ground before giving up and coming to a halt.

Gunner was still pacing around the shield, but when he saw Wheat Sheaf working at the ground, he cantered over to the earth pony to investigate. He looked at the small shoot in the ground, shocked to see anything growing in the dead earth. His eyes met Wheat Sheaf's, and he suddenly understood. Taking off into the air again, he flew around, gathering any moisture he could find from the air. Gradually he was able to form a small cloud, even using some of his own breath to strengthen it. He dragged the cloud over to the shoot, and pushed down on it until it started to rain.

It provided a feeble amount of water, barely a few dozen drops, but the plant absorbed them eagerly, forcing itself up once more. It pushed another inch from the ground, a few leaves starting to form, but could go no further and collapsed under its own weight.

Gunner stared up to the sky. The magical shield provided a dim red light, but it was barely brighter than the sun above, which still gave off only a faint glow. Like the alicorns lying nearby, the sun was fading slowly. Without the sun, the shoot would not be able to grow any further. Like all other life, it appeared that it had no hope. He looked at Celestia; the old stories described her as the spirit of the sun itself, a protective entity watching over the world. Without her the land would die. They needed something to stand in for her if the land was going to heal itself, but their own magic was feeble in comparison to the alicorns. Looking at Silver, still lying between the alicorns, he prayed that it would be enough. Walking slowly over and sitting next to her, he broke the silence that had until then filled the dome.

"Silver Moon?"

Silver didn't respond.

"Silver, we need your help."

"What good can I do?" She shifted on the ground, her words coming between sobs. "I've failed everypony. Luna and... Luna and Celestia are going to die, and there's nothing I can do."

"You haven't failed anypony, Silver,” Gunner responded. “You did more than anypony could have asked. You stood up to your own king to protect something that you already thought lost! That takes a lot of courage." Gunner placed a wing over Silver, pulling her closer. "But most importantly, you gave us hope. You showed us that there is still good in the world, if we just have the courage to show it. If you hadn't taken a stand I wouldn't be here, and neither would Wheat Sheaf."

"You wouldn't be trapped here, you mean," silver replied grumpily.

"That's not your fault, Silver. King Blackheart trapped us, not you. “But I much rather be here taking a stand than watching the world fall apart without doing anything. You’re the strongest pony I have ever met, and you've brought a ray of light into an old pony's dark life." He smiled at Silver, who looked up at him, and, wiping tears from her eyes, smiled back. "There is something more you can do, though, if you would follow me.

Gunner helped Silver up, then led her over to the small shoot. Wheat Sheaf was lying on the ground, watching it for any signs of movement.

“If there’s anything you can do,” Gunner asked.

Silver stared at it for a few moments, then looked up at the faint sun that was hanging overhead. She looked back at the plant, and stared at, thinking. Then she closed her eyes, and her horn lit, bathing the three ponies in white light. Very slowly, the shoot started to pick itself up, gradually turning green.

There was a faint whistling sound as the air in the dome stirred, and the light from Silver's horn grew until it filled the space with light and warmth. Fuelled by the magical light, the shoot pushed out of the ground, getting taller and taller. Branches formed and spread, sprouting leaves. A thin bark formed on the trunk, giving it strength. By the time it came to a halt, the shoot had grown into a small tree, and three bright red apples hung from its branches.

The light dimmed and receded, and the three ponies stared in awe at the plant before them. Gunner reached up into the branches and plucked the three apples, and the three of them shared the apples between themselves. Silver took a bite from her apple, savouring the sweet taste, and feeling her hunger start to recede.

But Wheat Sheaf stared at his apple. He had helped to bring forth life once more, but there was still something much more important which needed to be done. He looked over at the two alicorns, who still lay motionless on the ground nearby. If they could save this one seed, then perhaps there was still hope.

Picking his apple up, he stood and approached the alicorns. He lay his apple on the ground in front of them. He knelt and begged to them; "Please come back. We grew this for you. We can still work together, but we can't survive without you. Please." Tears welled up in his eyes. Gunner and Silver walked over and lay down by his side, placing their apples with his. Gunner put his wings over the two young ponies, and they nestled together, praying for something to happen.

Slowly, the air stirred for a second time. The three of them looked around in confusion as their manes started being swept up by the steadily increasing wind. Warmth and light filled the dome once more, but it did not come from Silver's horn this time. The very air seemed to be glowing as pure magic filled the space.

Gunner drew his wings back to his side to protect them from the strong winds. The three ponies stood up, bracing themselves against the gale swirling around them, but before they were torn off their hooves, they felt the magic suddenly pour into them, filling them up and awakening something deep within their spirits. Their eyes flew open, glowing bright as the sun.

A wave of energy burst forth from them, sweeping across the valley once more. The magical shield shattered when it hit, and the ash covering the ground was blasted away. The earth shook as the life-giving wave healed the charred soil, and thick, luscious grass sprang forth everywhere, covering the valley.

Air rushed into the valley, and the three ponies were lifted into the air, surrounding the fallen alicorns. The sisters' bodies were lifted into the sky by the raging winds, as they were surrounded by bands of magic in all colours of the rainbow. Light radiated from their bodies, illuminating the land for miles around. With a thunderous crash, the magic burst upwards in a vast beam, and the sky filled with blinding light.


All around the valley, the gathered ponies stirred, dazzled by the burst of light, and strained to see what had caused it. When the light receded, they were amazed by what they saw.

The barren land of the valley was now covered with lush grass, enough to feed hundreds of ponies. In the centre stood a magnificent apple tree, at least twenty feet tall, its branches bursting with ripe fruit. Around it were the three ponies who had stood up to King Blackheart, staring with determination at the ponies around them.

In front of them, Celestia and Luna stood strong and tall, their wings outstretched to protect the ponies behind them. Their manes flowed even in the stillness, radiating light. The entire scene was bathed in warmth and light as, in the sky above them, the sun and moon hung side by side. The sisters spoke together, their voice once more filling the valley.




The gathered ponies were silent for a long time, then gradually they burst into cheers. All around the valley, the gathered ponies embraced each other, regardless of tribe.

Greenfield and Breakspear did not join in the cheering, staring solemnly at each other across the valley. Eventually they stood up and made their way down to meet the sisters. Greenfield approached Celestia and said "What will become of us now?"

Luna turned to face her, her face stern. "You must each be held accountable for your actions. Neither of you are wholly to blame for what has transpired, but you each played your part. If we are to move beyond this tragic episode, we must put everything behind us. Judgement will be left to your tribes, but my sister and I will be watching to ensure that they are fair."

"And what of Blackheart?"

The sisters turned and looked into the distance, remembering the king whose actions had precipitated this event. They considered the question, then Luna spoke to the other leaders.

"Blackheart will be found, and he will stand trial also. Whether his actions were driven by malice or madness, he must be held accountable, as his actions may have nearly destroyed the entire world."

"But our duty in this world is to protect all ponies, regardless of their crimes," Celestia added. "If he has truly descended into madness, we will help him regain his mind. The least he deserves is a chance to truly understand and repent for his actions. Whatever the case, he is not to be harmed. Do you understand? Neither is anypony else who was involved today. We must not turn against each other again, for any reason."

The two leaders hung their heads, and nodded. They stood, contemplating their futures, and that of their tribes. Breakspear looked at the ponies that were now gathering around them in the valley. Members of all three tribes were present, but they stood there as one race, embracing each other without fear or distrust for the first time in years. He looked proudly at his pegasus soldiers, their wings wrapped around their fellow ponies. But there was a small doubt in the back of his mind. He turned back to face the alicorns.

"Who is going to lead us now? If we are to form a single nation, we need leadership, but you've seen what happens when a member of one race tries to take control." He hung his head in shame remembering his own attempted coup not that long ago. The question hung heavily in the air.

"You should."

Everypony went silent. Luna and Celestia turned to face the source of the voice and found Gunner, Silver and Wheat Sheaf, the three ponies who had saved their lives. They were standing next to each other now, looking up at the alicorns before them. Gunner looked down at the young ponies on either side of him, and as they nodded encouragingly at him, he looked back at the alicorns and continued.

"All these years you have stood by us all, regardless of tribe. We need help and protection, even if just from ourselves, and I can't think of anypony more suited for the job than you.” He flew into the air, hovering above the apple tree, and addressed the crowd.

“Despite what Blackheart said, these two sisters always helped us when we needed it, and have never turned their backs on us! If they have not succeeded, it is only because we have refused to listen to them in our stubbornness! Well I say they deserve our respect, and we should be honoured to receive the gifts they freely give us! I hope nopony has any objections. I can think of none.”

He looked at all the gathered ponies. Excited whispers spread through the group, and Gunner was pleased to see excitement on many faces. After what had happened here, it was a relief to see them all smiling again. This was what the nation needed, in so many ways.

Landing beside his new friends again, Gunner looked over at Breakspear and Greenfield, who were huddled together in quiet conversation. They reached an agreement and turned to face the alicorns.

“We cannot speak for everypony,” Greenfield stated, “but the two of us would gladly recognise your leadership.”

She smiled and nodded at Gunner, who nodded back. He then knelt down, bowing in front of the alicorns. Silver and Wheat Sheaf joined him, followed by Breakspear and Greenfield. One by one, everypony knelt reverently before the sisters.

The sisters were overcome with joy. Seeing happiness and friendship in the hearts of so many ponies was elating. And now they were being offered an opportunity to guide and nurture the pony race to an extent that they had never had before. How could they possibly refuse such a request?

When they turned to face the three ponies again, they were smiling brightly, their joy filling the valley. Everypony looked up at them expectantly, and Celestia broke the silence.

"If this is what you wish, then we will gladly accept."

Cheers filled the valley. Ponies started rushing forward to embrace their new leaders. Soon they left and returned to their tribes, spreading the word of the events which had transpired. Ponies from all corners of the land flooded back to the meadowlands, where they greeted each other with new-found friendship.

In remembrance of that day, and the events which had led to the pony race finally freeing themselves from generations of self-imposed separation, the land surrounding the valley was named Everfree, and a great castle was built in the alicorns' honour, from which they watched over and guided their nation. They each chose to take the title of Princess, in recognition of their newly granted authority and joint rulership. The ponies named their nation Equestria, the first true unified nation of ponies, and together they grew and prospered, spreading to all corners of the land.

In the land surrounding Everfree Castle, a vast apple orchard was planted, each tree descending from that first tree that Wheat Sheaf grew with the help of his friends. That orchard survived many ages and hardships, and their offspring continue to grow to this day.

That day was the most painful in my entire life, and was a sobering reminder of my own fallibility. But it is so often the way that the darkest of events can lead to great change and joy. If the pony race had not been forced through this painful trial, they may never have emerged as the strong nation which came after.

There was a deeper significance to these events, however. As the magic of the world began to crumble, I felt my own spirit being split in three. It was only then that I realised the importance of the bonds between the three tribes, and how they were directly tied to my own being and the structure and stability of the entire world. I saw how much damage could come if the tribes ever split from each other, and vowed to use all my power to ensure that the nation of Equestria remained safe and strong forever.

In that dark moment, it was as if Harmony itself cried out in pain. Latching on to the spark of friendship in those three ponies, it reached out into the world and used their power to pull the fragmented spirits of the world together once more. This event left its own mark on those three ponies, each of them bearing a bond to a piece of Harmony for the rest of their lives. The change was subtle, but I could feel its strength in their spirits.

This was a more powerful magic than anything I had ever felt, and my sister and I decided to study its nature and determine its purpose. The power was alien and elusive, however, and I did not want to do anything to harm those three ponies. I was fortunate to be able to talk to all three again as they died, however, and with their permission I took custody of the three spirits that had bonded to them, so that I could study their secrets more closely.

In time I came to know these spirits as three of the Elements of Harmony, a mysterious group of spirits which help bind and sustain the universe.

It was many generations until I saw how important their power would become to the future of Equestria, however, as there were still many secrets that the universe had yet to reveal to me.

Princess Celestia